The Commitment (15 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

BOOK: The Commitment
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“You can be mad with me for calling him if you want, just please don’t tell anyone else,” she starts, her emerald eyes filled with tears as they meet mine.

“Calling who?”

“Jack,” she admits. “I needed my other bank card out of the safe and he was the only person I could ask who wouldn’t say anything. I couldn’t call Ana because she’d tell Drake and I didn’t want him letting it slip to your parents, so I sent Jack to the house and he called the office so all I’d have to do is sign.”

I can’t believe she did all of this for me, for my family. I’m speechless at her heart, her unwavering love and generosity as I watch the way her eyes shine up at me. Misunderstanding my quiet shock for anger, she continues her rambling.

“I’m sorry for keeping a secret, but I’m not sorry I did it. It needed to be done and I’m not going to let your mom take out a second mortgage on their house. If she finds out it was me, she’s going to be worried about repaying it regardless of how many times I tell her I don’t want it. Please, be mad at me all you want, but you have to swear you won’t tell. Your parents can’t find out, Chase…”

“Sophie, take a breath and look at me,” I tell her, my hands cupping her face halting her panic induced rant.
She may have just saved my father’s life and
she thinks I’m mad at her?
“Baby, shut up.”

As my seemingly harsh words hit her, surprise falls over her features as I pull her lips to mine.

Chapter Fifteen




Although Drake still seems as though he doesn’t understand Chase’s reaction as we walk into Ben’s room, it’s clear to me. The other night we’d just sat down at the restaurant when Jack’s phone rang. I’d known it was Sophie by the Bohemian Rhapsody ringtone. Even if I hadn’t, the look on his face as he whispered her name made it obvious.

Taking in Chase’s reaction when Drake seemed so clueless, it was obvious what my best friend had done. What my brother had been helping her with all week.

We were there for about an hour when Renee, Emily and her husband Brad all joined us. After a few minutes, we decided to give Ben and Renee some privacy and we went to a diner nearby for coffee.

While Emily and I spent the next hour getting to know each other, it was nearly impossible to not notice the intense conversation happening beside us.

“There’s a ton of untapped potential out here,” Brad tells Drake. “I’m telling you, if you opened up a company here, I know you’d make a killing.”

“How’s the demand for commercial right now?”

“It’s crazy. Residential, too,” he tells him. “When the housing boom went south, a ton of companies went under. Now that things are picking up, there just aren’t enough left to cover all the demand. I’ve got too much work right now, which hasn’t been a problem in a few years.”

“Yeah,” Drake says, nodding. “I know what you mean for sure. It didn’t hit us as bad as Florida, but we definitely felt it. We’re booming now, but there for a while, we were just keeping our heads above water. If I didn’t have a crew that was so capable, we may not have pulled through.”

“Hey,” I hear my best friend’s voice from the right of us.

She and Chase are all smiles, showered and in some of the fresh clothes we’d brought them.

“Hey,” I smile over at her. “Y’all staying?”

“That depends. Do they have pie?” Sophie asks, causing us to smile.

“Probably,” I chuckle, pulling the spare menu in front of me and flipping to the back. “Yes, they have key lime and Dutch apple.”

“Then yes,” she beams before facing Chase. “Babe, will you order me a slice of key lime pie and an orange juice? I need to pee again.”

“Yes,” he says, kissing her on the side of the head as he pulled a chair up.

Once she returns, Brad slides out and offers his seat next to Emily the two of them, taking the seat closest to Drake. As Sophie, Emily and I slip into a comfortable conversation I can hear the guys still talking about work. The more Drake leans in, the more nervous I get. I know he’s looking for ways to expand his business, but the last thing I want to do right now is leave Texas.

“Eww,” Emily laughs from her spot across the booth, bringing me back.

“It’s for the baby,” Sophie says defensively as she dips one of Chase’s cheese sticks in the buffalo sauce she’d asked for before covering it in ranch.

“Good?” Chase says as she sighs and leans her head on his arm.

“Yep,” she says, taking a sip from her orange juice and then a bite of pie as she rubs her belly. “Getting fat is totally my new favorite thing.”

“You’re not fat,” he says, his deep laugh making her smile as he kisses her hair. “You’re perfect.”

Although it had been bittersweet to be around Sophie when I first found out Drake and I wouldn’t be having a baby, I couldn’t be happier for her. Sophie will make an amazing mother. Even though there’s still a big part of me that wishes she and Jack had worked out, it’s impossible to deny how happy she is with Chase. As I watch him with her, one arm across her shoulders, the other low, his hand resting under hers as she moves it around her belly, the sting of tears threaten.

“Did you feel it that time?” she asks him quietly, beaming when he nods and whispers into her ear. “I love you, too,” she whispers, leaning up to return his kiss.

I’m lost in the memory of the brokenhearted girl she’d been when we left Camden, marveling at the change in her, when my favorite voice breaks my thoughts.

“Analise,” Drake says quietly into my ear, pulling me back to him. “Baby, are you alright?”

“Yes,” I say as I meet his eyes and give him a small smile.

“Are you sure?” he whispers, swiping the stray tear from my cheek as I nod. “Alright, we’re about to go.”

“Okay,” I say softly, loving the feel of his full lips against my forehead as he squeezes my thigh affectionately.

We finish our coffee as Sophie and Chase finish up their food. When we’re done, we make our way out to the parking lot and the exhaustion of the day sweeps over me.

“So, when are the two of you getting married?” Emily asks Drake and me as we come to a stop in front of our respective cars.

“We haven’t decided yet,” I admit. “Everything’s been so hectic lately we haven’t really had time to plan anything.”

“That seems to be the party line,” she laughs, playfully nudging Sophie. “The four of you need to get your shit together.”

“Hey!” Sophie says, grinning. “We’ve at least narrowed it down. These two ain’t said boo!”

“Well, that’s true,” Emily agrees with a smirk. “Drake, get your shit together, Cuz. I want a date before you go home.”

“Do you, now?” he chuckles, shooting her an amused look. “What makes you think you’re even invited?”

The look of shock covering her face causes all of us to break out into a fit of laughter.

“That was so mean!” she laughs as she playfully swats his arm. “And screw you anyway! Ana invited me.”

“Okay, well then I guess you can come,” he teases before looking down to find me yawning. “We’re gonna head out, but we’ll see y’all in the morning.”

“Sounds good,” Chase says, pulling him in for a hug as Sophie makes her way to me.

“I love you,” she says as she squeezes me tightly.

“I love you, too, Soph,” I say, returning her hug.

“Woah!” she says, letting out a little chuckle. “Peanut’s awake.”

“How do you know?” I ask, meeting her eyes.

“Its somersault city in there right now,” she smiles, taking my hand and placing it on her stomach. “Just give him a minute.”

When nothing happens for a moment, she gently presses on the opposite side with her free hand and smiles down at her belly.

“Come on, Boo Bear. Your Aunt Banana wants to play,” she croons and her words make my heart melt. Before I can say anything in return, I feel the slightest nudge against my hand and her eyes are on mine. “Did you feel it?”

“Yeah,” I beam, ignoring the eyes I feel on us.

“Totally awesome, right?” she grins, before smiling over at the guys. “Drake, do you want to feel?”

“No, but thank you,” he says, gesturing toward me and warming my heart. “You couldn’t pay me to take that look off her face.”

“This is so cool, Soph,” I say as she faces me again.

“I know,” she smiles. “I’m so glad you finally got to feel him.”

“Me too,” I yawn.

“Aw, y’all must be beat,” she says. “Okay love me some more so you can go sleep.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I smile, hugging her again and waving goodbye to Chase, Emily and Brad.

“Send that to me, Brad,” Drake calls out and is met with a nod before facing me. “You ready?”

“Yes,” I nod, getting comfortable in the passenger seat to make the short trip to the hotel.

“What are you grinning about?” Drake asks as he slides in behind the wheel, taking my hand.

“Just Sophie,” I smile. “I’m just happy for her. She’s been through a lot and I’m glad she’s happy. She deserves it.”

“So do you,” he whispers, gently nudging my chin to face him.

“I’m happy,” I say, turning to kiss his wrist. “You make me very happy.”

“Good,” he says, leaning over slightly. “Come here,” he says, gripping the back of my neck lightly and pulling me to his lips for a soft kiss. “You make me happy, too. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Pulling out of the parking lot, we make our way to the room and get settled. After a long shower, I settle into bed next to Drake. He’s got his sleeves rolled up and his laptop out, looking over his email.

“Do you have to work?” I ask, glancing over at the screen as I snuggle up against his side.

“Not much,” he answers with a sigh. “I’ve just got to look over a few things. Brad and I were talking about some of the opportunities for expanding the company out this way.”

“How would you be able to run a new company here if you’re in Corpus?” I ask nervously.

“I wouldn’t,” he admits, clicking on the link Brad sent him. “I’d have to be here, especially in the beginning even if only temporarily. How would you feel about that?”


“Always,” he says, meeting my eyes.

“I don’t want to move to Florida, Drake.”

“What’s wrong with Florida?”

“Well, it’s not just Florida,” I start. “I really don’t see why we have to go anywhere. Aren’t you happy with everything in Texas?”

“Yes, Baby, I am,” he starts. “But if the company is going to continue to flourish, the next step is expansion. I have the resources to do that in Texas, but financially, it may be more beneficial to do it somewhere else. Having contacts here in Florida, it just makes sense to take advantage of that and see what the options are.”

“I guess that makes sense,” I admit.

“Don’t start worrying about it right now,” he says, kissing my temple. “We’re just checking things out and I’d never make you do anything you’re against. You know that. Even if this pans out, we can figure everything out a way to make it work so that we’re both happy, okay?”

“Okay,” I nod, giving him a small smile.

“I’ll be done in about fifteen minutes if you want to watch something,” he says, reaching for the remote.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Baby,” he says, leaning over to give me a chaste kiss before tugging gently on the tie on my robe. “Take this off.”

“Yes Sir,” I answer him, standing to remove the plush robe from my shoulders.

Since we’d been back home and Jack’s living with us, we’ve not been able to be as open with our relationship. Since this is the first time we’ve been completely alone in a few weeks, the dominant edge in his voice comes as no surprise.

Laying the robe across the chair that’s sitting nearby, I turn to find his eyes roaming over my skin in approval.

“Come here,” he says, patting the space to his left and watching as I crawl back onto the bed next to him. “While we’re alone here, I do not want to see a single stitch of clothing on your body. Is that understood?”

“Yes Sir,” I say, unable to keep the corners of my mouth from turning up slightly.

“Good girl. Lean your back against the headboard,” he commands in a soft voice as he puts the TV on a rerun of Dancing with the Stars. “Good?”

“Yes Sir,” I answer, loving the contrast between his soft lips gently kissing my temple as he grips my knee roughly and pulls my legs open.

“Keep your legs open for me, Love,” he says, reaching for his drink as he slips his hand between my thighs.

When he feels how wet I already am for him, he lets out a low hum as he slowly begins to massage my clit. Under his expert touch, my breathing starts to quicken and in no time I’m panting. The occasional click of his free hand on keyboard, the clank of the ice melting in his glass, the TV… it’s all drown out as he pushes his fingers inside before sliding them back over my clit. I’m dangerously close to finding my release when his deep, commanding voice breaks through my haze.

“Analise,” he croons, turning to face me with his dominant eyes. “Not yet, Baby.”

“Yes sir,” I manage, biting my lower lip and using all of my willpower to do as I’m told.

What is likely only five minutes feels like an eternity. When he shuts his laptop and places it on the nightstand beside him, I can’t stop the gasp of relief that comes from my chest. With a look of slight amusement, he removes his fingers from where they’re still nestled inside me and sucks them clean as he moves to stand.

“Look at me,” he commands. Immediately, my eyes belong to him. “Touch yourself,” he says, lifting his glass from the table, his dominant gaze locked on me.

He keeps his predatory gaze on me as he makes his way to the foot of the bed, tossing the last of his scotch back. His eyes roam over me as I pant in front of him, moving my free hand up to my breast and squeezing. The way he’s watching me silently, the slight hitch in his breathing, he has me barely hanging onto my sanity. Without a word, he gestures for me to come to him and immediately, I’m ready to lunge.

“Crawl,” he husks, stilling my movement and sending a jolt of excitement through me. On my hands and knees, I slowly make my way across the mattress to him. Taking my chin in his hand, he holds my gaze as he swipes the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip. “Good girl,” he whispers, a combination of possessiveness and adoration in his ice blue gaze. “Come here.”

Slowly, I climb my way up his front, resting my grip on his belt as I rise up onto my knees. His hot breath is on me, setting my craving for him on fire as he lifts his glass to his lips. Winding his hand into my hair, he yanks my head back slightly and brings his mouth to my collarbone. Holding a piece of ice between his teeth, he makes his way up my skin at a torturously slow pace. When I begin to squirm, he tightens his grip on my hair, keeping me still as he reaches my chin.

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