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Ella drove out of town.  She turned right onto her driveway a made the long drive to her house.

Juan gasped, “Ms. Ella, you live in a mansion.”

“It will be someday Juan with your help.” She said.

“What are you talking about?” Juan asked as he admired the mansion.

Ella turned to Juan and said, “We have a lot to talk about.”

Ella went upstairs and laid out some clothes for Maria a pair of jeans, shirt and underwear. For Juan she laid out jeans, a plaid shirt left over from her husband. It was a little something to remember him by she kept tucked away in the bottom dresser drawer. Ella never thought she would find a need for them. They were good memories.

Ella came down the stairs calling Juan and Maria’s names.

“I have put clean clothes on the bed where you will be sleeping tonight. There are clean towels in the bathroom. Now you two go upstairs get a bath and get some rest. It’s the first door on the right. We will talk tomorrow.” She told them. “I’m tired and I know you two are exhausted beyond belief.”

Juan and Maria didn’t argue and made their way upstairs. Both looking at each other with amazement in their eyes. They were thinking we are sleeping in a mansion tonight. They slowly opened the door to the bedroom and Maria’s breath was taken away. In the middle of the room was a four poster solid mahogany bed about three feet off the floor. A white duvet lay on top and the mountain of feather pillows were all dressed in white.

“Juan,” she whispered, “this is beautiful, are we in heaven? If I’m dreaming, please don’t pinch me.”

Juan embraced Maria unbuttoning her blouse, feeling her breasts and wiping the hair off her face.

“Let’s run a bath for you. You deserve a good bath. I will run the water while you undress.”

Maria laid in the tub and relaxed for some time. She looked around dreaming this was her home. She knew it was silly to ever think she could live in such a beautiful home.

Maria dried off and crawled into the big bed. The mattress was just firm enough. Visions floated through her mind as she lay waiting for Juan.

Juan bathed but like most men it didn’t take but a few minutes. His thoughts were on Maria in a sensual way. He crawled into bed snuggling up to a soft beautiful naked woman. He pulled her close to his body they were as one. It had been so long since they were intimate. It felt so good and satisfying to be in each others arms. For the night they forgot the problems in their young life.

Their child was very ill, they didn’t have a home to bring him to when he was well. It seemed impossible to get over the mountains to the farm to work. Maria fell asleep in Juan’s arms. Juan lay for hours thinking and thinking. What will we do? Finally falling asleep they both were rested when they woke the next morning.

“Juan, Juan,” Maria frantically shook Juan, “wake up, wake up. I smell food cooking. Ella is cooking breakfast. We must help her.”

They jumped to their feet putting on the fresh clean clothes Ella laid out for the. Juan’s pants were falling off his hips and Maria had to roll up the pant legs of her jeans but the shirts fit just fine. As they came downstairs Juan holding his pants from falling down around his ankles.

Ella laughed, “Now aren’t you two a sight for sore eyes? Looks like a drive to the big city for clothes shopping is in order.”

Juan told Ella. “We don’t have money to buy clothes.”

“Nonsense, you don’t worry about it. I have a little money put away. My friends need clothes and clothes they will have… that’s the end of the story.” Ella said.

Maria hurriedly made her way to the kitchen. “Ms. Ella, the food smells so good.”

“Let me set the table, where will I find the fine china?” Maria giggled as she opened the glass cabinet door. Ella handed her a table cloth with matching napkins. Maria spread the cloth placing three neatly folded napkins at each place setting. She opened a few drawers before locating the silverware. While Ella finished with the bacon, eggs and pancakes Maria finished setting the table.

Ella with hands on hips said, “Looks like everything is ready let’s all set down for the first time to breakfast at a table.” Everyone laughed as they pulled their chairs back.

Ella sat at the head of the table with Juan and Maria on each side. She stretched out her had to each and they grasped her hand in theirs. For a moment there was dead silence. Ella began thanking God for the friends He had given her. Tears fell from their eyes including Ella’s.

“Enough of that, let’s eat.” Ella said trying to up lift everyone’s spirit.

After a hearty breakfast Ella and Maria cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen. Juan noticed a large rock fireplace in the living room in need of firewood. He made his way outside in search of wood, gathered some up that was staked in the breezeway and brought it in the house. He neatly stacked it next to the hearth in the firewood bend.

The firewood box was made from the same river rock that had been used to build the fireplace. The fireplace rose to the top of the vaulted ceiling touching the open beams. The opened beam ceiling ran from fourteen feet on the outside wall to twenty four feet on the inside wall. Six foot wide stairs ran up the middle of the room to a landing on the inside wall. Six foot wide stairs ran up the middle of the room to a landing on the second floor. It was an eight foot wide open rail balcony extending across the width of the living room. The two bedrooms
and bathroom were off the long balcony. To the right the balcony turned left extending down a long hallway. Off the hall was a large bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. The bathroom was large enough to be a bedroom. The Brandon’s always did things up big including their homes. Just off the upstairs hall was a stairway leading down to the washroom adjoining the kitchen.

Downstairs there was a large bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. Next to the washroom another bathroom mostly used for guests. The dining room was open to the large living room and the kitchen adjoined the dining room. The rooms were all huge especially the living room. The walls and vaulted ceiling in the living room were a dark knotty pine. Wallpaper covered most of the other walls. Ella thought to herself the wallpaper will have to go the sooner the better.

“Juan, Maria I want to talk to you before we go down to visit Jose. Let’s all set around the table.” Ella requested pulling a chair out making herself comfortable as she pointed to the other chairs for her guests to be seated. The three gathered around the table. Juan and Maria didn’t know what Ella wanted to talk about.

Ella began, “I really don’t know where to start.” she said.

“Go ahead Ms. Ella we are listening.” Juan said as he fidgeted in his chair.

“You three came into my life like a breath of fresh air. I’ve been alone for some time. I’ve bit off more than I can chew and I’m going to ask for your help. In return I will help you.” she told them.

Ella went on to explain her need for someone to help her put the flower shop together and to refurbish this place. She went on…”

“Maria, I would need you to keep the house clean and prepare the meals for the four of us. I would do my own laundry but the household laundry would be a part of your job description. You can live here and have the run of the house. Your personal space would be the upstairs.”

“All the upstairs.” Maria interrupted.

“Yes, Maria all the upstairs.” Ella assured her.

“Also, Juan you would be in charge of getting the yard back in shape and keeping it looking nice. When Jose gets bigger you can build a play yard, maybe a fort or a tree house for him.” she continued on. “I will pay you each a nice salary I won’t expect you to work all the time but I expect you to keep up your duties. Juan as the work on the shop and refurbishing the house is being done I will expect you to work eight hours a day and five days a week. After the shop and the house is completed it will be your job to keep the house and the yard maintained and if I need something done at the shop I will expect you to help me. Your salary will continue and your home and food will be furnished.” That was a mouthful Ella thought.

“There’s more, Juan you and Maria will do the grocery shopping. I have an account set up at Owens Market. You will prepare the food you enjoy.” Ella said. “On my, Maria can you cook?” Ella grinned.

“Yes, Ms. Ella my momma taught me to cook But I like to cook a lot of Mexican food, would you mind?”

“Not at all, but I will also teach you how to cook my mother’s special recipes. She was a good cook, oh how, I miss her cooking.”

Ella continues on. “Another thing… you will need to be legal to work in this country. My father before he passed was a partner in a law firm in San Francisco. If you accept this offer I will contact the firm and have them arrange for the paperwork to be done to get you a green card. This will make you legal to live and work here. In other words I will sponsor you. My dad’s attorney friends will take care of everything.”

“If at anytime you want to leave my place you can feel free to go. I will not owe you anything and you will not owe me anything. We are all free to go and do as we please in this country.” she told them.

“Now, I want you two to sleep on all I’ve told you. It’s very important you are happy. If you are not happy living here under this situation then it will not be a good idea for you to accept my offer. If you have any reservation please don’t accept my offer.” Ella said.

Juan and Maria stood motionless, Juan’s mouth was hanging open. He could of caught a fly if there would have been one in the house.

“It’s visitation time at the hospital so let’s get out of here.” Ella told them. I’m sure Jose wants his mama to feed him and I want to hold him for a few moments.” Ella said. The three scurried out the door. Ella closing and locking the door behind them.

The hospital was crowded when they arrived to see Jose. The three headed for the pediatric ward. There lay little Jose so innocent so sweet.

“He’s a good baby.” A nurses told them. “It’s his feeding time, do you want to feed him his bottle is ready?” She asked Ella.

“Oh no, Maria wants to feed him. She’s been away from him most of the day and night.” Ella said looking over to Maria.

Maria picked Jose up turning to Ella. “Here Ms. Ella you need to feed him.” Maria said with a smile on her face.

“It will be a privilege to feed him.” Ella smiled as she sat in the rocker with Jose.

Juan and Maria walked out on the covered patio where the smokers take their breaks. Juan stood behind Maria wrapping his arms around her holding her tight

“It’s a little chilly.” Juan said holding his beautiful bride.

“Juan,” Maria said, “I’m bubbling inside. Are we dreaming” If we are don’t pinch me I don’t want to wake up.”

“It’s not a dream honey but we have to sleep on this as Ella requested. It looks like Jose is awake and his tummy is full I see Ella burping him. Let’s go back inside, we don’t have much visiting time left.”

As Juan and Maria were walking into the pediatric ward a man walked toward them. As he drew closer they realized it was Dr. Burnett.

“You are the parents I want to speak with. Let’s step over here.” He pointed to a small room with a chair and sofa arranged along the wall. Juan and Maria were anxious to hear what he had to say but were also apprehensive thinking it could be bad news.

“Please have a seat.” Dr. Burnett said pointing to the sofa.

Dr. Burnett sat on the on the edge of his chair with elbows on his knees with his hands folded under his chin.

“You are new to our country. I don’t know if you are legal or not and I don’t want to know but I must tell you your babies heart will need to be monitored for years probably most of his childhood. I would like to be his cardiologist. I specialize in infants and will give him the best care possible. My practice is located in Baker about fifty miles from here. I make monthly visits to Coopersville. I happened to be making my patients rounds when you brought your baby to the hospital.” He informed them. “If you want my services I can see your baby here in the clinic on my monthly visits to the clinic.” He concluded.

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