The Coming Plague (148 page)

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Authors: Laurie Garrett

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dam-related epidemics
Dan, Bruce
Darrow, Bill
Darwinian theory
Dauguet, Charles
David, John
Davies, Julian
Davis, Dorothy
Davis, Jeffrey
DDT; malaria and; yellow fever and
Dean, Andrew
Declaration of Alma-Ata
De Cock, Kevin
Decosas, Josef
Defense, U.S. Department of (DOD)
Defoe, Daniel
Degefu, Workineh
Delgadillo, René
Delphinus delphis
Delphi Survey technique
delta virus
dementia, AIDS
Democratic Party
dengue fever
Denmark: antibiotic resistance in; morbilliviruses in; sexually transmitted diseases in; Toxic Shock Syndrome in
Denton, Jeremiah
Denver Veterans Administration Medical Center
deoxyfluorothymidine (FLT)
deoxyribonucleic acid, see DNA
Des Jarlais, Don
Desrosiers (AIDS researcher)
Deutsches Rheuma Forschungszentrum
De Vita, Vincent
diarrheal diseases;
see also specific disorders
dideoxycitadine (ddC)
dideoxynosine (ddI)
Dietrich, Ursula
Directly Observed Therapy (DOT)
DNA; AIDS and; bacterial; of malaria parasites; viral
Dobkin, Jay
dolphin morbillivirus (DMV)
Dombe, Sebo
Domestic Policy Council
Dominican Republic; AIDS in
Donatienne, Sister
Doolittle, Russell
Dorado, Einar
Dowdle, Walter
Downs, Wilbur
Dritz, Selma
Drozdov, S.
drunk driving
Dubos, René
Duesberg, Peter
Dugas, Gaetan
Duke University
Dulbecco, Renato
Dunlap, Becky
Dwyer, John
Earth in the Balance
Earth Summit
Eaves, Julian
Ebola virus
Ecuador, deforestation in
Edmonda, Sister
Egypt; ancient; antibiotic resistance in; injecting drug users in; schistosomiasis in
Ehrlich, Paul and Anne
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Ekombe Mongwa
ELISA (enzyme-linked immuno-absorbent assay)
Elliott, Luanne
El Nino weather pattern
El Salvador; malaria in
El Tahir, Babiker
El Tor cholera strain
Elyea, Harry
Emond, Ronald
Emory University, Yerkes Regional Primate Center at
encephalitis; herpes
Entamoeba histolytica
enterotoxin B
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Epstein, Michael
Epstein, Paul
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV); transplants and
equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV)
“Escherichia coli
Esparza, Jose
Essex, Myron (“Max”)
Ethiopia; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; famine relief in; malaria in; sexually transmitted diseases in; yellow fever in
European Economic Community
Evans, John
Evatt, Bruce
Ewald, Paul
Factor VIII
Faletto, Enzo
Farley, John
Fauci, Anthony
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Reserve Board
Federation of American Scientists
feline immunodeficiency virus
feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
Fenner, Frank
Ferlite Company
Field Museum of Natural History
Fields, Bernard
Fineberg, Harvey
Finland; AIDS in
Finley, Carlos
Finn, Richard
Fischl, Margaret
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.
Fisher-Hoch, Susan
Fleming, Alexander
fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS)
fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Fluss, Sev
foamy viruses
Foege, William
Fogarty International Center
Foley, Tom
Food and Drug Administration (FDA); AIDS research and; and antibiotic resistance; Blood Products Advisory Committee; Bureau of Biologies; Toxic Shock Syndrome and
Ford, Gerald R.
Ford, Timothy
Forthal, Don
Foundation for Economic Trends
Frame, John
France; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; Black Death in; colonialism of; hantaviruses in; leprosy in; morbilliviruses in
Francis, Don
Francis, Henry
Franco-Italian wars
Frank, Andre Gunder
Franklin, Rosalind
Frasner, David
Freeman, Harold
Friedman-Kien, Alvin
Fromm, Ernest
fusidic acid
Gabon; Ebola virus in
Gajdusek, Carleton
Gallo, Robert
Garenne, Michel
Garrón, Hugo
gas chromatography
Gaul, Gilbert
gay men, see homosexuality
Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC)
Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Disease (GRID); see also AIDS
Gee, Gayling
GenBank; AIDS project
genetic engineering
genital cancers
Genoveva, Sister
Gentry, Al
Germain, Max
German Physicians' Association
Germany; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; Black Death in; cholera in; Foreign Ministry; Health Ministry; and Lassa fever; Marburg disease in; reunification of; Toxic Shock Syndrome in
Germs That Won't Die
Ghana; influenza in; onchocerciasis in; schistosomiasis in
gibbon ape leukemia virus
Gilada, I. S.
Gilligan, John J.
Giuliani, Rudolph
Global AIDS Policy Coalition
Global Programme on AIDS (GPA)
Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
global warming
Godal, Tore
Goddard Space Flight Center
Godwin, Ronald S.
Goedert, Jim
Goff, Paul
Golde, David
Goldfield, Martin
Gonda, Matthew
Gordin, Fred
Gore, Albert
Gorgas, General William C.
Gorman, Michael
Gostin, Larry
Gottlieb, Michael
Great Plague
Greece; AIDS in; ancient; malaria in
greenhouse warming effect
Green Monkey Virus
Green Revolution
Gregg, Michael
Grmek, Mirko
Group of
Groupe de travail français sur le SIDA
Guatemala; yellow fever in
Gubler, Duane
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Guinan, Mary
Guinea-Bissau; AIDS in
Gullet, John
Haas, Earle
Habyarimana, Juvenal
Hahn, Beatrice
hairy-cell leukemia
Haiti, AIDS in
halogen ions
Halstead, Scott
Hamburg, Margaret
Hamburg University Virology Institute
Hannon, Claude
Hansen, Armauer
Hansen's disease
Hantaan virus
Harvard University; Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Department of Tropical Public Health; John F. Kennedy School of Government; Medical School; School of Public Health; Working Group on New and Resurgent Diseases
Haseltine, William
Hazelton Research Products, Inc.
Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Department of
Health Research Group
Health Transition
Healy, Bernardine
heart disease; Lyme disease and; rheumatic fever and
heavy-metal poisoning
Heckler, Margaret
Held, Richard
Helms, Jesse
hemophilia; AIDS and
Hemophilia Diagnostic and Treatment Center Program Act (1975)
Hemophilus: H. ducreyi
H. influenzae
hemorrhagic fevers; simian;
see also specific diseases
Henderson, D. A.
Hensley, George
Henson, Jim
hepatitis; in blood supply; in drinking water; transplants and
hepatocellular carcinomas
herd immunity
herpes simplex; B virus; drugs for; HIV and
Herpesvirus: H. ateles
H. saimiri
herpes zoster
Herre, Allen
Herzenberg, Len
Heymann, David
Highton, Barney
Hilliard, Julia
Hinuma, Yorio
Hira, Subhash
Hirsch, Vanessa
Ho, David
Hodgkin's disease
Hoechst AG
Holland, John
Hollwanger, Phebe
Holmberg, Scott
Holmes, King
homosexuality; AIDS and,
Hong Kong
Hong Kong flu
Horn, Joshua
House of Representatives, U.S.; Energy and Commerce Subcommittee; Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee
Howard, Bob
Howard, Greggory
Hubbard, John
Hudson, Edward
Hudson, Robert
Huebner, Robert
Hughes, Jim
Human Genome Project
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); in blood supply; conspiracy theories about; drugs for; earliest identified presence of; emergence of; genetic variations in; Ghanian strain of; herpes virus and; iatrogenic spread of; incidence rates; Leopold-ville strain of; malaria and; measures to prevent spread of; monkey viruses related to; mutations of; research leading to identification of; social conditions in spread of; transplants and; tuberculosis and
see also
human papillomavirus
human rights, AIDS and
Human Rights Watch
Humboldt University
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Hungary, antibiotic resistance in
Huntington, Samuel P.
Hussein, Saddam
iatrogenic diseases
Ibadan, University of; Hospital; Medical School
IgG antibodies
immune system; anal intercourse and; dengue-2 virus and; diphtheria and; herpes viruses and; impact of malnutrition on; of injecting drug users; in Lyme disease; in malaria; pollution and; suppression of; in Toxic Shock Syndrome; tuberculosis and;
see also
Imperial College (London)
Inaba cholera substrain
India; AIDS in; ancient; antibiotic resistance in; Black Death in; cholera in; dengue hemorrhagic fever in; Health Ministry; hepatitis B in; kala-azar in; malaria in; respiratory infections in; smallpox eradication in; tuberculosis in
Indian Health Service (IHS), U.S.
Indonesia; AIDS in; dengue fever in; malaria in; respiratory infections in
Industrial Revolution
infant mortality
influenza; tuberculosis and;
see also
Swine Flu
injecting drug users; AIDS in ;
infections and; tuberculosis in
Inkoo virus
insect vectors; see also mosquito-borne agents;
specific microbes and diseases
Institute of Medicine (IOM), U.S.
Institut Mérieux
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research
International Commission of Jurists
International Conferences on AIDS
International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
International Development Advisory Board (IDAB)
International Development Research Center
International Monetary Fund
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
International Red Cross/Red Crescent
International Research and Development Corporation
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases
Ireland; antibiotic resistance in; morbillivirus in
Isaacson, Margaretha
Iseman, Michael
Israel; sexually transmitted diseases in; Toxic Shock Syndrome in
Italy; antibiotic resistance in; Black Death in; malaria in
lxodes dammini

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