The Dom Unleashes His Wolf [Unchained Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

BOOK: The Dom Unleashes His Wolf [Unchained Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Gaynor took off her shoes and ran onto the grass after Tor. “Come on, Cameron. Tor wants to play catch.”

Cameron shook his head. “I see it, but I can’t believe it.”

“Don’t be a spoilsport. Throw me the ball.”

Cameron was laughing so hard he could hardly throw straight. “The Dom is a wolf, and his subs are throwing him a ball to chase?”

“Looks pretty much like it to me,” said Gaynor, throwing the ball to Tor. He ran after it, jumped, and caught it midair, then ran back and dropped it at Cameron’s feet.

“I’ve heard about letting your inner child out to play, but your inner wolf? Whoever would have thought of that?”

“Maybe he wants to know we’ve forgiven him for not telling us about himself earlier. Anyway, just shut up and throw the ball,” replied Gaynor.

Twenty minutes later they collapsed on the rug, sweaty and panting, the wolf’s tongue hanging out.

Cameron looked at Tor’s backpack. Was he allowed to touch it? They all needed some water, but a sub never touched anything of his Dom’s without explicit permission. And, perhaps if Tor had wanted them to take a drink, he’d have changed back into a human. Maybe he hadn’t even brought water with them? Hadn’t thought of it? But that wasn’t like Tor. Tor was always prepared. He always thought of everything. Perhaps he was waiting for Cameron to act? Deliberately letting Cameron take the lead at this time?

The more Cameron thought about it, the more he decided that had to be Tor’s reasoning. This was their commitment night, and they were committing as three equal partners. Three consenting adults. Not as Dom and subs.

Metaphorically taking his courage in both hands, he said, “I expect Tor has brought us some water. Would you like a drink, Gaynor?”

“Yes, please. Tor looks thirsty, too, don’t you, Mr. Wolf? Oh, wait…” Gaynor’s eyes filled with the confusion that he’d been wrestling with for the past five minutes. Much quicker than he had, she nodded. “Yes, you’re right. Tor would want us to serve him a drink.”

Before Cameron could even stand up to go get the backpack, Tor shifted back into human form. “Well done, both of you.” He opened the backpack and pulled out three bottles of water and handed one to each of them.

Cameron drank his thirstily then handed the empty bottle back for them to take home again. Then he shivered. They would be committing to each other very soon, he knew.

Cameron wanted this. He found it hard to believe, from a logical standpoint, that he was in love with two people, especially since one of them was male and he wasn’t gay or bisexual. He also knew many people who knew him would be surprised by his interest in BDSM. But the lifestyle suited him. At home, with Tor in charge, he was free. Free to make no decisions. Free to stop worrying that every little detail was perfect. Free to be himself, not to play “the attorney” in a courtroom for the people who had hired him. Or even worse, back at his offices, trying to convince some idiot that no one would believe his story for a moment and he needed to make up a better one right quick, or—surprise!—tell the truth.

In the dungeon, in the bedroom, he could relax. He could trust Tor—human, wolf, or half of each—to make all the right decisions and just do as he was instructed and receive great pleasure. Sometimes that pleasure came from within himself, sometimes by his own hand, but often it came through Gaynor’s lush, welcoming body. Even now, just sitting on a rug on the grass, she was stunningly beautiful. He couldn’t wait to sink his cock inside her again. Her mouth, her cunt, her ass, it didn’t matter. As long as he could hold her and love her he would always be content. Love. That was the key. He was in love with both Gaynor and Tor, although in totally different ways. Crazy? Maybe. But it was the truth.


* * * *


Tor pressed his back against the harsh bark of a large tree, one that would be right by the rear deck of their house when it was assembled according to JB’s plans. He held Gaynor tightly to him, pressing his pelvis against her clit, wanting to keep her highly aroused until he was ready to begin fucking her. Cameron was behind her, working his way into her ass, gradually nudging their thighs closer together.

Cameron caught his gaze and nodded. Now Tor reached down and guided his cock into Gaynor’s cunt. He loved this threesome fucking. She was always hot and tight, but with her ass and cunt both filled, she was so full and stretched she gripped him so hard it almost blew his mind—as well as his dick.

“Put your palms against the tree and use your hips to fuck her. Keep your body pressed against hers as much as possible,” said Tor to Cameron. Again Cameron caught his gaze and nodded.

“Gaynor, I must ask you again. Do you understand that when we climax, I’ll bite you? Once I’ve bitten you, we are committed to each other. Nothing can change that. One day we will finish the ceremony in public and be formally bonded.”

“Yes, I understand. There’s no divorce in a shape-shifter alliance. But I don’t go all furry, either. I’m still me.”


“Cameron, I must ask you again. Do you understand that when we climax, I’ll bite you? Once I’ve bitten you, we are committed to each other. Nothing can change that. One day we will finish the ceremony in public and be formally bonded.”

“Yes, I understand and accept.”

“Then I promise to love and care for you both all the days of our lives. Now we fuck.”

He and Cameron automatically began to pound into Gaynor in unison. His cock was so huge and her cunt so tight he had to work to drag his shaft out of her then push it back in. But she was exceptionally wet, which helped.

Tor used his thigh muscles to thrust up into her then relaxed on the flats of his feet on the downstroke. The three of them were so tightly pressed together he couldn’t touch her sweet shaved landing strip, or her clit, or even her breasts except with his body, so as he rose on the balls of his feet, he tried to drag himself across her breasts. It seemed to work, because she wiggled against him like a cat. Then she worked out she could clench her internal muscles, and sweat poured from his forehead as he struggled not to come.

In fact, their bodies were sliding against each other now as they all glistened with sweat from the intensity of their fucking. The tree bark was scraping his back. He was pretty sure that was going to start stinging soon, but he tried hard to ignore it.

One thing Kurt had told him was that it was very important to conduct the ceremony outside, in the natural world. This was the best way he could think of doing that. But Kurt had also said as long as the three of them were sincere, the ceremony would be valid, and Tor knew they were. He couldn’t imagine living without Gaynor and Cameron as an integral part of his everyday activities, and he knew they’d chosen freely to take this step. They’d forgiven him completely. They loved him as much as he loved them. Each one of them loved both the others. It was a true three-way union.

His cock was almost bursting with the need to come. If Gaynor did that trick with her internal muscles again, there was no way he could stave off his orgasm. Therefore he had to tip her over the edge first. He gripped her hips and held her hard against him, bent his knees so his cock was almost out of her, then, still holding her tight, slammed himself up into her with everything he had.

Gaynor screamed and her cunt gripped him so hard he really thought his dick would snap off like a twig in a rainstorm. She shook and quivered so hard he continued to hold her, not sure she could stand up alone. Hell, he wasn’t sure he could stand up if the tree wasn’t supporting him.

Immediately he thought “fangs” and felt his canines descend. He hadn’t known he could do that, either, until Kurt had demonstrated it for him. Fangs would sure make biting them easier though. He hadn’t liked the thought of leaving a mouthful of teeth marks and bruises on their skin.

He sank his fangs into the tender spot where Gaynor’s neck and shoulder joined. As soon as he tasted blood, he licked over the puncture mark. She was still coming so hard, she likely hadn’t even noticed.

Cameron’s eyes were shut and he was leaning against Gaynor, but his hips were still pumping erratically, so he was evidently still jetting some semen into her ass. Tor gripped Cameron’s head to hold him still and bit him in the same place as he’d bitten Gaynor. As before, the moment he tasted blood, he licked the wound closed. Then he pulled his cock from Gaynor and shook the last of his seed onto the ground.

He nodded to Cameron, who’d opened his eyes, and Cameron let his semen fall on the ground, too. Kurt hadn’t said it was necessary, but it was something Tor wanted to do to acknowledge that this was their new home. Their land, their place to be together. Then he wrapped his arms around the others and held them, breathing hard.

“It’s not Sunday, is it?” asked Gaynor suddenly.

Tor’s brain clicked back into gear, and he heard what she was referring to. “No, that’s an alarm bell. It sounds like there’s trouble at the main house.”

“Thank God they didn’t ring it five minutes ago. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t have stopped even if the rogue panthers were waving knives at me,” said Cameron.

“Likely the action will be all over before we get there, but it’s definitely time to get dressed and see if they need our help.”

They walked back to their rug. Tor handed them wipes to clean up again, and they started to get dressed. Tor stared at Gaynor’s shoulder. Where he’d bitten her was a tiny tribal marking in blue. He walked closer and stared at it. It was a miniature wolf.

Cameron was twisting his head, trying to see his neck. Gaynor placed a hand on him and traced the mark on Cameron’s skin. “Yours is a wolf. What’s mine?”

“They’re both wolves. They’re identical.”

Gaynor just stared at him, her eyes huge.

“What is it? We need to pack up here and go help the community.”

“You have a wolf on your shoulder, too.”

“Well shit! Kurt never told me about that.” But it was good. They were united, committed to being a family. They’d accepted him as their Dom and as a wolf. He loved them with a deep, abiding love. The tiny tattoos were a surprise, but a welcome one. Now everyone would know they were in love.

“It’s all good. Now we match. And so much nicer than wedding rings, too,” said Gaynor.

He pulled them both to him in a bear hug. “Exactly,” he said.

Their own happy ending was assured. They’d just celebrated that. But the rogue panthers still needed to be dealt with. Gaynor would insist they help her friend Ramona at the very least.









Cara Adams adores erotic romance, especially ménage, BDSM, and shape-shifters. One day, someone said to her, “Why don’t you put them all in one book?”

So she did.



For all titles by Cara Adams, please visit








Siren Publishing, Inc.

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