The Boy Next Door (7 page)

Read The Boy Next Door Online

Authors: Katy Baker

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Coming of Age, #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #New Adult & College

BOOK: The Boy Next Door
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Melissa squirmed. “Well I—”

The creak of the back door opening cut her words off. A second later Rory’s voice called, “Melissa?”

Damn his timing! She’d forgotten her father had left Rory with his own key! Melissa thought furiously, trying to think of a way to deflect him but before she had time to act Rory strode into the living room, looking tanned and gorgeous in his t-shirt and shorts.

He froze as he saw Sarah sitting there and his ready smile slid from his face.

“Hello, Sarah,” he said coldly.

Sarah cocked her head to one side, frowning as though trying to figure out who he was. After a moment her eyes widened. “Rory Thompson! It’s you isn’t it?”

Melissa realized Sarah was struggling to reconcile this tall, tanned, handsome young man with the awkward, geeky boy they’d known at school. Just like Melissa had done the first time Rory had walked back into her life, Sarah was re-evaluating her ideas about him.

A strange, hot sensation suddenly boiled in Melissa stomach. With a jolt, she realized it was jealousy. She didn’t like Sarah’s appraising expression as she looked Rory up and down as though examining a prize piece of meat. Rory was
and Sarah better not get any ideas.

But Melissa needn’t have worried. After a moment, Sarah’s face settled into a mask of disdain, as it had whenever she’d spoken to Rory at school.

“Last I heard you were cleaning lavatories in some backstreet dive in Bangkok, Rory. Things worked out well for you, eh?"

Rory’s eyes narrowed. “Sure. Whatever you say, Sarah.” He said to Melissa, “I’ll be in the yard.”

With that, he strode from the living room.

doing here?” Sarah cried when he’d left.

Melissa shrugged, trying to appear casual. “My dad’s employed him. He reckons the house and yard will go to wrack and ruin if it’s left to me while my folks are away.”

Sarah grinned. “So you’ve got your very own servant? Awesome.”

Melissa smiled in response. “I suppose so. And he can be pretty handy.” Although she hadn’t meant it that way, Melissa blushed scarlet as she thought of how ‘handy’ Rory could be.

To cover her sudden embarrassment, she said, “Can I get you a drink?”

Sarah didn’t respond. Her forehead creased into a frown as she began piecing things together. Then her eyes went wide.

“It’s him isn’t it?”

Melissa froze. “What is?”

“This mystery man you’ve been seeing. It’s Rory Thompson!”

Melissa’s cheeks burned and she knew she must be blushing as red as a tomato. This was the last thing she wanted. She hadn’t sorted out her own feelings for Rory yet. She certainly wasn’t ready to explain them to her friend. And how was she supposed to explain how she’d fallen for the school nerd? The boy who Sarah and Melissa would order around like he was their slave?

An idea formed in her head. If she played this right she might be able to save face.

She shrugged nonchalantly. “You remember how eager Rory was to please? Well, I thought I’d see if that extended to the bedroom too.”

Sarah barked a laugh. “Melissa Smyth, you are incorrigible! And does it?”

“Oh yes. And he’s good. Especially after I taught him exactly what I want. You remember those handcuffs we bought? Well, they were certainly put to good use.”

Sarah leaned forward and Melissa knew she’d sparked her friend’s interest. “Who’d have thought it, Rory Thompson good between the sheets? I’m jealous—I want my own bed slave!”

“Well you can keep your hands off mine!” Melissa laughed, even though inside she felt the sting of betrayal as she belittled her relationship with Rory.

Sarah held her hands up. “Don’t worry, he’s all yours. I can see your evil plan now, Melissa. For one horrible moment I thought you were actually falling for him!”

Something twisted in Melissa’s stomach. A sick feeling filled her gut.
I am,
she wanted to say.
I am falling for him. And I don’t care what you think.
But her courage failed her.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” she said, dismissively. “He doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m having fun with him, that’s all.”

A bang echoed through the house, loud enough to make Melissa jump. The back door slamming, she realized. A moment later Rory passed the window on his way to the yard.

Melissa went cold. Her heart hammered against her ribs. Had Rory heard what she’d said? Had he been in the kitchen listening to her conversation with Sarah?

“Come on then,” Sarah said, oblivious to Melissa’s discomfort. “Tell me all about it. I want all the gory details.”

But Melissa had lost all appetite for this chat. She slapped her forehead as though she’d suddenly thought of something. “Dammit! I promised to take my mom’s car into the garage today. Sorry, Sarah, I’ll have to fill you in later.”

Sarah spluttered indignantly. “Can’t it wait?”

Melissa shook her head. “I’m late already.”

“Give me a call when you get back,” her friend said as Melissa ushered her to the door. “I want to hear all about it.”

“You bet,” Melissa promised.

She closed the door and leaned against it, heart thundering. Then, steeling her courage, she strode through the house and into the yard where she came to a halt, blinking in the bright sunshine.

She knew right away that Rory had heard every word. He stood with his back to her, digging in her mom’s vegetable garden. His shoulders were hunched with tension and he dug viciously, as though the ground had offended him.

Tentatively, she approached. “Rory?”

He didn’t respond. The crunch of the spade as it bit into the soil sounded loud to Melissa’s ears. A line of sweat trickled down Rory’s neck, dampening the ends of his wavy brown hair.

Melissa licked her lips nervously. “Is everything okay?”

“I’m fine,” he growled, straightening. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

She reached out a hand but he spun away and strode toward the house. She trotted to keep up with him.

“ Rory, listen I—”

“Why don’t you let me get on with my job, Melissa?” he snapped, striding into the kitchen and rinsing his hands in the basin. “The sooner I’m finished, the sooner I can get out of your way.”

“But that’s not what I want, Rory.”

He spun to face her, eyes glinting with anger. “No, I suppose not. Perhaps you want to have a bit more fun with me first? Use me a bit more in your stupid schemes with Sarah?”

A tiny vein throbbed in Rory’s temple and the set of his jaw was harsh. He was furious, Melissa realized. Furious with her.

“Look, about what you think you heard—”

“I don’t think. I know. You and Sarah must have been having a good laugh behind my back the whole time. Nothing changes, does it? And here’s me thinking you might have grown up.”

“It wasn’t like that, Rory.”

“So why don’t you explain it?” He stepped forward until he stood less than an arm’s length from her. This close Melissa felt the anger radiating off him in waves.

Her heart skipped. He was so strong. So powerful. The nearness of him made her breath catch. But beneath her awakening desire was a paralyzing fear. If she didn’t salvage this somehow, she might lose Rory. The thought made dread swirl in her stomach like acid.

“It was just girly banter, Rory. It didn’t mean anything.”

He snorted. “You mean like what happened last night didn’t mean anything? Like
don’t mean anything? I misjudged you, Melissa. I thought you were more than just a spiteful little girl.”

That stung. Her own anger flared. “What exactly is it you’re angry about, Rory? That your stupid male pride has been injured? That I’m not some doormat who’ll do exactly what you want?”

want? It’s all been what you want, Melissa, like always. Spoiled little princess Melissa always has to get her own way.”

Melissa screamed with fury. Who did he think he was? She rushed at him, swinging her fist at his face.

“Go to hell!”

His arm snapped up, catching her hand two inches from his cheek. Melissa tried to jerk free but he held her effortlessly.

She glared at him, chest heaving with fury. He stared right back, dark eyes full of anger and something else—hunger.

Abruptly he yanked her arm, pulling her close. His hot mouth met hers, kissing her with a fiery passion. In an instant Melissa’s anger became desire, so hot and all-consuming she could barely think. She returned his kiss with a passion that bordered on desperation. His smell filled her nostrils. The heat of his angry passion sizzled against her skin. Her thoughts scattered.

Then suddenly they were tearing at each other’s clothes, tossing them away, exposing warm skin. Rory clutched her naked buttocks and, with a growl, walked her backward until she bumped against the edge of the kitchen table. He spun her around and bent her over.

She acquiesced meekly as he pushed her legs apart and stepped between them. Rory grabbed her hips and thrust. Melissa moaned as Rory’s hard cock parted the soaking petals of her pussy and slammed roughly into her wet tunnel, filling her with red-hot, sizzling fire.

Rory fucked her forcefully, desperately, holding her hips as he banged her hard and fast, pumping in and out of her slick entrance with a frenzied urgency. Melissa flattened her palms on the smooth wood of the table top, bracing herself as Rory pumped her.

She moaned in time to his thrusts as deep, penetrating thrills of delightful sensation sizzled along her nerves, seeming to light every inch of her body with fiery ecstasy.

Rory’s balls banged against her with each furious thrust, adding another layer of delight to her already heightened senses. She spread her legs wider and bent over further, giving Rory whatever access he needed.

Last night had been amazing. Having Rory submissive and willing had left Melissa giddy with pleasure. But this…

Rory mastering her so easily, using his power and strength to take her so forcefully… It was indescribable.

The way he fucked her was furious, desperate, almost animal-like in its need. And Melissa responded, knowing that she was his, that he could take whatever he wanted,
whatever he wanted and she would submit willingly to this powerful, masterful man.

Far from feeling cheated, this surrender was empowering. Rory was in control. All Melissa had to do was ride the wave of his lovemaking and let it take her to heights of euphoria.

And boy, what a ride this was.

She was adrift in a sea of swirling sensation, barely able to hang onto her fractured thoughts. Her skin burned. Her nerves tingled. Her thoughts were engulfed by this man, her man, and the way his body coupled with hers.

“Oh god!” she panted. “Don’t stop! Oh god, Rory!”

Her gasps became squeals loud enough to echo through the house. A moment later they were joined by Rory’s rhythmic, animal grunts and the creaking of the table.

Then orgasm hit her like an explosion and she shuddered, bliss radiating up to the top of her head and down to her toes.

After a moment, Rory withdrew and his sudden absence left a chill on her skin. Melissa turned to see him pulling his shirt and shorts back on.

“I’m sorry, Melissa,” he muttered. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Oh yes you should,” she replied, bending to gather her own clothes from where they lay strewn across the kitchen floor. She sauntered over to Rory and put her arms around his waist, staring up at him. “The best thing about fighting is making up.”

A half-smile played across his face. He kissed her on the top of the head and extricated himself from her embrace. “Well, I suppose I’d better get going.”

Without waiting for an answer, he turned and left.

Melissa stared after him, not sure what had just happened. Was everything okay between them? Was Rory still angry? And if so, why had he fucked her like that?

she told herself.
He’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll sort it out then.




The next morning Melissa woke early. It was Saturday, Melissa had no chores and had the whole day stretching out before her. A whole day of just her and Rory.

As she sprang out of bed and got dressed, yesterday’s events played through her head. She had never seen Rory so furious. The sight of his toned body so tense and the command in his voice had been such a turn on. He was so god-damned sexy when he was angry. And what had happened afterwards…

Rory grabbing her hips, bending her over, burying himself inside her…

He’d been so strong, so dominant. So amazing.

But she knew her words to Sarah had hurt him and she regretted that more than anything. Surely he knew she hadn’t meant it? Surely he’d forgiven her rash words? Hadn’t the desperate way he’d fucked her proven that?

Melissa squashed the uneasiness roiling in her stomach. Everything was fine between her and Rory. It was.

Yanking open the curtains, Melissa gazed down into the yard, expecting to see Rory already working. But he wasn’t there. The yard was empty.

Melissa glanced at her bedside clock. 9.15am. So, Rory was a little late. So what? Melissa was sure he’d arrive after breakfast. Of course he would.

But he didn’t.

Melissa chewed her cereal woodenly, listening for the tell-tale rattle of the back door that would announce Rory’s arrival. But it never came.

She began to get annoyed. If he was running late the least he could do was let her know! Was he trying to make her sweat? Trying to get her back for yesterday?

Well, she’d be damned if she would play his games! Let him sulk like a little boy. There was no way she would go running after him! She’d already apologized. What more did he want?

Melissa leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. No, she was definitely not going to call him. He’d turn up soon, she knew he would.

She spent a restless morning busying herself about the house. She vacuumed the carpets. She did a load of laundry. Heck, she even took the net and cleaned the leaves from the pool—a job she hated.

Lunchtime came and went with no word from Rory and Melissa found herself working up into a fury. At last, her restraint snapped. She grabbed her cell phone and called Rory’s house, planning on giving him a piece of her mind.

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