The Deception of Love (4 page)

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Authors: Kellz Kimberly

BOOK: The Deception of Love
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You know I was joking, Nick, stop playing and come over, and bring Trey with you I got someone for him to meet.” I said.

Ma, if we gonna do this, then you have to stop with these snappy come backs and stop acting tough.  I'm only gonna put up with it for but so long.  So, you gonna fix the shit, or nah?” he asked me.

I couldn't be
lieve that he had just put my ass in check, but I was gonna fix my attitude and quick.

Yea, I'ma fix it. Now, can you come over and bring Trey?”

I'll be there in twenty minutes, and this chick you trying to set Trey up with ain't a hoe or a gold digger, right?”

I'm not a hoe or a gold digger, so why would I associate myself with someone like that,” I tasked him sounding offended.

Yea, you right.  I'll be there soon, ight?  So, make sure my plate is hot.”

Okay, I got you.” I said happy as ever.

I hung u
p the phone and got his plate ready.

Diamond, they will be here in about twenty minutes, so help me get this stuff ready.” I told her.

Me and Diamond was moving as fast as we could to get ourselves and the table ready for the guys.  Just as we finished th
ere was a knock on the door.  I didn't even bother looking through the peep hole because I knew who it was.  I swung the door open, and there was my man looking good enough to eat.

Well, you gonna let us in or what?” he asked me while giving me the once over.

Yea, y’all can come in.  Everything is ready in the kitchen.” I said moving to the side so that they could walk in.

Trey went straight for the kitchen.  I guess he was hungry, or just trying to see what Diamond was about.

“I missed you,” I said as I gave Nick a quick kiss.

I missed you to, ma,” he said as he grabbed my hips and walked me into the kitchen.

I see y’all are starting to hit it off,” I said looking at both Trey and Diamond.

Nylah, you didn't tell me that Trey was this cute.  I was expecting an ugly nigga.” Diamond said.

Ma, I don't know what Ny told you, but I'm far from ugly.  I wouldn't even say I'm cute.  I am in a category all of my own.” Trey stated cockily.

Cocky, I see,” Diamond said as she sat down to eat her food.

Man, he ain't cocky, he just Trey.  But I'm Nick, nice to meet you.” Nick said introducing himself.

Nice to meet you, too,” she said, never taking her eyes off of Trey.

If y’all get out of each other’s face long enough, we can eat.” I told the both of them.

Nick, get your girl, she trying to cock block.” Trey said still looking at Diamond.

Ma, let’s leave them alone.  We can go upstairs in eat.”  Nick told me.

He didn't even give me a chance to respond.  He was already headed to the room with the plates in his han
d.  I just shook my head, grabbed a bottle of wine, and headed up there right behind him.



I couldn't wait for Ny and Nick to go upstairs.  There was something about Diamond that caught my attention.  While we ate, we talked, and gave each other a lit
tle background information.  Diamond was sexy. She looked to be about 5'4, with the prettiest chocolate skin I have ever seen.  She had these beautiful almond shaped eyes that sparkled like Diamonds.  I wanted her in the worst way, but she didn't seem like the hood rats I usually fucked with, so I was gonna take it slow and follow her lead.

What are you over there thinking about?” Diamond asked catching me off guard just a little.

Nothing ma, but this food was bomb.” I told her.

Well, thanks, but I can't take all the credit.  Me and Ny cooked this together.”

Mhmm, a chick that can cook; I thought that didn't exist anymore.”

I don't know what type of chicks you been messing with, but women can still cook.” she stated trying to put me in my place.

So, when you gonna cook for me, so that I can stop fucking with these chicks and get me a woman?”

Trey, sweetie, you have to come better than that if your trying to get with me.”

Diamond, if I wanted you, I could have you,” I told her as I got all in her personal space.

Her breathing started to pick up as I started to caress her thigh.

“You see how close I am to you, and how you’re getting nervous?  That lets me know that you want me.  I bet if I kissed you right now you’d be dripping wet.” I whispered to her.

I inched closer to her, and she closed her eyes and puckered her lips, so I moved back and started laughing.

“Now, what was it you was saying?  That I had to come harder than that to get with you?”

It's not funny, but a little kiss was not going to make me wet.”

Ma, you don't have to lie to me.  I know wassup.” I told her.

Wateva, Trey, I do need you to take me home though cause I rode with Nylah, and I know she's not gonna wanna leave.”

That's fine, ma, let’s clean up, and then I'll take you home.”

cleaned up the kitchen and went upstairs to say bye to Ny and Nick.  When we got to the door all we herd was moaning and groaning, so we just left and said we would call them tomorrow.  We got into the car, and she gave me her address, so that I could put it in my GPS system.

Miss Diamond, you live alone?” I asked her.

Yea, I do.  It gets kind of lonely sometimes, but I'm not there often, so I guess it’s okay.”

You seem like a busy lady.  Is that why your single?  You don't have time for a relationship?”

I'm single because I don't want a dude that feels like all he has to do is throw money at me when something is wrong.  I want a guy that is gonna be there for me through my darkest days.  I want someone that is gonna listen to me, and not just listen, but actually hear what I say.  If I can find someone that actually be what I need them to be, then I would give them a chance.  But for now I'm focused on me.” Diamond said while looking me straight in my eyes.

I was gonna respond, but something told me not
to.  Diamond wanted more than what most women wanted.  She was not worried about whether the dude had money or not, she wanted someone that was gonna be there for her through thick and thin; that made me look at her in a different light.  When we pulled up to her house I walked her to her door.  We said good night and exchanged numbers.  I had a good feeling about Diamond, so I was gonna try and be that nigga she needed.  I wasn't going to go all soft cause I'm still a thug, but I was gonna try to see where me and her could take things.


Chapter 4



Oh Nick right there” I moaned.

I was on what seemed to be my fourth orgasm.

“Tell me you love this dick,” he told me as he slapped my ass.

I'm not saying that shit!”

Nick had me bent over on all fours hand
ling his business.  I'm not sure if it was because I haven't had sex in a while, or his dick was just that big, but he was hitting spots that I didn't even know was there.

Ny, say you love this dick!”

Before I could respond he pulled out and slowly went b
ack in hitting my spot.  I was on the verge of coming when he just stopped all together.

Nick, what are you doing I was about to cum.”

What I tell you to say, Ny?”

I don't remember.” I said trying to play dumb.

Even though I had only been with one other
person, Nick’s sex game was the best hands down.

Oh, you don't remember?  Ight, we done then.” Nick said getting ready to pull out.

Okay!  Okay!  I love this dick, Nick, now give me what I want.”

As soon as those words left my mouth ,I was cumming all o
n his dick.  That shit must have been feeling good cause Nick was moaning and saying my name like a bitch.

Damn Ny.......Shit, baby, I'm cumming,” Nick moaned in my ear.

Shit, Nick, is Trey and Diamond still here?” I said trying to control my breathing.

Nah, I heard the front door close a while ago, you good, ma.”

Damn, I'ma call her in the morning to check on her.”

How you know shawty anyway?”

We have class together.  When we speak in class she seems cool, so I invited her to go shopping with me.”

Ight, but I could get use to this; cooked meals when I get home, and then baby making after.”

Nick, please, we don't even really know what this is.” I said letting him know that my wall wasn't all the way down yet.

Ny, you don't know what this is.  I know what I'm doing, but we gonna take this one day at a time.” he told me.

I could tell that he wanted to say more, but for some reason he chose not to.

“That's all I ask for now.  Let’s go to sleep, you wore my little ass out.”

I know I did, so I expect breakfast in the morning.”

We'll see.” I told him, knowing damn well I was going to have breakfast ready.

I laid my head on his chest and went to sleep.  I could see myself starting to fall for him.  I already slept with him, so I might as well be all in, ri


I turned over to wrap Ny back in my arms, but she was gone.  She better be in the kitchen making my breakfast.  I went into the bathroom to take a shower and to get dressed, so I could go home and change.  Today I wanted to spend the whole day with Nylah to show her that she is what I want.  I walked into the kitchen to find Ny standing by the stove on the phone with someone laughing and giggling.  I snuck up behind her and started kissing on her neck.

Diamond, let me call you back.  Nick, stop, I'm trying to cook.” she said trying to push me off of her.

Okay, I’ma sit over here.  What was you and Diamond laughing about?” I asked her.

Nothing much.  She was telling me what happened with Trey, and I was telling her how I think I'ma give you my all.”

When she said that, it was like music to my ears, but you know I'm a thug so I had to play it cool.

“Really, what makes you want to do that?”

Just last night she had her guard up talking about she didn't know what this was.

“We been talking for months now, and we already had sex, so it’s not like there's much left.  But most importantly I shouldn't let what happened in the past effect what I'm trying to build in the future.  But if you hurt me, I will kill you.” she said, in a tone that let me know she was serious.

Let me find out I got a thug on my hands.  Ny, on the real, I told you this so many time before, that I'm not trying to hurt you, I just want to be with you.  And if you let me, I can show you that I am the nigga for you.  Now, make my plate, so I can eat, go home and change, and come pick you up, so that we can spend the day together.”

Here's your plate, but what are we doing today?”

It's a surprise, ma, but eat up, so that we can get the day started.”

We finished our breakfast, and I watch
ed her clean the kitchen before I left.  I wanted to do something special for her, but I was gonna need Trey's help.

My nigga, why you take so long to answer the phone?” I asked him.

Everyone doesn't get up early for the hell of it.”

If you had a chick to wake up to, you would.  What happened with you and Diamond, though.”

Nothing really, I was just feeling her out.  She seems cool, and it looks like she got her head on her shoulders.” he replied like it was nothing.

She just might be what you need to calm your ass down.” I told him.

I'm not even gonna get into all of that.  Why you on my phone though?  Shouldn't you be getting into something with Ny?”

That's why I called you.  I'm taking her out for the day, but I'ma need you to do something for me.”

You know I got you.  What you need?”

Meet me at my house in ten, and I'll fill you in.”

Ight, but you owe me.  It’s early as fuck.”

Yea, ight, just meet at my house.  One.”

This nigga better had got his ass up cause he wasn't fucking up what I had pla



Even though me and Nylah haven't talked in some days, I wanted to call her to check up on her.  I missed her like crazy, and I knew that she missed me just as much.


As soon as he came on the phone something came over me.  I don't ca
re what anyone said, I was in love with my best friend, and I didn't care.

Hey, I was just calling to check up on you.”

I was nervous cause I didn't know how she was going to respond to me calling her.

“Hi, and I'm good, just getting ready to go out.” she said.

That's cool, so can we have lunch sometime this week.” I asked her.

I really wanted to work on our relationship regardless of what my intentions were.

“Elle, I'm not sure.  First, you get mad cause I told you Nick wanted to take me out, and then you wanna be on some usher confession type shit and tell me that you’re in love with me.”

I know.  I might have came on too strong, but I'm trying to make it up to you.  I really just want my best friend back.”

You sure that's all you want, cause that's all I'm willing to give.” she said sounding unsure of my motives.

Our friendship means more to me than anything else,” I told her.

Okay, well, I'm busy today, but we can have lunch tomorrow.”

That's cool with me.”

I gotta finish getting ready, so I'll see you tomorrow.”

Cool, and thanks for giving me another chance, Nylah.”

I hung up feeling more determined than ever.  My plan is going better than I thought.  I figured I would have to do more than that to even get Nylah to consider going to lunch with m
e.  It was way too nice for me to keep my ass in the house, so I hit up Jacob and made plans to go out to eat later.  After that night that me and Jacob spent together, we have become somewhat close.  We made a deal to keep having sex until he fixed things with Nylah.  I don't know why he thought he was gonna have his cake and eat it too, but as far as I was concerned he was never going to get Nylah.  She was gonna be all mine in the end.  But I would settle for that good dick for now.



I wasn't reall
y sure about fixing things with Elle, but she had been my best friend since forever.  How could I just end a friendship over a misunderstanding?  Hopefully she was serious about just being my friend cause if she was gonna try me again, then I would have to put her in her place, and I really didn’t wanna put my hands on her.

Clearing my mind so that I could focus on my day with Nick, I turned on my Beyonce Cd and started dancing to “Drunk in Love”.  I was in the mirror moving my hips to the music while singi
ng the song.  I was so into it, I never heard Nick walk in my room.  I didn't know he was there until he started rapping Jay-Z's part in my ear.  I swear everything about this man was perfect.  He was just so sexy, and the sight of him made my panties wet.  The whole time he was rapping we were staring at each other in the mirror.  Our stare was so intense that I had to break it.

We sex again in the morning, your breastestes is my breakfast, we going in, we be all night”

Aye” I said as I danced out of his embrace.

Ma, get your ass over here.”

No, I have to finish getting ready, so we can go.  Matter of fact, how you get in my house?”

I took your spare key that was on the dresser.” he told me, like it was nothing.

Oh okay, I thought you was on some psycho shit.  I was about to say, nigga, you got to go.”

We both started laughing, but I was serious as all hell.

“Ny, come on, ma, you know I don't even get down like that.  But you didn't even hear me come in.  You have to pay attention to your surroundings.”

Nick, I heard you come in.  I didn't react cause I heard your big ass feet coming up the stairs.”

That's what your mouth say, but remember this, Ny, never get too comfortable because you never know who is trying to get you.  Now, let's go, so I can show you my world.”

I'm ready.”

I turned off the music and followed him down the stairs.  I lied and said that I heard him because I didn't want him thinking that I couldn't handle myself.  I had to take what he told me into consideration.  Shit, I was comf
ortable with Elle and come to find out she was in love with me.

We hopped in his car, and all he told me was that we was going to 42
Street.  I just buckled up and got comfortable for the ride.  We ended up going to M&M world.  I was like a kid in a candy store.  It's not that I haven't been there before; it was the fact that Nick rented the whole thing out for just me and him.

Ny, stop eating all the candy, you gonna get sick.” he told me, like I was a five year old.

Well, why would you rent it out if you didn't want me to eat all the candy?”

I rented it out so that we could just act like kids, and let go of all of our worries.  When was the last time you could actually act like a kid?”

Good point, but other than eating candy, what else is there that we could do?” I asked him.

I'm glad you asked.  Let's go to the top floor.” he said with a sneaky smile on his face.

I followed him upstairs and couldn't believe my eyes.  There was a huge ball pit in the middle of the room.  The thing that was so amazing
was the fact that it was filled with M&M's instead of balls.

Nick, how did you do this?  I have been here numerous times, and I never saw this.” I asked him in amazement.

That's because I had them build it.  Remember when I said I wanted to take you out?  We was gonna come here as part of our date.  When we didn't show, the guy called me asked what I wanted them to do with this.  So, I told them to just leave it here for a couple of days, and that I would pay them extra for their time.”

This is so cool,” she said sounding excited.

Ny, this isn't your normal ball pit.  Besides the fact that there is M&M's, there are ten Easter eggs in there, but only one of them have a gift in it.  If you can find the one with the gift, then you can keep it.”

That's sounds easy enough.”

I wanted to put on a show for him as I found those eggs, so I decided to strip down to my bra and panties.

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