The Company Town (43 page)

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Authors: Hardy Green

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Manhattan Project
, p. 346.
Johnson and Jackson,
City Behind a Fence
, pp. 65-77; Robinson,
The Oak Ridge Story
, pp. 52-53, 94-96; Hales,
Atomic Spaces
, pp. 226-238; Lawren,
The General and the Bomb
, p. 154.
Rhodes describes the debate over the bomb's use in
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
, pp. 617-649; Stimson's diary is quoted in Nichols,
The Road to Trinity
, p. 165.
The Oak Ridge Story
, pp. 106-107; “Atom Bombs Made in 3 Hidden ‘Cities'”; Olwell,
At Work in the Atomic City
, p. 67; Rhodes,
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
, pp. 734-735; Hales,
Atomic Spaces
, pp. 356-359.
Johnson and Jackson,
City Behind a Fence
, pp. 167, 185, 204-205; Robinson,
The Oak Ridge Story
, pp. 49, 101, 128-129; Olwell,
At Work in the Atomic City
, pp. 70-71, 100, 131; Daniel Lang, “The Atomic City,”
New Yorker
, September 29, 1945; “Stopover at Oak Ridge: Atomic City Attracts Increasing Number of Drivers on Cross-Country Tours,”
New York Times
, October 14, 1951; “Nuclear Sites May Be Toxic in Perpetuity, Report Finds,”
New York Times
, August 8, 2000, p. A16; “Work on Weapons Affected Health, Government Says,”
New York Times
, July 15, 1999, p. A12; William Yardley, “No More Bomb-Making, but Work Aplenty,”
New York Times
, September 11, 2008; Oak Ridge National Laboratory Web site,
; Wikipedia entry for Oak Ridge, Tennessee,,_Tennessee
Gilbert Millstein, “No Atomic Jitters in the Atomic Capital,”
New York Times Magazine
, November 25, 1951.
“National Briefing South: Tennessee: Nuclear Weapons Plant to Reopen,”
New York Times
, March 15, 2003.
Chapter 8: A World Transformed
Futurama sound track and film at
Joel Garreau,
Edge City: Life on the New Frontier
(New York: Doubleday, 1991), p. 26; Don Graf,
Convenience for Research: Buildings for the Bell Telephone Laboratory Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey
(New York: Voorhees, Walker, Foley and Smith, Architects and Engineers, 1944); Jeremy Bernstein,
Three Degrees Above Zero: Bell Labs in the Information Age
(New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1984), pp. viii, 7-9, 173; David W. Dunlap, “The Office as Architectural Touchstone,”
New York Times
, March 2, 2008; Truman A. Hartshorn, “Industrial/Office Parks: A New Look For the City,”
Journal of Geography
62 (March 1973): 33.
William H. Whyte,
City: Rediscovering the Center
(New York: Doubleday, 1988), pp. 290-306, 341.
FedEx's facility is described in Barbara E. Hampton, “Why Corporate Campuses Make Sense in All Economic Conditions
,” Site Selection
(January 2002): 49.
“Destination: Kohler” Web site,
Walter H. Uphoff,
Kohler on Strike: Thirty Years of Conflict
(Boston: Beacon Press, 1966), pp. 3-28, 35-95, 124-158, 201, 257-316, and passim; “Labor Notes:
What Is News” and Gunnar Mickelson, “The Kohler Myth Dies,”
The Nation
, August 15, 1934; “Kohler's Paternalism Policy Fails to Head Off Labor Trouble,”
, May 24, 1952; for an example of Herbert Kohler's public statements see the widely circulated
Can a Free Economy Tolerate Union Violence? An Address Given by Herbert V. Kohler, President of Kohler Co., Given Before the Economic Club of Detroit, February 25, 1957
(Kohler, WI: Kohler Co., n.d.).
“Kohler Appeals NLRB Order to Reinstate Most Strikers; Union Asks More Rehiring,”
Wall Street Journal
, August 29, 1960; “Kohler, Union Agree on First Pact Since Strike Began in 1954,”
Wall Street Journal
, October 1, 1962; “Kohler's 11-Year Dispute with UAW Terminated by Pay, Pension Accord,”
Wall Street Journal
, December 20, 1965.
“Grandson of Founder of Kohler Co. Named Its Chairman and Chief,”
Wall Street Journal
, June 30, 1972; “Golf Journal: The Way a Golf Trip Ought to Be,”
Wall Street Journal
, July 8, 2006; “Golf Journal: The Vanity Project for Golf Fanatics,”
Wall Street Journal
, August 19, 2006; “How Much Is That Faucet in the Honeymoon Suite? Kohler, Cuisinart, Viking Step Up Marketing Efforts Via Company-Owned Resorts,”
Wall Street Journal
, December 27, 2005; “Kohler Seeks to Expand His Course-Building Horizons,”
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
, July 4, 2007.
Scott Kilman, “Family Squabble Brews at Kohler Over Control,”
Wall Street Journal
, March 23, 1998; John H. Christy and Shlomo Reifman, “The Importance of Being Private,”
, November 29, 2004.
See Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harrison,
The Deindustrialization of America: Plant Closings, Community Abandonment, and the Dismantling of Basic Industry
(New York: Basic Books, 1982); “Travel: Vacation Paradise on a Factory Floor,”
Wall Street Journal
, July 7, 1995; Hershey information is available at the company's Web site,
A good description of Oak Ridge sights may be found at
; Jeff Schlegel, “Unspoiled Nature in Shadow of Nuclear Site,”
New York Times
, September 4, 2009.
A blueprint of the Google installation accompanies Ginger Strand, “Keyword: Evil,”
Harper's Magazine
, March 2008; John Foley, “Google's Data Center Strategy Revealed . . . At the Rotary Club
,” Information Week's Google Weblog
, November 30, 2007,
; Randall Stross,
Planet Google: One Company's Audacious Plan to Organize Everything We Know
(New York: Free Press, 2008), pp. 55-59; Kathy Gray, “Port Deal with Google to Create Jobs,”
The Dalles Chronicle
, February 16, 2005; John Markoff and Saul Hansell, “Hiding in Plain Sight, Google Seeks More Power,”
New York Times
, June 8, 2006. In addition to The Dalles facility, other Google data centers are near Lenoir, North Carolina; Goose Creek, South Carolina; Pryor, Oklahoma; and Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Peter Burrows, “Servers as High as an Elephant's Eye,”
, June 12, 2006; Strand, “Keyword: Evil.”
Press release at
; Matthew L. Wald, “Two Large Solar Power Plants Are Planned in California,”
New York Times
, August 15, 2008.
Kate Galbraith, “Schwarzenegger Orders Increase in Renewable Energy Use,”
New York Times
, September 16, 2009; John Carey, “Solar's Day in the Sun,”
, October 15, 2007.
; Rebecca Smith, “Where the Jobs Are: As the Renewable-power Industry Takes Off, So Does the Demand for Green-Collar Workers,”
Wall Street Journal
, March 24, 2008; Abengoa's Web site is at
Conclusion: A Tale of Two Cities
Printed as preface to Nathan Appleton,
Introduction of the Power Loom and Origin of Lowell
(Lowell, MA: B. H. Penhallow, 1858).
Milton Friedman, “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits,”
New York Times Magazine
, September 13, 1970.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter,
SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profits, Growth, and Social Good
(New York: Crown Business, 2009).
The Stanford journal may be found online at
; the Momentum conferences are described at
; Wharton's social-entrepreneurship efforts are described at
Michael Kinsley, ed.,
Creative Capitalism: A Conversation with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Other Business Leaders
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009); Nancy F. Koehn, “The Time Is Right for Creative Capitalism,” Harvard Business School Web site at
1. Pollard Memorial Library, Lowell, Massachusetts
2. Center for Lowell History
3. Chicago History Museum
4. New York Public Library
5. Hershey Community Archives
6. Hershey Community Archives
7. Hardy Green
8. Ben Shahn, U.S. Library of Congress
9. Lewis Hine, New York Public Library
10. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper
11. Hinson History Room, Kannapolis Branch, Cabarrus County Public Library
12. Hinson History Room, Kannapolis Branch, Cabarrus County Public Library
13. Hinson History Room, Kannapolis Branch, Cabarrus County Public Library
14. Lewis Hine, New York Public Library
15. New York Public Library
16. Calumet Regional Archives, Indiana University Northwest
17. Bartlesville Area History Museum
18. Bartlesville Area History Museum
19. Kaiser Permanente Heritage Archive
20. Ann Rosener, U.S. Office of War Information
21. New York Public Library
22. Ed Wescott, National Archives and Records Administration
23. Postcard produced by Standard Souvenirs & Novelties Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee
Abengoa Solar
Adamic, Louis
American Federation of Labor
Ajo, Az.
African Americans
Alamogordo, N.M.
Alcoa Inc.
Alcoa, Tn.
Alcohol use
Aliquippa, Pa.
Allen, Charles
Allis-Chalmers Corp.
Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers
Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union
Amana Co.
Amarillo, Tx.
United States
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
American Flint Glass Workers Union
American Medical Assn.
American Railway Union (ARU)
American Smelting and Refining Co.
American Wind Industry Assn.
Ammons, Elias
Anaconda Copper Mining Co.
Anderson, Anna
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Apollo Iron and Steel Co.
Apollo, Pa.
Appleton, Nathan
Armour & Co.
American Railway Union
Atlantic Monthly
Atomic Energy Commission
Austin, Mn.
Automated Electric Washer
Automobile industry
Babbitt, Bruce
Bagley, Sarah
Baker, George F.
Baker, Josephine L.
Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency
Barrett, Nathan F.
Bartlesville, Ok.
Beaumont, Tx.
Bechtel, W. A.
Bedford, Clay
Bell, Tom
Bellamy, Edward
Bell Labs
Beman, Solon Spencer
Benham, Ky.
Bent, Luther
Berti, Mel
Bethlehem Steel
Bigelow, E. Victor
Bigelow Carpet
Bisbee, Az.
African Americans
Blair, David
Blair Mountain battle
Boal, Theodore Davis
Boesky, Ivan
Bohr, Niels
Boilermakers union
Boom Town
Boott, John
Boott, Kirk
Borger, A. P. “Ace,”
Borger, Tx.
Boston Associates
Boston Daily Times
Boston Manufacturing Co.
Boulder Dam
Braddock, Pa.
Brandeis, Louis
Brennan, John A.
Brody, David
Brookfield Village, Ca.
Brooklyn Flint Glass Works
Brooks, Carl
Brophy, John
Bryan, William Jennings
Buckburnett, Tx.
Buffington, Eugene
Burlington Industries Inc.
Bush, Vannevar
Business Week
Butte, Mt.
Byrnes, James F.
Cabot, Charles M.
Calder, Alexander
Camp, William Martin
Cannon, Charles Albert
Cannon, David
Cannon, James William
Cannon Mills Co.
Cargill Inc.
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie Steel
Carter, George L.

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