The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever (17 page)

BOOK: The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever
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Miamor was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She wanted to hate Murder, but she couldn’t. She knew that he had been locked up for so long that she was all he remembered. His world had been on a standstill while hers had moved on. There was a time when she thought that she would never replace him, but upon meeting Carter, all of her doubts had gone out of the window. He was the greatest man she had ever known, and her loyalty was with him. Miamor just had to figure out how to get back to him in one piece.
By the time Miamor emerged from the bathroom, the dead body was gone and Murder stood outside the bathroom door, waiting patiently for her. He held a shopping bag for her.
“It’s not designer like what you’re used to, but it’ll do,” he said.
Miamor held the cotton towel tightly around her body and took the bag from Murder. Murder tugged at the towel that was tucked snugly under her armpits.
“Murder . . . don’t,” she said.
He snatched the towel anyway and pulled it away from her, revealing her naked body. “Relax, li’l mama. I never had to take it,” Murder said.
His hands explored her body as he slowly ran his hands over her stomach. She was perfectly sculpted, but her once flawless body was marred with scars. They showed the struggles she had endured at the hands of Mecca Diamond. Her baby bump was subtle and barely there, but Murder knew her so well that he knew that she was pregnant without her having to tell him. He noticed the slight weight in her face and the thickness around her hips and breasts.
Miamor’s breath caught in her throat as she waited for him to hurt her, to hit her in the stomach and hurt her unborn child. She was surprised when she felt how gently he touched her. His hands graced her like feathers, and she placed her hands over his.
“This is supposed to be us, li’l mama. This is supposed to be us . . . our baby,” Murder said. Miamor removed his hand, squirming out of his grasp as she covered herself with the towel.
“Things have changed, Murder. I’ve changed. A part of me will always care about you, but I love Carter. Since you’re not leaving me any choice, I’ll stay a week, but I don’t want to mislead you. I will not stay after that. If you try to make me, you will have to sleep with one eye open for as long as I’m here, because the first opportunity I get, I’ll kill you,” she said.
Murder pushed her against the wall, trapping her in his personal space as his hand went to her neck. Miamor tensed. “You couldn’t kill me any quicker than I could kill you,” Murder said. His hand moved from her neck to her cheek as he traced her jaw line. “I’d always hesitate, and we both know that in the murder game there is no room for second-guessing. Thank you for the week, though. By the end of it, you won’t want to go home.”
Chapter 18
“I want anybody affiliated with them to be in pieces in the Atlantic. Fish food.”
Carter paced back and forth with worry on his mind, but his heart was ablaze with anger. Zyir had assembled the entire Cartel at Carter’s request. They all sat silently. No one dared to say a word as they waited uneasily for Carter to speak first. Everyone seated at the table knew that there were two people in Carter’s life who were off-limits—Miamor and Breeze. Someone had disrespected him, and the veins bulging out of his neck indicated that someone’s life was on an official countdown. He held his hands behind his back as he his jaw tensed.
Zyir stood ominously in the background, rubbing his chin as he bowed his head while leaning against the wall. He was the leader of The Cartel. Unlike Monroe, Zyir wasn’t threatened by a brotherhood of power. Zyir was the face that the streets saw. Carter had put him in the forefront of The Cartel, and he wore his crown with humility. If Carter wanted to step back into his seat, Zyir would step aside and support his decision. It was love and loyalty that kept Zyir and Carter on the same page. There was no competition between them because there were no weak links in their chain. They reigned over Miami as a team. Monroe wanted it all for himself, and in his attempts to overthrow The Cartel, he had crossed the line.
Carter had been feeling extreme guilt in his decision to press the button on Monroe, but now that Miamor had been snatched, Carter felt no remorse. All bets were off and nothing was off limits. If Monroe wanted to play hardball, then Carter would school him on the rules of the game. Monroe had put down a play that couldn’t be taken back, and now Carter was all in. This was different than the war with the Haitians. This was more serious than the beef with the Mexican cartels. This was blood against blood, and the aftermath of their war would be one that could level everything that The Cartel had built over the years.
Carter was strategic in the way he chose his words as he addressed the heads of his empire.
“Something has been taken from me. Someone dear to me has been touched. A line has been crossed. I’ve got a hundred racks for whoever can bring Monroe Diamond to me. I don’t want him harmed, just delivered to me. I’ve got ten thousand dollars for any members of O.M.G. I want anybody affiliated with them to be in pieces in the Atlantic. Fish food,” Carter stated, his voice even, like the calm before the storm.
Zyir could see the anger simmering in Carter’s heart, and he recognized the thirsty look in the eyes of the hustlers who sat around the table. Carter had put a six-figure bounty out on the streets, and niggas were determined to make that cake.
Carter dismissed the room, and Zyir stayed back as the rest of the men exited the house. Tension was high, and Zyir didn’t know what to say to reassure Carter. They had been through thick times before and had weathered the storm, but the current opposition was someone who occupied space inside Carter’s heart. There was no easy answer, no easy out. Whatever he decided would destroy him, the same way that killing Mecca had. He was about to annihilate another brother on behalf of the woman he loved.
“She’s pregnant, fam. She’s carrying my kid and a nigga got her tied up somewhere,” Carter stated in disbelief. If she hadn’t been expecting, Carter would have more confidence that Miamor could hold things down. She wasn’t the average victim, and vulnerability wasn’t a characteristic that she showed often, but in her current state there was no way that she could defend herself. Carter had to get her back home. If something happened to her, Carter would never forgive himself. She was his woman. She was his responsibility, and the baby growing in her stomach meant everything to him. Carter felt as if his worst fear was coming true. He had promised Miamor that he would take care of her if she laid down her gun, and now that she had, he had failed her.
“If something happens to her or my baby, I’m going to paint the fucking city red,” Carter said as he walked over to the picture window that looked out over his beautifully landscaped estate.
“It won’t. I’ll put my ear to the streets. Somebody knows something. If I hear anything I’ll hit you, fam,” Zyir said. He gave Carter a reassuring pat on the back before making his exit.
Carter sat in his black Porsche Cayenne, maneuvering through the streets on black rims and hidden behind the black tint as he headed to Coral Gables. He knew where he could find Monroe. Just months ago it was he who had helped his younger brother pick out the secluded estate. He rode in silence, his heart clenched like an iron fist inside his chest, and his stomach felt hollow.
Since Miamor’s return he had held out on her, not wanting to give her his all just in case she betrayed him again. Now he realized that no matter how hard he tried to keep his feelings for her at bay, she had him. Miamor captured his soul and his heart in her hands, and without her he felt empty. He would kill a nigga for her, including his brother. There was no exception when it came to her. Now that she was pregnant with his son, he would never allow anyone to bring harm to them.
As he drove, the city gradually disappeared and he turned right onto the uncharted road that led to Monroe’s estate.
Since establishing O.M.G., Monroe lived like something out of the movies. A guard sat in the security booth outside the gated home, and three more patrolled the perimeter of the grounds. There were cameras everywhere, and two beautiful black Rottweiler pups made the plush estate seem more like a prison than a place one called home. Monroe had taken all of these measures to ensure that Carter could not touch him, but he had forgotten one thing. Carter was the one who had set him up with the security company in the first place. After a hefty $25,000 payment, Carter had easily purchased the code to Monroe’s gate and the blind eye of the security guards on payroll. Carter nodded to the guard at the gate as he keyed in the access code.
The electronic black steel gate swung open and Carter guided his car inside. He pulled directly to the front of the home, parking his car in the circular driveway. Taking a deep breath, he pressed a button on his console and watched the hidden compartment slide out. It was a trick he had put Zyir up on and a necessity for every car that he owned.
He removed his Glock .40 handgun and kept it in his hand as he got out, approaching the door. Two ferocious dogs came running toward him, barking their threats. They were two beauties, a black man’s stallion, but Carter didn’t hesitate to lay them down. He shot them down at his feet, delivering one bullet each before stepping over their bodies and knocking on Monroe’s door.
The butt of the gun caused his knocks to sound like thunder as he beat down the door. He didn’t want his visit to be a surprise. He was there to confront Monroe head on and negotiate Miamor’s release. He wasn’t leaving without her, and he hoped for Monroe’s sake that he made this simple, because Carter was prepared to make things difficult.
The door flew open, and Carter was surprised to see Leena standing on the other side of the door. She stood clinging to her silk robe, her hair slightly messy, as she looked at Carter in confusion. Clearly she hadn’t been expecting anyone. Her presence had slipped his mind, but it definitely sweetened the pot.
“Carter!” she exclaimed in surprise.
“Where is Money?” he asked. His voice froze her instantly as her eyes shifted to the gun in his hand and her brow wrinkled in worry.
“He’s not here,” she replied. “Should I be afraid to let you in here right now, Carter? Your nephew is in here.” She closed the door a bit and spoke to him through a small opening as she tried to keep him on the outside of her home. He had always been gracious to her. He was family, but the murderous look in his eyes and the fact that he stood at her door, gun in hand, caused her much distress.
Carter eased her inside the house, using his weight to push her aside, and then closed the door behind him. “I’m sorry, Leena. Money took something from me; now I have to take something from him.”
“Leena!” Monroe screamed as he stormed into his home. He recognized Carter’s car as soon as he pulled up, and the dead dogs out front prepared him for the worst. “Leena!”
“No need to yell, Money. She’s still alive . . . for now,” Carter said, his voice low and threatening as he watched Monroe enter the living room. Leena held her sleeping son in her arms as tears of fear fell down her cheeks while sitting in a chair at Carter’s gunpoint.
“Money, please,” she sobbed as Carter held the gun at point-blank range, preparing to blow her brains out.
“What are you doing? My fucking family, Carter! This is how you want to play it?” Money barked.
“Why not, little brother? This is how you’re playing it. My girl and my seed are missing. She’s carrying your nephew, Money. My son! This is out of character for me, but please don’t doubt that I will take everything from you right now with just the pull of a trigger. You give me back my family and I’ll leave your home without harming yours. Where is she?” Carter asked with murderous intent in his eyes. His heart galloped with adrenaline as his temper flared.
Carter wanted to put a hollow point between Monroe’s eyes. For Monroe to have the audacity to snatch Miamor was a show of disrespect. Had he been any other nigga, Monroe would already be mourning the loss of his bitch and kid, but because they shared the same blood, Carter was throwing him a line of redemption. One chance was all Monroe had to right his wrong.
“Carter, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. We’re at odds, but I would never—”
“Never torch my stash houses, never shoot up my blocks? What are your limits, Money? Miamor is missing! You’re the only nigga in the city that has the balls to come at me like that. You put in the call to them O.M.G. niggas and have her released now,” Carter demanded.
“Carter, I swear to God, fam—”
“Money, I’ve been going easy on you because you’re my brother, and you have obviously mistaken my kindness for weakness. You’ve got five seconds before you’re planning a double funeral,” Carter threatened.
Leena broke down as she cradled her son to her chest. His tiny hands clung to her as she closed her eyes and prayed over him. She cringed as the cold steel marked the kiss of death on the back of her skull. “I will put her brains on the floor!” Carter yelled.
“Carter!” Money yelled in distress as he watched his family squirm as his son awoke from the commotion and began to reach for him. Leena held on to their child tightly, however, as she was racked with heartbreak.
“Money, just tell him what he wants to know,” Leena begged. “Please.”
“Five,” Carter began his countdown, eyes cold and his will unflinching.
“Don’t. You don’t want to do this,” Money negotiated. His hands were extended as if he could calm Carter. He wanted to shoot him dead where he stood, but he would never make such a risky move as long as his love and child were in harm’s way.
“Four,” Carter continued.
“I don’t have her, Carter,” Money said.
“Three . . . Where is she, Money?” Carter demanded.
Money’s eyes widened. “Carter!”
“Two!” Carter moved the gun from Leena to Monroe Jr.
“He’s my son!” Money protested, anxiety causing his voice to raise an octave as his eyes grew as wide as saucers.
Monroe dropped to his knees and extended both hands in a desperate plea as tears blurred his vision. “I don’t have her!” Money yelled. “It wasn’t me! That wasn’t my play! I didn’t take Miamor! I admit I thought about it! I had my people in place, but someone else got there first!”
BOOK: The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever
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