The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1) (19 page)

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Chapter 15


Rhonda was naked, and Anna was bathing her body. But her mind was not on her bath. It was on Joel, and what he had told her. Anna took the washcloth and spread her legs, cleaning her privates, but Rhonda hardly noticed. Joel had been involved with her mother, but he had done the right thing and allowed her mother to marry her father. Was there some decency in him, or was he trying to replace her mother with her?

“Anna, is Joel always good to you, or does he sometimes snap?” Rhonda asked.

“Oh no, Miss Rhonda. Mr. Joel is always good to me. He never yells at me and he pays me more than most people in my position. I am very lucky to have been hired by him,” Anna said.

Rhonda was confused. Joel wanted her to forgive him, but that was not something she could immediately do. His treatment of her had been horrible, and she didn’t know if she could ever allow herself to trust him. Anna, along with the other servants, seemed to respect him for his treatment and his pay, but how could he be so good to some people, and treat her so badly? It was a question she would ask herself in the months to come.

Rehab was going well, even if it did leave Rhonda exhausted for the rest of the day. She longed for the day when she could get the cast off her arm and regain a small portion of her independence. For now she was happy to be able to get out of bed and sit in the chair. Lying in the bed all day was doing nothing to help her regain strength. Now she could take her meals sitting up, and she was getting great at beating Anna in poker. She never knew such a simple card game could be so fun. Anna always moaned and groaned, pretending to “allow” Rhonda to win, but Rhonda knew better. There were times when they got heated in their exchange, and their voices could be heard throughout the house.

Joel had started to visit Rhonda on a daily basis. He never stayed long, and he never said or did anything to make Rhonda angry. Instead, he seemed so normal. He always asked how she was feeling and if she was in any pain. She always told him no, but if she were going to be honest with herself, there was still some mental pain from the way he humiliated her on that fateful evening. Rhonda didn’t know if she would ever completely get past that. But she was starting to enjoy his visits. Seeing him as a real person was a pleasant change from the dark evil she had seen before. It was during one of these visits that Rhonda decided to ask him about her mother.

“Joel, I want you to tell me about my mother. What was she like when she was my age, and what attracted you to her?” Rhonda asked.

Joel hesitated, not sure what to say. He didn’t want to let go of this small amount of peace they had between them.

“Well, your mother was very fun and carefree. She had tons of energy, and an outgoing personality. She was also very beautiful, both inside and out. She could have had just about any man she wanted, but she wasn’t really interested in dating a lot of people. She enjoyed the time we spent together, even though we never really dated. Instead, we would often take long walks and just talk. At other times she would push the envelope and do something daring in public, all to see if she could keep from getting caught. I must admit, she was much braver than me, but I usually went along with her daring escapades, just so I could be with her,” Joel said.

Rhonda was tempted to ask Joel about those “daring escapades,” but decided better of it. Maybe one day she would ask him about them, but for now she just wanted to keep things friendly.

“I have been thinking, your birthday is coming up soon and you should have your cast off your arm by then, so how would you feel about a small party,” Joel asked.

So much had happened that Rhonda had not given her birthday a second thought.

“What do you have in mind?” Rhonda asked.

“Well, you have met the Conleys and the Wilhoits, so I thought we could have them over for a casual lunch and birthday cake. Nothing elaborate. I just thought you might welcome the distraction. By that time you should be able to ambulate around with a walker, and you could take your meal in the dining room instead of in here,” he said.

Rhonda thought back to the night she had met the Conleys and Wilhoits. It was the night when Joel abused her so badly, and she didn’t know if she wanted to see them again so soon. But seeing somebody’s face other than him and Anna was appealing. And if he had a lunch instead of a dinner, she might be okay with it.

“I think I might like that, but I hate the fact that I will still have this cast on my leg. I hate feeling so helpless.”

“Nobody cares about that. We will keep it short, since I don’t want to wear you out. Maybe we can just have burgers with all the trimmings. That would be a treat that we don’t enjoy very often,” he said.

After thinking about it, Rhonda was excited to finally have something to look forward to. Weeks in bed and depending on others was frustrating. She was feeling much better now and a little diversion would be enjoyable.

Chapter 16


The day of the party finally arrived, and Rhonda was excited to get to talk to somebody besides Joel and Anna. Her cast on her arm was gone and she was learning to maneuver her walker enough to get around the lower level of the house. Anna helped her get dressed in a fresh blouse and palazzo pants that somewhat hid her cast. She was sitting at the table with her leg propped up in a chair when the guests finally arrived.

“My dear, I heard that you had such a horrible accident. I am glad to see you up and feeling well,” Nancy said.

“Yes, it has been quite the ordeal,” Rhonda said. “But Anna has taken great care of me, and Joel has made sure that I have what I want and need. I am looking forward to the day when this cast comes off my leg and I can move around without this bulky walker.”

“You should not try to rush it. From what I heard you were seriously injured and are lucky to be alive. How terrible that must have been for you,” Nancy said.

The cook arrived with a platter of hamburgers that he cooked on the charcoal grill. He placed the aromatic platter in the middle of the table, alongside the potato salad and baked beans. This was indeed going to be a treat. Rhonda could not remember the last time she had enjoyed grilled hamburgers, and these smelled delicious.

Throughout the meal Linda chatted as usual about her twins, and Joel was attentive to Rhonda, making sure she had what she wanted. By the time it was time to cut the cake, Rhonda was feeling stuffed. This was more than she was used to eating lately, but the food tasted so good she did not want to stop. She was glad that her birthday celebration turned out this way. For the first time since moving into this house, she had enjoyed herself.

Soon all of the guests were gone, and Rhonda made her way back to the sitting room. She had enjoyed the company, but she was also glad when they left. She was tired and needed to rest. Using the walker allowed her the freedom to move about, but it also zapped her energy, something she was short of these days.

Joel waited patiently while Rhonda took a nap. He knew the party had tired her out, but she was making great progress. He sat quietly in the chair and watched her sleep. She had been less argumentative with him since he had come clean with her about the broach and his relationship with her mother. There were times when she was ill at her situation, but those times were different from before when she appeared to hate him.

When Rhonda awoke, she spotted Joel sitting in the chair. She actually thought she detected a smile on his face when she met his eyes.

“I am glad you are awake. I hope you enjoyed your party,” he said.

“I did. Thank you for thinking of it. The food was great and I think that Nancy and I could probably become really good friends one day.”

“What about me, Rhonda? Do you think we could become really good friends, too?” he asked.

Rhonda thought for a minute, and she had to admit to herself, she wanted that too. She still had a ways to go, but Joel had been so good and attentive since the accident, she thought she might be able to forgive him one day.

“I would like that Joel, but what about when I am well and no longer have this cast on? Are things going to go back as they were before, because I cannot accept that.”

“I promise you, I will never treat you that way again. When I almost lost you it made me realize how much I really want you around. You have filled a void in my life that I didn’t even realize existed. I’m going to be honest with you. I hope to one day have a sexual relationship with you, and I must also admit, I enjoy many of the things that are in that room upstairs, but I will never again force any of it on you. If you are not comfortable with something, I will not make you do it. You have my word on that.”



Rhonda had agreed to meet Joel in the locked room at 6 p.m. He had promised her a night of pleasure, but she had a few plans of her own. During their recent trip to town, she had purchased a two-piece red confection that barely concealed her womanly treasures. She checked herself in the mirror before heading in Joel’s direction.

When Rhonda stepped into the room, Joel’s manhood took a leap. Wow! She looked great. He had never seen her look so sexy and mature. He lay on the bed admiring her while she slowly walked in his direction.

As soon as Rhonda was within reach, Joel grabbed her and pulled her to the bed. He kissed her thoroughly before moving lower to pay attention to her breasts. He felt her body instantly respond when his hand moved to her womanhood, searching for and finding her clitoris through the clothing she wore. She lay still for a while, allowing him to provide her with the exquisite pleasure that was coursing through her body.

“I want you to use the balls,” she said. “Put them inside me please.”

Joel was quick to grab the two silver balls and move aside the transparent bit of cloth that covered her womanhood. He spread her lips and gently inserted the balls deep inside her before replacing the G-string she wore. When they were in place, she hopped off the bed and walked around the room, allowing him to just observe.

In the months since her recovery, Rhonda had learned to use the balls well, tightly holding them inside while enjoying the pleasure of them moving around inside her. Once she was fully aroused from the balls, she enjoyed the clit clamp that caused her both pain and pleasure. Joel had learned what she expected, and as soon as she lay back down on the bed he knew what to do. With the clamp in place, he dipped his finger deep inside her, feeling her hot juices flow freely. Rhonda moaned when the intense pleasure ran through her body. It would be easy to allow Joel to take her to her climax, but she had other things in mind.

Rhonda reached and removed the clamp, stopping Joel from what he was doing.

“Now, I want you to lay on your back,” she said.

Joel complied, allowing Rhonda to do anything she pleased. He watched in surprise when she placed his wrists into the cuffs at the head of the bed. Once the cuffs were securely in place, she picked up a blindfold and covered his eyes.

This was different from anything they had ever done. Rhonda was usually the one blindfolded, but Joel was on fire and couldn’t wait for her next move.

Rhonda straddled Joel and moved up to his face, placing her womanhood just above his hot mouth.

“Now, you are my slave, and I want you to give me great pleasure,” Rhonda said.

She lowered herself down to allow Joel’s tongue room to work its magic. She had to work hard to keep herself from totally giving in while his tongue flicked in and out of her hot womanhood. When he reached up and bit her clitoris, she thought she would explode.

Rhonda quickly moved away from Joel’s mouth and positioned herself over his manhood, quickly impaling herself with its hotness. She took just a minute to enjoy the fullness before she started moving on him, grinding herself against his hard cock. She was completely in control of the situation, and that made her happy. She continued grinding as hard as she could until she felt her release building rapidly. She reached behind her and grabbed Joel’s balls and squeezed hard, causing him both pleasure and pain. She heard Joel groan loudly as she took him deep inside, convulsing around him, milking him of his seed.

As Joel slept, Rhonda lay awake thinking about what was to come next. She knew she felt a lot better about the future than when she first learned about her parents’ deaths. She knew she wouldn’t ever be leaving Joel to live her own life like she originally intended to. Definitely not after getting so close to him. As she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t wait for the next chapter of her life.

About Roxy Sinclaire


Roxy Sinclaire writes steamy, suspenseful romantic stories as the main genre, and this includes a variety of different topics. Some of these include dark romances, action packed romances, mafia romances, and many more. She currently works in customer relations in New York City, but is trying to fulfill her passion in writing and eventually have her dream job become a reality.


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Also by Roxy Sinclaire:

Her Godfather

Trapped In His World

Dangerous Motives: 8 Book Box Set

Deceived By The Hitman: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance

Entitled: A Bad Boy Romance



About Stella Noir


Stella Noir is a new voice of dark romance. She loves everything forbidden,

and enjoys pushing the limits of what readers enjoy. Her hope is to show readers the good in the bad.


Subscribe to Stella's mailing list to be up to date with new releases:


If you have comments, suggestions, or just want to get in touch, e-mail Stella

[email protected]


If you're a fan of Facebook, don't forget to connect with Stella there:


Also By Stella Noir:

Her Godfather

Colin: A Serial Killer Romance

Trapped In His World

The Dark Doctor

Silent Daughter: Owned


Bub: Dark Contemporary Romance



Dangerous Motives: 8 Book Box Set

They're deadly, dark, and full of DANGEROUS MOTIVES.
This bundle contains 8 unique stories. That is 8 different
heroes, in their own dark romances, ALL in one
bundle. This bundle contains over 370,000 words across 8 books from various top selling authors!
The stories contained in Dangerous Motives are not for the faint of heart and include dark themes and situations that some may find disturbing and objectionable. Intended for audiences 18+.


to read Dangerous Motives.




Excerpt from
Trapped In His World: A Dark Romance


It is almost six in the evening and I am still sitting at my desk.  I’m sure just about everyone else has gone home. I wonder if Mr. Black remembers that he asked me to remain in the office until he gets back. I sit patiently and wait. Luckily, he strolls into the office not too long after. He seems to be in a dark mood. Maybe his meeting didn’t go very well. His gaze finds me and roams over my face. I am tempted to pull out my mirror and look to see if I have something on my face.  “Navia, thank you for waiting, follow me to my office please,” he says softly.

I nod and quickly get up, not wanting to upset him any further. As I make my way to the office I wonder what this is all about. Consternation creeps in as negative thoughts fill my mind. Maybe I did something wrong or maybe he doesn’t like the way I work. What if he is calling me into his office to fire me on my first day? My shoulders droop slightly. If I can’t do a job for one week or even a day, who is going to hire me now? We reach his office and he shuts the door, turning the lock. I frown. That’s strange. Why does he feel the need to lock the door? I nibble nervously at my lower lip and twirl my hands together. “Uh, how was your meeting?” I ask feebly, forcing a smile. It’s very hard to do, considering that I am a nervous wreck.

“It didn’t go as planned,” he says shortly.

I release a low breath. OK, maybe this has nothing to do with me after all. “I’m sorry to hear that.” I look at him expectantly, waiting for him to tell me why he wanted me to stay after hours and why I am standing in his office. All he does is rake his gaze over me. He reaches up to loosen his tie and run his fingers through his hair. I wish I could do that for him, run my fingers through his head of luxurious-looking black hair. He seems troubled, as if he is battling internally with himself. I detect a play of emotion across his features and they disappear quickly. How does he do that? How does he give a slight sliver of emotion and return to cool and emotionless so quickly? It makes it difficult to read him. What is he thinking right now?

I begin to bite my lower lip again and his gaze lands on my lips. I stop biting immediately and my tongue darts out to moisten my lips. His eyes follow my tongue’s movement. I swallow hard, feeling too hot all of a sudden. He steps toward me and I take a step back, the back of my legs hitting against his desk. I can go no further. My nervous lip-biting resumes. “Don’t do that, Navia,” he whispers, reaching out to cup my chin with long fingers. He smoothens a finger over my lower lip and I forget to continue breathing. “It’s very tempting to kiss you when you do that.”

My eyes widen. I don’t have much experience, but I am pretty sure this is not typical employer-employee behavior. I am speechless, my mind in turmoil. Should I speak out and tell him this is not appropriate, or say and do nothing, to see how far he goes? The devil on the left side of my shoulder tells me to do the latter. “Do you have any idea why I called you in here, Navia?”

I swallow hard. “N-Not the slightest idea,” I breathe out.

His lips curl, “Your innocence is refreshing. Are you really as innocent as you seem?”

“Well, I’m not exactly sure what you mean. Innocent in what way?” I watch as he peels off his jacket and throws it onto a chair. I follow his every movement, noticing how graceful and powerful each movement is. He is still standing very close, and I find it difficult to think straight.

“I have wanted to do something since I locked eyes with you on Saturday.” His gaze lowers to my mouth. “Your full lips are very tantalizing, just like the rest of you.”

I gawk up at him. I am in shock over his statement. He finds me tantalizing? I find it hard to believe that a man like Jason Black finds me attractive. “Err… I-I—,” my words refuse to come out properly. His lips twitch as if he is enjoying my discomfort. He lowers his head to mine, and his lips hover mere centimeters above mine. My breathing quickens. I want to pinch myself. This is playing out just like one of the dreams I had about him. Maybe this isn’t real. He doesn’t kiss me but continues to watch me intently.

“Would you like me to kiss you, Navia?” he enquires.
Hell yes!
I shout in my mind. But the words can’t pass my lips. I nod. “Answer me properly,” he demands. “I want to hear you say it.”

“I— yes,” I pant.

“Yes, what?”

I want so badly to feel his lips on mine. I ache for it. “I want you to kiss me.”

“Next time make sure you say ‘please.’”

There’s going to be a next time? Before I can analyze his statement any further, I draw in a breath as his lips capture mine. His mouth moves gently, urging my lips to move to part. I love the smooth, warm feel of his mouth, and my lips soon part to allow him entrance into my mouth. His gentle movements soon become more rough and urgent. He cups my face and forces my head back, causing me to moan in shock and delight. I moan as he ravishes my mouth. He pulls away to whisper, “You taste just as good as I thought you would.” He tastes just as good as I thought he would, as well, and his lips are just as soft. But I say nothing. What am I supposed to say? That I loved it and I want him to kiss me again? My fingers move to touch swollen lips ravaged by his passionate kiss. “Do you want more, Navia?” he asks.

My eyes fly up to meet his, “More kissing?”

A wicked grin forms on his lips, and I frown. “I guess you really are that innocent,” he says lowly. His grin turns into a grimace and he takes several steps back. He closes his eyes and whispers, “I shouldn’t do this. I should send you home, leave you the hell alone.”

Alarm rises in me. “Send me home? No, please don’t. I really need this job.”

He frowns, “It’s not about the damn job, Navia.”

I am immensely relieved, but still confused. “Oh, then what is it about?”

He rushes forward. “To hell with it, I can’t resist,” he growls. 


to continue reading
Trapped In His World: A Dark Romance





Excerpt from
Her Godfather


Joel was having difficulty with his pants. The sight of Rhonda caused his manhood to bulge against the restraints of his briefs. He didn’t understand the effect she had on him, but it was profound. He had always enjoyed a woman’s body and then gone on his way. For him it had been a mere amusement. But with Rhonda it was more. He could not seem to get enough of her, and he couldn’t seem to control his own orgasm. Never had he found himself in such a predicament.

Joel took Rhonda by the arm and brought her close to him. He leaned down and kissed her deeply, something he had not done before. He managed to get her mouth open and started sparring with her tongue, enjoying her willingness to let him do as he wished.

Rhonda had never been kissed before, other than the occasional affectionate kiss from her parents, and this was completely foreign to her. She did not realize what she was missing out on.

Joel was enjoying Rhonda’s body so close to his, embracing him as he kissed her. She felt so good, all he wanted to do was lay her down and plunge himself deep inside of her. But he must not do that yet. He had special plans for this evening, and he would have to pace himself. This new, submissive Rhonda was turning him on like none other before her. Right now he desperately needed to get out of his pants.

Joel released Rhonda from his kiss and took her hand. When they reached the bed that was located on the far side of the room, she stretched out on her back without having to be told. Joel stared at her while he quickly removed his clothing. As soon as his clothes fell in a heap on the floor, he joined her on the bed and resumed their kiss, wanting to hold onto her submission.

Rhonda was lost in Joel’s kiss. Something about the way his tongue danced with hers made her feel good. She tried to fight it, but her body seemed to have a mind of its own. There were strange tingling sensations starting in her most private places, and nothing she did made them go away. She felt Joel’s hand move across her stomach and down toward her womanhood. He gently pushed her legs apart so that he would have access to her most intimate place. She sucked in a deep breath when his fingers found her clitoris and started massaging it, causing the tingling sensations to increase.

When Joel plunged his finger deep inside Rhonda, he discovered that she was already wet with desire. He knew that they could have something good together if she would only relax and allow herself to enjoy it. He felt her contract when he inserted another finger and started moving in and out of her.

Rhonda found herself lost in the feelings Joel was stimulating in her body. She didn’t realize that he had left her mouth and moved between her legs until she felt his hot mouth on her clitoris. She picked up her head and looked down at his while he tormented her with his tongue. This just was not right, but the things she was feeling were too strong to resist. She finally laid her head back and closed her eyes, giving in to the pleasures of her body.

It was easy to see that Rhonda was enjoying this. She was wet and there was no denying the pleasure that was playing across her face. Now was the time to test his theory of teasing her. If he brought her to the brink, only to stop short, perhaps she would beg him the way he wanted her to. Testing his theory, he continued to torment her with his tongue until he felt her muscles start to contract, and then he immediately stopped what he was doing.

What the hell? Joel had brought her to the brink of fulfillment, then he had stopped, leaving Rhonda’s body frustrated for more. Her eyes popped open and she looked to see what he was doing, because stopping was the last thing she needed right now.

“I want to extend this evening for as long as possible. I do not want you to climax just yet. I enjoy watching your pleasure, but I have much more in store for you tonight,” Joel said.

Of course, Joel had to be in control, and Rhonda’s body had betrayed her and went along with it. She immediately felt betrayed and frustrated at the same time. What more could he possibly want? She had allowed him to do as he pleased, and that didn’t seem to be enough. She did not understand this man who wanted complete control of her life.

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