The Deception of Love (3 page)

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Authors: Kellz Kimberly

BOOK: The Deception of Love
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I just watched her as she walked out the door.  This bitch was really crazy.  I couldn't believe it.  This whole shit made me not even wanna go out anymore.  So, I c
alled Nick to let him know that the plans were canceled, and I was just gonna sit in the house.


Just the sound of his voice turned me on and made me reconsider canceling

“I'ma have to cancel.  Me and Elle just got into it, and I really just want to be alone.”

Come on, ma, I'm really trying to see you.  If you don't wanna go out, we can just stay at your crib and chill.”

Nah, it's cool, go hang with your boys or something.” I told him even though I really wanted him to come over.

Yo, what the fuck, son?  I'm trying my hardest to be there for you, but you making this shit difficult as fuck.  If I wanted to chill with my boys, then trust me, that is where I would be.  I'm five minutes away from your house, so get up and unlock the door because if I get to that door and it is locked, me and you are gonna have some issues.”

And once again he just hung up the phone.  I was tired of him doing that shit, but you could best believe that I unlocked that door, though.



I couldn't believe that Ny tried to act like she didn't love me.  Shit, how could she not?  I have been there for her more than any nigga had, but she still chose that nigga over me.  I thought once I told her that I loved her everything would be cool and we would be a couple.  But if she wanted to play games, that was exactly what we was gonna do.  I was gonna show her that we was meant to be together, and I knew just the person to help me with my plan.  I wasn't sure that Jacob was going to answer the phone, but I was wishing like hell that he did.

Yo, who this?”

His voice was so deep and sensual that it made my panties wet.

“Hey, wassup, this is Elle,” I said a little unsure of what I was going to do.

Oh, wassup, ma, how you been?” he asked.

I have seen better days, but I was wondering if you could come over.  I need to talk to you about Nylah.”

What happened to her?” he asked with panic in his voice.

She's not hurt or anything, but she fucking with some new nigga, and he got her head gone.  I know how much you care about her, and I didn't know who else to go to cause she won't listen to me,” I told him, laying it on thick so that he would take the bait.

Text me you address, I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”

I hung up the phone cause there was nothing else that need to be sai
d.  I sent him my address and ran upstairs quickly to put something sexy on but not anything too sexy.  I always wanted to sample some of Jacob's dick, but he was so stuck up Nylah's ass he never noticed my advances.  Yes, I was in love with Nylah, but there was just something about Jacob that had me wanting him to fuck me silly.  Hopefully, tonight would be the night.  I choose to wear a tank top with no bra and some boy shorts.  Just as I was putting on some perfume I heard a knock at my door.  I went to go answer it, and just the sight of this man made my panties wet.

Hey, come in.”

I moved out of the way and let him into my house.  He took a seat on my love seat.

“So, wassup with this new nigga?” he asked, getting right to the point.

Nylah is gone over dude.  He got her doing drug runs and the whole nine, while he fucking every bitch walking.” I told him.

I could see him getting upset cause if it was one thing that Jacob never wanted to see Nylah do it was fucking with drugs.  He put Nylah on this big a
ss pedal stool, and to him a chick of that degree did not belong in the same area as drugs.

I don't believe that shit.  Nylah would never do no shit like that.”

The old Nylah would never, but the new Nylah just don't give a fuck.  She even started to miss class, and her grades are slipping.”

I knew that would get him because we all knew how much school meant to Nylah, and for her to let her grades slip something major must be going on.

“Yo, you dead ass, who the fuck is this new nigga, and what the fuck is he doing to my baby?”

I knew he was upset because the vain on his head was damn near ready to pop out.  I moved closer to him and started rubbing his arm to try and calm him down.

“He some nigga from queens named Nick.  Him and his boy, Trey, are supposed to be getting it.  I tried to talk to her, but she not trying to hear it.  After you cheated on her, she felt like it was her fault cause she wasn't down for you.  So, I guess now she trying to be down for this nigga, so the same shit don't happen.”

I'ma fix this shit, and then I'ma get my shawty back.  I just have to explain to her what happened.”

I was ready to say fuck this shit just give me some dick, but I had to play it cool.  I noticed that he kept looking at my breast.  It was probably because my
pierced nipples was staring him in the face.

You want something to drink?”

Yea, let me get a shot of Hennessy.”

I poured two shots and sat back on the love seat.  I told him that he could take his coat off and get comfortable cause I don't bite, at leas
t not yet I don't.

Man, let me get another one.  I can't believe my baby girl fucking up, and it’s all my fault,” he said with a slur.

You sure you want another one?  You already had damn near twenty.  Why don't you relax. You can crash on my couch cause you’re not about to drive home like this,” I told him, sounding concerned for his wellbeing.

I began taking his boots off, and then I unzipped his pants and pulled them off.  I couldn't help but to take a peek at his dick.  It wasn't all the way hard, but
it was still pretty big to be soft.  It looked so pretty that I had to taste it.  I slowly took him in to my mouth and started bobbing my head up and down while I snaked my tongue across the tip.

After doing this for about five minutes I guess he sobered
up some cause he started to moan and started pushing my head down.  I started to suck faster taking every bit of his dick in my mouth.  I have never tasted a dick that tasted so good, but I wanted to feel what that dick can do, so I stood up, pulled my boy shorts off, and straddled him.  At first he looked like he wanted to protest, but once he felt my pussy grip his dick, there was nothing else that he could say.  His ass was mines, and the way this dick was feeling, I couldn't even be mad at Nylah.



Man, Nylah was playing games.  Like a nigga was trying to get with her, she just kept pushing me away.  Tonight I was gonna lay it all on the line, and it was either she fuck with a nigga, or I'm stepping.  Either way, I was gonna get answers.  I pulled up
to her house and got out of the car.  I shot her a text to let her know that I was there, and she said the door was already unlocked.  Shit, she better had unlocked the door.  I figured she was in her bedroom, so that’s where I went.  When I got to her room, she was chilling on her bed looking at the TV.  I could tell she wasn't really watching it.

Wassup?  What’s on your mind?” I asked, sitting at the edge of her bed.

It’s like everything is just so fucked up,” she said.

I could tell that this was gonn
a be a long convo, so I got comfortable at the foot of her bed.

What's so fucked up, Ny” I asked her.

It's like, the closer I get to you, the more fucked up Elle and my friendship gets.  When I told her I was gonna hang out with you, she completely went off.  I could understand why she was mad about me canceling the plans, but then she started telling me that she loved me, and that her and I belonged together, and a whole bunch of bullshit.”

She sounded really hurt about the whole thing.

“Damn, I'm sorry you had to go through that, but, ma, I been telling you from the jump that shawty ain’t no good for you.  There is just something about that girl, and I don't mean that in a good way.  But look, let's keep it a buck, I'm feeling you.  I wanna see where we can go with this, and not on no friend tip either.  I want you to be mine, but the only way that is gonna happen is if you open up to me.  I'm not trying to be that nigga that makes you cry.  I'm trying to be that nigga that takes all the pain away.  I know you been through some shit in your past, but I'm ready and willing to erase all that and build something new.  If you let me, I can be the nigga you brag about to your girls.  Shit I can be all you need and more, ma.  To top it all off, I can lay down the pipe, so wassup, ma?  The ball is in your court.  You gonna fuck with a nigga, or nah?” I said, laying everything on the line for her.

It was either she was gonna fuck with me, or I was going to move on, but either way it was up to her.


Chapter 3



Damn, he just laid it all out there.  I wanted to take this chance, but I'm not made for that heartbreaking shit.  Jacob really fucked it up for the next nigga.  I wasn't sure that giving Nick a chance was the right thing to do.  But a part of me was begging for me to say, fuck it I’ma take a chance.  Shit, if he fucked up there will be sad singing and flower bringing.

Look, Nick, I like you, I like you a lot, I just don't wanna get hurt.  I have been through some things that I'm not trying to go through again.” I told him.

I'm not trying to hurt you, ma, I just wanna be with you,” he said, sounding sincere.

If you would have let me finish, I would have told you that I'm willing to take this chance with you.” I said looking at him in his eyes.

That's all I'm asking for is a chance, but if we are gonna do this thing ,we have to get everything off our chest tonight.” he said.

So, what is it that you wanna know?”

I wanna know who broke you heart, and how your heart got broken.”

I don't wanna talk about it,” I told him.

Fine, then I'm up.  Call me when you ready to let go of this thing,” he said, getting up and heading down the stairs.

Damn, I couldn't just let him leave.  It was now or never.

“Nick, wait,” I yelled.

He must have knew I was going to call
him back cause he was just in the door way smiling.

Ok, I’ll open up.  Look, me and Jacob started dating back when I first started going to NYU.  He was my first everything, and he really helped me deal with my mom dying and stuff.  Anyway, I thought that what we had was love, but I guess it was that for me and something different for him.  About seven months in I was getting texts of a sonogram from some chick that Jacob was supposed to be messing with.  When I asked him about it, he claimed he didn't know what was going on, or who the chick was.  I didn't know what to believe, so I just left and changed my number.  Jacob tried getting back with me and explaining what happened, but I didn't wanna hear it.  So, after that, I just closed my heart for good and started focusing on school.”

Wow, well, I can see why you would want to shut people out, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give love another shot.  Don't blame the next man that tries to get next to you because the first nigga fucked up.  He might have fucked up, but please believe that I lucked up.”

He leaned in and kissed me.  It took me by surprise at first, but then something took over me, and I pushed him down on the bed.  I wanted to feel this man in the worst way.  I stripped us both out of our
clothes in what seemed like 2.5 seconds.  When I was about to get on top, he flipped me over and started rubbing my clit.

You sure this is what you want?” he asked.

At the moment, hell yea I wanted this dick, but I'm sure that wasn't what he was talking a

Yes, I want us, and this dick, now give it to me!” I told him serious as hell.

Ight, there's no going back now.”

Shit, the way that this man was hitting my every spot I didn't wanna go back.  I was sprung off the dick.

Nick laid it down for hours, and after it was all said and done, all he said was, “Ny, your mine, now.”

I smiled at the thought, but was nervous as hell about what I just got myself into.



I was feeling like the man when I woke up with Ny laying on my chest.  I finally got what I wanted, and now I had to show her that I was the nigga for her.  I slid her off my chest, so that I could go take care of my hygiene.  Walking out of the bathroom I noticed my phone lighting up; I had a missed call from Trey, so I took my phone in the kitchen, so that I could call him back and get breakfast started.

Yo, wassup,” I said into the phone.

My nigga, why you ain't answering you phone?  What, you laid up with some chick?”

Nah, I'm not laid up with some chick.  I'm laid up with my wife.”

You finally got Ny to fuck with you,” Trey asked, sounding like he was surprised.

Yea man, your boy done locked her down,” I boasted proudly.

Well, I'm happy for you.  Maybe I'll find a chick to settle down with, but until then I'ma be forever macking.”

Trey, you a fool, but wassup?  I thought we was catching up later to make that run.” I asked.

Yea, we are, but I wanted to see if you was playing in that basketball game they got going on in Coney Island?”

You know I play in that game every summer, I don't even know why you would ask that.” I told him.

Ight, well, you know that shit is in two weeks, and we undefeated, so make sure you up on your game so we can stay that way.” he said trying to make a joke.

My game is never slipping.  Shit, if I wasn't slanging rock, you know I would be on a TV cause my jump shot is just that real.”

You got jokes, but I'ma get up with you later, Nick.”

Ight, Trey.”

Trey was a fool, but that was my nigga.  He was the closest thing I had to a brother, so we went hard for ea
ch other.  If you fucked with him, then you fucked with me and vice versa.  Breakfast was almost done when I herd Ny creeping into the kitchen.  Being a street dude I had to be aware of my surroundings even when my back was turned.

Mhmmm, what smells so good?” Ny asked, wrapping her arms around my waist.

It damn sure ain't your breath,” I said laughing.

So, you trying to play me?  Ight cool, but don't say nothing when I start ignoring your ass.”

Ma, chill, you know I'm playing, and the way I put it on you last night, you gonna be waiting for me to call.” I told her as she placed her plate on the island and sat down to eat my food.

Let me tell you something, Nick, the dick was cool.  From the smell of it, this food should be good too, but trust you didn't put it down on me last night.  Cause if you did, I would be cooking you breakfast.  Now, if you don't mind, pass the juice.” she said with a cheesy ass smile on her face.

All I could do was laugh at her.  Shawty's mouth was wild, but I was gonna put her
little ass in check.  The whole time we ate breakfast we just laughed and chilled.  Nothing was forced, it just came naturally it was like we knew each other for a while.  I could most def get used to this, I was tired of coming home to an empty house at night.  Shit, I was 24, and I have seen and did a lot, so I felt like I was ready for the family thing.  I just had to make sure that Ny was ready for what I was offering.

Ny, what you got planned for the day,” I asked as we walked into her bedroom.

I'm about to get ready to go to class, then afterward I was gonna hit the mall to do some shopping, then I was gonna come home and cook dinner.”

You have company coming over tonight?”

No, I just like to cook, so most days I would cook for me and Elle, but we aint even rocking like that right now, so I’ma just cook for myself.”

I could tell that she was still kind of upset about the whole Elle situation, but I was gonna make sure she forgot all about that bitch.

“So, why don't I come over after I make this run with Trey, and I can see if you really know what you’re doing in that kitchen”

You can come over, but that doesn't mean I'm a let you in my house” she said trying to act tough.

Trust me, your gonna open that door, but come hop in the shower with me.”

We'll see when your ass is sitting outside upset, but okay, let’s go, and don 't try no funny shit either.  I can't be late”

I don't know who she thought she was talking to because I was getting in this house, and I was for damn sure getting some pussy.  But
I'ma let her have that, and let her think that she is in charge cause I was gonna teach her a lesson.



Class was so stress full today I couldn't wait to go to the mall.  I decided to invite Diamond, who was in my statistics class.  She seemed cool.
We talked a few times in class, but it was never nothing serious.

Girl, I can't wait to shop,” Diamond said excitedly.

I don't understand why.  From what I seen, you got everything you could possibly need.” I told her.

Every time I saw Diamond she had o
n some fly shit.  Now, don't get me wrong, I was always dressed to the tee, but to find a chick that wasn't hating on me but could dress as good as me was a plus in my book.

You’re one to talk.  Nylah, you know you have just as many clothes as I do.”

I know that's the truth.”

We laughed and made our way in to Kings Plaza Mall.  We started off in Macy's, then worked our way to Armani Exchange.  By the time we were heading back to the car, we had at least twenty bags each.

“Girl, I'm starving. I'm ‘bout to go home and find something to eat.” Diamond said.

Well, I'm cooking, so you can come to my house.  My boyfriend is supposed to be coming over, but you’re more than welcome to come.”

I don't wanna be like a third wheel.  I'll take a rain check, and we can get together another time.” she said.

Don't worry, I'll have him bring a friend, so it won't be weird for you.” I reassured her.

Okay then, I'm down.  Shit, I don't got anything else to do anyway.”

I was glad she was gonna come over.  I really didn't wa
nna give Nick all my time, and with me and Elle not talking I could use another female friend.  Hopefully this one won't try to fall in love with me.

Nylah......Nylah, is that you?”

I heard someone calling me, but I didn't wanna believe who it was.

“Uh Nylah, I think that fine man over there is calling you.  If you don't wanna be Nylah, shit, I will.” Diamond said trying to fix her clothes.

Diamond, shut up.  That's my ex, and seeing how he is on his way over here I don't have to time to really explain.” I told her.

Nylah, I thought that was you.  Why you acting like you don't hear me calling you?” Jacob asked walking closer to us.

Jacob, what is it that you want?”

Nylah, I'm not trying to get you mad or anything.  I just wanted to know how you are.”

I'm good, believe that,” I told him with an attitude in my voice.

That's good, well, maybe we can have lunch sometime and catch up,” he asked sounding hopeful.

I'm not too sure about that, Jacob.”

Nylah, I'm just trying to be a friend.  Look just take my number, and if you ever wanna just talk, give me a call.”

I got to go, so just put your number in my phone.” I told him.

I don't know why I even got his number; I really didn't have anything to say to him.

“If you need me call me.” he said and walked away.

Mhmmm girl, he was fine, but what did he do to you?” Diamond asked.

I really wasn't in the mood to have this conversation with her.

“That's another story for a different day.  Come on, so we can go back to my house and get some food, I'm starved.” I told her and hopped in my car.

We made idle conversation on the way to my house.  We decided to cook steak with potatoes, rice, and a salad on the side.  The steak was almost done when I noticed that Nick hadn't come, or even called to say he was on his way.
  I was starting to worry cause I was calling him, but he didn't answer his phone.

Where the guys at?  Shit, you’re cool and all, but I need a some male attention.”

I don't wanna be up under you either, Diamond, shit.  Nah, but I called Nick.  He ain't answering his phone, and he should have been here already.”

Girl, well, call him again.  If he don't answer, shit, we gonna have a girls’ night.”

Hold up, that's him calling now.  Nick, where are you?  I thought you was coming over for dinner?” I asked him.

I didn't like the fact that he wasn't answering my phone calls.

“I'm chilling with Trey.  Didn't you say that you wasn't gonna open the door for me.” he had the nerve to say.

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