The F#ck It List: The Complete Story (16 page)

BOOK: The F#ck It List: The Complete Story
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my phone in my bag and hurry from my home. I turn to lock the door behind me when I hear a noise from the front stoop.

I spin around, my heart pounding and hands shaking when I see a man loom before me. I slide the keys between my fingers in a pathetic attempt of brass knuckles. Recognition only takes a split second to flare along with relief I don't have to fend off an attacker.

"Scott!" I exclaim, trying not to show the rush of warmth flowing through me, replacing the fear at the sight of his familiar, handsome face. "You scared me. Why are you here? I'm leaving. I'll call you later." I move to sweep past him, nose in the air.

I'm nowhere near ready to forgive and forget. No matter how secretly glad I am to see him.

"Don't," he says, holding out a bouquet of flowers and a purple apron, halting my dramatic exit.

My forehead wrinkles with confusion as I pause with my foot above the step. "Ummm..." What the hell is going on?

"Hear me out." His blue eyes plead with me.

Confusion overrides the hurt and anger. "What are you doing?" The flowers, okay. A good start to an apology. The apron? I don't get it. I already have a red one clenched in my hands. This better not be some weird make-up gift. Because if so, worst ever.

He takes a tentative step forward. "I want you to listen to me for a little while."

Red fury rages through me. He can't come here with flowers and an—an
right before I'm due for work and for my final list item. I don't care why he's here. I don't have time for this. I almost shove him right off my stoop. "What the FUCK. Hell no. I'm not listening to a word you have to say. You've been a complete dick, and I'm sorry that you found your hard line in the sand when my fun was just TOO MUCH for you, and turns out being so close to another dick was intimidating, which is DUMB, because yours is way bigger than his anyways and you work it better, not to mention you had to actually teach Brennan Jones how to go down on a girl properly because he had no clue what he was doing, but still fuck you for leaving me, and--"

He interrupts me. "I want to hire you."

His words hardly sink in and I shrug them off, uninterested in his explanations. I'm not remotely done telling him off. I shake my head. "Scott, shut up. I--"

He interrupts me again, desperation tinging his voice. "I want to be your boss, Amanda. And I want to be your professor."

My mouth falls open and my brow furrows as my pulse skitters before resuming its hard pounding. What? He wants to be my boss and professor? What does that even mean? What the fuck is he thinking showing up here, making me late for work, all to just speak cryptically on my doorstep? He can be so infuriating when he gets like this. Speaking in metaphors and innuendos. He knows I don't like meaningless words, I like hard facts and actions.

I close my mouth with a snap, determined to just shove by him and go to work. This can wait, and I'm too upset and pissed right now to be able to have any form of a calm conversation. He knows full well I was planning on seducing my boss today. He doesn't get to just disappear on me for a week, and then come here and make me late for work by offering to hire me. He doesn't get to—oh.

The anger fades away, clearing my head, turning into something else as I finally start to catch on. He knows me. And that's why he's here, holding out a fucking apron and flowers. He knows I need actions.

And this is a romance novel level grand gesture.

Scott isn’t trying to make up our friendship. He’s declaring his love.

I gasp at the feeling that swells my heart. It both surprises me and yet it doesn't. Because Scott HAS always been in my heart, I just never opened up enough to let him all the way in. I was scared it would fuck up our friendship.

This entire time as I towed him along on my adventure, it was my biggest worry. I couldn't afford to lose him or fuck things up with him. He's my best friend and losing him would break me. Besides, he hadn't been interested anyway.

Or had he? Have I misunderstood him this whole time? Is this what I wanted? What he really wanted? We should talk this out and make sure it's what we want. Right? I can't just jump into this. For just one second, I imagine being with Scott the way I was once with Adam. I imagine the differences, vast as an ocean.

If I said yes, would it ruin everything?

His eyes are soft and flutter with terror as he stares at me, shifting from foot to foot. "I want to be your football champion and your celebrity and your stranger and every other thing you can come up with. Let me be that for you."

Or would I gain everything I ever wanted?

Tears prick at my eyes. I need to touch him, make sure he's real. "Scott!" I run to him, heaving myself at him and kiss him hard. "Look, I-I want to talk about this, but I really am due at--"

He cuts me off with a swift, but passionate kiss. "Yeah, I kind of called you in sick already." He offers me the apron again as I giggle. A strange giddiness bubbles up inside me. I'm reckless now, and determined to throw myself right off the deep end.

Scott smiles, relief filling his voice, washing away the worry on his face. "So, I'm serious. Let me hire you. The cup of coffee I ask for must be made exactly the way I want it, or you won't get paid." His voice changes from relief and fills with dark desire.

My humor fades into arousal--he's going to play boss for me?

I grab the apron and tug him back inside, locking the door behind us.


he door
barely closes behind us before Scott's lips cover mine and he presses me into the door, his hard body flush against mine. I whimper into his mouth, my bag and red apron dropping to the floor, and wrap my arms around his neck. His kisses are hot, desperate. They taste of relief and home.

This is where I belong. In his arms, kissing him.

I don't let the worries over the future invade and ruin this moment.

Instead, I kiss him back with everything I have. All my love for him pours from me and into him.

When he finally ends the kiss and pulls away, we're both gasping. We exchange giddy smiles and another swift kiss.

He steps back. "You're late. You need to get to work." He sets the flowers on my little table by the door.

I shiver at the stern note in his voice. "Yes, Boss." I peer at him through my lashes and slip by him, making sure my tits brush against his arm. I leave bits of my clothes making a path in my wake.

He groans under his breath and follows me into the kitchen. I tie the apron on and smile. Where the hell did he find this? It plunges at the top, revealing abundant cleavage, and it's super short, barely covering my pussy.

I turn to him. "Can I get you anything, Boss?"

He leans against the counter, taking in every inch of me with a leer on his face. "I want you to prove to me you can handle making a simple vanilla latte."

I smother a smile. "Sure, Boss." I start a nice, strong pot of coffee, then grab the milk from the fridge, pouring it into a saucepan on the stove, setting it to simmer.

"While I wait for my order you need to clean these filthy counters. We have to maintain a hygienic work area."

I play along, even though I keep my kitchen pristine. I grab the canister of Lysol wipes and rub down the counters with them, making sure Scott gets an eyeful of my cleavage, making sure my tits bounce.

I sneak a peek at him and his eyes are zeroed in on my chest. I turn around, checking on the milk, and wipe down the counters by the stove, bending over a little and shaking my bare ass.

I hear Scott suck in a breath.

"You're supposed to get my order to me in a timely manner. This is taking way too long."

"I'm sorry, Boss. It's almost ready." The coffee pot dings just as I finish speaking, and I pour half a mug full of coffee for him, topping it off with the milk I burned on purpose. I completely forget to add the vanilla syrup.

I slide it over to him with a smile, waiting for him to take a sip. His mouth puckers and he scowls at me. I barely keep the smug grin off my face.

He rises and stalks into the kitchen, pouring most of the drink into the sink, but making sure some splatters onto the floor.

"I asked for a vanilla latte. Not burnt sludge. And make sure you clean that up."

"Sorry, Boss. Right away, Boss." I speak in a breathy voice, fluttering my lashes.

I grab my sponge off my sink and sink to my hands and knees, aiming my ass at him. My pussy is already glistening with desire and I'm sure he can see it the way I'm spread open and bent over.

He whispers a choice curse word at the sight. I make sure the few drops he let hit the floor are really, really clean before rising. When I rise back to my feet, I squeeze my legs together and try not to moan out loud.

I make him another cup, this time with way too much syrup. I know how Scott likes it, and tooth-ache sweet is not it.

He tries this one and sighs sadly. "Amanda, you have to be better than this. You have to make my order perfectly." He slips his hand down the front of the apron to tweak one of my nipples. "If you don't, you won't get your payment."

My lids grow heavy and slide half-closed. "Yes, Boss."

He removes his hand from beneath the apron after another tweak that jolts all the way down to my toes. "I'll give you an easier task this time. Just make me a regular cup of coffee with cream."

I oblige, making it right this time. He sips and sighs yet again. "Not enough cream. You know I like my coffee with plenty of cream." He stands close to me, so close I can feel the heat pulsing off him. I can't handle much more. I'm perched on the edge of a precipice and I want him inside me. I want his hands all over me.

Scott slides his hand under the skirt of the apron, grazing light fingers up my thighs until he reaches my drenched core. He slides his fingers through my folds and brings them up to his cup, swirling them in the coffee. "This is my favorite flavor in the world."

I almost come right then. He takes a sip and moans. "Finally. Perfect."

I stare at his mouth, my frozen limbs making it impossible for me to move. Fuck, he is perfect. I want him so damn much. Now. On the floor of my kitchen. Bent over the counter. On top of the counter.

I want to fuck him through every inch of my home. And then, I want to go to his house and do the same.

He reaches up with his free hand and releases the tie of the apron from my neck. The front of it falls to my waist, revealing my breasts. He closes his eyes for a second, breathing deep.

When he opens them, they swirl with a dark lust that makes me shiver in anticipation. He keeps moving close to me until the top half of me is splayed across the counter.

He takes another sip of his coffee and nods to some internal dialog he's having with himself. Before I can prepare myself, or even realize what he's doing, he spills drops of coffee on my nipples. The liquid is warm, but not so hot it hurts. It spreads a different sort of heat through me as the droplets run down my tits. I hiss as he ducks his head down to lick it from my skin.

I grasp at the edges of the counter as he dribbles and licks more from me. He trails of line of coffee down my belly and back up to my boobs, drinking his cup of coffee off my body.

The hottest and dirtiest body shots in the history of time.

When the cup is empty, he leans down to kiss me. All around me swirls the scent and taste of coffee. I'll never be able to drink a cup again without thinking of this moment. I'll probably never be able to drink coffee again without getting incredibly horny.

It's totally worth it.

Scott kisses and licks down my neck, past my collarbones, over my chest, to my nipples. He sucks on them one after the other, sending me arching off the counter. He grabs my wrists and pins them above my head while he continues his assault on my nipples. I bring my legs up and wrap them around his waist, grinding my needy cunt against the bulge in his jeans, the rough fabric scraping against me in an altogether pleasing way.

Begs and pleading fall from my lips in whispers. I need him. I need to feel the proof this is real, that we're really doing this.

He ignores me, feasting on my tits, running the hand not holding down my wrists along my sides, back under the apron. He pulls his pelvis away so he can reach my pussy with his fingers. He drags his fingers through my folds, rubbing at my clit in circles.

My head thrashes and I moan as tingles spread through me.

Scott raises his head and smirks at me. "I think I need more of my favorite cream. Ever since tasting you again last week, I've had such a craving."

I whimper and bite my lip.

Scott releases my wrists and kneels down on the floor beneath me. He tosses the apron up, revealing my pussy shining with my desire for him, resting my feet over his shoulders. No one else has ever gotten me as hot as he does.

No one.

He's the first one who made me forget Adam, and Scott will be the one to erase him forever.

"I still have a little bit of coffee left. It'd be a shame to waste it." Warm coffee spills over my clit and I cry out, spreading my legs wider.

The first touch of his tongue against my core is almost enough for me to come, screaming his name. He moans with each lick, like I'm his last meal and it's the best one he's ever been given.

He's more than welcome to enjoy it any fucking time.

My eyes roll around in my head as he works his magic on me. After playing with my clit until I'm almost senseless, he slips his stiffened tongue inside me, folding it up to hit my g-spot. My moans and sighs join his until we create our own symphony of pleasure. His voice vibrates against me, sending me higher.

My mouth falls open in a silent scream as my body wracks with tremors, bucking from the pleasure pouring over me, crashing over me, sweeping me away.

Scott laps up every bit of my satisfaction from me, waiting until my body stills before rising from his knees and smiling down at me. He kisses me and I taste myself on his lips with a slight hint of coffee mixed in.

Why did I ever think only one man wouldn't be enough for me? Scott is almost more than I can handle.

He pushes himself off me and the counter, and helps me down onto my shaky legs. My apron falls back into place, but I don't bother tying the top back up. It's more fun this way.

"I think I want an iced coffee this time. Let's make sure you know how to handle that."

I grin. "Right away, Boss."

He smacks my ass as I scamper squealing over to the coffee maker. I don't really have the supplies to make a true iced coffee here, but I make do with my flavored creamer and the now cooled off coffee in the pot.

I hand the cup to him, the coffee crackling and popping over the brimming ice. "How's this, Boss?"

He tastes it and hums with appreciation. "You're showing great improvement. Not quite as tasty as the last cup, but still. Quite delicious."

"Thank you." I bat my eyes at him, my tits jiggling as I bounce up and down. This is fun and sexy as hell. I've never done foreplay like this before. I'd thought it would be awkward, but not with Scott.

I'm starting to think nothing will be off-limits or awkward with him. Everything with him is hot and perfect and natural.

"Take a seat on the counter. There's one thing you got wrong on my order."

I obey, making sure the apron rides up high on my legs. He steps in close to me, and sets the cup of coffee down beside me.

He takes out a cube of ice and holds it up for me to see. "When a customer orders an iced coffee, they want it to mostly be coffee. Not ice. If they take this out on a hot day, the ice would melt and then it'll be disgusting. Let me show you."

He runs the ice cube down the valley between my breasts, trickles of water trailing in its wake. I shiver and my nipples pucker into hard peaks in response.

"See how fast it melts against the heat of your skin?"

I nod and try to stay still.

He runs it across first one nipple, and then the other. I suck in a hard breath and squeeze my eyes shut as icy heat sears through my veins. Goosebumps rise over every inch of my body as he holds the ice tight against one of my nipples. It's so intense, little shots of pain stab through me, but it morphs into a pleasant burn that travels right to my core.

When the ice cube gets too small, he tosses it into the sink behind him and pulls another from the cup. He brings it straight up to my other nipple, holding it there while I gasp and shake until my nipple almost goes numb.

He tosses that one into the sink too. "See how fast they melt? And as hot as your tits are, they're nowhere near as hot as a summer day." He runs the next cube down my belly, then up my leg to the crease in my thigh, dragging it across to my pussy. "But here, you are scorching. This will show you properly."

The ice cube travels between my lips and presses against my clit. The icy heat is harsher down there. It's too much, I almost pull away. But as the cold water dribbles over the rest of me, it becomes more bearable. And then it becomes glorious. Every one of my senses comes alive, sending me into overload. I can feel each one of his breaths against my skin. My nose is swamped with the scents of coffee, vanilla, and arousal. The hum of the fridge mixes with the small moans I make, the low growls Scott makes.

He exchanges the cubes again. And then he sticks that fucking cube up inside me. Inside. Me.

I scream, grabbing hard at his shoulders. It burns, it makes my belly clench. My nipples grow impossibly harder and fuck, I want him inside me now. I claw at his shirt, trying to get it off him. I've never been so fucking turned on ever. Ever.

But instead of removing his clothes and taking me right here, right now on the counter, he pulls back. "Look what you've done. Made a complete mess of my pants. What did I tell you about the hygienic work area?"

A pathetic whimpering mewling sound comes from low in my throat. He's killing me. "Sorry, Boss."

I don't see a thing on his pants other than a few small wet spots from the melting ice. I hop from the counter, startling when the melted ice runs down my leg.

Scott notices and closes his eyes with a groan and a whispered, "Fuck."

He steps back a few feet and I follow him, kneeling with my face level to his bulge. With trembling, clumsy fingers, I get his pants undone and his cock out. I all but purr at the sight.

His cock is so beautiful, and it's all mine now.

Deciding to give him a little taste of his own torture medicine, I lick the crease of his thighs and fondle his balls softly. Instead of taking him into my mouth, I run my tongue up and down the length of him, then flick it over the head of his cock.

He growls and pants, his thighs trembling.

I look up at him and smile innocently. "I just want to make sure I get you nice and clean. Wouldn't want you to fail a health inspection."

Before I have the chance to tease him some more, he yanks me to my feet, and bends me over the counter. He runs his hands from my pussy through the crease of my ass, playing with my back hole.

He leans over me. "I can't wait to take you back here." His whisper is dark with forbidden promises.

I moan, some of the melted ice pooling around my tits, making my peaks harden even more. I can't wait to finally try anal, and I'm so glad I waited for him. As terrified as I am of his huge, huge dick fitting inside such a small hole.

He enters me with a shove, making me cry out and scramble for purchase on the slick counter-top. Him inside me is like coming home. Nothing feels as good as him inside me. His fingers knead my ass as he fucks me. I shove back against him with each plunge, wanting him further inside me, wanting all of him.

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