The Dom Unleashes His Wolf [Unchained Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: The Dom Unleashes His Wolf [Unchained Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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However, most groups were preparing to leave. Tor stopped them against the wall away from any other groups of people and said, “I wanted to have more time to talk to you both about this, but it looks as though the party is ending now. I plan to ask the leadership here about us moving in with them. Just ask, not make any decisions. As equal partners, do you both agree?”

“Yes,” said Cameron. He certainly did. Seeing Carey and Jubilee up on the stage tonight had almost blown his mind. That tattoo of hers was stunning for a start, but the way they’d fucked—wow! Even the entire community aspect of the evening was amazing. No way was this a PG-rated evening. It was strictly XXX. But even so, it had been polite and friendly. He hadn’t noticed any rude or vulgar comments or any arguing or backbiting. This was the type of community he’d be very happy to join. Assuming they’d have them, of course.

“Definitely. And I hope they’ll take Ramona, too, if she needs help.”

“I reckon they will. They seemed amenable to the idea when I spoke with Carey and Jubilee.”

“They did? Awesome.”

“We’ll discuss this later.” That was Tor’s Dom voice again, but after all they were still at Carnal Connections. Tor likely took a risk even asking them as much as he’d done. But it soothed Cameron knowing Tor was so determined to be sure they agreed with his plans he was prepared to risk someone questioning his Dom status just to be sure Cameron and Gaynor were on board with the plans. That proved how good a Dom Tor truly was.


* * * *


It was a week later that they sat around a table at Carnal Connections, laying out a ground plan for Tor’s family to become part of the community. Tor was damn glad he had both Gaynor and Cameron with him. Either in bed or out of it, they gave him the strength he needed to guide and direct their lives. Once they moved here, he was sure they’d agree to the formal bonding process so that he could take more of the burden of decision making from them and dedicate his life to giving them pleasure. Extreme pleasure.

Of course, nothing had been decided yet, and it could still all disintegrate around him, but it seemed to him both Gaynor and Cameron were back to accepting their triad relationship, accepting
, wolf or not.

He was also damn glad Cameron was an attorney. Tor had read every word of the paperwork he’d been given and rigorously Googled anything that could possibly be misconstrued. But having an attorney at his back gave him the extra strength he needed to ensure the paperwork was fair to all parties. Not that they’d been accepted yet.

“I’m sure you understand that we’ve checked your life stories and your references. Our community is a very harmonious one, and anyone joining us has to fit in with the rest of the folk. You being a wolf, Tor, is an added burden, as some of our people are…um…cooperating with a different form of shape-shifter at the moment,” said Larry, the business manager for the community.

“Ramona and her people. She’s a puma. A rogue panther group is attacking her people hoping to steal their unmated full-blood females,” said Gaynor.

“That’s right. You work with Ramona, don’t you? That’s what they think is the likely reason for the attacks. Of course, no one has actually asked the bad guys for their thought processes leading up to their actions.”

“We were there when a group tried to abduct her. That’s when I had to shape-shift and I was outed as not completely human,” added Tor.

Larry fired dozens of questions at Tor, and he had to answer so fast he had no time to think between each one. He supposed it was the sort of thing Cameron faced in court every week, but for him, it was an entirely new experience. By the end of the questioning he felt limp and drained but still sure aligning themselves with Carnal Connections was the best way forward for him, Gaynor, and Cameron to truly become a family.

Two more people entered the room.

“Now it’s time for your personality tests. Gaynor, please go with Lucy. Cameron, you go with Bill, and Tor, come with me. You can leave your things here. They’ll be quite safe.”

Tor stood and followed Larry. Being a nurse meant he knew he was relatively even tempered and didn’t fall apart under stress, but this was about his personal life, the future happiness of his family, so it was every bit as stressful as a patient with a life-threatening crisis. On the whole, if he could choose, he’d rather deal with a patient. Oh well. He took a deep breath, deliberately kept his face impassive, and followed Larry down a long hallway and onto a deck overlooking a rather unkempt garden.

“Change into your wolf form and run through the garden and into the trees. Once concealed by the trees travel exactly a mile due west. There you’ll receive your next instructions,” said Larry. He turned on his heel and went inside, locking the door.

Oooo-kay. No choices there. Tor undressed and left his clothing and shoes on the deck, shifted into his wolf, took a good look around to be sure he knew which way was due west, then jumped off the deck and trotted through the garden. There were a lot of really enticing smells here, the kind of thing he’d love to spend time searching out and sniffing, but for all he knew he was on a time limit. So he did as instructed, ran to the trees, and turned west.

When he thought he’d traveled a mile, Tor stopped and sniffed the air, wondering exactly what he was looking for—a note pinned to a tree? A message under a rock? Then he heard a quiet yip. Aha. Another wolf. The wolf was waiting for him a couple hundred feet left of where he’d stopped, and when he saw the animal he instantly recognized him from the leash-free park. This time he was free to play, and for the next fifteen minutes they played together. Tor really enjoyed chasing and being chased, running around the trees, first one leading, then the other. Next, the other wolf took him to a tiny river, and they splashed in and out of the shallow water. Never, never had Tor been free to enjoy himself like this before, and it was such a wonderful experience he almost forgot he was sitting some kind of a test. Almost.

Then he stopped, faced back toward the main house at Carnal Connections, held his head up, and yipped at the other wolf. The wolf nodded and turned into a much older man, maybe fifty or so, who said, “Well done, Tor. Now go a half mile south.”

Tor shifted back to human form. He wanted to thank the other wolf for the special moments they’d shared. “Thank you. And thanks for the games. I’ve never been free to play as a wolf before. I enjoyed our time together.”

Once again Tor became a wolf and ran in the direction he’d been told. This time Tor started sniffing for scents before he reached his destination and soon found a strange but strong scent to follow. Stretched out on a low branch of a tree was the biggest, blackest panther Tor had ever seen. It was huge. It could eat him in one bite. He was a wolf, but not a huge wolf. In a human setting, that was a good thing as he didn’t stand out too much from a big dog. But this panther? There was nowhere such an enormous animal could hide, and certainly not in a tree. Tor stopped about twenty feet from the tree, sat down, and gave a polite yip. The panther yawned, showing a great number of very large, sharp teeth.
Uh-huh. Fine.
Tor waited.

After maybe five minutes, Tor tried again, uttering a polite yip, trying to show he just wanted the next instruction. Once again the panther ignored him.

Now what the fuck am I supposed to do?

When a third attempt had no more success than the previous two, Tor decided he had to assume this was a person. It couldn’t possibly be a wild animal. He was here to pass a test, after all. So he changed into human form and said, “Excuse me, please. Can you direct me to my next destination?”

The panther dropped from the tree, giving Tor a huge fright. Tor managed to hold his ground, although he hoped he wasn’t shaking too obviously.

The black panther changed into Omar, the man who Gaynor had told him wanted to marry Ramona. The one who’d acted really possessively of Ramona at the basketball match.

“Took you long enough to figure it out. Two miles north, and you’re late, hurry up.”

“Thank you.”

Tor hurriedly got back into wolf form and ran as fast as he could in the direction he’d been told. This was uphill, but he wasn’t tired and managed to maintain his speed. When he reached the top of the hill he looked all around, his tongue hanging out and his sides heaving from the long, fast run. He was pretty sure it wasn’t quite two miles yet, although it wasn’t like he had a handy pedometer with him to check. Still, should he go down the hill continuing north or go along the ridge a little way? And if he went along the ridge, should he go east or west? Damn, there was no obvious or easy answer here.

Tor placed his nose close to the ground and sniffed for clues. He couldn’t locate any unusual scent. He could smell various grasses, the earth, live oak, and willow. Wait. Willow? Willows only grew near water, and he was on a hill not in a valley.

Encouraged, Tor followed the scent of willow, losing it time and time again but always managing to find it after a search. There were too many rocks up here to make tracking easy. His nose took him along the ridge for maybe a quarter mile. He stopped at a pile of willow branches. Attached to them was a note reading, “Well done, Tor. Go back to the office now.”

Tor grabbed the note in his teeth and began to run again, back the way he’d come, conscious only of Omar’s voice telling him he was too slow and he ought to hurry.

I hope Gaynor and Cameron are doing okay in their tests, he thought guiltily, aware he’d scarcely spared them a single thought while he’d been running around the property.

After he arrived back at the main building and had gotten dressed, Tor was simply told they’d be informed of the results of their testing in “a few days.” His belly clenched with fear. What if Gaynor and Cameron had passed and he hadn’t? Had he been too slow? Had he missed something he ought to have found? Should he not have played with the other wolf?

And what the fuck kind of test had this been anyway? A test to see if he could get on nicely with the arrogant big cat? Larry had said it was a personality test, so could it be he was supposed to play with the wolf and be polite to the panther? Or perhaps he’d done it all wrong and was supposed to act like the Dom and demand obedience from the others. This was a BDSM community after all.

Fuck if I know.


* * * *


Although it was late when they arrived home, Gaynor was desperately in need of some sexual time spent with Tor and Cameron. She needed Tor to take away all her fears and worries and to guide her through a scene. Him in total control of her life once again. The way it should be. She needed pain and pleasure. The more pain the greater the pleasure. She needed to forget the tests and the fact they had to wait to find out if they’d be accepted into the community. She needed to be fucked harder than she’d ever been fucked before.

As always, Tor seemed to understand exactly what she needed. Once they were naked on the bed, Tor got out the jar of lube and said, “Tonight you need to be completely and utterly possessed, don’t you, Gaynor? And Cameron needs to be in charge for a while, don’t you Cameron?”

“Oh yes,” said Gaynor.

“You always understand me so well, Tor,” said Cameron.

“Cameron, you’re going to fist Gaynor. You will do exactly as I tell you, and you’ll both achieve more pleasure than ever before in your lives.”

Gaynor gasped. Fisting? Wasn’t that particularly extreme? Was she ready for such a step? No, likely she wasn’t, but she did trust Tor—well, in the dungeon she trusted him—so… “All right.”

“Lie on your back. Open your legs as wide apart as they’ll go, and put your feet flat on the mattress.”

Gaynor wiggled around and got into position.

“Cameron, fold your thumb inside your hand and curl the fingers in on each other a fraction.”

Cameron did as Tor said, and Tor moved his fingers this way and that until he was satisfied.

Gaynor stared at Cameron’s hand. He didn’t have a broad hand. He had long fingers, just as he had long legs, but even with the thumb folded in, his hand looked much, much wider than the fattest of cocks. She wasn’t at all sure this would work. Still, it wasn’t her place to agonize over the hows and whys and strategies. All she had to do was trust Tor. Trust that Tor knew what he was orchestrating and that he could see it through. And she did trust Tor. She’d trust him with her life. She’d put her sexual pleasure into his hands, and he’d never let her down. He delivered on his promises every single time. And as for him being a wolf? She realized she completely accepted that part of him. She’d accepted that he hadn’t been ready to tell her and Cameron about his shape-shifter side. And she’d also accepted that he was grieved he’d hurt their feelings and betrayed their trust. She had moved on. That drama was behind her. Once again she trusted Tor completely and utterly.

Gaynor let her muscles relax and watched as Cameron lubed his hand, his fingers, his wrist, rubbing the gel into his skin then smearing more and more on, until every inch of his hand was thickly coated with lube.

Meanwhile, Tor began to kiss her. He didn’t kiss her all that often, and not usually during a BDSM scene, but tonight he proved what a totally awesome kisser he really was. His lips were soft but determined, dropping the sweetest and gentlest of kisses all over her face, along her eyebrows, her jawline, across her cheeks. Then he moved over her face with gentle nibbles from his lips, not his teeth, making her smile. Finally he kissed her mouth, plunging his tongue inside and possessing her, sucking her tongue, running his tongue along the roof of her mouth and behind her teeth, marking every inch of her as his.

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