The Boy Next Door (4 page)

Read The Boy Next Door Online

Authors: Katy Baker

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Coming of Age, #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #New Adult & College

BOOK: The Boy Next Door
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He raised an eyebrow at her commanding tone then threw a mocking salute. “Aye, captain.”

He watched as she unzipped his fly and yanked down his pants, freeing his engorged cock. Melissa gasped at the sight. It stood straight up from a thick thatch of curly brown hair, hard and swollen with need. And big. God, he was so big. She pulled off Rory’s pants and tossed them away. Kneeling by his feet, she slowly ran her hands up his muscular thighs, delighting in the way his smooth, tanned skin shivered under her touch. A long, low sigh escaped his lips and he lay back with his eyes closed, surrendering to her.

A thrill of excitement ran through Melissa at the thought of how completely he was in her control. Scooting closer, she gently ran the tips of her fingers up the solid length of his shaft, the barest touch: up, down, up, down. She tilted her head and watched as Rory’s lips parted and his breath hissed from his mouth in a moan of pleasure. With her free hand she cupped his balls, holding them in her palm and slowly kneading with her thumb.

She was rewarded by Rory’s sudden intake of breath and the slight arch of his back. Melissa ran her tongue around her lips to wet them and then ducked her head to take Rory’s hard cock in her mouth, swallowing him deep. Rory gasped and knotted his fists in one of the cushions. Melissa slowly raised her head, sucking Rory’s engorged member slowly and sensually. As she reached the quivering tip, she darted out her tongue and teasingly flicked it over the swollen head before opening her mouth wide and swallowing him once more.

All the while she cupped his balls in her other hand, gently massaging in time to her sucking. Slowly she increased her tempo, taking his engorged member deep into her mouth, running her moist lips the length of his shaft then licking the throbbing tip.

“Oh god, Melissa,” Rory moaned. “You’re so good at this.”

He tangled his fingers in her golden hair, holding her head in place while she sucked him off.

Melissa closed her eyes, enjoying the taste of his cock in her mouth and the sensation of the warm, tender skin against her tongue. Rory began rocking his hips gently, thrusting to meet her movements. His moaning turned more regular, a deep, animal grunting. His climax was building so she increased her rhythm, working his rigid shaft frantically.

But suddenly he raised himself on his elbows and looked at her. “Stop, Melissa.”

Surprised, Melissa released his cock and looked up at him. Had she done something wrong? Wasn’t he enjoying it?

Rory must’ve seen the question in her eyes because he said quickly, “It’s not fair for me to have all the fun is it? Let’s do this to each other at the same time.”

“At the same time?” Melissa asked, frowning.

“Sure,” he said. “You’ve heard of sixty-nine, right?”

“Of course,” she answered quickly, hoping he didn’t hear the uncertainty in her voice.

“Strip off,” he commanded.

She yanked the soft white fabric of her panties down and tossed them away along with the scruffy pants she’d been wearing.

“Straddle me, but facing the other way, towards my feet.”

Melissa hopped on to the sofa by his side and swung one leg over his prone form to sit on his belly. The warm touch of his stomach against her pussy felt amazing.

“Do you trust me?” he asked softly.

Melissa nodded.

“Raise yourself onto all fours and then carry on with what you were doing.”

Obediently, Melissa placed her hands on the sofa to each side of his hips, her knees either side of his chest and raised herself onto all fours. Her ass was almost in his face and a deep part of Melissa knew she ought to be embarrassed by this compromising position. But she couldn’t bring herself to care. All she could see was Rory’s enormous shaft standing proud right before her face, waiting for the touch of her lips.

She descended on him greedily, taking his iron-hard shaft in her mouth and working him for all she was worth. This angle gave her fantastic access, allowing her to take him deeper than she had before, so deep that she felt his tip brush the back of her throat, filling her mouth just as it had previously filled her slit.

“Oh yes,” Rory breathed. “That’s it.”

A moment later, Melissa jumped as something warm and soft pressed into the folds of her pussy. Glancing back, she saw that Rory had raised himself onto his elbows and buried his face between her legs. His tongue moved gently amongst her moist petals, licking and massaging her most sensitive spot. Melissa moaned as waves of pleasure rolled outwards from her groin and then bent her head to Rory’s waiting cock once more.

Melissa could hardly think straight for the wild sensations rocking through her body. Rory’s enormous member was in her mouth, his hot, probing tongue in her slit, plunging into the searing depths of her tunnel and sending fire sizzling through her system.

She moved her head up and down faster and faster and Rory did the same, working her pussy with mind-blowing skill.

She shuddered against Rory’s lips, splaying her legs wide to give him full access to her aching slit. Rory’s body began to respond to Melissa’s ministrations, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, his hips thrusting to meet her.

It added to her own pleasure. This connection, this shared joining of ecstasy swept away all sense of herself until all she could feel were the molten waves of orgasm that ripped through her body, fracturing her thoughts into brittle shards. As the white fire exploded, she was dimly aware of Rory’s hips rocking, of a deep growl escaping his lips and then his warm, salty seed flooding her mouth. She swallowed reflexively and only as her own orgasm began to recede did she unwrap her lips from his spent cock.

Rory flopped down on the sofa, chest heaving. Her body feeling similarly weak, Melissa dropped down beside him. After a moment, Rory rolled over and propped himself on an elbow, smiling at her.

“That was amazing,” he said. “You were amazing.”

Melissa grinned. “Fancy doing it again sometime?”

Rory’s grin widened to match hers. “I’ll have to see if I have a window in my diary.”

Melissa threw a mock punch at his shoulder.

“Ouch! I was only having a bit of fun!”

His words drenched her like cold water. The grin slid off her face.

Only having a bit of fun.

Was that all this was to him? The rational part of her knew that wasn’t what he meant but her mind suddenly whirled with everything she’d learned about him over the last few days. His confidence, his skill, his self-assurance could only come from experience with women. Lots of women. How many had Rory fucked while he’d been away? Was she just another notch on his bedpost?

The thought made her belly tighten. A disappointment so strong she could barely breathe filled her chest. But a moment later she berated herself for a fool. Only a few days ago hadn’t she been determined to use Rory for a bit of fun while her parents were away? What had changed? When had she let Rory become the one calling the shots?

“Me too,” she blurted. “Just a bit of fun. That’s all we’re doing here, right?”

She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.

Why did you say that?
she chided herself.
Think before you open your mouth!

But she couldn’t call the words back. She watched Rory’s reaction. His expression didn’t change but something shifted in his eyes, a shadow filling his deep brown gaze.

she urged him.
Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me this is more than just a bit of fun.

But he didn’t. He shrugged and his cocky grin returned. “Sure. Just fooling around. You know how it is.”

“Of course I know,” she replied, trying to make her voice sound casual as she stood and began pulling her clothes back on. “And the fun is over for today. Come on, we’ve still got that hedge to finish.”

As she walked into the yard she forced herself to move with a steady stride. What did it matter to her? She didn’t care about Rory Thompson. She didn’t. And at the end of the month when her parents returned it would all be over anyway.

She took a deep breath and tried to smile.

But inside her heart was breaking.



Teasing The Boy Next Door


elissa Smyth peered at herself in the mirror. Frowning, she dug into her cosmetics box and dabbed a little concealer on her left cheek. Perfect. Next she took up a brush and swept baby pink blusher across her face, highlighting her high cheekbones. Lastly, she pursed her lips and applied a soft rosy gloss, just the right shade to emphasize her full lips.

A satisfied smile spread across her face. Rory Thompson wouldn’t know what hit him. Melissa’s pulse quickened suddenly as images of her sexy neighbor came unbidden to her mind. That gorgeous, sculpted face. Those eyes, deep enough to fall into. That smile, bright enough to take her breath away. And that muscular body joining with hers, filling her with ecstasy as they’d embarked on their steamy affair.

Oh yes, tonight was going to be very special.

Melissa made her way into the plush bedroom and ran her hands over the soft white bed covers, enjoying the touch and smell of the freshly laundered linen. She tugged the corners of the sheets and brushed away imaginary creases until the bed looked perfect. Pleased with the result, she reached into a drawer, pulled out the bag she’d hidden earlier and set it on the bedside table. Almost tenderly, she took the items out one by one and placed them by the headboard, behind the pillows and out of sight. There. All finished.

Taking a deep breath, she approached the full-length mirror and looked herself over one last time. She wore a baby-doll nightdress, transparent enough to light the imagination and her blonde hair fell in ringlets onto her shoulders. Yes, Rory Thompson was doomed.

Her preparations finished, Melissa seated herself cross-legged in the middle of the bed, grabbed her cell phone and dialed Rory’s number before she could panic and change her mind.


The sound of Rory’s deep voice stole the breath from Melissa’s chest. She struggled for a second before blurting, “Rory? It’s Melissa.”

“Hey. How’s things?”

Melissa swallowed. The warmth in his voice threw her off balance. “Actually I’ve got a bit of a problem I hoped you might help with.” The lie tripped easily off her tongue.

“Sure,” he said and Melissa imagined his easy shrug. “What’s up?”

“There’s a leak in my bathroom. Would you come take a look?”

Rory chuckled. “A leak? Can’t have that, can we? I know how you feel about mess! I’ll be right over.”

The phone went dead and Melissa hung up. Worms of excitement wriggled in her belly. So far so good.

She fired off a quick text to her friend, Sarah, with an update on her progress. After all, tonight had mostly been Sarah’s idea so it was only fair to keep her up to speed. Yesterday, as they both lounged by the pool in the summer heat, they’d come up with Melissa’s plan to seduce Rory. Sarah was one of Melissa’s oldest friends and had always been the leader of the group of girls Melissa had hung out with growing up. The first to kiss a boy, the first to get a car, the first to sneak alcohol from her parents’ cabinet. And of course, the first to sleep with a man.

Despite Melissa’s efforts to appear cheery, as they’d settled down to sunbathe Sarah had immediately picked up her low mood.

“I know that wistful expression,” she said, her dark eyes full of concern. “There’s a man involved isn’t there?”

Melissa was reluctant to admit what had happened between her and Rory but, under her friend’s scrutiny, the words suddenly spilled out. “I’ve been seeing someone.”

Sarah raised an immaculately shaped eyebrow. “Why do I know nothing about this? You’re supposed to tell me everything! How long have you been seeing him? How far has it gone? Do I know him?”

Melissa squirmed. “No, it’s nobody you know,” she lied. “And although I’ve not been seeing him long it’s gone pretty far already.”

She glanced at the sun lounger Sarah lay on and memories played before Melissa’s eyes. Rory’s weight pinning her, his breath hot on her neck, spears of blinding pleasure stabbing her abdomen as Rory drove his iron-hard cock deep inside. Heat flooded her cheeks.

Sarah followed the line of Melissa’s gaze and her eyes widened. “You didn’t!”

Melissa nodded, unable to stop a wicked smile stealing across her face.

“Melissa Smyth, you dirty whore!” Sarah exclaimed in mock outrage. She leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, “What was it like?”

“Amazing,” Melissa murmured. It hadn’t just been on the sun lounger. Her eyes flicked to the sofa in the sun room. Two days ago she’d been on her hands and knees on that sofa, Rory’s hard cock in her mouth, his soft tongue filling her pussy. She shifted her seat as wetness gathered between her legs.

“So what’s the problem?” Sarah asked. “You should be happy. Why the long face?”

Melissa sighed. “Because nothing can come of it. It was just sex to him.”

Sarah frowned, the skin crinkling across the bridge of her freckled nose. “I fail to see the problem.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t love this guy, right?”

Melissa thought for a moment. Rory’s deep eyes and infectious smile flickered in her memory. She felt so alive when she was with him. So complete. Was that love? How was she to know? But one thing was sure; she couldn’t tell Sarah the man in question was Rory Thompson, the geeky boy they’d always teased at school. Melissa would never live it down.

“Of course not!” she blurted.

“Well then,” Sarah replied, leaning back and taking a sip of lemonade from a tall glass. “There’s no problem is there? Sounds like you’ve got the perfect scenario. Great sex with no strings attached.”

Melissa considered her friend’s words. It seemed clear that Rory wanted something casual. Could it be enough for her as well? Should she just enjoy what was offered without worrying?

“You’re right,” she said after a moment.

“Of course I am,” Sarah replied, leaning forward eagerly. “Why not take pleasure where you can? We’re still young, aren’t we? Why complicate it?”

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