The Coming Plague (151 page)

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Authors: Laurie Garrett

BOOK: The Coming Plague
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Uganda; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; cancer in; expulsion of Asians from; malaria in; Marburg virus in; Rwandan refugees in; sexually transmitted diseases in
ultraviolet radiation
United Kingdom; AIDS in; antibiotic resistance in; cholera in; colonialism of; influenza in; Legionnaires' Disease in; leprosy in; plague in; sexually transmitted diseases in
United Nations; Children's Fund; Development Program; Economic Council; Food and Agricultural Organization; General Assembly; Office for Emergency Operations in Africa; Population Fund; and Rwanda; Security Council
United States; AIDS in; air travel in; antibiotic resistance in; biological warfare research in; cholera in; cysticercosis in; dengue hemorrhagic fever in; disease eradication in; Ebola virus in; emergency response capacities of expenditure on drugs in; gay rights movement in.GNP per capita in; hantaviruses in; health care expenditures in; heroin use in; HTLV in; injecting drug users in; Legionnaires' Disease in, see Legionnaires' Disease; malaria in; morbilliviruses in; organ transplants in; in Persian Gulf War; public health in; sexually transmitted diseases in; Soviet Union and; subsidies for medical students in; Swine Flu in,
Swine Flu; tampon use in; Toxic Shock Syndrome in; tuberculosis in; water-borne bacteria in; yellow fever in;
see also specific government agencies
U.S. Agency for International Development
Upper Volta, Lassa fever in
urethritis, nonspecific
Usher, Peter
Valverde Chinel, Luis
van der Gröen, Dina
van der Gröen, Guido
Vanuatu, malaria in
Varmus, Harold
venereal diseases,
sexually transmitted diseases
Venezuela: malaria in; yellow fever in
Vero cells
Vibrio cholerae
Vietnam; AIDS in; dengue hemorrhagic fever in; malaria in
Vietnam War
“viral trafficking,”
Virginia State Department of Health
Virgin Islands, yellow fever in
Viseltear, Arthur
visna virus
VLI Corporation
Volberding, Paul
Wain-Hobson, Simon
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
War on Cancer
warts, venereal
Washington, University of; School of Public Health
wasting syndrome
Watergate scandal
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Watson, James
Waxman, Henry
Webb, Patricia
Webster, Robert G.
Weill, Jim
Weiss, Ted
Weller, Thomas
West Nile fever
Western Blot test
Western Samoa, influenza in
Wheelis, Mark
White, Dan
White, Harold (Hal)
White, Keith
whooping cough
Widdus, Roy
Wieden, Al
Wilson, E. 0.
Windom, Robert
Wine, Laura
Wirth, Dyann
Wisconsin, University of
Wisconsin Division of Health
Wofsy, Constance
Wolfe, Sidney
Wong-Stahl, Flossie
Wood, W. Barry
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
World Bank
World Health Organization (WHO); and AIDS ; and antibiotic resistance; and cholera; Constitution of; emergency response capacities of; and dengue hemorrhagic fever; and Ebola virus; Health Legislation Unit; and influenza; and Lassa fever; and malaria; and Marburg disease; and meningitis; Regional Nursing/Midwifery Task Force; and smallpox; Task Group on global warming; and tuberculosis; Viral Diseases Branch; and yellow fever
World Summit on Children
World Summit of Ministers of Health on Programmes for AIDS Prevention
World War I influenza pandemic of
World War II dengue fever spread by; extermination of Jews during; recovery of Europe and Japan after
Worldwide Primates
Wiirzburg, University of
Wydess, Robert
Wyngaarden, James
Xikrin Indians
Yablokov, A. V.
Yale University; Arbovirus Research Institute
Yamarat, Charas
yellow fever
Yersinia: Y. enterocolitica
. pestis
Yombe Ngongo
Yoshida, Mitsuaki
Young, Frank
Yugoslavia; Marburg disease in; smallpox in
Zah, Peterson
Zaire; AIDS in ; Ebola virus in; GNP per capita in; Lassa fever in; malaria in; Rwandan refugees in; schistosomiasis in; yellow fever in
Zaire, National University of
Zambia; AIDS in; malaria in; sexually transmitted diseases in; University of, Medical Library
ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union)
ZAPU (Zimbabwe African People's Union)
Zayemba Tshiama
Ziegler, Jetty
Ziegler, John
Ziegler, Philip
Zimbabwe; AIDS in; malaria in; schistosomiasis in; sexually transmitted diseases in
Zimmermann, Friedrich
Zubeir, Osman
poverty = an income of less than $14,000 per year for a family of four.
Copyright © 1994 by Laurie Garrett
All rights reserved
Tenth printing, 1995
Published simultaneously in Canada by HarperCollins
eISBN 9781429953276
First eBook Edition : July 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Garrett, Laurie.
The coming plague: newly emerging diseases in a world out of balance / Laurie Garrett.
p. cm.
Includes index.
1. Epidemiology—Popular works. 2. Communicable diseases—Popular
works. I. Title.
RA651.G37 1994 614.4—dc20 94-26285 CIP
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint
material from:
The Power Unseen
by Bernard Dixon. Copyright © 1994
by Bernard Dixon. Used with permission of W. H. Freeman and Company.
Earth in the Balance
by Al Gore. Copyright © 1992 by Senator Al Gore.
Reprinted with permission of Houghton Mifflin Co.
The Plague
by Albert
Camus. Copyright © 1948 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Rats, Lice, and
by Hans Zinsser. Copyright 1935 by Little, Brown & Co. Excerpt
from “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” by H. H. Handsfield reprinted from
Volume 17, issue 1 of
Hospital Practice.
Excerpts from
Sinclair Lewis, copyright © 1925 by Harcourt Brace & Company and
renewed 1953 by Michael Lewis, reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Excerpt from “Lives of a Cell,” copyright © 1971 by the Massachusetts
Medical Society, from
The Lives of a Cell
by Lewis Thomas, used by
permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.

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