The Diary of Olga Romanov (15 page)

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. Anastasia.

. Maria Pavlovna (1890–1958), daughter of Pavel Alexandrovich, sister of Dmitri Pavlovich, and Nicholas's first cousin.

. Boris Sturmer (1848–1917), served as prime minister, foreign minister, and interior minister of the Russian empire for several months during 1916

. Widow of the Prime Minister Pyotr Arkadievich, who was assassinated at a theater in Kiev in 1911 in front of Tsar Nicholas and Olga and Tatiana.

. Again, Maria and Anastasia.

. The dowager empress was living in Kiev at the time.

. Olga's birthday.

. Approximately three and a half miles.

. From the Ulansky regiment.

. Rasputin was killed the previous evening.

. Alexandra's lady-in-waiting and companion.

. Presumably for news about Rasputin

. He was presumed to be just one of the conspirators involved in the murder.

. Presumably Zinaida Yusopova, Felix's mother.

. Rasputin's son Dmitri.

. Rasputin's daughters, Maria and Varvara.

. Rasputin's hometown in Siberia near Tobolsk.

. Aleksei's companion/playmate.

. Valentina Ivanovna Chebotareva.


n 1917, as in the previous war years, Russia was still deeply and disastrously involved in World War I. This year, however, would mark an incredible change for Olga and her family. Due to his poor leadership, her father was forced to abdicate his throne, ending over three hundred years of Romanov rule. Europe's last absolute autocrat finally fell and Olga was, at least in theory, no longer a Grand Duchess but a Russian citizen. At the same time, she, along with her siblings, came down with the measles and all were forced to shave their heads. The timing of the illness caused her family to remain in Tsarskoe Selo, which led to them getting arrested by the revolutionaries—which sealed their fate. In mid-March, Olga penned her final diary entry. There is no explanation to the abrupt ending of many years of recording her daily events and thoughts. Why she stopped on that particular day will perhaps remain a mystery, but it does coincide with the forced abdication of her father on March 15.

Year 1917

Sunday. 1st January.

At 10 1/2 we 4 with Papa to
. Al.[eksei] is getting better, took a walk with us and had breakfast. Mama as usual, [was] on the couch. Around 2 we 3 went to take a walk with Papa. At 3 o'clock we 2 rode to the infirmary. Stayed there until almost 7 o'clock. We have 12 new [patients], including critical. In the evening Papa read Chekhov to us, a short story “
” [“The Duchess”]. At 11 to bed. Help us, Holy Father in the New Year.

Thursday. 5th January.

We 2 at the infirmary until 11 1/2. Volga is ill. Sister [nurse] Shevchuk substituted for her, and I assisted. Made up the beds and changed dressings of the wounded, etc., wrote. After that, to church, the sisters and Papa were already there. Mama [came] later. She doesn't feel well. Ate all together. Sat at home, then at Mama's. Anya dictated and I wrote down Father Grigori's letters. Did not go to
. After dinner, until 9 1/2, after Papa went to say goodnight to Al. he played various church music on the piano, same as yesterday. In the evening [he] finished [reading] the short story “Guseva” [to us]. Anya came over. To bed at 11 o'clock.

Saturday. 7th January.

We 2 rode around with Nastenka, 5 deg. of frost. In the morning the sun is bright and [there is a] rainbow. Fredericks had tea. All conversation is difficult. Sat at Anya's with Lili. She lay down, high T°. Didn't go to
. Mama feels dreadful. She is so tired. Lord save her. Later Al. went to Anya's with Mama. She feels just dreadful.

Monday. 9th January.

and we 2 to the infirmary. Volga wasn't there and the two of us, Rita and I, substituted. Made up the beds, distributed medicines, changed dressings for the wounded, etc. During the day we 4 rode in the troika
with Isa. 3 deg. [of] frost. In the morning lots of snow. Mama was lying on the balcony. [We] were preparing for the Romanian ceremony and that made me angry. The ceremony was successful, [I] sat between Papa and Uncle Mimi. Mama was tired of course, but looked very beautiful in a black and white scarf with a
diamond strip in her hair. At 10 o'clock everything was over. Papa read to us, Chekhov's “Ved'ma” [The Witch] and “V Sud” [To the Court of Law].

Tuesday. 10th January.

We 2 with Mama went to visit the grave of Father Grigori.
Today is his name day. Had a music lesson with T. In the evening Papa read to us, Chekhov's “Sobytie” [The Incident] and started “Vragi” [The Enemy].

Sunday. 15th January.

During the day 4 deg. frost. We 4 with Papa to
. After dinner went to Anya's where [we] sat in the drawing room by the fireplace, etc.

Tuesday. 17th January.

We 2 to
and to the infirmary. Kamenetsky's appendicitis surgery lasted for a long time. Karol of Rumania had breakfast with us and during the day [we] walked with him and Papa. Uncle Mimi
had dinner. Left at 10 o'clock. Later, until 11 hrs 25 min. Papa read to us “Shvedskaya spichka” [The Swedish Match] and “Kleveta” [Slander].

Sunday. 22nd January.

All with Papa to
. Mama and I a little later. During the day sat with Mama at Al.'s, he is not bad, but not allowed to get up, in case the streptococcus attacks the joints. After tea went to Al.'s, again, cinematograph. 25 of frost. Sunny and awfully cold. At 6 o'clock the Cossacks came over to Anya's:
Viktor, Yuzik and [his] brother. All sat by the fireplace, and roasted [ourselves]. One lamp was lit as always on the floor. Again there was a quarrel between me and AleksKonst. with Vikt.Gr.
over a chair. It was so merry with them, as always, and cozy. Had dinner all together. In the evening all at Anya's.

Wednesday. 25th January.

Today is the 40th day of Father Grigori's [death].
Unable to walk with Papa because [I] went to the Grand Palace. Later sat in Al.'s [room]. There was a cinematograph. Mama received [visitors] almost until 4 1/2. In the evening looked at photographs from the 4th of Oct [illegible].

Friday. 3rd February.

We 2 to the infirmary. Mama came later, also changed dressings and visited everyone. About 4 o'clock went to walk with Papa. It's snowing, cold. 12 [degrees] of frost. At 5 o'clock, we 4 [went] to Anya's infirmary for a concert. (Her name day), Makarov, De Lozari, Ramin and Gulesko's orchestra. Wonderful, fine and beautiful. Returned around 7 o'clock. Mama went to the grave of Father Grigori. [I] went to Al.'s, put together a puzzle, etc. In Mama's [rooms] saw Anya's parents, and [her] brother with Tina Tina. Tomorrow, Sunday [
] is their wedding. After 11 o'clock to bed. Cold. Mama feels so-so.

From the diary of Nicholas II:

7th February. Tuesday.

Riots began in Petrograd a few days ago; unfortunately the military started to participate in them. What an awful feeling
to be so far away and receive only snippets of bad news! Stayed to [hear] the report for a while. During the day took a walk on the highway to Orsha. The weather was sunny. After dinner decided to leave for T.[sarskoe] S.[elo] as soon as possible and moved into the train at one in the morning.

Thursday. 9th February.

Today Mitya is 24 years old. Lord save him. We 2 to the infirm.[ary]. Did the same as always. Uncle Georgiy had breakfast, while Mama was in bed because of her heart, but got up later and sat with Al.[eksei]. [I] sat at home nursing a cold. [It is] warmer. Father Grigori's daughters visited Anya. In the evening Lili [Dehn] sat with us until 11 o'clock. [I] have a headache.

Friday. 10 February.

[I] have an earache—lying down—Polyakov
examined [me], and said it was the inflammation of the middle ear. Had breakfast with Papa and Linevich. Mama in daybed. During the day [I stayed] in bed. 36,8, 37,2, 38,2, 38,0.
At 6 lay down on the sofa in the Red Room…Mama and Papa came by. Fell asleep early until 12 o'clock, then almost didn't sleep at all.

The Great Fast. Monday. 13th February.

Slept terribly, had earache—[had] a warm compress, and Polyakov does not allow me [to go] to the Red Room, so I am in the bedroom on the couch. Papa stopped by before breakfast and after. Mama sat during the day. Anya too. Al. had breakfast with me. Trina had tea. Nastenka stopped by.
In the evening Papa and Mama stopped by. T° 37,5 – 37,5 –37,3 – 37,2. Fell asleep rather early.

Thursday. 16th February.

Slept well. Polyakov came by. T° 36,7 – 36,9 – 36,9—did not see Al.[eksei] His arm hurts and he is lying down, poor little one. I am sitting in the Red Room with M. She has a cough…. Mama stopped by in the morning. Sat here during the day—Papa was here, Anya was here. Nastenka had tea. I am reading “War and Peace” to M.[aria] – 37,1.

Sunday. 19 February.

In general slept well. T° 36,5 – 37,1 1/2—37,0. Shvybz
and M. were with me. They are also coughing. Polyakov was here. [I] lay in the Red Room. Mama and Papa sat and put together a small puzzle. Then Papa went for a walk. Anya and Syroboyarsky came by. Rimma and Katya Zborovskaya had tea with us 4. Then cinematograph downstairs. In the evening Mama, Papa, Anya and Lili were here. Wrote.

Wednesday. 22nd February.

Before breakfast [I] stayed in bed. Papa came by. [I] ate with Al. in the Red Room. He has [temperature] over 37,0. At 2 o'clock Papa came to say goodbye and left. Awfully sad. Keep him and save him, dear Lord. Mama came by in the morning and sat during the day. Went with her to the playroom to Al. and had tea. It was nice and sunny there. Fedosya Stepan.[ovna] brought over Anya's milkmaid's two-week-old baby girl. T° 36,4 – 37,0 – 37,1 1/2.

From the memoirs of Anna Vyrubova (February 1917):

On that day, I did not feel well. After seeing the Emperor out, I lay down and wrote to the empress that I cannot come to tea. In the evening, Tatiana Nikolaevna came over with the news that Aleksei Nikolaevich and Olga Nikolaevna have measles. They caught it from the young cadet who came over to play with the heir ten days ago. The empress and I sat with the children for a long time that day because Olga Nikolaevna had an ear infection. The cadet was coughing suspiciously and the next day came down with measles…. I did not believe in the chance of contagion for myself. Despite high fever, the next day, 22 February, I forced myself to get up for dinner, when my friend Lilli Dehn came over. In the evening, the empress came to visit with the girls, but I was really dizzy and could hardly speak…. [Later] Maria and Anastasia started coughing suspiciously…. In the evening the empress sat by my bedside. Quietly, wrapped in a white shawl she came out with Maria Nikolaevna to the regiments, who were getting ready to leave the palace. Perhaps they would have left that night if not for the Empress and her brave daughter, who calmly went around to see the soldiers, encouraging them with words and affection, forgetting about the mortal danger they put themselves in.

For three days we did not know where the emperor was. Finally, a telegram arrived where he asked for Her Majesty and the children to come to him. At the same time came a “command” on the telephone from Rodzyanko
for Her Majesty to leave the palace with the children. The Empress responded that she cannot go anywhere since this would mean death to the children; to which Rodzyanko responded “when the house is burning—you bring all out!” The
Empress came in the evening to talk to me about potential departure, she conferred with doctor Botkin how to bring me to the train, the doctors were against going. Nevertheless we prepared to leave, but the departure did not happen.

From the diary of Nicholas II:

1st March. Wednesday.

During the night [we] turned back from M. Vishra because Luban and Tosno turned out to be occupied by the rioters.
Rode to Valdai, Dno and Pskov, where stayed for the night. Saw Ruzky. He, Danilov and Savvich had dinner. Gatchina and Luga also turned out to be occupied. Shame and disgrace! Was not able to get to Tsarskoe Selo. But thoughts and feelings are constantly there! Poor Alix, how much she must suffer over these events! Lord help us!

2nd March. Thursday.

Ruzky came in the morning and read his very long telephone conversation with Rodzyanko. According to him, the situation in Petrograd is such that the Duma ministers are helpless to do anything since the soc.[ial]-dem[ocrat] party, in the form of the worker's committee, is struggling against them.

4th March. Saturday.

Slept well. At 10 o'cl. the good Alek came over. Then [I] went to [hear] reports. At 12 o'cl. [I] went to the platform to meet dear Mama, who arrived from Kiev. Took her to my [quarters] and had breakfast with her and our [people]. Sat for a long time and talked. Today, finally, received two telegrams from dear Alix. Took a walk. The weather was awful—cold and
stormy. After tea received Alekseyev and Fredericks.
At 8 o'cl. went to dinner at Mama's and sat with her until 11 o'cl.

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