The Coming Plague (147 page)

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Authors: Laurie Garrett

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Time spent on preparation of this book constituted time taken from
Newsday/New York Newsday
, and I am extremely grateful for the extraordinary tolerance extended to me by my employers. But of course, I have more than mere tolerance to applaud on Newsday's part: several editors and reporters have been extremely encouraging and directly supportive throughout this effort. I would like to thank Tony Marro, Howard Schneider, and Don Forst for tolerating my absences, and assistant managing editor Les Payne, science editor Liz Bass, deputy science editors Mike Muskal and Reg Gale, and reporter Catherine Woodard for their words of encouragement and insight.
Few American news organizations have demonstrated continued interest in AIDS, developing country issues, public health, or international medical policy issues.
has, much to my delight, been a clear exception. And I thank the organization for that as well.
Some of my earliest work in this subject area was carried out while I was a science correspondent for National Public Radio, and I thank science editor Anne Gudenkauf and NPR for their support during that period (1980–88).
Crucial to this project were the Harvard School of Public Health, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Kaiser Family Foundation. From September 1992 to June 1994 I had the distinct honor of being a Visiting Fellow under the Harvard Journalism Fellowship for Advanced Studies in Public Health. I received thoughtful assistance from Jay Winsten and his staff in the Center for Health Communication. My stay on the Harvard campus from September 1992 to June 1993 was subsidized by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and
, and for their generosity I am deeply grateful. At Harvard I received particular encouragement from Bob Meyers, who now heads the Washington Journalism Center.
Because of an occupational injury I am no longer able to use a keyboard. This document had to be written in longhand, and subsequently transcribed by others. I thank Dean Harvey Fineberg of the Harvard School of Public Health for his provision of resources that allowed me to hire graduate student Sue McLaughlin as a transcriber during my tenure at Harvard. And, of course, I thank Sue for her typing, encouragement, and critiques.
The Kaiser Family Foundation generously underwrote some of the transcription costs incurred after my Harvard tenure, allowing me the deeply rewarding opportunity of working with Amy Wollin Benjamin. Having admired her editorial achievements with production of the mammoth
AIDS in the World
, I dared to hope that Benjamin would deign to assist this project. She proved a masterful editor, critic, source of moral rearmament and, of course, transcriber. Quite honestly, this book could not have been produced without her.
I would also like to thank the physical therapists and physicians at the Miller Institute in Manhattan who kept my body fairly functional through this often taxing process, as well as massage therapists Joan Jacob Howe and Jeannette Kossuth.
I have always felt that librarians practiced one of humanity's noblest professions, and researching this book only bolstered that view. I particularly would like to thank the librarians of Harvard's Countway Medical Library and
Newsday/New York Newsday
Many people generously assisted along the way, providing reading critiques, research guidance, and crucial insights. I particularly would like to thank Andrea Eagan, Maryse Simonet, Deborah Cotton, Bunmi Makinwa, Jill Hannum, B. D. Colen, Bob Meyers, Jonathan Mann, Andrew Moss, Frank Browning, Bernard Fields, Mark Benjamin, Maya Szalavitz, Stephen Morse, Michael Reich, Barbara Rosencrantz, Penny Duckham, the staffs of the Offices of Public Affairs of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, and the
Institut Pasteur, Buki Ponle, Wendy Wertheimer, Günther Haaf, Michael Callen, Uwe Brinkmann, and the members of the Harvard New Diseases Group (Tamara Awerbach, Agnes and Uwe Brinkmann, Richard Cash, Irina Eckardt, Paul Epstein, Timothy Ford, Richard Levins, Najwa Makhoul, Christina de Albuquerque Possas, Charles Puccia, Manuel Sierra, Andrew Spielman, Mary Wilson, and Paul Wise). In the interests of journalistic integrity, no one reviewed sections of the book in which they, their work, or the works of their competitors were discussed.
Special thanks are owed to Jill Hannum, who, in the final crunch, devoted hours to finding ways to reduce the lengthy manuscript.
Anyone who has ever written a book knows what a toll its writing takes on friends and family members. Thanks to all of you, from San Clemente and San Salvador to New York and Boston, for putting up with me throughout this process, especially Bink, Bonnie, Banning, Evelyn, Karen, Bob, Caryl, Jim, Manoli, Lars, Ellen, Angela, Adi, Michael, Lisa, Steve, Larry, Spencer, Frank, and David.
I thank my agent, Charlotte Sheedy, for her tenacity. And Farrar, Straus and Giroux editor John Glusman for working at an unusually frenetic pace in order to hasten this book's publication, and for offering wonderful editorial insight and much appreciated encouragement.
Finally, I deeply regret the untimely deaths of Andrea Eagan, Uwe Brinkmann, and Michael Callen, whose comments during later stages of book production would undoubtedly have immensely improved the manuscript. I only hope I have done justice to their insights.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Aaby, Peter
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Laboratory
Abrams, Donald
Abscam scandal
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see AIDS
Act Up
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Adolfo Lutz Institute
A. aegypti
A. albopictus
A. pseudoscutellaris
Afghanistan; heroin in
African National Congress (ANC)
African swine fever virus (ASFV)
Agee, Betty.
Agency for International Development, U.S.
AIDS; in Africa; in Asia; blood supply and; drug resistance in; in Eastern Europe; economic impact of; first cases of; in India; origins of epidemic; politics of; search for method of transmission of, search for method of transmission of; simian, see simian immunodeficiency virus; social conditions in emergence of; social responses to; symptoms and mechanisms of; tuberculosis and; water–borne microbes and; WHO program on, see Global Programme on AIDS
air conditioning
Air Force, U.S.
air travel
Akoi, Juanita
Akosombo Dam (Ghana)
Alabama, University of
Alberta, University of
Albert Einstein School of Medicine
Albuquerque Journal
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA)
alcohol abuse; tuberculosis and
Alexander, E. Russell
algal blooms
Allan, Jon
Amane Ehumba
Amazon rain forest; Indians of
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
American Legion, see Legionnaires' Disease
American Psychiatric Association
American Public Health Association
American Red Cross
American Society of Law and Medicine
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Amerindians; antibiotic resistance among; hantaviruses and; see also Navajos
Amherst College
aminoglycoside-type antibiotics
Ammann, Arthur
Amnesty International
amphotericin B
Anderson, Carl
Anderson, Roy
Andrews, Christopher Howard
anemia; malarial. sickle-cell
Angola; AIDS in; malaria in; measles in
antibiotics; injecting drug users and; resistance to ; sexually transmitted diseases and;
see also specific drugs
Anti Dobola
Anvers, University of, Institute of Tropical Medicine
Apodemus agrarius
arachidonic acid
Aranow, Henry
Argentina: Chagas's disease in; hemorrhagic fever in; yellow fever in
Arita, Isao
Armour Pharmaceutical Company
Army, U.S. Medical Corps; Medical Research and Development Command; Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USMRIID)
Artemisia annua
Arusha Declaration
ARV (AIDS-Related Virus)
Asian Development Bank
Assad, Fakhry
Associated Press
Aswan High Dam
Atkinson, Bill
Auerbach, David
Augustin, Father
Aung San Suu Kyi
Australia; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; influenza in; malaria in; skin cancer in; Toxic Shock Syndrome in
Austria, Black Death in
autoimmune diseases
Avery, Oswald
avian leukosis virus
Axelrod, David
Axelrod, Jeffrey
azidothymine (AZT)
baboon-to-human transplants
Bacchetti, Peter
Bacon, Esther
Bacteroides fragilis
Bahe, Merrill
Baltimore, David
Bancha Jarujarett
Bangladesh; AIDS in; cholera in; expenditure on drugs in; malaria in; smallpox eradication in
Banu, Rahima
Baron, Roy
Barr, Y. M.
Barré-Sinoussi, Françoise
Bartley, Col. Joseph
Bates, Barbara
Bauer, Gary
Baxter Travenol Laboratories, Inc.
B cells
Beata, Sister
Beaty, Barry
Beaudry, Amber
Behringwerke AG
Belgium; AIDS in; hantaviruses in
Bemba people
Bengal cholera
Bennett, William
Berg, Paul
Berkelman, Ruth
Berlin Wall, fall of
Bernard Nocht Institute for Naval and Tropical Diseases
Berreth, Don
Beveridge, W. I. B.
Beye, Henry
Bhamarapravati, Natth
Bharat Serums and Vaccine, Ltd.
Bhave, Geeta
Biggar, Robert
biological warfare
Bioweapons Convention
Birmingham, University of
birth control pill
birth injury
Bishop, Michael
Black, Francis
Black Death
blackwater fever
Blattner, Bill
blood products and transfusions; AIDS and; Chagas's disease from
Bloom, Barry
bluetongue virus
B lymphocytes
Boffey, Philip
Bokassa, Emperor
Bolivia; Chagas's disease in; cocaine production in; deforestation in; hemorrhagic fever in, see Machupo
Borrelia burgdorferi
Botswana; malaria in
bovine leukemia virus (BLV)
Bowen, Otis
Bradford, Marjorie
Brain, Joseph
Brandt, Edward Jr.
Brazil; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; Chagas's disease in; leishmaniasis in; malaria in; meningitis in; Ministry of Health; schistosomiasis in; yellow fever in
break-bone fever, see dengue fever
breast cancer
Breiman, Rob
Breman, Joel
Bres, Paul
Brezhnev, Leonid
Brinkmann, Agnes
Brinkmann, Uwe
Brudney, Karen
Brugière, Frédéric
Brun-Vezinet, François
Bryant, Anita
bubonic plague
Buckley, Sonja
Buenos Aires, University of
Bumba, Captain General
Burkina Faso; AIDS in
Burkitt, Denis
Burkitt's lymphoma
Burma; AIDS in; dengue hemorrhagic fever; heroin in; malaria in
Burnet, MacFarlane
Burundi; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; malaria in; Rwandan refugees in
Bush, George
Butler, Jay
Cairns, John
Califano, Joseph
California, University of; AIDS Task Force; Berkeley; Davis; Los Angeles; San Diego; San Francisco
California encephalitis
California Institute of Technology
Callen, Michael
field mouse
Cambodia; malaria in
Cambridge University
Campbell, Bobbi
Campbell, Carlos (“Kent”)
Canada; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; International Development Agency of; swine flu in; tampon use in ; Toxic Shock Syndrome in; yellow fever in
cancer; AIDS and(
see also
Kaposi's sarcoma); chemotherapy drugs,
; chlorine and; hepatitis B and; oncogenes and; skin; viruses and
Cape Verde
Carballo, Manuel
carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
Cargill, Adam
Carrillo, Emilio
Carson, Rachel
Carter, Jimmy
Carter Center for International Peace
Casals, Jordi
CD4 cells
CD8 cells
Ceausescu, Nicolae
Census Bureau, U.S.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC); and AIDS ; and antibiotic resistance; Center for Infectious Diseases; and chlorine exposure; and cholera; and dengue hemorrhagic fever; and Ebola virus ; emergency response capabilities of; Epidemic Intelligence Service; and hantaviruses; and Lassa fever; and Legionnaires' Disease; and Machupo; and malaria; and measles; and sexually transmitted diseases; and smallpox; Special Pathogens and Bacteria Branch; and Swine Flu; and Toxic Shock Syndrome; and tuberculosis; Venereal Disease Control Division; and yellow fever
Central African Republic; AIDS in; Lassa fever in
Central Asian hemorrhagic fever
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Cercopithecus aethiops
cervical carcinoma
Chabner, Bruce
Chagas's disease
Chaika, Nikolai
Chan, Roy
Chapman, Louisa
Charles VIII, King of France
Charles River Primates Corporation
Chazov, Yevgeny
Cheek, Jim
Cheikh Anta Diop University
Chemotherapeutisches Forschunginstitut
chemotherapy drugs
Chen, Irvin
Chernobyl nuclear accident
Cherokee Indians
Chicago, University of
Children's Defense Fund
Childs, Jamie
Chile: skin cancer in; yellow fever in
Chin, Jim
ChinaAIDS in; ancient; antibiotic resistance in; Black Death in; dengue fever in; Hantaan disease in; heroin in; malaria in; smallpox in; tuberculosis in
Christian Broadcasting Network
Christian fundamentalists
chronic fatigue syndrome
civil rights movement
Civil War
Clavel, François
Clethrionomys glareolus voles
Clinton, Bill
Close, William
Clumeck, Nathan
Cohen, Mitchell
Cohen, Stanley
cold sores
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Cold War
Collas, René
Collins, Joseph
Colombia; cocaine production in; deforestation in; leishmaniasis in; malaria in; yellow fever in
Colorado State University
Columbia University; College of Physicians and Surgeons; Presbyterian Hospital
Columbus, Christopher
Colwell, Rita
common cold viruses
Commonwealth Conference
Conant, Marcus
Congo; AIDS in; schistosomiasis in
Congress, U.S.; and AIDS; and hantavirus; and hemophilia; and Legionnaires' Disease; and Swine Flu
Conn, Del
Connecticut, University of, School of Medicine
Conrad, Lyle
Conservative Caucus
contraceptive vaginal sponge
Cooper, Theodore
Cooperation Médicale Belge
Corey, Lawrence
Cortez, Hernando
Costa Rica, yellow fever in
Côte d'Ivoire; AIDS in; Lassa fever in; malaria in
Courtois, Dennis
Cox, Nancy
crack cocaine
Crick, Francis
Crimean—Congo hemorrhagic fever
criminal justice system
Croft, Albert J.
Cuba; AIDS and; dengue hemorrhagic fever in; yellow fever in
Curran, Jim
Cutter Biological
Cutter Laboratories
cytomegalovirus (CMV); drugs for; transplants and

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