The Deception of Love (9 page)

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Authors: Kellz Kimberly

BOOK: The Deception of Love
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I could tell that he was becoming frustrated.

“I'm not sure why your connect wants to me meet me, but I'll go I guess, and who is hitting your spots.”

Your boy, Jacob.” Nick said getting up and going into the kitchen.

Trey, what the hell is Nick talking about?  How you know Jacob is hitting y’all spots?” I asked.

That nigga been silent about it for a while, but then this nigga started talking real greasy about the shit to the wrong niggas, and they put us on.” Trey said.

Damn,” Diamond said.

We have to go, so that we make the flight.” Nick said walking back in the room and walking out the door.

We all followed him to the car.  The car ride was silent.  Diamond kept asking me was I okay, but othe
r than that no one said anything.  I was caught up in my own thoughts.  I wasn't too worried about meeting Nick's connect cause what he really want with me?  What was stuck on my mind was the fact that Jacob was robbing these niggas, not even these niggas, but my nigga.  I had to think of a way to handle this shit cause I didn't want him thinking that I had anything to do with it.


Chapter 10



I wasn't mad at Ny, I just had to get my head right.  First, I find out her ex is the one behind robbing my sp
ots, and now my connect wants to meet her.  I wasn't worried about her ex cause that nigga was going to get handled as soon as we got back.  I had Big and Que watching him, making sure he didn't try to skip town.  But why did Jay want to meet Ny?  That shit was stressing me the fuck out, but I guess we was gonna find out soon enough.  Just like the car ride, no one really said anything to each other when we got on the plane.  I ended up falling asleep, and Ny had to wake me up when we landed.

Nobody felt li
ke driving to the hotel, so we just hopped in a cab.  When we got to the hotel Trey and Diamond went to their room, and I followed Ny to ours.  We got into the room, and still nobody was saying anything to each other.  It was probably my fault that the start of the trip wasn't going how it was supposed to, but the thought of Ny possibly being in harm’s way was killing me.  Jay didn't seem like a dangerous person, but looks can be deceiving.  Shit, me and Jay never even flirted, so I hope she wasn't on some fatal attraction type shit.

Nick, I want you to know that I had nothing to do with Jacob and the bullshit he got himself into.” she said looking me dead in the eye.

Ma, I know you didn't.  That was never the issue.” I told her pulling her onto the bed with me.

Then what is the issue?  Cause ever since you told me what happened you just been real distant from me.” she said straddling me.

I had a lot on my mind, but it didn't have anything to do with me thinking that you and Jacob set me up.”

If you say so.” she said.

Plus, that nigga gonna get handled as soon as we get back.” I told her.

Trust me, I know that he is,” she said.

The way she said it made me feel uneasy like she had something planned.

“What does that mean, Ny?” I asked her.

Nothing, but I want to taste you.” she said whispering in my ear.

She started kissing on my neck and made trail of kisses down my stomach.  I knew she wasn't about to do what I think she was gonna do.  The whole time we been together she never once gave me head.  I neve
r asked her to either cause I didn't wanna pressure her into doing it; if she wanted to do it, then she would.  I guess now was that time.

Ny, you sure you wanna get into this?” I asked her.

Yes, daddy, now sit back and relax.” she said.

Shit, she didn't
have to tell me twice.  She slowly took me into her mouth, and after a couple of sensual licks, Ny went all out.  She was doing the damn thing.

Damn, Ny.” I said as she was deep throating my shit.

I couldn't believe that this is what I was missing.  I ha
d my hand all in her hair guiding her head up and down.  I was ready to release, but I wasn't sure if she was into that.

Ny, I'm bout to cum, ma.” I told her trying to give her a chance to pull back.

Cum in my mouth, Nick.” she said in the most seductive voice ever.

That was the last straw.  I released a full load into her mouth, and she swallowed it all.

“Damn, ma, why you be holding out on a nigga?” I asked her pulling her up to lay her head on my chest.

I wasn't holding out, I just don't do that for just anyone.  You have to be special to get that type of treatment.” she said.

Then I guess I'm a special nigga, huh.” I said.

Ny never responded cause she was sound asleep.  I kissed her on the forehead and whispered I love you before going to sleep right
behind her.



Diamond was fast asleep, and I just sat here watching her.  Man, I was becoming soft.  What thug sits and watches their shawty sleep?  I had to shake my head; I was falling for Diamond.  Most people would think it was because she was hav
ing my baby, but that wasn't even the case.  I was falling for her before I even found out she was pregnant.  I know that she and Ny is coming at me hard because I been ignoring her for the past three days, but that was because me and Nick was having some issues.  Now that we know who has been hitting our spots, we got shit under control, and I can focus more on Diamond.  I don't know how much longer this street shit was gonna last, but I'm about to be a father, so I got to get my shit together.  I feel asleep with thoughts on whether me and Diamond were going to have a boy or a girl.

I woke up the next morning to Diamond laughing and chatting on the phone.  I walked up to her, kissed her on her cheek, and told her I was gonna jump in the shower.  She just n
odded her head and kept on talking on the phone.  I walked away shaking my head.  I had to do something for her to let her know that I was serious, but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.  When I got out of the shower she was still on the phone laughing and giggling.  I got dressed and was about to walk out the door when she decided to acknowledge me.

Trey, where you going?” she asked getting off the phone.

I was gonna go get some breakfast.”

Well, that was Ny on the phone.  She said she was going to get breakfast when Nick got dressed, and I told her that we would go with them.”

Ight, that's cool, you ready to go now though cause nigga is hungry.” I told her.

Yea, they ready, Ny said that they gonna meet us downstairs.  Just let me grab my purse, and I will be ready to go.” she said going into the bedroom.

I couldn't lie, Diamond looked good.  She had on some tribal looking shorts with a plain white wife beater.  She wore some tall strappy sandals, and her hair was in a bun.  She made casual look like
everything.  At that moment it was official, Diamond was going to be permanent fixture in my life.

We all met up downstairs and decided to just eat breakfast in the hotel.  We ordered our food and was just enjoying each other’s company.

“Diamond, so what do you want to have?” Ny asked.

I want a girl, so that I can play dress up.” Diamond said laughing.

Ny, when you gonna give me a kid?” Nick asked.

Not never,” Ny said mimicking Kat Williams.

We all fell out laughing.  Ny was a fool, forreal.

“Man, whatever.” Nick said mushing her in the head.

Yea, Ny, give my boy a baby so that our kids can grow up together and shit.” I told her trying to throw my two cents into the mix.

Trey, you wilding, if I get pregnant, then so be it, but I'm not gonna try to do it on purpose.  There are other things I want to do first before I have a baby.” Ny said.

Bitch please, you know you want a baby.” Diamond said.

Man, whatever, new subject,” she said.

We just continued to enjoy our breakfast and talk about random things.
I really enjoyed times like these, when niggas could just chill and relax and not have to look over their shoulder.  When we finished eating, the girls wanted to go shopping, so that's what we did.  They went off and left all the bags with me and Nick.

Man, I ain't no bag boy.” I told Nick, laughing.

You should have already knew what was up when they said they wanted to go shopping.”

Yea, I know, but this shit is crazy.  They gonna buy all this shit and not even wear half of it.”

That is just the life of a woman.” Nick said.

Yo, when we gonna go meet up with Jay?” I asked him.

She wants us to come over for dinner.” Nick said shaking his head.

I wonder why she wants Ny to come so bad.”

I don't know, but I'm ready to find out.” Nick said just as the girls came to give us more bags.

The next five hours were spent running through all the stores in the mall.  I never seen anyone shop the way that Ny and Diamond shopped.  That shit was crazy.   When we got done shopping it was almost time to go meet up wit
h Jay.  Diamond wanted to rest before she had to get ready, so we went back to the room.  Ny and Nick wanted to do a little more shopping, so we left them at the mall.



Everything has been going great for me.  The only thing that could make everythin
g better was for Nylah to be here with me.  I don't know what it is about that girl, but I was gone over her.  When she left me I was heartbroken.  Yea, I said I was heartbroken, cause I was.  She left me all because of some bitch that said she was pregnant by me.  The crazy thing was I don't even remember fucking the broad.  All I remember is that I was at the bar drinking, she came over, bought me a drink, and I left.  Next thing I know, she calling me talking about she is four months pregnant, and it’s my baby.  Then, somehow she got Nylah's number and told her this bullshit, and sent a picture of the sonogram.

That bitch is the reason for all of this drama, and once Nylah left me I never heard from that bitch again.  I tried to explain to Nylah what happ
ened, but she wasn't trying to hear it at all.  I had to think of a way to get her back, but until then I was gonna take care of her bitch ass boyfriend.  Word around the hood was that he didn't know who was robbing his spots.  So I was in the clear, but his spots getting hit was the least of his worries.  Elle had gave me Nylah's number a couple weeks back, I just haven't gotten around to calling her.  But shit, I was feeling myself right now, so why not try my hand at her?  It felt like the world stop when I herd Nylah say hello.  I was speechless.

Hello, is anyone there?” she asked again, sounding annoyed.

Nylah wassup” I said, unsure if she was gonna stay on the line or hang up.

Jacob, how you doing?” she asked, sounding like she was happy to hear from me.

I'm cool, what you up to, ma?”

Nothing really, I'm out of town.  I should be back by then end of the week.” she said.

Thats wassup, you know I miss you, right.” I told her.

I miss you too, Jacob, and hopefully when I get back we can try and work things out.”

I couldn't believe what she was telling me.

“Yea, hopefully we can.” I told her.

I'll let you know when I get back in town.  I got to go, so just text me okay.” she said and then hung up.

I knew Nylah was still feeling a nigga, she was just w
ith that bitch ass dude until she was ready to come back home to daddy.  Now that me and Nylah was going to start working on your relationship, I had to cut things off with Elle.  There was no way I could let that secret out.  If it ever got back to Nylah that I was fucking her best friend we would never have chance in hell.  I called Elle, but it went straight to voice mail, so I left her a message saying that we couldn't fuck with each other anymore.  I figured she didn't need to know anything else, so I just left it at that.  I was feeling like a man today, shit, fuck that, I was the man.  I was the mother fucking boss.



I'm not gonna lie, Jacob called at the perfect time.  Nick was in some sneaker store looking for a pair of Jordans, so it gave me
the perfect opportunity to talk to Jacob without Nick being all down my neck.  I told him that we could link up when I came back to Brooklyn, and I had every intention of getting up with him as soon as I got back.  Nick came out of the store with about six pairs of sneakers.  I just shook my head.  He had the nerve to say that I went crazy when I go shopping.

Why you looking at me like that?” Nick asked, walking up to me.

Cause you say I'm bad, but you went in there for one pair of sneakers and came out with six.”

Ma, this is nothing compared to the damage that you did today.” he told me.

Whatever, nigga, let’s get something to eat.  I'm starving.” I told him.

We went to a hot dog stand that was outside of the mall.  We got our food and hopped in a cab t
o get ready for tonight.  We sat the bags on the floor of our hotel room and got in the shower.  We didn't have much time to get ready, so we just got in together.  I got out of the shower first, cause if it was up to Nick we would have been sexing the whole time we was in the shower.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had a text from Jacob.  It said that he just wanted me to know that he was thinking about me, and that he couldn't wait for me to get back.  Instead of replying, I just erased it and threw m
y phone on the bed.  I lotioned my body and decided to wear an all black pants suit with a pair of Chanel pumps.  I wanted to look classy for when I met Nick's connect.  For me, this was a big deal.

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