The Chariots Slave (2 page)

BOOK: The Chariots Slave
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Much to her relief, he pushed his weight off. Despite the
freedom to breathe once more, Kaeso held her arms, keeping
her captive. She could do nothing but watch his eyes rip
through hers, and trail down her form.

In the absence of his stare she realized that her legs were
free. It was the opportunity she was waiting for, and she took
it, slamming her knee into his groin.

Pain glazed over his eyes as he collapsed, once again
falling on Sellah. He clutched himself as anger filled threats
spewed out of his mouth. His weight was crushing her leg,
but she fought to hold back a cry. After a few moments other
guards pulled him to his feet and stood him, towering over

The slave women pulled as far away from the scene as
they could. Sellah caught the eye of the girl huddled closest
to her, and surprisingly the girl smiled. It was an odd gesture,
but it gave strength to Sellah. She watched as the girl’s eyes
widened as she looked at the guard and then quickly back at

Sellah turned in time to see Kaeso, slamming his fist
toward her face. Twisting to the side, she avoided full
contact. His assault only grazing her ear before smashing into
the dirt.

“You little....”
“Kaeso!” a smaller guard yelled in warning. Kaeso paused

with his fist in mid-swing. “Don’t mark her. You heard the
orders. The Vindobonian girl arrives untouched.” Despite his
small stature he spoke with authority. Sellah could tell by the
way Kaeso obeyed that the small guard held power.

The brut let out a low throaty growl of frustration as he
roughly pulled Sellah on her feet. His eyes rolled over her
features and down her body. He looked her over, his
expression changing from one of anger to one filled with lust.

“Well, if she is to be untouched…” he licked his lips and
raised his mouth in a grin, “then we shall remove her stola,”
Before she could respond, his meaty hands greedily ripped
off her garment, leaving her exposed before the other men
and women. The women gasped in shock, Kaeso puffed his
chest and hooted, holding the garment above his head
victoriously as the other guards offered groans of approval.

“Jupiter’s cock, her true color is red!” one of them shot
forth, causing the others to laugh. She grit her teeth, stood
fully erect, and stared boldly at him. Hiding the humiliation
she felt with calculated self-assurance. He could take her
garment but he could not take her pride.

The words of the smaller guard had surprised her. She was
to arrive untouched. A crafty smile spread across her face,
knowing those words offered her something the guards had
not realized—she could act out and have no punishments.

“Kaeso, is it?” she said bravely. “I did not realize women
were to your taste.”
Kaeso flinched at her words and his grip on her arms
tightened. She fought to hold back her smile when he did not
retaliate with the force she saw him hesitate to offer. Some of

the guards muffled their laughs as Kaeso turned to glare at

“It is rather hot out,” she continued. “Being so fair
skinned, I’ll certainly come ablaze in the sun. If you plan on
selling me, or giving me as a gift, a burnt offering will not be
well received.”

Kaeso hesitated and glanced down at the tattered stola on
the ground.
“She has a point,” another guard offered.
Sellah could see the anger in Kaeso’s eyes. He did not like
being disrespected in front of the other men. She wondered if
she could use that to her advantage.
“Kaeso.” She lowered her voice so the other guards
couldn’t hear. “If you give me my robe, and give us all some
water, I promise I will be no further trouble to you.”
He studied her face, a look of understanding forming on
his. He brought his mouth close to her ear, “If you go back on
your word, I will have my way with you. Orders, or not.
She nodded her head in agreement prompting Kaeso to
pick up her stola. He threw it to her and she twisted her body,
in an effort to catch it, but as her hands and neck were tied,
she missed and it fell to the ground. Kaeso hissed under his
breath as he roughly grabbed her hands and worked to loosen
the knotted rope.
“I better not regret this decision.”
She nodded again and hurried to pick up her things and
cover her exposed body.
“Get the women some water and let’s keep moving!” he
“But we still have a day’s march and only half a day’s

supply,” the young guard protested, as he looked over the

“Look at them. Do you feel like carrying a dried-out slave
the rest of the crossing? Give them some water, and we will
get there sooner.”

No other dared argue with Kaeso, and the one who had set
to watering the women. When he finished, they packed up
and continued walking.

“Thank-you,” the girl in front of Sellah whispered, as she
glanced cautiously around.
“Of course,” Sellah smiled.
“I’m Accalia,” she said as she stretched her bound hands
as close to Sellah as she could.
Sellah returned the smile and reached forward to grab her
hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Sellah.”
Accalia’s large dark eyes watched Sellah with fascination.
Sellah smiled at the curious girl. Over the years she had
grown accustomed to people staring at her— her bright
auburn hair and pale ivory skin made her stand out in a
crowd. Especially when everyone looked like Accalia, dark
skin, dark eyes, and dark hair.
“Why are you here?” Accalia asked.
“My father sold me to pay off his drinking debt. And
“My husband died and we could not afford to pay the fee
of our land. It was either my son or me...” She cast her eyes
away from Sellah, but it did not hide the faint trace of a tear
that rolled down her cheek.
“I’m sorry,” Sellah replied. It was one thing to be forced
into this situation, it was another to choose this to spare your

“He is just eight years old,” Accalia continued. “I hope to
work off my debt and earn my freedom so I can return to him
one day.”
Sellah had a feeling that Accalia would never be able to
reach her dream, but she held her tongue. All the girl had left
was hope, and Sellah was not going to take that from her too.
“Do you think they are taking us to serve in someone’s
home?” Sellah asked, trying to change the topic.
She watched Accalia look around, no doubt to see if any
guards were near. The girl behind Sellah smiled, but it wasn’t
enough to keep Accalia from answering. “I heard a rumor
that they will take us to Roma and that we will be auctioned.”
“Of course,” Sellah thought out loud.
“No talking!” a gruff voice barked from behind the girls.
Accalia offered one last smile to Sellah before turning around
in compliance.

As they continued their march, large buildings began to
rise over the horizon and small clusters of people could now
be seen. They were close, too close for comfort.

One building stood unsurpassed by others. Its very sight
caused Sellah to shake. Rumors of the slaves it consumed had
made it to her homeland of Vindobona. In fact, her father had
often gambled the little denarii they had on sport within its

The buildings were a lot different than what she was used
to. They were constructed with stone and mortar, unlike
home, where wood and grass were used. Horses and supply
carts, full of people and their spoils, drove up and down the
stone roads. Some stopped and stared as she passed. Others

continued on their way, too busy to notice her uncommon

They came to a clearing on one of the streets, the guards
lined them along the side of a stone wall. The littlest guard
walked up and down the women, carefully inspecting each

He would often pause and lift the stola of a girl to examine
her body. He took particular care when examining Accalia.
As he poked and prodded her, he muttered to himself. She
shifted uncomfortably and choked back tears. Sellah wished
she could help her new friend, but before she could think of
something to do, the little guard began to speak.

“I want items one, three, six, seven, and eight brought
immediately to the Graecostadium. Send the others to the
baths and then have a tonsor attend to them.”

Girls were screaming as they were untied and forcefully
dragged away, leaving Accalia, Sellah, and another girl
behind. Kaeso and the small guard, who gave the orders,
stayed with the three women. All the other men left, each
with a struggling girl in tow.

“Where are you taking them?” Sellah asked, no longer
able to control her tongue.
“You deal with her, Flavius!” Kaeso grunted, turning his
Sellah noticed Accalia stiffen as Flavius approached the
three girls.
“Those women were a waste of time,” he spat. “They were
sent to the Graecostadium. There they will be auctioned and
no doubt end up in a whorehouse or as temple prostitutes.”
He showed his crooked grin as he trailed his finger over
Sellah’s cheek.

Sellah clenched her fists but held back her tongue. That
had been her worst fear, being sold to use for a man’s
pleasure. She was thankful that was not her path, but at the
same time a great sadness filled her. Some of the girls were
young, too young for their fate.

Kaeso pointed across the street to a man approaching a
dark wooden door. On the door was a tablet with a name
written on it. The man flipped the tablet over before going

“Watch closely girls, for you will soon see the names of
your friends written on those slates,” he snickered while
patting Flavius on the back.

Sellah looked away in disgust. She did not agree with how
women were treated as objects, and the thought of what was
happening behind that door made her feel ill.

“What will happen to us?” she summoned the courage to
Flavius approached her and ran his hand down her cheek
once more. “You will be cleaned up and offered for sale at a
private event. No doubt you will share the same fate as the
other girls. Your owner will at least be privileged.”
He pulled her hair back with force and pressed his mouth
dangerously close to hers. “If you ask me, it’s a waste of
money. What you have to offer is no different than the other
girls, other than your color.”
He shoved her head away and turned his back. She wanted
to lunge at him and strangle him, but something inside told
her that now was not the time.
“It’s too bad,” he continued, “we have to follow orders. It
would have been a sight to see all the dirty Venalitii slave
traders vying to buy you,” he finished as he turned his back


and moved a few paces away.

She jolted forward, stretching her arms to get hold of him,
but the rope fastened around her neck held taut when the two
other girls stood their ground. Accalia shot a wary look at
Sellah, motioning with her eyes for her to calm down.

She knew Accalia was right; the fight she needed to fight
would not be with Flavius. She needed to save her energy.
Begrudgingly, she returned to her place against the wall.
Barely making it back before Kaeso took hold of the lead
rope and started pulling the three girls through the streets,
with Flavius following close behind.

After being led thorough various streets and alleyways,
they came upon an ornate white stone building. Its beauty
stood-out against the dark walls surrounding it. Kaeso pulled
to the side and beckoned Flavius to take the lead. They
followed after him through a large archway in the white
stone. As soon as they crossed the threshold a plump older
woman shuffled up beside them.

“Greetings my Lord, I am Orla. What services may I offer
you today?”
He pointed to the girls. “They need to be cleaned and
perfumed. Also, send for a tonsor. Something needs to be
done with their hair.” He flicked a dirt encrusted lock off
Accalia’s shoulder.
Orla slowly raised her eyes and looked over the girls.
When her gaze landed on Sellah, her eyes widened and her
mouth dropped in shock.
“Is that her true color?” she blurted out.

“Hmm?” Flavius asked as he turned to see what she was
talking about. “Ah yes, our Vindobonian girl. She is
extraordinary isn’t she? Believe me, there is not a drop of dye
on her head,” he boasted.
“I know just the tonsor to send for,” she said. “He will be
thrilled with the job, and I will have three goddesses ready
for your return.”
Flavius brushed her aside as he surveyed the building. “Do
you have security? Or should I leave Kaeso to insure the girls
do not attempt escape?”
“We have but one way to enter or exit. You can sit at the
tavern across the way and watch while you partake in the gift
of Bacchus and Rome’s best wine.” She laughed when the
two men eagerly nodded their acceptance.
Without waiting for them to leave she escorted the girls
into the bathing room, closed the door and ushered them onto
a stone seat. “I figured you three could use some time away
from them,” she offered with a polite smile.
Her gesture surprised Sellah.
“Thank you. That was kind,” Accalia spoke up.
“I know how you must feel. I myself was sold at
Graecostadium when I was around your age,” Orla explained.
“We will not be auctioned there. We are above the worth
of common slaves,” the unknown girl spoke.
Sellah and Accalia glared at the girl and the older woman
smiled and shrugged.
“No, I suppose you are not. That is why you are here.” As
she spoke she diligently untied the girls bindings then turned
to Sellah.
Sellah rubbed at her raw neck. The open flesh stung, but it
felt far better than it had when bound.

“Now please, take off those dirty rags and clean
yourselves.” Orla pointed to a long, steaming bathing pool.
Sellah could not wait to be in the water—her muscles were
sore and her skin almost black with dirt. Without a worry
about modesty, she did as Orla instructed, pulled off her
stola, and jumped into the pool.
The water quickly relaxed the girls, and thoughts of where
they came from or where they were going were now far from
their minds.
“I’m Accalia,” she said, sticking out her hand in greeting
to the unknown girl.
“Nadria,” the girl replied without opening her eyes or
taking Accalia’s hand.
Sellah shook her head and offered Accalia a shrug of
“I could get used to this life,” Nadria groaned as she
stretched her arms in the warm waters.
Neither Sellah nor Accalia responded to the girl, but for
some reason she continued.
“I will you know. I am young and beautiful. A man of
status is sure to fall for my charms,” she said, nodding toward
her chest.
Sellah shook her head at the girl and Accalia politely
replied, “I wish you the best.”
“I do not need your wishes,” the girl snapped as she swam
to the other side of the pool.
Sellah opened her mouth to speak but closed it when she
heard Orla’s feet slapping against the polished stone floor.
“Ladies, wash this into your hair. The tonsor is waiting in
the other room.” Orla handed the two girls vials of oil before
heading over to Nadria.

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