The Broken Parts Of Us (19 page)

BOOK: The Broken Parts Of Us
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A tall shadow appears behind her, blocking the light from the doorway. “I heard the screams, did you find one?” The shadow belonging to a guy whose deep voice booms through the room, making the estate agent jump and stumble forward.

His face is covered in a full beard, his stomach big and round, shoving out the bottom of a t-shirt that clearly doesn’t fit. He walks towards us and I instinctively stand to guard Kyra. His face softens when he looks down at my feet. “Aww there you are.” He bends with a struggle and a grunt to scoop up the tiny animal. “I keep them as pets. Amber.” He holds out the creature, causing a squeal from Kyra. “Amber’s her mom. She got out and into the walls, I’ve been trying to find the litter. I heard her scream over the match, too.”

He gestures around the room. “These walls are paper thin though, you hear everything…if you get me?” He jabs me in the arm and waggles his eyebrows.

I turn, grabbing the backs of Kyra’s thighs. She yelps as I throw her over my shoulder and out of the apartment. The
of the estate agent’s heels alerts me to her following. Kyra’s ass is right next to my mouth and I have to fight the urge to bite it.

I open the car door, clasp her hips and slide her down my body. The friction sparking the already heated need I have for her. How can I have been sated by Derek this morning, and crave him like I do, yet here I am, totally engrossed in the feel of her tight, perfect body as it slides against mine?

“I’ll meet you at the next property.”

I look over my shoulder and shake my head. “No thanks, lady. We’re done.”

Her scowl and grunt as she walks away only confirms the decision that we need a new estate agent and budget. These places would never be okayed by Derek.

I help her into the car and go around to my side. Her scent has embedded itself in the interior, so I can smell her every time I get into the car and it signals my dick to pay my zipper a visit every time.

“So what now?”

“Now we go to my place, find a new estate agent, and eat dinner. I’m starving.”

Her little smile lifts her lips, then drops abruptly. She chews her lip and twists her hair around her finger. “What is it, Ky?”

She drops her hair and shifts slightly to face the window. “I can’t afford more than these places, Jasper. These were a push for me.”

I can’t look at her when she’s all timid and vulnerable; it tugs on my inner man. It makes me want to ease her discomfort, tell her she deserves to live like a princess and will from this day forward because she’s gorgeous and funny and every man’s dream girl, but I can’t say that, and I refuse to give way to the freight train of emotions trying to knock down the well-placed, strongly constructed wall I had secured since I was a boy. Derek has already taken a sledge hammer to it. I feel the cold seeping out whenever I’m with Derek or Kyra, and being replaced with warmth; warmth I shouldn’t be feeling.  But it’s like nature—uncontrollable, powerful, and it doesn’t show mercy.



can sense the change in Jasper. He’s happier. I know Hannah is home, and maybe they’re getting on better and he’s making the effort. I hate it and I have no right to, but I feel things for him I never wanted to give permission to. He pulled it free with just his presence. He’s a unique soul; he brings light with him wherever he goes. He can walk in a room and the air will be clearer, and the mood instantly brighter.

Some people are born to impact people, and that’s what Jasper was born to do. He and Derek are an impossible choice, and one I don’t need to make. Jasper isn’t available, and if he was, how could I choose between them?

“You want me to make dinner?” he asks, opening the car door.

I hadn’t realised we’ve arrived. “When you say make, you mean make the call?”

His smirk is a panty-melting, drool on chin, legs of jelly smirk. “Aww, you know me so well.”

I’m surprised to see Derek sitting at the dining table when we come in. Jasper’s steps falter when he notices him. “I thought you were working?”

Derek looks up at him and takes his time before replying like they’re having a conversation through telepathy. “I got a break in the case; the suspect was picked up after a tip off that he was in a different state. They’re transferring him here, so I can question him and make the formal charges.” He looks over at me, his eyes lure me in and I find my feet moving towards him. “Hey, Beauty. How did the apartment hunt go?” 

I drop my eyes from his, embarrassed by his question. I know he doesn’t have to even think about money, so it isn’t in his mind when wanting me to find a place.

“What’s wrong?” Both he and Jasper ask in unison, stepping into my space and each other’s. The air around us ignites in an instant; all of us have laboured breathing and I can’t concentrate. They’re blocking any reasonable thoughts with a lust haze, coating the room and fogging my mind.

Derek is the first to break the trance when he steps back and swipes a hand over his brow to wipe the sweat beading there.

“She needs a bigger budget. Those places are no better than what’s she is in,” Jasper informs him, making me uncomfortable. My place isn’t the Ritz, but it’s mine. I paid for everything inside it by myself.

“She doesn’t need a budget, I already told her that. She just needs to like it and let me worry about the rest.”

“Guys, I am in the room. Derek, I can’t just do that. I wouldn’t feel right about it.” 

He comes closer to me, wrapping me in his embrace. “Ky, I have the means and I want to. Don’t overthink this please.”

I’m not going to argue with him, knowing he’s stubborn and will never let me win.

“Mmm, you cooked,” Jasp blurts out like a five-year-old being told there’s cake. The aroma of Italian tomato sauce fills the thickened air.

“Yes, sit. I’ll serve up.” Jasper rubs his stomach and grins while taking a seat at the table.

I didn’t realise how hungry I was until I shovelled in the first spoonful of Derek’s food. It’s so good and I clear my plate, to his pleasure. Jasper cleared two. The conversation is easy, effortless.

“Show him some moves, Ky.” Derek shakes his head at Jasper’s suggestion. We’ve moved from the dining room to the lounge. Jasper has put on some music and is showing me a step routine River had taught him for her wedding. The way Derek watched him left me feeling like an intruder viewing an intimate moment only meant for the two of them, but then his gaze would shift to me and the same intensity would smoulder in his eyes.

“Fine. I’m going to bed then, you coming?” Both mine and Derek’s heads snap to Jasper.

“I meant going. Are you going?”

“Yes, I am unless it’s okay to invite myself to stay?” I giggle; the wine Derek gave me with dinner has left me slightly woozy.

“You never need an invite. You’re always welcome,” Derek tells me, resting his hand on my lower back and guiding me to the stairs. I murmur my goodnights and make my way to the room I use here.

I strip off my clothes and crawl into the plush comfort of the covers in just my underwear. My head rests against the plump fibre of the pillow and darkness chases me into slumber.


* * * * *


Movement outside my room has me stirring from the dream I was having.

“I’m bleeding. I’m fucking bleeding!” I hear Jasper’s desperate pleas and scramble from the bed, losing my footing and landing in a heap on the floor, suffocated by the duvet. I untangle myself and rush to the door.

“Jasp, it’s okay. Wake up, wake up.” I hear Derek cooing as I make it to the entrance of Jasper’s room. The lights are off and there’s just a subtle blue glow highlighting them from the full moon casting its soft beam through the room. Derek sits beside Jasper’s thrashing body. He reaches for him, bringing his head to his bare chest. It’s heart wrenching to see the lines creasing Jasper’s beautiful face as he struggles to overcome his nightmare.

“Derek, oh God, I was dreaming. It was a dream.” The sweat from his body holds a shine, illuminating every dip in his sculpted torso, and his hair is soaking and stuck to his forehead. He grips onto Derek’s arms like he needs the anchor to keep his nightmare from dragging him back in.

“Come on, shower. Let’s wash the past off, Jasp.” Der stands, wearing only a pair of lose fitting sleep pants; his frame is bigger than Jasper’s and not as carved, but still toned, his abs defined and mouth-watering.

He holds his hand out for Jasper, who’s still trying to calm his erratic breaths. Jasper slips his hand into Derek’s, the duvet falling from him.
Oh God, he’s naked.
The lust fires in Derek’s eyes at the sight of him, but he doesn’t seem surprised by the naked God in front of him. My eyes travel the length of him, my cheeks heating. My panties become wet from the arousal flooding them, the mild throb between my thighs makes me bite my lip hard to make me focus and bring me back to the fact that he’s suffering.

They walk to his en suite, flicking the switch and lighting the room. I don’t know whether to make my presence known, to offer to get him water or something, so I slip into his room and sit on the edge of his bed, debating. They’ve left the door half open and my line of vision is directly on them. I’m mesmerized by the affection I’m seeing. Derek turns the shower on, opening the door and gesturing for Jasper to step in. I watch in stunned silence, not even my breaths make a sound. I’m sure the world stopped, the clocks don’t tick, the breeze becomes still—all in awe of the love, lust, and beauty in this bathroom.

Derek drops his trousers and steps inside with Jasper, his body folding over his back, his arms reaching under Jasper’s arms to grip his chest. He rests his head against his shoulder and places kisses there. Jasper’s head hangs, his arms resting against the shower wall, holding up his body as the water cascades over the two God-like creatures in the cubicle. He lifts his head, turning to find Derek’s waiting lips. My stomach is on a rollercoaster. I feel light-headed as I watch them come together in an infusion of needy passion. Jasper turns in Derek’s arms, reaching up and gripping his hair as their lips fuse and taste each other. I’m not experienced in the sexual department, but I know what I’m witnessing will probably never be topped as the most sensual sight I have, or ever will, witness. Their bodies rock against each other’s, their erections touching and rubbing; they are both huge. I have seen a few, but never that size or perfection.

I stand and take a few steps closer, my eyes absorbing the wet orgasmic vision in front of them, my own ache growing with intensity and need.

My eyes feast on their display. Derek pulls away, pushing Jasper until his back clashes with the tiled wall. Derek’s mouth and hands cover every inch of Jasper’s neck and torso in kisses and bites; their mixed groans echoing in the open space makes me need to hold my hand over my mouth to stop the moans escaping. Derek drops to his knees and my breathing hitches.
Oh God, oh God.

“Take me in your mouth, Der. Suck my dick, make me forget.”

My eyes tell my brain I’m being deceived and I’m expecting to wake in my bed at any second.

“Fuck, Der, all the way. That feels so fucking good.” 

I feel the coiling in my lower abdomen, the tingle up my spine, the hum in my veins spreading through my body. Jasper thrusts his hips forward into Derek’s eager mouth, his erotic groans becoming more frequent as his hands tug on Derek’s hair, pumping his hips faster.

“I’m going to come. Argh!” His body tenses, his face relaxing in pure ecstasy at his release. My legs fail me and I nearly fall to the floor.

 A deep growl rips from Derek’s chest. “You taste so fucking good, Jasp. Turn around.”

My eyes spring wide and I know I’ve intruded more than should have. I rush back to my room, stripping off my bra and panties and slipping my fingers into my heated warm entrance, bringing myself to an overwhelming climax.


* * * * *


I wake to the warm glow of the sun heating my face. I roll onto my back with a yawn; the morning haze clears when the images of the night before rush in and I gasp, bolting upright and slipping from the bed. I look down at my naked body, my eyes closing.

“You’re stunning.” I jump at the sound of Jasper’s voice. “Derek told me to bring you coffee.” He stands from the chair at the other side of the bedroom and walks towards me. I should be embarrassed; I should grab the cover and hide my naked figure from his inquisitive gaze. His tongue swipes across his bottom lip as his eyes study everything I have on display. His body is mere inches from mine now. I feel the sexual pulse charging the air all around us; his hand comes forward and brushes my hair over my shoulder, uncovering my hardened nipple.

“God, you’re so beautiful.” His eyes lift from the newly discovered flesh to meet my own. His brows pinch as his eyelids drop slightly. “I wish so badly that she was you.”

I’m confused by his statement and I’m lost in his gaze. He hands me the mug he’s holding and I take it with a shaking grasp. I watch him shake his head and leave the room. I exhale in a rush and sit down on the bed until my heart settles and my legs gain back the strength to stand. I place the mug on the side table and slip into my clothes.

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