Read The Definitive Book of Body Language Online
Authors: Barbara Pease,Allan Pease
Why Men Don't Listen and
Women Can't Read Maps
Why Men Lie and Women Cry
Why Men Can Only Do One Thing at a
Time and Women Never Stop Talking
The Little Book of Men and Women
This book is dedicated to all people who have good eyesight but who cannot see.
All Things Are Not What They Seem
How Well Do You Know the Back of Your Hand?
How Well Can You Spot Body-Language Contradictions?
How Body Language Reveals Emotions and Thoughts
How Fortune-Tellers Know So Much
Inborn, Genetic, or Learned Culturally?
Three Rules for Accurate Reading
True-Life Story: The Lying Job Applicant
Intentional Use of the Palms to Deceive
An Analysis of Handshake Styles
How Dominance and Control Are Communicated
Gaining the Left-Side Advantage
When Men and Women Shake Hands
The World's Eight Worst Handshakes
The Magic of Smiles and Laughter
Smiling Is a Submission Signal
Why Laughter Is the Best Medicine
Why You Should Take Laughter Seriously
Why We Laugh and Talk, but Chimps Don't
Smiles and Laughter Are a Way of Bonding
Why Crossed Arms Can Be Detrimental
Yes… but I'm Just “Comfortable”
How the Rich and Famous Reveal Their Insecurity
We Were Having Pizza at the Time
Why We're All Becoming American
Cultural Basics Are the Same Almost Everywhere
When One Culture Encounters Another
“You Dirty, Disgusting Pig!”—Nose-Blowing
The Three Most Common Cross-Cultural Gestures
On the Other Hand, Gestures Improve Recall
Using Steepling to Win at Chess
Evaluation and Deceit Signals
How the Face Reveals the Truth
Women Lie the Best and That's the Truth
Eight of the Most Common Lying Gestures
Evaluation and Procrastination Gestures
Head Rubbing and Slapping Gestures
Women Are Better at It, as Usual
Gaze Behavior—Where Do You Look?
How to Keep Eye Contact in a Nudist Colony
Most Liars Look You in the Eye
How to Avoid Being Attacked or Abused
The First Twenty Seconds of an Interview
What Channel Are You Tuned To?
How to Hold Eye Contact with an Audience
How to Present Visual Information
Space Invaders—Territories and Personal Space
Practical Applications of Zone Distances
Why We Hate Riding in Elevators
Cultural Factors Affecting Zone Distances
Why Japanese Always Lead When They Waltz
Country vs. City Spatial Zones
How the Legs Reveal What the Mind Wants to Do
Everybody's Talking About a New Way of Walking
The Four Main Standing Positions
Defensive, Cold, or “Just Comfortable”?
How We Move from Closed to Open
When the Body Closes, so Does the Mind
Put Your Right Foot In, Put Your Right Foot Out
The Thirteen Most Common Gestures You'll See Daily
How We Show We're Ready for Action
Gestures That Show When a Person Is Ready
Mirroring—How We Build Rapport
Mirroring Differences Between Men and Women
What to Do About It if You're Female
When Men and Women Start to Look Alike
Intentionally Creating Rapport
The Secret Signals of Cigarettes, Glasses, and Makeup
Differences Between Men and Women
How to Spot a Positive or Negative Decision
The Power of Glasses and Makeup
How the Body Points to Where the Mind Wants to Go
Courtship Displays and Attraction Signals
The Emergence of the Colorful Male
Why Women Always Call the Shots
Differences Between Men and Women
The Thirteen Most Common Female Courtship Gestures and Signals
What Men Look at in Women's Bodies
Is He a Butt, Boobs, or Leg Man?
Male Courtship Signals and Gestures
Men's Bodies—What Turns Women On the Most
Is She a Chest, Legs, or Butt Gal?
Ownership, Territory, and Height Signals
Why Some People Seem Taller on TV
How Body Lowering Can Sometimes Raise Status
How TV Politicians Can Win Votes
What's Love Got to Do with It?
Some Strategies for Gaining Perceived Height
Seating Arrangements—Where to Sit and Why
It's Not What You Say, It's Where You Sit
Why Teacher's Pet Sits on the Left
Getting a Decision Over Dinner
Interviews, Power Plays, and Office Politics
Why James Bond Looked Cool, Calm, and Collected
The Nine Golden Keys to Making Great First Impressions
When Someone Keeps You Waiting
Seven Simple Strategies for Giving You the Extra Edge
How to Switch Table Territories
How Well Can You Read Between the Lines?