The Chariots Slave (4 page)

BOOK: The Chariots Slave
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“Calista, look at our luck, that’s Thaddius. He is the very

image of Eros himself!” one of the girls in attendance giggled
to her friend.

“Don’t lie Guya, he is much easier on the eyes than Eros!”
the other replied.
“I have to meet him. I’ve dreamt of this day ever since he
won the Ludi Magni race!” She clapped her hands in
anticipation. “Look at that, the gods favor his domus as even
his manservant is handsome!” Guya swooned.
“Guya, I have an idea,” Calista whispered to her friend.
“One that will merit Thaddius’s strong arms to wrap
themselves around my body and his eyes to dance with
mine!” She smiled as she loosened the strings of her silk
tunic and took off in a determined march toward him. Just as
she was about to cross his path, she feigned tripping and
gracefully fell into him.
Guya giggled as she watched the scene unfold. Just as her
friend predicted, Thaddius wrapped his arms around her and
pulled her to her feet. “Careful my lady,” he grinned as his
eyes worked over her body, landing on her now overly
exposed chest.
“I am called Calista my lord. How will I ever repay you?”
she teased, wagging her chest and biting her finger.


Thaddius wrinkled his brow and shook his head. It was as
obvious an attempt to get him to bed her as any he’d ever
saw. He laughed to himself, women will have to start being
more creative than that to win his heart.

“Calista, no need. It is what any gentleman would do,” he
smiled as he made attempt to walk away. She bolted after

him, trying to grab his arm, but was intercepted by his
servant, Simeon.

“My master needs to carry on with business. However, if
you wish to continue this conversation,” he said mockingly,
“then come to our villa at sundown. He usually chooses
someone to take to bed from the throngs of women begging
at the gate.”

It was obvious to Thaddeus that Calista was insulted by
Simeon’s words. But she maintained her confidence as any
woman of quality breading would do.

“I am not some whore who will beg for a man’s bed,” she

Simeon raised his eyebrows at her before allowing his
eyes to wander down to her half exposed chest. Growling at
him, Calista clutched her silk tunic, covered herself and
stormed away.

Thaddeus chuckled at the scene, he had no doubt she
would be among the women at the gate this evening. They
almost always came. And he knew if Simeon saw her, he
would make sure to remind her of her words. Simeon loved
taunting the woman. No doubt because he was jealous he did
not have such a following.

He watched Simeon escort the girl away then run through
the crowd to his side. As his friend neared Thaddeus grabbed
two cups of wine off a servant’s tray, offering one to Simeon.

“Tell me again, Simeon, why did we attend this event
“There are skilled drivers for auction, and now that you
are Dominus, it is unwise for you to compete in the next
“It is what I live for Simeon. It is how I am known!”

‘Thaddius the great charioteer, approached the Grande
Maximus with no fear. Robed in the blue of the Veneta
team, he is Thaddius the champion of Rome!’
He sang as he wrapped his arm around his friend and

vigorously tousled his hair, spilling some of his wine on him
in the process. Those who were close in proximity to the
young men joined in with Thaddius’s song.

Simeon struggled to free himself, and once loose of
Thaddius’s iron grip, rubbed down his unruly curls. “Jokes
aside Thaddius, you are Dominus now. And who better to
train the new drivers than yourself, a past victor? Your
drivers can race for the honor of your family’s trigarium and
team Veneta. Your face can be seen carved into stone and
painted on buildings, and when your new drivers become
victorious, they will continue to bring you honor,” Simeon

“You are not helping. In fact you argue for me. The people
will never allow their champion to resign!” Thaddius
motioned to those still singing his song.

“If you do not take seriously the responsibility of
Dominus, then Barachius,” Simeon spat as he pointed at the
man across the room. “He will ruin everything your father
worked hard to achieve. Not only does his domus have
drivers on the Prasina team who are rivals to our drivers on
team Veneta, but he tries to buy your land. You cannot leave
it unmanaged in order to keep up with training,” Simeon

“I am not my father! You are starting to sound like his
advisor Acestes, he already reminded me of my duties
tonight. The problem is I do not wish to own land and to be a
magistrate or member of senate. All I wish is to race, to keep

team Prasina enjoying the taste of second place.” Thaddius
clasped his arm over his chest to further prove his love to his

“It is not a matter of wish, it is a matter of responsibility.
And you are now
to keep up your family name,”
Simeon instructed.

“Wish, I wish you were his bloody son, so that you could
run the estate and I could race!” Thaddius jested.
“I am but your humble servant, my lord!’ Simeon laughed.
“And one who runs his mouth far too often at that!”
Thaddius smiled as he grabbed Simeon and put him in
another headlock and walked over to inspect the drivers for


On the far side of the great room, Barachius studied each
of the girls on auction with keen intent. His meaty hands
taking in their forms as much as his sight had. Sellah watched
as he licked his plump lips. His chins swayed with his
movements. She had seen how he treated the other women
and it sickened her. Now he was before her, and it took every
ounce of strength not to kick the man. He grabbed a cup of
wine from his servant and gulped it back, spilling some of the
contents down his face and chest. She shuddered in disgust;
this man was a pig in every sense of the word.

When he drained the cup, he threw it to the ground,
making his servant bend down to pick it up. His fleshy arms
wagged as he reached up to touch Sellah’s exposed leg.

“Hands off my Lord,” a guard ordered. “I have been
instructed to see that this one’s petals remain un-bruised,



until she is sold. They wan’t top denarii for her.”

“Is that so?” He waddled over to Accalia. “And what of
this one, are her petals ripe for the plucking?” As he spoke,
he traced his hand up her thigh. Accalia fought back tears and
stood bravely as he threatened abuse with his movements.

The look on Accalia’s face made Sellah flash back to her
mother, lying dead on an empty barrel.“Don’t touch her!”
Sellah screamed, unable to control herself any longer. She
jumped down from her pedestal and quickly manoeuvred
through the crowd to Accalia’s side.

“Please, do not risk yourself for me,” Accalia cried as she
wiggled back on her stand.
But Sellah ignored her warning and stood firmly between
the man and her friend.
Barachius laughed as he wobbled forward. He pressed
himself so near to her that she could smell his sweaty stench.
“And who is going to stop me?” he grinned, flashing his
crooked smile.
He took another step closer, and Sellah met his advance
with a knee to his soft belly. He grunted and fell back,
landing on his rear. The echoing sounds of startled onlookers
faded and the room fell silent as they awaited what fate
Barachius would bestow upon the girls.
With great effort he forced himself back onto his feet.
Pausing a moment to catch his breath before grabbing a
sword from a nearby guard. Barachius then raised it, tip to
Sellah’s throat.



Thaddius turned when he heard the commotion and caught
the last of the exchange between the unusually colored girl
and Barachius. He did not want Barachius to punish the girl.
He couldn’t bear to see her perish. Yet he did not know her.
She was a simple slave, and slaves needed to stay in their

He hesitantly stepped forward, his body willing him to
stop what his mind reasoned to let happen. He struggled to
control his calm when the words Simeon recited replayed in
his mind.
“You are Dominus now.”

Simeon was right. He was a Dominus now, and he needed
to act the part. Pushing his emotions aside, he stood by,
waiting to watch the curiously colored girl fall to her death.

Barachius flicked at the slate board around her neck as he
read the names of those interested in buying her. “My, my
you are a popular choice this evening,” he announced. She
did not flinch but held his gaze.

“Just know I will own you, and you will work very hard
to repay the debt for your actions tonight.” He snarled at her,
spit spewing from his mouth.

“I would rather die than be in service to a monster like
Thaddius’s stomach tightened— he knew what would
come now. Barachius would not stand for such disrespect.
Just as he thought the words, Barachius lifted his arm
wielding the sword.
“Do not harm her!” Simeon warned.
Thaddius snapped his attention to his servant. As had
Barachius, who wanted to see the man who dared oppose
him. Barachius’s eyes worked over Simeon’s garments and a
sly smile appeared on his face.

“You are but a mere slave. You have no command here. I
will spill her blood and pay her seller her worth. There will
be no loss, except to one who dare’s defy me. You best not
add your name to that list boy.” Barachius once again lifted
his blade to the throat of the uncommonly colored girl.
Thaddius knew that Barachius was not offering an empty
threat, though Simeon did not seem to be concerned. The
look in Simeon’s eyes worried Thaddius. Would his friend
risk punishment? Thaddius watched him walked over to the
girl and push away Barachius’s blade. He could sense the girl
gasp in air and relax her stance. He too gasped, but his stance
was anything but relaxed. He was sure Simeon would now
“I said, do not harm her!” Simeon firmly repeated.
Thaddius’s jaw dropped open. He had known Simeon his
entire life; they were raised together and were practically
brothers. Except one bore the title Lord and the other Servant.
Yet until the passing of his father, they had treated each other
as equals. He had never seen Simeon act so bravely or so
foolishly for that matter.
“What is this, that slaves dare to defy me today?”
Barachius threw his hands up in frustration and looked about
the room. “I will show you why it is not wise to do so,” he
grunted as he raised his sword, intending it for Simeon.
Thaddius reached out and gripped Barachius’s fleshy arm,
causing the man to pause. “He was speaking on my behalf,”
Thaddius announced. “I wish to buy these women, and I do
not want them marked.” His voice was calm and demanded
Hatred seeped out of Barachius as he regarded Thaddius.
Thaddius, once again, publicly humiliated him. The first

when he refused his offer to buy his land in front of the
counsel last week and now this. By the look in the man’s
eye’s Thaddius knew this would be the last time he would let
himself be openly defied. Thaddius would pay, and Barachius
would make sure it was costly.

“What would a charioteer want with two slave girls? Do
you not have enough women freely offering themselves to
you?” Barachius taunted.

Thaddius ignored the jest and turned his attention back to
the host.
“They are not for sale. They are to be auctioned,” the host
“What would you get, ten, twenty denarii? I will pay you
one hundred for the pair!” Thaddius threw a pouch of coins to
the man.
The host greedily eyed the coins as Thaddius looked about
the room at the shocked patrons. After taking some time
revelling in the angered look of Barachius, he let his gaze
drift over Sellah’s face. Her blue eyes locked with his as she
curiously studied him.
“No women has sold above thirty denarii!” Barachius
snapped. This drew Thaddius’s attention away from Sellah.
“Is there a problem, Barachius? Had you hoped to add
these women to your brothel but do not have coins to surpass
one hundred denarii?”
“I do not want those bitches. I want to buy
,” said
Barachius as he pointed to Nadria.



Sellah couldn’t believe what was happening, she had been

saved and Nadria cursed. Nadria sent a frightened look to
Sellah. Despite the earlier attitude of the girl, Sellah felt sorry
for her. No one deserved to go to Barachius, not even her.


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