The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1)
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Chapter 4


Rhonda kept her eyes looking down as she sat across the table from Joel the next morning. She had cried herself to sleep last night and she knew that her eyes were red and swollen. She picked at her food while Joel enjoyed his in silence.

“As soon as you finish breakfast we are going to visit the doctor. We have to get you on some birth control, because I do not want any kids running around,” he said.

Rhonda started to open her mouth to tell him that if he kept his hands off her there would be no need for birth control, but she thought better of it. It would only enrage him, and right now her body was sore enough from last night. She finished her breakfast and sat back from the table, glaring at Joel, but not saying a word.

“When we were in college, your mom and I dated for some time,” Joel began. “We even thought it was going to get serious. She was the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me. Then she got pregnant and I proposed.”

Rhonda just looked shocked at him. “You what?” she asked.

“You heard me. We were going to get married,” he said. “But then she got into an accident and had a miscarriage. That was the beginning of the end for us. We started fighting more till we separated. I always loved her, even afterwards. I see her in you.” He looked nostalgic as she saw his face.

“Oh wow. I had no idea about any of this,” Rhonda said, still looking shocked.

“I don’t believe she ever told your dad about it. If she did, he hid it well as it didn’t seem to affect our friendship together,” he replied.

She didn’t know what to say about any of this.

After she finished eating they drove over to the doctor’s office that was only a couple miles away.

When they got inside, Rhonda didn’t say a word. She was still trying to process everything she heard that morning from Joel about her mother. She eventually got distracted when she heard her name being called by a nurse.


The nurse again repeated her name and motioned for her to follow. Rhonda expected Joel to stay in the waiting room, but no, he followed them into the examining room. The nurse didn’t seem to question his presence as she helped Rhonda out of her clothes and into a gown. She was sitting on the end of the examining table when the doctor walked into the room and shook hands with Joel.

Of course, the doctor knew Joel so there would be no questions asked. She listened as Joel explained to the doctor that she had recently become sexually active and needed birth control. But not just any birth control, an IUD, whatever that was. Joel explained to the doctor that she might forget to take pills, and monthly visits for shots were out of the question.

Rhonda felt her face turn crimson when the doctor started his exam. Joel was sitting there like this was something he did every day. The doctor explained to her that she would probably feel some cramping when he inserted the IUD, but it would only be temporary. She winced when a sudden cramp caused her to catch her breath, but then the doctor told her she could sit up.

Joel watched her as she got dressed, and he noticed that she kept trying to hide her stomach. At first he wondered why, but then he remembered the red mark that had been left by the whip.

Rhonda dressed in a hurry and followed Joel back to the front office, where he paid the bill before escorting her back to the car.

“Now, we can begin your lessons in earnest. I won’t have to worry about you getting pregnant, and you can relax and try to learn as much as you can. Last night was a one-time deal and will not happen again. You are no longer a virgin, so we can proceed, because you have much to learn.”

If last night’s pain was any indication of what was to come, Rhonda would just as soon die. There was absolutely nothing about last night that she found to be fun, although Joel seemed pleased with himself.

“After last night you will no longer feel the pain of my entry, but you will learn to enjoy other types of pain. I have many ways of causing you pleasure and pain at the same time. You will find that one day you will beg for it.”

Joel was crazy if he thought she would ever beg for more of what happened to her last night. She had been helpless to prevent him from doing as he wished, and being blindfolded made things worse. She still didn’t even know exactly what had happened. She was sore between her legs, and she knew that something big had been inside her, but she had no idea what it was.

When they arrived back at the house, Joel allowed Rhonda to return to her room. He would allow her today to rest and recuperate before their next lesson. There would be time enough tomorrow for them to continue. He was looking forward in anticipation of causing her to feel pleasure. Her inexperience had not allowed her to anticipate pleasure from a man, but she would soon learn that it could be very pleasurable. If only she would relax.

Rhonda stayed in bed for much of the day, trying to come to grips with the situation she found herself in. The simple life with her parents seemed so far away now. Instead, she felt like a prisoner who was expected to allow her master to do anything he wanted to her. She honestly didn’t think that she could endure another episode like yesterday. Joel kept speaking of pleasure, but there was no pleasure in being tied up and torn asunder.

Rhonda was up early the following morning, having spent much of the previous day sleeping. She dressed and started downstairs, hoping to get her breakfast before Joel got up. Her shoulders dropped when she found him already sitting at the table. She refused to meet his eyes as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“I am glad to see that you are up early. We have a lot to learn today. If you cooperate with me perhaps I will allow you to feel the pleasure that I told you about.”

Rhonda’s appetite was ruined. She dreaded what the day held. She hated this man, but for now she could find no way to escape him. He had not yet even allowed her the weekly allowance that her parents had meant for her. She had no money, and no way to make it on her own. She silently cursed the situation she found herself in, but she vowed that one day she would escape Joel’s cruel prison and make a life for herself.

Joel watched as she picked at her food before finally pushing the plate away. He knew that she would later regret not eating, but she would soon learn. He grabbed her by the hand and began to lead her upstairs. She expected him to take her to his bedroom, but when they reached the landing he turned in another direction. She watched as he took out his keys and opened the door to a room filled with strange objects.

Rhonda’s eyes were wide as she took in the room. She had no idea what kind of room this was, but to her it looked like some type of torture chamber. The room contained no windows, and there was black paint on the walls. A small light on top of a chest gave off a blue glow, but there was no other light in the room. Fear hit her square in the face when she looked around her, not knowing what was about to happen. As he did yesterday, Joel locked the door behind them, preventing her from running.

“Now, I want to watch you take off your clothes,” he said.

Rhonda stood still, refusing to give in to his demands.

“We can do it the way we did the first day, but I fear that you will soon run out of clothes if I keep cutting them off of you. Then you would have to run around the house naked. I personally would not mind that, but it might prove to be a bit of a discomfort for you. So if you value your wardrobe, take off your clothes.”

Rhonda cursed under her breath, a habit she rarely took advantage of until lately. She knew that Joel was just cruel enough to carry out his threat if she didn’t obey him. She unbuttoned her blouse and let it drop to the floor. She struggled with the hooks of her bra, but she finally managed to let her breasts spring free. She refused to look Joel in the eyes as she removed her pants and underpants. Finally, she was naked, standing defiantly in front of him. He might have his way with her, but she would be damned if she would make it fun for him. Surely he would soon tire of a cold fish and leave her alone.

Joel licked his lips in anticipation. Today he would prove to Rhonda that she could have pleasure too. He took her by the hand and led her to a funny looking contraption, something that resembled a bed, but was round and covered in padding and satin. She did not fail to notice the cuffs that were positioned in four separate places on the contraption. She assumed these were to secure her to the board.

“Lie down and let me fasten these on. You will soon understand why they are here,” Joel said.

Knowing better than to try and resist, Rhonda did as she was told. Joel placed her wrists in each of the cuffs, tightly securing them in place. She watched in horror as he lifted her knees and spread her legs before securing her ankles. Once he had her secure, he picked up some type of remote control and pointed it at her. Immediately, she felt the board she was lying on start to move to a different position. Soon, she found herself upright with the weight of her body pulling on her wrists. Joel then took a piece of fabric much like a blindfold and tied it around her waist and around the table, taking much of her body weight off her wrists.

After he made sure that Rhonda was secure, Joel started to remove his own clothes. Rhonda watched in horror as his naked body came into view. Apparently this time he did not plan to blindfold her, allowing her to get her first glimpse at his huge manhood. Was that what had caused her so much pain? Surely her body could not accommodate something so large, but when she remembered, that was exactly what it had felt like entering her body. Something long and hard.

Joel started at her breasts, squeezing them to the point of pain. She watched as he went from one to the other, causing her pain, but nothing she could not bear. Once he had caused her nipples to harden, he took her breast into his mouth and started to suck. Strange feelings were building in her lower stomach, but they were not unpleasant. Joel continued to squeeze and suck on her breasts, causing her to relax just a little. She felt his hand move down her stomach and head toward her womanhood. She was spread out like an eagle and could do nothing to stop him as she felt him plunge his finger inside her, moving in and out, mocking her, teasing her. She didn’t understand the feelings she was experiencing, but at least she was not in pain.

Suddenly, Joel withdrew his fingers and reached for the remote. Rhonda felt herself start to move and was terrified to find herself hanging upside down, legs spread, and Joel looking at her womanhood.

“Now I will show you that you can find pleasure in this. I will allow you this pleasure before introducing you to more pain.”

Rhonda picked up her head and watched in horror as Joel pushed her legs wider and spread her lips open. She saw his head as he moved closer to her, anticipation in his eyes. When she felt his mouth close over her clitoris, she about jumped out of her skin. Joel’s head was between her legs and he was biting on something that was causing strange feelings to travel through her body. She closed her eyes, unable to watch what he was doing.

Joel continued biting and sucking on that part of her body that was starting to betray her. She was horrified at what he was doing, but it was starting to feel good. He plunged his fingers back inside her while he continued tormenting her with his hot mouth. She was hanging upside down, her legs spread wide, and Joel was using his mouth to cause unknown pleasure to course through her body. Suddenly, he stopped and turned her back upright before once again laying her on her back. She found herself wanting something more, she just didn’t know what it was.

Joel picked up an object that was long and large with something sticking out in the front of it. She watched as he placed the object at the opening of her womanhood. She felt him push it in and she realized it felt much like what he pushed in her that first time, except this time there was no pain. Joel made sure to get the Rabbit vibrator deep inside her and line up the clit tickler just perfect before he turned it on.

Rhonda’s body jerked when she felt the vibration. Joel was watching closely as he moved the object in and out of her, but she soon didn’t care. Pleasure was coursing throughout her entire body and she didn’t want it to stop. She squeezed her eyes shut and felt the vibration spread through her body, as she finally allowed the hot pleasure to take over her.

Joel continued moving the Rabbit in and out, watching the pleasure he saw on Rhonda’s face.

Rhonda didn’t have a clue as to what was happening to her body, but she was in no shape to stop it. She felt a sudden surge of heat and pleasure start to take over her body, starting between her legs and moving upward. She couldn’t help but groan when her body started to spasm around the Rabbit, trying to hold it deep inside while she fell through the air. She saw flashing lights and felt like she was about to explode. Her body had betrayed her and allowed her to enjoy her first orgasm.

Joel was pleased. Rhonda had decided not to fight the feelings and she had gotten a taste of how much pleasure could be found in sex. Now he could teach her that pain could also cause pleasure. There was so much more she had to learn, but maybe now she would not fight him.

“See, I told you there could be pleasure. But don’t get used to this. I will introduce you to pain that will also give you pleasure. From now on you will learn something new each time, something that will cause you pain, but something that will also give you great pleasure if you allow it.”

Rhonda was struggling to breathe. The pleasure was starting to subside, but she still hated this man for what he made her do. He might be able to cause her pleasure, but he would never reach her heart. The day she turned twenty-one she would walk out of his life forever and she would never allow another man to control her the way Joel did.

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