The Cold Kiss of Death (16 page)

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Authors: Suzanne McLeod

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Cold Kiss of Death
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What if, despite Tavish’s assurance no gate had been opened, there was another sidhe in London?
Set-up or not, what if they killed again?
I waved at the screens. ‘You’re showing me this for a reason, aren’t you?’
Tavish swivelled the chair round so I faced him, as Finn had done. He braced his arms on the armrests and leaned over me, his eyes serious, his dreads swinging down over his shoulders. ‘Aye doll, you cannae hide away much longer. This needs tae be brought tae a close. There’s the usual solution being proposed tae appease the human justice. You offer up an
tae take your place. Mayhap it’ll mean a few years spent in the Fair Lands—’
‘Seriously, that is not an option, Tavish,’ I sniffed. ‘No way am I sundering flesh, let alone part of my soul, to animate a temporary changeling just to get its head chopped off, and in case you haven’t heard, I’ve got 3V, so I’d be out of my mind within six months, not to mention I’ve never even been to the Fair Lands.’
‘Or,’ Tavish carried on as if I hadn’t interrupted him, ‘you could stay in
I dropped my head back. ‘Still the same problem, Tavish.’
‘No, there’s not, Gen,’ Finn butted in. ‘You’re not the first fae to have
salaich sìol
; that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.’
‘Dinna fash yersel’ aboot that now, lad.’ Tavish waved a dismissive hand at Finn, but kept his eyes on me. ‘T’would only be a solution if you’d killed the human as they think you have. But there’s nae human death darkening your soul.’
I looked at him suspiciously. ‘What?’
He grinned, teeth sharp and white. ‘Well, you dinna think I wanted tae swim just for my aen pleasure, did you?’
Crap. He’d been testing me. ‘You could’ve asked,’ I scowled.
‘But there’s nae joy in just askin’, doll, not when I could hae a wee taste o’ your soul.’
‘Fuck you.’ I glared back at him.
‘Any time, doll, I’ve told you. An-y time!’
Movement drew my attention back to Finn; he was staring at me, surprise on his face, and I realised he’d thought Tavish and I had been doing more than just courting. All around him the monitors reflected ghost screens in the glass ... and the memory of the florist’s boy admiring himself came back to me. I swung the chair back round, dislodging Tavish’s hold, and reversed the CCTV film, starting it from where I was racing by on my run.
‘Look,’ I said, excitement sparking inside me, ‘see how the boy uses the window to check out his appearance? And then when I run by he sees my reflection and turns to watch.’ I fast-forwarded on. ‘Now look: he’s admiring himself again, and then he turns round because he’s seen someone, but there’s no one there. The street’s empty. See how his head whips back to check the reflection.’ I paused the recording and squinted at the screen. ‘There
someone else there, look.’
Tavish leaned over my shoulder. ‘Aye, doll, seems so, and they’re using magic tae hide, but whatever spell they’ve used, they’ve nae cast it correctly. They’ve nae remembered their mirror image.’
I smiled in triumph, pointing at the screen. ‘Any chance you can zoom in on the reflection?’
‘Maybe.’ Tavish swung the chair back round and grasped my arm, pulling me onto my feet. ‘I’ll work at it.’ He sat, staring intently at the screen, fingers flying over the keyboard. ‘Only thing is, doll, it may not be enough tae clear your name.’
‘Clearing my name can wait,’ I said, determined. ‘I’m more interested in finding the killer before they go on to their next victim, and that footage might tell us who it is.’
Chapter Ten
f you do me a copy of the recording I’ll take it into the police and get them to have a look at it,’ Finn said, leaning over Tavish’s shoulder.
‘I doubt the police will do better than me, lad.’
‘They won’t,’ Finn agreed, ‘but if I show them where to start, they can compare it with the original. Then at least they won’t think you’ve tampered with the evidence.’
‘Aye, you’re right.’ Tavish nodded, reaching down to snag a new storage stick from the shelf below. ‘T’would nae take much to falsify something, and the humans tell their own falsehoods too often to believe that others dinna follow suit.’
I leaned on the back of the chair and pointed at the florist’s boy. ‘It’s not just what the recording shows; the boy must know something.’ I turned to Finn. ‘Do you think you can get Helen to interview him again and find out?’
‘Yes, I’ll ask her,’ he said as he ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his left horn.
‘Thanks.’ I gave him a quick smile, then I mentally crossed my fingers. Time for the next part of my plan: the one that had been slowly forming in the back of my mind. I needed to summon the phouka and I wasn’t sure how either of them would react. Or maybe they wouldn’t, maybe I was just being paranoid. I decided to ease into it in bite-sized stages; though thinking of biting and the phouka at the same time wasn’t necessarily healthy.
‘Um, Finn,’ I said, ‘before you go, any chance you could
something from my flat for me?’
A line creased between his brows. ‘It depends what it is. The magic only works if you can picture what you want and where it is exactly. I’m not sure I could do that with someone else’s things.’
‘Okay. I was hoping for some clothes.’ I sighed, looking down at the T-shirt. ‘But if not, the other thing I wanted was one of those shiny black pebbles I’ve got, the ones I keep in the white dish shaped like a leaf.’ I tilted my head in question. ‘Do you know the ones I’m talking about?’
‘Yes, I remember them,’ Finn said, thoughtfully. ‘They’re in your bedroom.’
‘That’s right,’ I agreed, keeping my voice even. Finn had only been in my bedroom a couple of times, but the pebbles were on my bedside table and hard to miss. Next to me Tavish stopped hitting the keys and swung his chair round, an intent expression on his face. My heart missed a beat. This was going to be tougher than I thought.
‘The ones you keep on
side of the bed,’ Finn said with an edge of mischief to his smile.
‘Both sides of the bed are
side, Finn,’ I said drily. Did he really have to make it sound as though we were sleeping together, the bastard? Still, better they get distracted by jealousy than figure out the real reason I wanted the stones. Finn started flicking the fingers of his right hand and relief filled me; he’d had his bit of fun, now he was
for them. Then he frowned. ‘On the side nearest the door, right?’
‘Yes,’ I said, giving him a get-on-with-it look. Tavish gave a soft snort and Finn’s gaze shifted to meet his eyes. Something passed between them and this time my heart sank. Crap. Then Finn looked back at me, his face lighting with some emotion I couldn’t decipher, and his fingers stopped moving.
Crap. What had Tavish just told him?
‘So, doll,’ Tavish said quietly, ‘what’s so important aboot these stones?’
Briefly, I closed my eyes. ‘A friend gave them to me. They’re just something I think can help me, that’s all.’
Tavish looked at Finn. ‘What are they?’
‘Haematite,’ he said, frowning. ‘But there’re no spells on the stones, I checked.’
He’d checked? When? Not that it mattered; there’d never been any spells on the stones.
‘Doesnae need tae be,’ Tavish said, then pointed at me. ‘The magic’s in her. And if you’re planning on summoning one o’ the sidhe queen’s ambassadors, doll’ - Tavish leaned forward, his expression unusually serious - ‘t’is too dangerous. The Lady Meriel and the Lady Isabella willnae allow it, and I told you, I canna open the gate without their knowledge.’
Crap! I should know better than to try and fool a centuries-old kelpie.
‘Look,’ I said, turning to Finn, ‘all I need is for you to
the stones for me.’ I looked over my shoulder at Tavish. ‘And I don’t want you to stop him. You don’t need to worry about the others; the phouka doesn’t use the gates.’
‘Aye, she wouldnae, meddling bitch that she is.’ Tavish snorted in disgust.
‘Ah,’ Finn said, drawing my attention back to him, ‘and Tavish didn’t exactly stop me. The stones aren’t there any more.’ He held his hands out, giving me a rueful look. ‘Or at least they’re not on the bedside table, and if I don’t know where they are, I can’t
them. Ask me thrice if you want.’
I stared at him, wanting to do just that, but he wasn’t trying to be evasive, so I knew he was telling the truth. Damn. ‘But I never move them.’ I pressed my lips together in frustration. ‘So there’s no other place for them to be ...’
‘The police have been in, Gen,’ Finn said gently. ‘They’ve searched through the flat.’
My stomach twisted. Shit. I pinched the bridge of my nose, hating the thought of strangers going through my things again, and trying to think what to do next.
‘I’m sorry, Gen.’ Finn rubbed a consoling hand over my shoulder. ‘I didn’t know until after.’
I clenched my fists in determination. If I couldn’t get the pebbles, there was another way. I turned back to Tavish. ‘Okay, here’s what I need: a Glamour to change my appearance, clothes, a phone and some money. You can get me all that, can’t you?’
Tavish’s gills flared, then snapped back against the skin of his throat with an almost audible whisper that yelled trouble in the back of my mind. ‘Aye, but it doesnae mean I will,’ he said calmly.
‘Just wait until after Tavish has looked at the recording, Gen,’ Finn said. ‘Don’t forget you’ve been badly hurt.’
‘I’m fine.’ I stuck my hands on my hips and gave them both an annoyed look. ‘So the pair of you can stop right now. I’m going to do this, with or without your help. Even if you get something off of the CCTV footage it still won’t tell us where the sidhe is. The phouka might know something, or be able to track them—’
Tavish reached out and grabbed my arm, scattering my thoughts as he traced his fingers over the healing burns. ‘What in the River’s name happened tae you?’ he asked.
I blinked at him, puzzled and vaguely confused, as if I’d forgotten something. Why was he asking about my injuries?
‘I got blown up, Tavish, with the bakery - you must’ve seen it on the recording. Not to mention that I don’t look any different from when you first saw me outside,’ I said, still perplexed. ‘You must’ve noticed then.’
‘Ach, doll, my heart is full o’ sorrow that I didnae.’ His touch was light over my skin, soothing away my exasperation. ‘I dinna always look at a body’s shell; I like tae see the core of those around me, nae the deception they offer tae the rest. The fae are too easy wi’ their Glamour, like the lad here,’ he jerked his head at Finn, the orange beads on his dreads shifting to silver, ‘fooling folk wi’ his prettiness.’
Finn was standing at ease with his hands in his pockets. He didn’t say anything, but the relaxed pose didn’t hide the tension in his shoulders.
I frowned at Tavish. ‘Finn works mostly with humans; the Glamour makes that easier.’
‘Aye, so he says, but he dinna always wear it quite like that.’
‘Times change, kelpie,’ Finn answered quietly, but there was an edge to his tone. ‘Something you seem to have forgotten.’
‘Okay,’ I said slowly, suspicion cutting through the odd fuzziness in my mind as I looked from one to the other. ‘Just what is going on between you two?’
‘Dinna fash yoursel’ aboot us, doll.’ Tavish smiled and tugged me closer so I stood within the V of his legs. His hands felt warm as they clasped the bare flesh of my arms. ‘And then there’s your own soul, Genevieve.’ Iridescent turquoise swirled through the silver of his eyes, a whirlpool of colour that pulled me under and wanted to drown me in liquid desire. ‘Your essence is like a fine river, streaming with golden currents that shine more dazzling than the sun and are a delight to the eyes, your waters so sweet and pure and warm that a soul would slip joyfully into your depths and yield up their life to the blissful pleasure of your embrace.’
I smiled happily down at him, then bent to brush my lips across his, tasting earthy orange sweetness. ‘Tavish,’ I whispered soft against his mouth as his hands tightened on my arms, and I was surprised in some distant part of me at the yearning that threaded through my voice. ‘That’s all very pretty, but my wrists are burning up,’ I said just as softly, and without as much longing. ‘So maybe you could leave off trying to sic me with your magic until later, otherwise I might just let mine go and then it’s Goodbye Computer time.’
He looked down and horror filled his face, then he shoved the chair back and dropped my arms like they were radioactive - and maybe they were, since the diamond-chipped cuffs were glowing like small supernovas.
A muffled laugh behind me made me turn. Finn leant back against the glass wall, smiling in amused smugness. ‘Doesn’t look like the
bean sidhe
is going to fall for your watery charms, kelpie.’
What the hell was I? Some sort of bone for them to fight over?
‘You’re just as bad as him.’ I strode over to him and jabbed him in the chest, my finger and the cuffs glowing at the same time. ‘You used to try exactly the same thing on me. And never mind your little innuendoes just now; it didn’t get
anywhere either.’

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