The Carnelian Legacy

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Authors: Cheryl Koevoet

BOOK: The Carnelian Legacy
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Copyright © 2013 Cheryl L. Koevoet


Author Photo: K. Evenhouse


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ISBN: 978-1-4497-8089-0 (sc)

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2012924219


WestBow Press rev. date: 03/19/2013


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30






In loving memory of my father,
Frank Hettick Jr., who always taught me
that one person can make a difference.

And for my mother, Shirley,
who continues to demonstrate daily
what it means to love unconditionally.



Your beginnings will seem humble,
so prosperous will your future be.
—Job 8:7
(New International Version)



place in the world she wanted to be.

Marisa MacCallum wiped away the tears that blurred her vision and stared at the mahogany casket. Maybe he was waiting for them at home. Maybe tomorrow she would wake up to find it had all been a dream. But it wasn’t a dream.

It was a horrible nightmare.

Already a week had passed, and still she couldn’t believe he was gone. Her dad’s bright blue eyes and infectious grin were still fresh in her mind. Sure, the doctors had been surprised by how fast the cancer had spread, but they couldn’t have predicted he wouldn’t last another six weeks. His death had taken everyone by surprise and she secretly wondered if he’d just given up in the end.

Somehow, someway, Marisa had to move on. The tall, slender high school graduate had been accepted to the pre-med program at UC Irvine the year before, but when her father’s cancer had appeared, her dreams of becoming a doctor shattered in an instant. She made countless trips to the hospital and tried to keep their home functioning as normally as possible. She’d been so busy managing their household that senior year at South Medford High now seemed like just a blip on the radar.

And she had no clue where her life was headed.

As the bagpiper’s final stanza of “Amazing Grace” melted away into peaceful silence, she dotted her cheeks with a crumpled tissue. It had been his favorite hymn. She leaned back to check on her brother Mark. But his puffy eyes and quivering lip made her feel even worse. Still, no one was going to see her cry.

She heard Uncle Al sniffling next to her. It couldn’t be easy losing a twin, she thought. Now that her dad was gone, she and her brother Mark were the only family the forty-eight-year-old real estate agent still had left. She took her uncle’s hand in hers and gave it a loving squeeze.

Alistair MacCallum glanced down at his niece. She was so much like the sister-in-law he’d lost years ago in a car accident. Before his brother Alan had discovered he had cancer, she’d been a beautiful, bouncy teenager with freckles, long chestnut hair, and hazel eyes that sparkled whenever she dropped the punch line of her latest joke. But almost overnight, Marisa had been thrown into the adult world of hospice care, cooking, cleaning, changing light bulbs and balancing checkbooks. The twinkle had all but disappeared from her eyes and instead they reflected a wisdom that stretched far beyond her years.

Alistair had grown accustomed to losing loved ones in his life, but saying goodbye to his only brother at this stage in his life was unbearable. He had always been highly protective of his brother’s kids, but now that both parents were gone, Alistair was determined to be there for them. He wanted to make sure they still reached for every opportunity that life had to offer them.

“Amen,” said Pastor Holman.

Marisa buttoned her dark wool coat and hurried down the hill toward the parking lot, anxious to avoid her father’s co-workers. Although the staff of Rogue Valley Realty meant well, she just couldn’t stand to hear over and over again what a terrific guy her dad had been.

For the past decade or so, the real estate duo of Alan and Alistair MacCallum had helped several families purchase homes in their sleepy southern Oregon town of Jacksonville. Most of the people in the area even knew the brothers by name. Both of them, but especially Alan MacCallum, were known around town as honest men of integrity and all-around nice guys.

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