Read The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment Online
Authors: Chris Martenson
Tags: #General, #Economic Conditions, #Business & Economics, #Economics, #Development, #Forecasting, #Sustainable Development, #Economic Development, #Economic Forecasting - United States, #United States, #Sustainable Development - United States, #Economic Forecasting, #United States - Economic Conditions - 2009
of England following Napoleonic Wars
in Great Credit Bubble
understatement of
Decision making, in investment
See also
Partial defaults
economic consequences of
in end of growth
future growth and
by government
history of
money creation and
via debasements
Deficits, debasement of official statistics on
Deficit spending, confiscation of wealth via
See also
defaults and
in England following Napoleonic Wars
via debt defaults
Demurrage money
end of growth and
of environmental resources
of fresh water
of mineral resources
of nutrients from soil
of phytoplankton
of soil
in Undulating Plateau scenario
of world’s fish
Design, disaster versus
Developed world
debt in
in foreseeable world economy
Development, quality and quantity of energy via
Diamonds, as unit of account
Diffuse energy, concentrated energy versus
Diffuse heat, conversion of energy into
Dinar, hyperinflation of
Dionysius of Syracuse, coinage debased by
See also
Soil entries
in relocating for the future
soil versus
“Dirt poor”
Disaster, design versus
Discouraged workers, removed from unemployment statistics
Discretionary consumption, energy for
Discretionary income, future of
Disorder, entropy and.
See also
Dispersion, minerals lost through
Diversification, in preparing for the future
Diversity, resilience and
Divisibility, of units of account
as backed by debt
collapse of
Federal Reserve and
as legal tender
in Peak Oil Recognition scenario
in preparing for the future
untied from gold
U.S. debt defaults and value of
as U.S. unit of account
Dot-com bubble
bubbles and
current economic predicament and
as exponential growth
in Great Credit Bubble
in rule of 70
of total U.S. credit market debt
water depletion and
in Yugoslavian hyperinflation
Doubts, investment and
Dow Jones Industrial Average, bubbles and
Dry land farming
Dust bowl
DVD seminars, author’s economics
bounty of
carrying capacity of
in end of growth
mineral resources depleted from
oil as extracted from
as repository of wealth
Earthquakes, predicting
Ecological community, soil as
algal biodiesel production and
biofuel production and
Economic booms, U.S. savings rate and
Economic collapse, future
Economic complexity
history of
via surplus energy
Economic crisis, in Argentina
Economic decisions
energetic decisions versus
minerals in
Economic decline, coming agricultural crisis and
Economic growth
alternative energy sources and
coal consumption and
debt and
depletion of oceanic fish and
end of
energy and
in England following Napoleonic Wars
exponential debt growth and
future debt and
future financial services and
future of
mineral resource depletion and
minerals in
necessity for
oceanic resource depletion and
oil demand and
oil production and
oil shortages and
peak global oil production and
politics and
tertiary wealth and
water depletion and
author and
of energy transitions
future world and
growth and
post-2007 plunge in
Economic slowdowns, investment and
Economic statistics, official debasement of
Economists, intransigence of
assessing trends in
bubbles in
coming crisis in
debasement of official statistics on
debt and
end of growth of
energy and
exponential debt in
exponential growth of
future of
government statistics debasement and
importance of energy in
monetizing debt in
money in future
“Peak Oil” and
as predicament
recent growth of
in three future scenarios
truthful inflation reporting and
Education, of author
of agriculture
in future
in obtaining electricity from coal
Electrical vehicles, in transitioning from oil to alternatives
alternative energy sources for
coal used in production of
making do with less
oil and
self-sufficiency in
storage of
water consumed in generating
Electronic money, in future
Electronic money creation, settling debts by
import sources of
required to build motor vehicles
Eminent domain, in Peak Oil Recognition scenario
See also
Job entries
economic growth and
future government
future management
future opportunities in
in Undulating Plateau scenario
in United States
End of Money, The