The Broken Parts Of Us (10 page)

BOOK: The Broken Parts Of Us
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“Soda?” Jasper smiles, walking in to the room and placing sodas on the side table next to me. I was already devouring the first slice and preparing for another.  The cushion dips next to me, then his warmth presses all up my side as he takes the seat next to me. He sits too close; my stomach has turned into a spinning top, the slight brush of his arm against mine has chills racing through me, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake.

“Xbox?” he asks, picking up the remote and pointing it towards a huge flat screen. I struggle to push the last bite of pizza down my now dry throat.

I grab the soda and guzzle it, trying to coat my mouth, so I can answer him. “I don’t know how,” I murmur.

He beams at me, then winks. “Well, I’m a fantastic teacher in all things, darling. Grab a controller.” He points to a console under the TV.







othing! That’s what Hans brought me. Evan was AWOL; his parents hadn’t seen or heard from him in years. He’s dropped off the map, not so much as a parking ticket flagged. He’s a ghost, and I’m the motherfucker he is haunting.

I called Sammy to ask if Kyra could stay with them until this was resolved, and to tell River Kyra had had a break-in and was looking for a new place. It wasn’t a complete lie; she will be getting a new place, she just doesn’t know it yet.

I get out of the car once I’m home and mentally prepare myself for seeing both Kyra and Jasper inside. I turn the handle and the front door opens. Rage from Jasper’s stupidity furies my already frayed nerves.

I march through the lobby to find him and Kyra laughing and fucking around on his Xbox.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? DID YOU LEARN NOTHING FROM DANNY?” I holler, startling Kyra.

Jasper jumps to his feet, throwing his controller on the couch. “What the fuck is your problem now?” He squares his shoulders and scowls at me as I step forward into him.

Our chests touch and I grasp the back of his neck and lean into his face. “The front door just opened. I could have been anybody. Do you remember what happened here when Danny came for River?” He looks down at the floor and I have to release him as the anger is replaced with the usual burning lust. My cock is growing rapidly in my slacks and my breathing becomes uneven and deep.

“Well, I was here with her, so don’t get all in my face. It won’t happen again. I’m going to shower,” Jasper says, walking past me and nudging me with his shoulder. I turn from Kyra’s gaze, so she doesn’t see the bulge in my pants. When is he going to stop having this effect on me?

Nimble fingers touch my shoulder. “Hey. Bad day?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry you just witnessed that, Beauty.” I take a few deep breaths and turn, pulling her petite form into mine and wrap my arms around her. I inhale her scent and burrow my nose into her neck. She smells sweet, edible. I feel my cock stir again and groan. I pull away and smile down at her. “I’m going to shower.”

She nods her head, strands of red fall from her up-do, caressing her cheek. “Okay, I was going to go to bed and read.”

I reach out to push the loose stands behind her ear. “Okay, come on then.” I clasp her hand, pulling her behind me to the stairs. I get to the top and falter, her tiny frame crashes against mine and I hear her gasp.

Jasper turns, completely naked, and holds up a bottle of shampoo as he comes out of my room. “I took mine to Hannah’s. You don’t mind, do you? Or are you going to bust my balls for this too?”

I can’t speak. The hard on I was fighting downstairs has come back full force and is almost painful. He is fucking perfect. He huffs at me and shakes his head before going to his room, his ass on display as he does; the muscles in his back flexing with each step. “Night,” I choke out, dropping Kyra’s hand and rushing to my room.



knew he was right about the front door and the alarms being off. I was foolish and too wrapped up in Kyra’s presence to think about anything else. When Hannah told me her mother was taking her away for a couple of days, the relief nearly overwhelmed me; the pressure of having to marry her was having a depressing effect on me. I feel like I’m in quicksand and nothing is in my control; life really kicks you in the balls sometimes and unfortunately some people a lot more than once.

Just being in Kyra’s presence is soothing. She makes me relax and feel like I can be me; the me only Sammy, River, and Derek get to see. She’s funny and cute, she’s never judgmental, and she doesn’t scrunch her nose when I swear, or roll her eyes when I ordered us pizza for dinner. She’s useless at Call of Duty and kept shooting me, but it was cute as fuck; the faces she would pull, her tongue coming out when she thought she was doing well.

Derek coming in and shouting at me killed the happy buzz I had been in for the first time in… I don’t know how long. My head is a mess. Nothing makes sense lately. I needed to get away from him and shower to take care of the hard on I had been sporting since seeing Kyra moving around the studio in cropped lycra legging things. It only got harder when Derek fucking grabbed me like some dominant asshole. It was just the sexual tension left over from Kyra, and I just needed to take care of it in the shower.

I stripped off and remembered I had taken all my toiletries and shit to Hannah’s. Coming back from Derek’s room with his shampoo and finding him and Kyra hand in hand, coming up the stairs and looking like deer caught in the headlights. Looking back at them would have almost been funny if I wasn’t so turned on by the fact they were both biting their lips. I know Der was just stopping himself from shouting at me again after neither of them said a word. I left them to watch my bare ass go back to my room.

The spray from the shower beat against my skin in tiny hot pellets. Gripping my full dick, I stroke the shaft; Kyra’s face comes into view behind my closed eyes and I pump harder into my fist, my balls tightening, my chest heaving, making my breathing ragged. I imagine her biting her lip, then dropping to her knees. “Fuck yeah, Kyra. Open that mouth for me baby, swallow my come,” I groan, her vision morphing to Derek’s. I feel the tingle in my spine, then my dick explodes its release with an intensity so strong my knees buckle.

“What the fuck?!” I’m just tired and still thinking about the argument. That’s all this is.


* * * * *


The next few days passed in a haze of strained encounters. Der had already left and took Kyra with him the next morning when I came down.  He had brewed the coffee and left a note saying he would be working late and that Kyra had the day off, so was spending it with River. When he did come back, he hardly spoke to me; he was on edge. I would sense his eyes on me when he thought I wasn’t paying attention; it was tense and confusing as fuck.

I tried to bring up the case, but he bit my head off and stormed out of the room. I had been spending my days interviewing for the new business and swapping shifts at Twinkle Toes with Sammy. Being around Kyra helped release some of the pent up stress I felt.

It’s now day four. Hannah has prolonged her trip and I couldn’t be happier about that. It’s Sammy’s little brother, Jase’s, birthday and we’re having a barbecue at our house for him, just the family. Kyra and River are at the studio. Der has a uniformed officer staking the place out, so Sammy can go pick Jake up, and me and Der can get the place ready, well-stock the beer fridge and buy the meat.

I bring out the plates and shit he asked me to go inside to get, no please or fuck all; he’s beginning to grind on my last nerve. I step onto the patio and see him pacing with his phone pressed to his ear. He nods, and the furrow of his brow and hand on his hip tell me he’s either relieved or worried about whatever he’s being told; whatever it is, it looks personal. I place the stuff down on the table and walk over to him.

He ends the call and gives me a fleeting smile. “I need to go to the station.”

He starts to walk past me, but I stop him, seizing his arm. He looks down to where my hand holds him, then to my eyes. “It’s Jase’s birthday. River will need you here today, can’t this wait?” 

He reaches down and pries my hand from his arm. “No.”



smile over at River showing Amy, a dance student learning a routine for her college audition, how to extend her reach with her leg lifts, and then smile down to Mikey who also watches River.

Staying at River’s has given me an insight to Mikey’s increased bad behaviour. The lack of respect for Sammy’s authority is a new development, apparently, and he’s growing more disobedient every day.

“Mikey, grab mommy her bottle of water,” River asks him, pointing to her bottle.

“You look pale, are you feeling alright?” I stand and walk towards her.

Mikey comes over with her water and drops the bottle at her feet.

“Pick it up and pass it to me, Mikey. Now please,” she commands him. He just stares back at her. “Fine.” She leans down her, weight shifting, a soft whimper escaping her as she collapses at my feet.

Amy lets out a startled cry and rushes towards us. I drop to my knees and gather her head to rest on my thighs as I check her pulse, which is a little faster than it should be. Her eyes flutter open, her pupils dilating. “What happened?”

“You fainted. How do you feel?” I reach for the bottle of water and help her sit up and sip some.

“Where’s Mikey?” she breathes. I check behind me and notice he’s gone. I look up at Amy and she shrugs.

River gets to her feet and I follow suit, steadying her when she sways. “Mikey!” she calls.

We walk out into the corridor and see him sitting under the reception desk, and I crawl down to sit with him. “Hey, Mikey, Come on, its okay. Mommy’s fine. Look she’s right there.” I coax him out from under the desk to point to River leaning against the wall a few feet away

“I need the bathroom. Mikey, can you get mommy some water and wait here for me?”

Mikey nods. River looks to me and I see the worry in her eyes. She holds her hand out to me; I slip my arm behind her back and guide her to the bathroom and into a cubicle.

She slips her pants down and I turn to give her some privacy. “Ky,” she croaks. I turn to see blood on the tissue she’s holding. “I need you to drive me to the hospital.” Tears form and spill onto her cheeks.

 I swallow the lump in my throat, and help her stand and pull up her bottoms. I can’t imagine what she must be feeling, but I’m scared and worried for her; all this upset with Mikey is clearly having an effect on her health. I just hope she’ll open up and tell me what’s happening with them, so I can understand and comfort her if needed. Mikey waits with Amy when we come out and he hands River a bottle of water.

“Amy, would you ring the students’ parents that are due in for the late class and let them know we had an emergency and it’s cancelled. All the numbers are in the folders, and ring Dawn too. Let her know we won’t be needing her to assist tonight. Then lock the door as you leave.” I grab my bag and hand her the spare set of keys. She nods her head and turns her worried gaze to River.

“Let’s go, Mikey.”

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