The City of Lovely Brothers (22 page)

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Authors: Anel Viz

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The City of Lovely Brothers
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Not being able to see what Nick was doing or

predict where he would put his mouth next made the blowjob more exciting for Caliban. The sensation of defenselessness and being at his lover's mercy always made sex more thrilling. Whatever Nick did would feel wonderful. The only risk was that it would feel unbearably 27wonderful.

Caliban and Nick could read each other's bodies

like a primer they had memorized forward and back. They could keep each other on the edge of orgasm indefinitely —

a distinct advantage when you have to suck a guy's prick for three hours straight— and could get it to explode with a well-placed kiss or love bite, or the flick of a tongue or of a finger, sometimes just with a word.

Nick began his tongue bath. He teased every inch of exposed skin, licking along the lines between Caliban's legs and scrotum at the base of his torso, slavering over his balls, and munching on his pubic hair while he twirled his fingers around the length of his shaft and his thumb toyed with the head of his prick. He licked the cleft between his cheeks, working his way down to his hole, and held his buttocks apart to nibble on it with his lips and tongue it gingerly, gradually worming the tip inside almost to his sphincter. Then he popped in a finger and went back to the tongue bath. Caliban squirmed and sighed in ecstasy and begged for a second finger.

"Patience, buddy."

Before Caliban got that second finger, he got to feel Nick's thumb in his ass and his free fingers pawing his balls while Nick worked over his knob. Whenever he felt Caliban's prostate begin to swell, he gave his balls a 27squeeze and bit his belly, bringing it back down to size.

Caliban's dick had oozed all the pre-cum his

prostate could muster. Nick sat up, his left hand gently playing with Caliban's shaft and two fingers of his right shoved up his ass. "My mouth's all dried up," he said, "and my back's getting sore. I shoulda put a glass o' cider near the pail so's I could take a swig o' something wet and warm."

"I told you it would happen."

"And I told you how I was gonna take care of it: with your juice." He leant forward onto his lover's agonizingly sensitive, unsatiated prick and deep-throated him, swishing his tongue from side to side over the bulging tube on the underside of his shaft. A fraction of a second of pressure on his prostate and Caliban went into spasms and filled his mouth with enough jism to fill an eighth of that cider glass Nick wished he had brought. Nick held the throbbing cock in his mouth until it had stopped jerking about and gone flaccid.

"One hour and fifty minutes," Nick crowed. "We got enough time left for you to shoot two more times at least."

Caliban moved the quilt off his face and took deep breath of cold air. "I don't think I can take any more."

"You gotta. You ain't gonna renege on our bet, are 27you?"

"How about a ten-minute break?"


"Not even two, while you get yourself a glass of cider to put next to the pail?"

"Nope, but I'll work you back up slow and easy."

"First lie on top of me and kiss me."

True to his promise, Nick took his time getting

Caliban hard again. He probably needed every minute, his friend was so drained. He revived his lover's limp and languid member by massaging his hip and belly and upper thighs for a good quarter-hour before using his mouth, but they counted it as preliminaries, and therefore part of the blowjob.

"That feels good," Caliban said.

"But not better'n my mouth, I hope."

"It's a different kind of good."

"You oughtta try that massage on me sometimes.

How come we never thought o' that?"

Caliban laughed. "I'll have to if I'm going to make my sucks last three hours each."

"It's not as hard as you think."

"It's not hard at all!"

"Not all the way, but it's getting there. Get your head back down under that quilt, and I'll go for round two." "I'll suffocate."

"You don't know nothing about suffocating. Try breathing with a gigantic prick stuffed down the back o'

your throat for three hours," Nick countered, and he stuffed Caliban's gigantic prick down the back of his throat.

Except for his left middle finger, lodged where two fingers of his other hand had lodged during the previous blowjob, this time Nick gave his full attention to the shaft and only the shaft. He rocked back and forth on his knees, his right palm cupped over Caliban's balls, ready to close his fist around the member he was sucking when he rocked backward and all but the head slid from his mouth. Caliban, who had been bathed in sweat by the time Nick had finished sucking him before, had pushed the quilt to the side and lay exposed to the cold he no longer felt, his fingers entwined in Nick's hair, opening and closing as if he were massaging his scalp, and whimpering softly. Nick increased his pace and tightened his fist around the shaft as he pumped it, until Caliban's whimpers grew into a succession of ever louder staccato exhales; then Nick pulled back from his prick, and its juices spurted all over his face.

Nick fell forward onto Caliban's quivering frame, his erection pressing against Caliban's belly. When he had caught his breath, Caliban whispered, "The problem with 28these three-hour sucks is that only one of us gets to squirt."

"Only this time. Next Friday we start adding on them fucks."

Darcie has her baby. I'll bring you off by hand when the three hours are up."

"That's right neighborly o' you, Banni. My back can't take no more o' this, though. You get on your side, and I'll slide down in the bed and do the next one facing you."


"Sure. It ain't my mouth that's tuckered out, it's my back. Okay, so's my jaw, but my tongue and lips're just fine."


Caliban had gone completely limp when Nick

finished his third blowjob and slid into bed next to him. He snuggled up against him, but he gasped and winced when Nick lay his hand over his prick and balls. The head and underside of his shaft were always sensitive after sex, but never this sensitive.

"I looked at the watch, and we went ten minutes over," Nick said. "That means you gotta give me ten more minutes when it's your turn."

"It means the next time you suck me, you go ten minutes less. Believe me, I won't feel gypped." 283


Caliban and Nick were awakened by someone

banging on their front door an hour before sunup Thursday morning. They had bolted it so the wind wouldn't blow it open. Nick got out of bed, wrapped a quilt around his body, and went to see who it was. Calvin was stamping his feet on their doorstep, his gloved hands in his armpits, his hat and coat thick with the blowing snow that had built up on them, melted, and refrozen.

"Darcie had a boy," Nick said.

"How'd you know?"

"You wouldn't 'a rode your horse twelve miles through four-five foot o' snow if it was a girl. How's Darcie doing?"

"Just fine. Birth went off without a hitch. Easiest she ever had."

Darcie might not have agreed with him. It had gone more quickly than her first, but she was a lot older, so it was harder on her body.

"That's good. You tell 'er for me she done a good job when you're back home. She oughtta be real pleased with herself. Bet she's proud as a two-year-old showing his ma the first turd he done in the potty." Calvin took it as a compliment. Nick went on, "You go sit yourself down. I'll light a fire under the coffee pot and wake up Cal, and then I'll be heading back to my bed if you don't mind. It's freezing out, and I'm sleepy."

"You always sleep in the raw, Nick?"

"When I been out plowing my way through snow up to my chest and every stitch I got on me is soaked through and I ain't got no clean long johns to put on, yeah, when it's time for bed I sleep in the raw."

Nick knocked on the door of the room he had just left and yelled, "Hey, Cal, wake up and get your ass on out here. Your brother's stopped by. Got something he wants to tell you." Then he crossed to the bedroom he hadn't been sleeping in. As he was closing the door behind him, he said, "Forgot about that fire for the coffee. You do it, will ya?

I'm cold running around in just this blanket and no shoes on my feet. And congratulations. Don't forget to tell Darcie what I said."

Calvin stirred up the embers, tossed some more

wood in the stove, and put on the coffee pot. Caliban came out of his room wearing a sweater, heavy slippers and wool socks, a scarf, and a coat. "It's a cold morning to be out, Calvin," he said. "You must be proud and pleased as punch that Darcie had a boy. I'm very happy for you both."

"You heard me tell Nick, I guess." "No, I know because you rode all this way through the snow to tell us. Are you still set on calling him Calvin Jr.?"

"It's a fine name. I can't figure out why Calhoun and Caleb didn't do like me and name their oldest boys after themselves."

"Maybe they were afraid the ranch would be

overrun with men whose names began with Cal. Nobody would be sure who was talking to whom. Anyway, Clay's a close enough name."

"That was his grandpa's name, not his pa's."

"I wouldn't name my son Caliban."

"No, Caliban's a weird name. I wonder how pa thought it up."

"He's a character in Shakespeare."

"Now Calvin, that's a fine name. Distinguished. I'm glad I was first born so's I could get it. If you'd'a been a girl, Ma and Pa'd a had a whole slew o' names to pick from that begun with Cal, and wouldn't 'a had to go rummaging around in no Shakespeare. Hey, ain't you listening to me? It looks like your mind's wandering."

"I'm doing some mental calculations. Nick and I bet whether the babies would be boys or girls, and who would have what and how far apart, and since Amanda had one of each it's made everything hopelessly complicated. I'm 28trying to figure out who owes whom what."

Nick, who had been listening for Calvin to leave so he could get back in bed with Caliban, yelled from his room, "I owe you one more, you owe me two, and we owe each other three."

"Are you sure?" Caliban called back to him.

"That don't make no sense," Calvin said. "Well, I better be moving on. I still ain't told Caleb, and I gotta get back to Darcie. You and Nick can argue till you get that dumb bet of yours straightened out."

"Aren't you going to tell Calhoun?"

"I'll let Julia tell 'im." And he got into his coat and boots and set out for Caleb's place.

Nick came out of his room wrapped in the quilt.

"Look at you, all bundled up! And me with bare legs and nothing but a quilt thrown over my shoulders."

"I've nothing on under the sweater and pants,"

Caliban said. "Do we have to wait for tomorrow, or can we start now?"

"Gotta be on a Friday, so we pay off tomorrow night and two more Fridays running. And we oughtta take turns, don't you think?"


"Then tomorrow you suck me, then I suck you, and then you suck me again. But that ain't no reason we can't do 28stuff now; just means we can't do what we agreed on. Let's go back and play it by ear. A kinda free-for-all. Everyone does whatever they want."

"I want you to lift up that comforter in back and bend over the table so I can fuck you."

"It's too damn cold. Whatever we do gets done in bed," he said, and went into Caliban's room.

"A free-for-all sounds like a wrestling match,"

Caliban called after him.

That is exactly what they had. Nick took the

mattresses off both beds and laid them next to each other on the floor. Then they piled on all the quilts and blankets in the house, got naked —which Nick already was— got under the bedcovers, and rolled around on the mattresses, over and under and over each other, laughing and having sex.

* * * *

Caliban had the foresight to leave a glass of cider by the bed when it was his turn. To get Nick ready for his three-hour suck, he had to have him sit up in bed and kneel beside him to undress him. Nor could Caliban stay on his knees for three hours while he bobbed up and down on his pole. If he was not going to be too stiff to fuck him 28afterward, he would have to vary his position often by sitting next to him cross-legged or lying on his left side or on his back with Nick straddling his face, which was the best way to get at Nick's ass. The temptation proved too great for Nick, and more than once Caliban had to swat his face off to the side and scold him. "Uh-uh! I give and you get. Naughty boy!"

"Gonna turn me over your knee?"

"You're too heavy; it'd hurt my hip." And he gave him a resounding smack on the rump.

"Ow! That smarts!"

"Now keep your hands to yourself, cheater, and your mouth too! And no fucking my face, either. You're supposed to stay as still as possible."

"What if it feels too good and I can't stop myself?"

"Wriggle and squirm as much as you have to, but no thrusting! Hey! I said hands to yourself. Are you asking for another slap on the ass?"


Caliban smacked him so hard his palm stung. "If a smack on the rear excites you so much, you'll have to wait three more weeks to play that game."

"Ain't it fun for you, too?"

"It's more fun squeezing your cheeks."

"Can't you do both?" "I'll stick to squeezing, thank you. I call the shots tonight. By the way, guess what I found in the bottom drawer." He reached under the pillow, pulled out the old dildo, greased it with lard, and worked it into Nick's ass.

Nick fell forward, his face and shoulders flat on the mattress, and let out a low moan. "So it'll be all nice and loose for my prick when the time comes," Caliban said.

"I can't wait."

"Well, you have to. About two more hours. Isn't my mouth good enough for you?"

"Not when you're using it to jaw. Now get back to sucking my balls."

Nick had a beautiful ass, the kind of ass Caliban would have had if both his legs were the same length.

When Caliban lay on top of it, it molded to the hollow formed by his belly, hips and thighs like a ball of bread dough left to rise in a round-bottomed mixing bowl.

Caliban was enamored of it, but tonight was three-hour blowjob night, and he had to concentrate on his prick.

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