Authors: Dermot Milligan
Instead, Tamara came up to me. She was eating a packet of crisps. She held out the bag, right there, in front of her girls and my guys.
‘Want one?’
‘Huh? Oh, what flavour?’
She looked at me for a moment, a half-smile on her lips.
I gave all my donuts to the guys. After the fifty I ate yesterday, even the donut-eating champion of Camp Fatso needs a day off.
About the Author
Dermot Milligan is eleven, obese and has just started at Big School. He’s a big fan of
The Lord of the Rings
, and he hates his evil sisters, Ruby and Ella (Rubella). His all-time favourite donut is the classic ring, but he’s also very keen on jam.
Also by Anthony McGowan
The Donut Diaries
The Donut Diaries: Revenge Is Sweet
Einstein’s Underpants
And How They Saved the World
(Shortlisted for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2010)
The Bare Bum Gang and the Holy Grail
The Bare Bum Gang and the Valley of Doom
The Bare Bum Gang and the Football Face-off
The Bare Bum Gang Battle the Dogsnatchers
For older readers:
Henry Tumour
(Winner of the Booktrust Teenage Prize 2006)
The Knife That Killed Me
My thanks to the amazing team at Random
House Children’s Books, in particular Kelly
Hurst, Natalie Doherty, Sophie Nelson, Jessica
Clarke, Lauren Bennett and Harriet Venn.
And a very special thanks to Ngawara Madeleine
Madison, who found my lost iPad, which
contained the first draft of this book.
AN RHCP DIGITAL EBOOK 978 1 446 45199 1
Published in Great Britain by RHCP Digital,
an imprint of Random House Children’s Publishers UK
A Random House Group Company
This ebook edition published 2012
Copyright © Anthony McGowan, 2012
Illustrations copyright © David Tazzyman, 2012
First published in Great Britain by Corgi Books, 2012
The right of Anthony McGowan to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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