The Chariots Slave (3 page)

BOOK: The Chariots Slave
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Sellah opened her bottle, the sweet aroma of myrrh filled
her nose. “I hate that we are cleaning ourselves just for those
interested in buying us,”

“I feel that way too,” Accalia admitted as she looked
longingly toward a window that poured soft light onto the
pool. “We must take advantage of this moment and enjoy it,
we do not know what our future holds. This may be our only
chance to be treated so fine.”

“Unless you’re Nadria,” Sellah teased, causing Accalia to
giggle out loud. It warmed Sellah’s heart to see Accalia
smile. She knew this woman had made a huge sacrifice for
her son, and yet she was still willing to offer kindness to
those around her. Sellah wished that one day she could be as
good hearted as her.

“Let me help you with your hair,” Accalia offered as she
made her way over to Sellah.
The girls laughed together as they rinsed each other’s hair
and waited for their turn with the tonsor. Sellah had never
had a person of profession do her hair, and if it were not for
the reason why, she would have been extremely excited.


T he lavender oil felt heavenly as it was massaged over

Sellah’s body. Her skin greedily sucked it in, taking
advantage of moisture after the long fast that had been forced
on it. When they finished, they draped her in blue silk and
tied gold bindings around her waist. Never in her life had she
felt such fine fabric against her skin. She looked to Accalia
and Nadria and smiled as she smoothed her hands down her

Nadria raised her nose and scowled at Sellah. “I wouldn’t
get used to it if I were you. No doubt you two will be sold to
a lowly street merchant.”

“What have we done to deserve such foul treatment from
you?” Accalia asked, genuinely upset that she was not able to
befriend the girl.

“You exist, that’s all,” Nadria retorted as she left toward
the tonsor room.

Accalia stood frozen in shock at the rudeness of the girl.
She had endured the same fate as they, and yet instead of
being bound in a sisterhood, as Sellah and Accalia were, she
had separated herself and elevated herself above them.
“I am growing weary of her attitude!” Sellah snapped.
The two girls followed after Nadria to the tonsor. When
they entered his room, he dropped what he was doing with
Nadria and shuffled over to them. His wrinkled hands went to
Sellah’s cheek and gently stroked her soft skin.
“Skin like pearls and hair like a ruby. Who is this jewel
before me?” He smiled a warm, fatherly smile that made
Sellah instantly like him. “Orla, you have outdone yourself. I
can now die a happy old man for having the privilege of
seeing Venus in human form.” He winked at Sellah and made
his way to Accalia. “And you, what a Babylonian beauty. I
have never seen such perfect women as I have today!” he
Sellah looked over the tonsor’s shoulder at Nadria. Her
arms were crossed and her features firm; no doubt she didn’t
like anyone directing attention away from her. Taking the
opportunity to school the girl, Sellah offered a large smile
and turned to the tonsor.
“Thank you, sir, for calling myself and my friend Accalia
beautiful. Your words are too kind,” she said, purposefully
leaving Nadria out.
“Finish my hair, tonsor!” Nadria demanded, having had
enough of an exchange she was not a part of. With a flick of
his hand, the tonsor sent one of his attendants to see to her.
She was not pleased that he himself did not go, but to
Sellah’s relief Nadria didn’t bother arguing.
After giving quick instructions on how to pin up Accalia’s

hair to another attendant, the tonsor turned to Sellah. “Come
child, let me tame your mane.”

Grabbing her hand, he escorted her over to a seat and
began pulling a comb through her long red hair. “It would be
a shame to put your hair up,” he said, mostly speaking to
himself as he continued working away. When he was
satisfied that there was not one knot left in her hair, he
walked over to a table and retrieved a box of brightly colored

“Although your hair is perfectly colored on its own, I
thought it would look nice to weave a ribbon in the front,
pulling it off your beautiful face. Would you like to pick
one?” He offered a box with a range of colors.

Without answering, she reached into the box and pulled
out a blue ribbon, almost the exact match to her silk robe.
“Good choice. Not only does it match your garment, but it
will make your eyes shine!” He beamed as he took the ribbon
and went back to working on her hair.
Sellah felt like a princess. She had been lost in the
kindness of the tonsor and had completely forgotten the
purpose of her royal treatment. When she looked up, she saw
Flavius and Kaeso standing in front of her, with Nadria and
Accalia’s hands bound in iron shackles.
Accalia offered her a quick smile of understanding. Sellah
had not even heard them enter, and seeing them now snapped
her back to reality. The tonsor exchanged greeting with the
men and turned back to Sellah. She was sure he noticed the
look of sorrow that replaced her childlike wonder of a mere
moment ago. When he spoke it was confirmed.

“Don’t worry child, a rare jewel like you will not be
squandered. You are a treasure without measure, and
someone will see that,” he whispered in her ear.
She looked up into his kind old face and smiled. “Thank
you, for everything,” she returned, hoping he would
understand the full meaning of her words. As she stood and
prepared to make her way over to the guards, the tonsor’s soft
old hands gripped her arm.
“Wait, I have something for you,” he said, reaching into
his pocket and pulling out a worn cloth. After unwrapping the
object, he held the cloth out to Sellah. Inside was a beautiful
silver and alabaster amulet, in the shape of an eagle with a
flower in its beak.
“Oh, I cannot accept this. It is far too valuable,” she said
as she gazed at the precious object before her.
“What is it?” Nadria huffed in a jealous pout. No one
bothered to answer her, so Nadria crossed her arms and
turned away from the exchange.
“You cannot rob me from blessing you!” the tonsor
smiled. “It is a simple amulet. I am afraid it will never be able
to match your beauty,” he finished.
“It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!” she
replied in genuine infatuation.
“It was my daughter’s, and you remind me of her.”
At his last words she took her attention off the amulet and
rested her gaze upon his face. The grief from losing a child
was ever present in his eyes. Sellah wished she could
somehow give relief to this man who had just offered her a
moment of freedom in her life of captivity.
Even though it was inappropriate for a woman to touch a
man uninvited, Sellah could no longer hold back, and she

threw her arms around the tonsor. “Thank you, I will always
treasure this gift.”

He held her and then took the amulet and with shaky
hands worked to pin it to her robe. When finished he leaned
forward and kissed her forehead.

“Enough of this. We need to be on our way!” Kaeso pulled
Sellah to him. Speedily the guards worked to bind her hands,
and as they did Sellah never took her eyes off the tonsor
before her.

“Goodbye precious jewel,” he waved as they were forced
out of the room and escorted at a fast pace through the
bathhouse and onto the stone street where an open supply
wagon awaited them. Flavius lowered the platform and Kaeso
shoved the girls in.

“We are in a hurry now, thanks to your little exchange
with the tonsor.” Flavius ripped the amulet off Sellah’s robe.
“What do you think this will fetch us?” He asked Kaeso as he
mounted his horse.

“That was a gift to me. You cannot take it!” she
demanded, not caring what his response would be.
He waved the wagon driver into motion and turned to
Sellah. A low growl of a laugh escaped his throat. “When
will you learn that you cannot demand things of me. You are
but a slave!”
Nadria snickered to herself, happy that Sellah was now
upset. When the wagon hit a bump in the road, Sellah took
the opportunity to jab her elbow into the girl’s side.
After a few moments of fondling the amulet, Flavius lost
interest and called for the wagon to stop. He leaned from his
horse to the cart and pinned it back on Sellah’s robe, taking
an extra moment with his hands near her chest. She did not

care for his disgusting act but was thankful that her gift was
returned to her. She sighed in relief when Flavius and his
horse rode to the front of the wagon and they were back on
their way.

They pulled in front of an unmarked building with a long
queue of people waiting to gain entrance. Kaeso tugged at the
rope, dragging the girls from the protection of the cart into
the open street. Bitingly cold air whipped at Sellah shoulders.

He escorted them through a side door to avoid the line and
led them into a large open room. Despite its warmth, Sellah
much preferred the street, for it had a friendlier feel about it.
In the room men in chains lined up against the far wall, and
stone pedestals with half naked women on them flanked the
opposite one.

“You girls will be placed here,” Flavius said as he pointed
to the row of pedestals. As if on command Kaeso unfastened
Sellah and lifted her up onto one of the pillars. He then did
the same for Accalia and Nadria.

Another man entered the room and went straight to
examining the women. “You men did a fine job preparing
them. This one will bring in a nice sum.” He pointed to
Sellah and rubbed his chin in thought. “In fact, I want to do a
sealed bid on her. Fetch me a slate tablet!” he yelled to his

“Sealed bid?” Flavius asked.
“Yes, those interested in purchasing her will write their
name and the sum bid on a tablet around her neck. This way

there is more competition, as everyone will want to highly
outbid the one before them. With this method I got twice the

worth of a breeding calf last week. We use this technique on
all our most treasured items,” he explained.

Sellah shuddered at his use of the word treasure. She did
not like being called this by a strange man. She much
preferred the old tonsor’s use.

“I will be ushering in the clients in a few moments. Please
go to the host and submit your information,” the man
instructed as he turned and walked away from Flavius.

The men followed his command leaving the girls alone
atop the pedestals. Sellah took a moment to comfort Accalia.
She had been eerily quiet since the bathhouse, and Sellah
assumed it was nerves—their fate would be determined
tonight after all.

“Accalia, are you all right?” she asked.

Accalia opened her mouth to answer Sellah but was
quieted by a mass of people entering the room. Most of them
looked around, taking in the items for auction, and when they
saw Sellah, they stared in amazement.

“Tonight, we have many treats available for purchase,” the
host announced as he gestured around the room. “Please take
a moment to view the items and then join us in the auction

The strange man from earlier approached the host and
whispered in his ear. The host listened intently and then
threw up his arms to make another announcement.

“Excuse me, Lords and Ladies, tonight there is also one
sealed bid on our lovely Vindobonian girl.” He pointed to
Sellah, giving the attendees time to take her in. “I assure you
that is her true color, not a drop of dye has touched her hair!”
he added.

There were many gasps, and most of the crowd made their
way over to her pedestal so they could look her over more
closely. Some even went as far as to write their names, and
what they were willing to pay for her, on the slate around her

It felt surreal being treated as an object not a person, and
Sellah did not know if she should smile at those interested in
her or glare.

Men and women across the room raised their voices and
began to applaud. This distracted Sellah from her small
crowd, and she looked toward the sounds to see two men

“Thank you, Thank you!” one of the men replied.
She wondered who he was and why they cheered. She
noted that he was handsome and held himself with an air of
authority. And she watched as he scanned the items for sale.
When his eyes came upon her, he stared with a look no
others had offered. It still bore intrigue and confusion, but for

some reason Sellah thought it also offered pity.

He stayed frozen, staring into her blue eyes. Women
approached him, frustrated at his lack of acknowledgement,
and the one who escorted him to the auction pulled at his
arm, trying to drag him away from Sellah’s gaze.

After a few moments of struggle, he gave in and followed
the man over to the wall where the male slaves were chained.
She watched him as long as she could until he disappeared
into the crowd.

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