Read The Commitment Online

Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

The Commitment (29 page)

BOOK: The Commitment
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“Yeah,” I admit, looking down at her with a smirk. “I love the way you smell.”

“Thanks,” she says with a blush, resting her cheek against my chest again. “I love the way you smell, too.”

“Weirdo,” I tease her, loving the sound of her quiet laughter. “It’s almost time for us to go, Princess. You want to go say goodnight to everyone?”

“Okay,” she yawns, taking my hand and following me out.

We make the rounds, saying goodbye to everyone as we go before we make our way to where Drake, Ana, Jack, JT, Sophie’s Aunt Deb, Emily and my parents are standing at the doorway. The rest of our guests have made their way outside, waiting to see us off officially.

“Thanks for everything. Are you sure you don’t need us to stay and help?”

“Yeah man. We’ve got it, you two go ahead,” he waves me off. “Congratulations again.”

“Thanks,” I say before turning to Ana, finding her already making a beeline toward Sophie.

“Sophie, I love you so much,” she says in a teary voice.

“I love you, too,” Sophie replies, hugging her tightly. “Thank you for giving us such a beautiful day.”

“Of course,” she says as she pulls away, swiping her tears away and giving her a smile. As she faces me, she keeps her smile in place, but her voice loses its soft tone. “You take care of her,” she orders me, eyes tearing up again as she hugs me.

“I will.”

“You’d better,” she warns, pulling away and facing me with an apologetic expression. “Sorry, I know you will. I just love her so much.”

“I know,” I smile, hugging her again. “Thank you.”

“Now, you call me when you get there,” my mom says as she pulls me into her embrace.

“We’re only going to be ten minutes away,” I chuckle.

“Honey, the boy’s leavin’ on his honeymoon,” Pops says. “He’s not gonna call his mother from the hotel.”

“Hush Benny,” she says, wiping her tears away. “He may be all grown up now, but I’m still his Mama.”

“I’ll make sure he texts you,” Sophie says with a soft smile.

“Thank you,” she says, squeezing her hands in hers before pulling her to her chest and hugging her tightly. “We love you.”

“You’re welcome,” Sophie says, smiling over my mom’s shoulder at me. “I love y’all, too.”

After saying goodbye to Pops, Emily and Matt, I turn to see Sophie hugging Jack tightly.

“I love you, too, Jack,” she says quietly. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Beautiful Girl,” he says in a low voice, kissing her hair and letting her go.

“Be good to her,” he tells me as he gives me a brotherly pat on the shoulder.

“Of course,” I nod before taking her hand in mine.

“I love you, Sweet Pea. Be good for your Uncle Jack and Ana.”

“I love you, my Aunt Sophie,” he says, leaning up to kiss her cheek.

“Love ya, Little Dude,” I tell him.

“I love you, Uncle Chase,” he says, returning my hug and laughing when I tousle his hair.

“We love y’all,” Sophie says with a teary smile.

“Goodnight everyone,” I say, giving them a final wave.

When we pull the door open, we’re greeted by the rest of our guests. As we make our way out, they begin to cheer, each of them holding a sparkler raised to make an arch.

“Oh my God!” Sophie gasps, putting her hand over her mouth and smiling. “It’s gorgeous!”

“She sure is,” I say, loving the blush that covers her cheeks as she looks up to find me gazing down at her. “You ready?”

“Almost,” she says before gesturing to Heather and signaling her, catching her throwaway bouquet to toss. “Ana!” she calls, pulling her attention from Drake.


“Catch!” she says, throwing the flowers into her hands, smiling at her surprised expression before taking my hand and facing me. “Okay, now I’m ready.”




“I’m so glad I married you,” I say as I take a bite from my gas station hot dog and lean my head on his shoulder with a sigh.

“I’m so glad you married me, too, Gorgeous,” he laughs, taking a drink from his Sprite. Holding it out for me, I sip from his straw and watch him place it beside him on the tailgate. “How’s your food?”

“So good,” I tell him, taking the last bite. “It’s everything I dreamed it would be and more.”

“You’re crazy, Baby,” he chuckles, kissing my hair.

I’m staring out across the near empty parking lot, the pink Chuck Taylor’s I slipped on once we got into the truck dangling from the tailgate of his truck and gazing at the beach not far ahead. The breeze is blowing just hard enough that I began to shiver when we first got here, but with Chase’s suit jacket covering me now, I’m completely comfortable wrapped in his scent.

Quietly, Chase begins to sing along to the instrumental version of Lady Gaga’s ‘Bad Romance’ that’s playing over the outdoor speakers. Surprising me, he doesn’t miss a word as he pulls the lid off the pint of rocky road he’d gotten us to share. Digging the plastic spoon in, his soft voice heavy with affection manages to melt me with his impromptu serenade as he begins to feed me, taking a bite of his own every now and again. As the ice cream slowly vanishes, the song comes to an end and the next one begins.

“I love when you sing to me, Babysaurus,” I confess, biting his shoulder.

“I love when you sing to me, too, Sweetheart,” he smiles before gesturing to the speakers. “Do you know this one?”

“Of course,” I grin, recognizing the odd sounds of acoustic chords to ‘Billie Jean’ by Michael Jackson. “Only crazy people don’t know this song.”

When it’s time, begin singing softly. Every so often, he makes me giggle as he lets out a howl of approval, grinning down at me. When it’s over, he feeds me the last bite of ice cream before tossing it into the plastic bag to his right.

“Did you have fun at the reception?” he asks, prompting me to nod.

“If I tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell?”

“Of course,” he says immediately.

“I had fun at the reception,” I start. “But other than actually getting married and you singing to me while we danced,” I tell him, reaching for his hand and wrapping my other arm around his. “Right this very second? This is my favorite part.”

“Hmm,” he hums sweetly as he leans to hover over my lips. “Mine too, Baby.”

Chapter Twenty Nine




The gasp that leaves her lips as I slip inside her from behind is nearly my undoing.

I should be letting her sleep. By the time she drifted off, she was exhausted, barely able to hold her eyes open.

Although we’d been up half the night consummating our marriage, when I’d woken to find her lips parted, her hair disheveled, I just needed her. Resting my grip on her inner thigh, I slowly increase my pace as I bury my lips into the crook of her neck and savor the soft whimper that leaves her.

“Chase,” she pants, my name leaving her lips like a plea as she grows wetter around me.

“What do you need, Baby?” I ask her. “Tell me what you need and it’s yours, Princess.”

“More,” she begs, letting out a slow groan as I rock into her deeper, tightening my grip on her thigh.

As I sink my teeth into the arch between her neck and shoulder, I feel her begin to tighten around me.

“Good Baby?”

“Yes,” she mewls, letting her head fall back against my chest.

I watch her dark lashes begin to flutter slightly as I stare down at her before she gives me her emerald globes, stunning me. Reaching behind my neck, she grips the back of my hair and pulls my lips to hers, pulling a low growl from me. As I rest her thigh on top of mine, keeping her legs spread for me, I begin teasing her sex, swallowing her moans. Unable to hold the kiss as I take her deeper, she pulls away and begins to pant against my lips, staring up at me.

“Are you ready to give me my pussy, Sweetheart?” I croon as I feel her pulsing around me.

“Yes,” she husks.

“Good girl,” I breathe, hovering over her lips as I slide my fingers over her swollen clit, sending her flying. “Give me my come, Sophie. Go Baby!”

“Oh my God,” she cries out as I pound into her, panting against her neck as she pulls me over the edge with her. “Jesus, Baby! Fuck!”

Once I she starts to come down, she’s still heaving in front of me as I extend my arm around her front and hold her to my chest.

“Hang on, Baby,” I pant before rolling over onto my back as I pull her on top of me. “Keep your legs spread for me.”

Gripping her shoulders, I thrust my hips into her while I hold her in place, taking what I need. As I fill her completely, slamming into her from beneath, she lets out a loud moan of pleasure and begins to spiral with me.

“You want it?”

“Yes!” she shouts loudly. “Please come inside me, Chase!”

“That’s right, Baby,” I say through clenched teeth. “Scream my fucking name, Dirty Girl!”

As my name echoes off the walls of our otherwise silent hotel room, she pours over me a second time and I fill her, letting out a loud groan. Releasing my tight grip on her shoulders, I stay nestled inside her, loving the feel of her slowly pulsing around my shaft.

Resting one hand between her legs, I massage her there gently as I savor the sound of her ragged breathing. Using my free hand, I run my fingertips over her heavy breast, brushing her tight nipple.

“Good morning, Wife,” I whisper as I press my lips to her hair, loving the sound of her gentle sigh as her full lips curve up and she flashes me a rogue dimple.

“Good morning, Husband,” she says softly, lifting my hand to kiss my wedding band before returning it to her chest. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Baby,” I reply, kissing her temple and leaning my head back against the pillow.

We lie in near silence, the only sounds in the room our breathing for a long while. I think she may have drifted back off until she takes my hand in hers and begins quietly singing ‘Crazy in Love’ by Beyonce, skipping over Jay Z’s part and turning the typically upbeat song into a soft ballad. Closing my eyes, I let her voice wash over me, silently beg it to consume me.

As she reaches the end of the bridge, she surprises me by letting out a soft chuckle.


“Peanut’s awake,” she smiles, keeping one hand in mine and running the other over her belly affectionately. “Good morning, Sweet Baby,” she croons in a soft voice. “So we have the whole day today,” she says after a moment. “What would you like to do?”

“This,” I say in a low voice, loving the sound of her gentle hum as I kiss her hair. “Just this.”



“Are you serious, Sophie?” I ask her as I find her in the bathroom brushing her teeth.

“Yes,” she says, meeting my eyes. “I told you last night I was going in today.”

“I didn’t think you were serious,” I stare back at her in disbelief.

“Babe, why would I lie about that?” she asks around the pink toothbrush, looking at me like I’m nuts in the mirror.

“I’m not saying you lied, Baby…”

“Well, okay then,” she smirks as she rinses, drying her hands and walking past me toward the closet.

“I just don’t know why you insist on working when you’re a week from your due date,” I continue as she begins sifting through the hangers until she finds what she wants.

“Chase, I’m not even really working,” she starts, pulling one of her shirts over her head and maneuvering it over her belly. “But if I’m about to be on maternity leave, I need to get all my stuff.”

“I can bring it home tonight,” I offer.

“And the temp Drake hired has like
experience,” she continues. “If I don’t show her what to do, she’s going to have that place a mess in a week.”

“She can’t be that bad, Baby,” I argue.

“Ana went in to meet Drake for lunch yesterday and she told me everything was a mess,” she starts. “I need to go in for at least a few hours. If I start feeling weird, I’ll call Ana to come and get me.”

“Okay,” I relent with a sigh, following her into the room as I pull the shirt over my head. “Aren’t you supposed to obey me now or something?”

“No,” she laughs. “That definitely was
in our vows.”

“I don’t think that matters, Babe,” I tease. “I’m pretty sure it’s an unspoken rule that you have to obey me.”

“Yeah, well I’m pretty sure you’re setting yourself up for disappointment with that one,” she smirks. “Suck it, Mitchell.”

suck it, Mitchell,” I chuckle, pulling her mouth to mine and giving her a chaste kiss.

Once we say goodbye to JT and my parents who are still staying with us, we head to the office. I do my best throughout the day to keep in contact with her, making sure she’s okay. While she assures me she’s feeling fine, when I come in to pick her up for lunch, she’s sitting at her desk with her head in her hands.


“Hey Lovebug,” she says in a low voice.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, closing the distance between us in a few strides.

“I’m about to kill your cousin,” she says, pulling a chuckle from Jack as he shuts the refrigerator.

“Hey man,” he says, making his way to the chair across from her desk.

“Hey,” I nod at him before facing her again. “Why? What did he do?” I ask, glancing over at Drake as he comes in with an apologetic look on his face.

“Sophie, I’m so sorry,” he starts.

“First, you tell me you’re taking my best friend across the country,” she groans, finally looking up at us. “And then you give me
for a replacement? Where the hell did you even find that girl?”

“The temp place sent her,” he starts. “She said she had clerical experience.”

“Well, she lied,” Sophie shakes her head, facing me.

“Where is she?” I ask.

“She’s gone,” Sophie says bluntly. “I fired her.”

“You let Sophie fire her?” I ask Drake in surprise.

“She didn’t ask me,” he smirks. “I was on a conference call for an hour. I came out here, Rachel was gone and your darling wife called me a dumbass.”

“That’s my girl,” I laugh.

“Chase, he asked her to pull up next month’s projections for his meeting and she asked me where the projector was.”

“Seriously?” I ask, unable to stifle my chuckle.

“Yeah,” Jack smirks. “She looked for like ten minutes before Soph finally asked her what she was doing.”

“Well, are they sending someone else over?” I ask Drake before facing Sophie. “Babe, I seriously don’t want you working after today.”

“Calm down,” she sighs. “They’re sending someone over after lunch and I’m going to make sure she’s okay. If not, Ana’s going to come in tomorrow and I’m going to walk her through a few things on Skype so she can fill in until someone else can get here.”

“Good,” I nod.

When I get to the office at the end of the day, I find her at her desk again, this time speaking to the new temp. I’m happy to see the small box she’s packing the few personal things from her desk in.

“Hi Baby,” she smiles, looking relieved to see me.

“Hey Gorgeous,” I say as I lean down to kiss her. “How are you feeling?”

“Good,” she sighs. “But my back is killing me so I’m very happy we’re going home. This is Brenda, the new temp. Brenda, this is my husband, Chase. He’s also the foreman here so you’ll be seeing him pretty regularly.”

After introductions are out of the way, we say goodbye to Drake and Jack before walking to my truck, box in hand. As I slide in behind the wheel, I glance over at her and my chest clenches with emotion. When she feels my gaze on her, she looks up from her phone and gives me a curious smile.


“That’s the first time you’ve introduced me as your husband,” I smile, brushing a loose strand away from her face, leaning over to kiss her.

“Yeah,” she beams, blush filling her cheeks. “Did you like that?”

“I loved that,” I admit. “Let’s go home.”




“What about Ethan?” I ask, resuming what’s become our nightly ritual.

Five days after our wedding, my due date is rapidly approaching and we’d still not agreed on names for Peanut. Twisting to turn my belly away from the sink so I can reach, he gives me a small smile as I wash my hands.

“Ethan what?”

“Benjamin,” I start, stopping to recite the name over in my head again. “Or is that too many n’s?”

“Not if that’s what you want,” he chuckles. “Do you like Ethan Benjamin?”

“Yeah,” I nod before shaking my head. “I don’t know. He doesn’t feel like and Ethan Benjamin to me. What did you come up with today?”

“Samantha,” he offers.

“You don’t think everyone would start calling her Sam?”

“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “Maybe, but that’s cute.”

“Yeah, I guess it
kind of cute,” I agree. “Samantha what?”

“How about Samantha Paige?”

“Too close to Sophia Paige.”

“You have a pretty name.”

“Thank you,” I smile as I reach for the cutting board. “I like my name, too and I’m fine using our middle names, but I think I want the first names to be more unique.”

“Okay,” he smirks. “How about… Chamomile?”

“Not that unique,” I laugh, watching him set my hot tea box back on the counter.

“Alright, well I’ll keep thinking then,” he grins. “Are you sure you don’t want any of my help, Baby?”

“No, thank you. I can get it,” I say as I look across the bar at him. “I’ve got a system going and if anyone comes in here right now, it’s going to mess me up.”

“Okay, well, don’t overdo it,” he says softly as he watches me chop the vegetables in front of me, quickly tossing them into a bowl. “We aren’t even having supper for a few hours. There’s no need to rush.”

“I know, but I’ve got to get JT ready for the game, then we have to actually go to the game,” I say, washing my hands and setting the salad into the refrigerator. “Then we have everyone coming over here afterwards. I’m sure everyone’s going to be starving, so we won’t have a lot of prep time.”

“Well, you’re not going to exhaust yourself so everyone has dinner,” he says, causing me to roll my eyes. “I’ll order twenty pizzas before I let that happen.”

“You’re sweet to worry, but I’m fine,” I smile over at him, pulling the wrapper from the chicken and setting it onto the cutting board in front of me. “In fact, this is the most relaxed I’ve been all day.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just getting really uncomfortable,” I confess. “And even though I’m happy for her, I’m really sad that Ana’s leaving.”

“I’m sorry, Princess,” he says, reading the sadness in my expression.

Although I’d heard Drake talking to Brad at the office about Florida, I’m still surprised that Ana had changed her mind. The selfish part of me knew I’d be miserable without her, especially with the baby coming. However, I want her to be happy and I know how much she loves Drake. I know we’ll still talk all the time and see each other when we can. She’s just been such a big part of my life for so long that the idea of that changing isn’t one I can imagine.

BOOK: The Commitment
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