The Dom Unleashes His Wolf [Unchained Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: The Dom Unleashes His Wolf [Unchained Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Gaynor nodded, her heart pounding. She wanted to suck him, to show him how much she cared about him, how much she loved him. Even if he was part werewolf, he was still the man she loved and the Dom she respected and trusted. He hadn’t betrayed her trust or Cameron’s. He’d told no one else, had treated her exactly the same as the other people he’d had a relationship with in the past. All he’d done was misjudge the timing of sharing his secret with them. And even that wasn’t truly his own fault.

Just a minute. What the fuck? Yes, he had betrayed them. They were living together. He should have told them he was a wolf.

No. He was simply waiting for the right time to tell them all about himself.

. She didn’t know what she thought anymore. But she did love him and want to demonstrate her love by sucking him.

She ran the water until it was warm, took the washcloth Cameron handed her, soaped it, and cleansed Tor’s cock carefully. She rinsed him, rinsed the cloth, then washed him again before rinsing him clean a second time.

By now his cock had grown hard again, the end already reddening. Gaynor gave his balls one more quick rinse then said, “All done.”

He lifted her down on the floor and said, “Kneel, woman, and suck your master.”

Gaynor began by playing with his balls and perineum, which she knew he liked, before sucking the head into her mouth. Already there was a drop of pre-cum in the eye, which she licked out. She licked up and down his shaft and sucked the head of his cock again, but Tor grabbed her hair and tilted her head back.

“Open the back of your throat. Take me, take all of me. Swallow me down.”

She could do that. She did as he said, tipping her head back, opening her throat up, and feeding his cock deeper and deeper until the head was in her throat. It was a difficult position to hold and a little hard to breathe, but she knew he wouldn’t let her choke. Gaynor drew a big breath in through her nose and gargled around Tor’s cock. Instantly, he gave a shout and exploded. Quickly she released his cock until only the head was in her mouth and swallowed his semen. Her mouth was so full of his essence, though, some trickled out, so she licked around her lips.

When she opened her eyes Cameron was staring at her, his cock in his hand. She glanced enquiringly to Tor, who nodded. “Cameron, do you want her mouth, her cunt, or her ass?”

“It’s been a while since I fucked Gaynor’s ass, and she should still be well prepared for a cock, Sir,” said Cameron.

“Very well. Do her doggy-style, and then you can keep your hands on her breasts. They’re very nice breasts indeed,” said Tor, lightly stroking a hand across her breasts, making her nipples stand up immediately.

Gaynor got on her hands and knees, and Cameron leaned over her body, pressing his cock into her ass. She was indeed still stretched and ready to take even such big cocks as these two men had. Cameron was highly aroused and had to push through the ring of muscles but soon slid inside her. He wrapped an arm about her waist to hold her tight against him as he thrust in and out then pulled her off her hands into a semi kneeling position leaning back against his body so he could play with her breasts with his other hand.

Gaynor’s mind was fading with the intense stimulation from so many points—Cameron’s cock in her ass, his fingers on her breasts, and his body pressed skin to skin all along her back.

Tor reached forward and shoved his fingers deep in her cunt. Gaynor’s eyes flew open, she gave a little scream of surprise, and then she came in yet another orgasm. As she climaxed, a burst of hot semen filled her ass, and splashes of cum hit her breasts. Tor was giving her a pearl necklace. She was amazed he’d permitted himself to come again. He was usually so totally controlled. The very thought made her belly ripple harder and the aftershocks of her orgasm rolled through her yet again and again.

“Just as well we’re already in the bathroom. It’ll be faster to get us all cleaned up,” she joked.

The three of them fit together so perfectly in the dungeon. But in real life, could she really trust Tor? Would he hide things from her? Would being with a wolf endanger her life or that of her friends? After all, people were attacking Ramona because she was a puma. Would they go after Tor, too, now? She was so conflicted. One minute she was ready to agree with anything. The next she was filled with doubts. Only when they were making love could she just relax and be happy.

Chapter Five


Gaynor and Ramona met in the lunchroom on Monday as Ramona had promised. It was quiet at the studio today, as only a few indoor scenes were being filmed, so no casual or part-time staff were around. Gaynor had spent the morning as a model for the makeup artist, who wanted to try out some new products which were supposed to be great for nighttime scenes.

“You’ve still got some green goo along your hairline,” Ramona pointed out helpfully.

“I’m not surprised. The first thing I plan to do when I get home tonight is wash my hair.”

“So,” said Ramona, looking around and checking that no one was within listening distance of them, “what do you want to know?”

“Number one, have you always been a lion or puma or whatever? Is your family the same? And are you part of a community of shape-shifters?”

“Why? Does your wolf buddy want to join me? Everyone knows cats and dogs don’t get along, you know.”

“Cats and dogs do get along just fine when they grow up with each other and are socialized properly. But you said you’d answer my questions, remember?”

Ramona grinned. “Yes, I was brought up in a family of pumas and within a community of other big cats like panthers, though not the lions you seemed to think I was at first.” She pointed to her index finger, middle finger, and then ring finger, signaling she’d answered all three questions.

Gaynor felt she hadn’t asked her question clearly enough, or maybe Ramona had deliberately not answered it fully. “Are the people in your community one hundred percent cat, or are there some who are human, some who are half and half?”

“Ah, so your puppy-dog friend is a mixed blood, is he?”


Ramona smiled again. “Yes, the people I live with are a mixture, too. There aren’t a lot of pure shifters around. In particular, there aren’t so many females.”

“Yes, that’s what you said at the basketball match. You thought that was why they’d tried to take you. To be their wife?”

“I’m not so sure about the wife part. Shape-shifter marriages are only legitimate with the free consent of all parties involved. And yes, before you interrupt me to ask, that can be homosexual or straight partners, and more than two people. The point is that it’s consensual. If this group is abducting women, I can only assume they’re going to be forced to marry some of the men. Even if they’re given a choice among several men, that’s still not a genuine free choice and therefore would be dubious consent and not legal under our laws. Besides, I’d imagine the leader wants a full-blood shape-shifter big cat for himself, which means one of the women they acquire will be made to accept him as their partner. That definitely breaks our law. But I can’t see any other reason for them to band together into a clan. The leader must want a woman himself, and at least some of the other members must too. The others could be family members, or just plain misfits who’ve agreed to help them steal some females.”

“That makes sense,” said Gaynor thoughtfully.

“We’ve gotten ourselves quite the little problem if these people are going to keep trying to abduct our females. We live in a community together, but it’s on a farm. It’s not walled and gated, and our people love to run free. If an unmarried woman always has to be shielded by a group of men, everyone is going to get tired of that right quickly.”

“You said, ‘unmarried woman.’ So only single women are vulnerable?”

“Yep. There’s no divorce in our culture. Marriage is for life. And that’s Omar’s point. He keeps saying if we got married, I’d be safe. And I keep replying that I want him and JB. Both of them. And that’s Omar’s sticking point.”

“Two men works fine, if they share,” said Gaynor.

“Uh-huh. Well, Omar hasn’t got the memo about sharing just yet.”

They both giggled, then Ramona got up to get a cup of coffee. When she sat down again she asked, “What about you? You said your two men cooperate okay. How does the wolf deal with that?”

Gaynor hesitated. They’d already spoken of some fairly unusual things—ménages and shape-shifters. She wondered what Ramona would think if she added BDSM to the mix. Well, she could hardly hold back. Ramona had been totally up front about her private life.

“Tor’s a Dom. Cameron and I are both his subs. It works well, as I said. It kind of blew my mind away at the start, but it’s so freeing to have someone in control, someone I trust to plan my pleasure. I’ve never been so fulfilled, so pleasured and cherished before. Of course, finding out Tor’s a wolf has kind of given Cameron and me rather a lot of stuff to think about.” Gaynor blushed and looked at Ramona, but Ramona was nodding.

“Omar’s a Dom. Neither JB nor I are ready to be his subs though. As I said, Omar doesn’t share and I want them both.”

“That is a problem.”

“Until he works out what he really wants there can be no marriage, no mating.”

“Isn’t there something the police can do about the people in purple shirts?”

“The people in purple shirts? Oh, you mean the rogue clan? Not until they do something that’s illegal under American law. After that fight at the basketball tournament, even though at least one man pulled a knife on us, the worst thing that happened was a couple hundred-dollar fines for disturbing the peace. Slap on the wrist really. Luckily Leticia’s father is keeping her at home until all the trouble blows over. She’s much too young and innocent to be stolen away.”

“Do you think they’ll just go away? Really? And who’s Leticia? I don’t recall you talking about her before.”

“Actually no, I don’t think they’ll leave the neighborhood. I think they’ll cause more trouble. That’s another reason why I won’t just marry Omar. There are also several younger girls in the clan. What if the rogue cats go after them? Leticia is a pure-blood panther. Her father’s our Alpha. There’s also Autumn, but she’s only half-panther so likely she’ll be safe. But no one is willing to risk testing that idea.”

“So, what’s the solution? Until the police can catch them committing a genuine crime?”

“Fuck if I know. Some of the men have talked about completely enclosing the farm with electric fencing, but that’s way too expensive, and fences can always be cut. Anyway, that’s enough about me. What are you going to do about your man? It sounds like you didn’t already know he was a shifter?”

“Neither Cameron nor I knew. Apparently he’d been planning to tell us but had thought there was no need to hurry about it. We’re talking about making a commitment to each other, leading eventually to a formal mating, but there are a lot of issues to deal with. Like where we can live with enough space for all three of us and where he’s unlikely to get caught shifting. I don’t even know how the three of us can mate. But we’re in no rush. I’m quite conflicted about everything at the moment. I mean, I didn’t even know shape-shifters were real until the basketball match and I certainly didn’t know I was living with one. At times I feel like I’ve walked into one of our own movies by mistake.” She stopped and said softly, “I love them both. We’ll work it out.”

“We’ve got a farm we all live on, but even so, there’s not a lot of room to run in, because we can’t go near the road and now no one wants to go near the fence line, either.”

“Cameron’s going to talk to some people he knows who live in a BDSM community. He said they had some undeveloped land. But it might not be anywhere big enough for your community.”

“Yeah, an acre or two is not enough. But more than that gets expensive to buy and care for. Oh, well, things’ll sort themselves out.”

“Yeah. Right.” Gaynor looked at Ramona. The situation was a total mess and they both knew it.


* * * *


“Hi, Carey. It’s Cameron. I want to pick your brain. How about lunch at the Wooden Spoon at one today? Jubilee is welcome to come as well, if she’d like to.”

“What, you’ve got another juicy BDSM court case coming up? No worries, we’ll be there. Make sure the coffee’s hot and strong.”

Carey rang off before Cameron could explain it was personal, not a case, but he guessed it didn’t really matter. Carey and Jubilee were meeting him for lunch, and all he had to do was make sure he framed his questions about their community so he got the information he needed without offending them. It should be a piece of cake for an attorney to do that, but he surprised himself how often his courtroom voice carried over into his private life. Oh well, he guessed that’d be true with most professions. He’d overheard a man on the bus this morning telling his wife the capital of India was Agra. He’d just shaken his head, but he was certain no schoolteacher would have been able to avoid telling the man he was a hundred years out of date. Agra used to be the capital of Hindustan, but New Delhi had been the capital of India since 1911.

Cameron folded his hands, closed his eyes, and planned what he’d say. It might not be to do with a court case, but it was something that was important to him, to Tor, to Gaynor and their future happiness. His private life had been in turmoil since Tor had been knifed and had to transform into his wolf to protect himself and them. Cameron just wanted everything to return to normal. He wasn’t stupid. He knew he couldn’t turn the clock back to how they’d been before, but he needed to get the issues dealt with and overcome for them all to move on and reclaim their peace and unity.

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