The Diary of Olga Romanov (13 page)

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Thursday. 11th August.

Today is a year anniversary of the famous balcony. With Mama to Znamenie and the infirmary. Again [it's] cold and damp. Trina had breakfast on the balcony. During the day Funk
took our photographs. The day got clearer. Papa wrote. As of yesterday, our infirmary is referred to as “Mama's Personal.” And we are part of the nursing team. In the evening at 8 o'clock to the infirmary—with Mama. Cleaned instruments. Tatiana boiled the silks. Bibi needed to have 100 huge towels cut up immediately. Which is what we all did until 1 o'clock in the morning. Count Reich had intestinal blockage, and they brought him to us. He may need a laparotomy. Everyone played “ruble.”

Friday. 12th August.

With Mama to
and to the infirmary. [I was] lying down in the hammock and read the second part of “Surgery.” Warmer than yesterday. Papa wrote. Tea on the balcony. Rode bicycles with Maria, Anastasia and the Derevenko children.

Tuesday. 16th August.

Yesterday Romania declared war on Austria. What fools, they could have done this earlier. But then today, Germany declared war on them. To
and to the infirmary. Ran around. Ate at home. The weather is nasty. Took photos with the wounded in the Grand Palace with Mama.

Friday. 19th August.

The weather is overcast, fresh. Sat upstairs at home. T. and Mama went to the Red Cross. Papa wrote. Count Fredericks
had tea. Maria and I are reading “The Wide Wide World.” In the evening to the infirmary with Mama. Rained.

Friday. 9th September.

With Mama to Znamenie and to the infirmary. At 10 1/2 she went to the city to visit the dying countess Hendrikova.
[I] went to the infirmary with M. and A. There were 4 of our wounded Cossacks…They told us a lot, the darlings. Later, rode around with Isa and T. Anya had tea. Papa wrote. Sunny all day. The leaves are falling.

Saturday. 10th September.

Countess Hendrikova died during the night. Went to
with Mama and to the infirmary. Ate with Mama and Anya. At 2 1/2 looked at the medical motor named after Tatiana from the Americans. At 3 o'cl. went with Mama to the Hussar's barracks where 52 children of the reserves reside. They were doing gymnastics and singing. Going to
without Mama. She is tired and doesn't feel well. Papa wrote. We 3 went with Mama to the
for Countess Hendrikova. The entire family was there. Returned after 10 o'clock.

Sunday. 11th September.

We 4 in the Grotto church for
. After that—to the infirmary. Mama—later. Boris was there. Rainy, overcast. Ate with Mama. At 2 o'clock, Kasyanov said farewells. Keep him safe, Lord. We 4 went to the Grand Palace. Sat at home. Had my hair washed.

Monday. 12th September.

In the morning to the infirmary. Mama later, since she was
tired…all [was] as usual, a lot of running around, but I love it, makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. Ate with Mama. At 3 o'cl. rode with M., Mama and Anya in 2 carriages. T. and Shvybz
—astride [on horses]. Sunny and rather warm. Papa wrote. Anya had tea. [I] long to see Mitya.

Tuesday. 20th September.

Directly to the infirmary. Maria Pavlovna (the younger)
had breakfast and rode with us 4 during the day. After tea we 3 with Trina went to see Aunt Olga's medical train #87. Many wounded guards. Papa wrote. Mama is receiving again. We got 3 more wounded [patients]. [I] sat with them for a long time and darned stockings.

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