The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings (109 page)

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Authors: Philip Zaleski,Carol Zaleski

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Literary, #Nonfiction, #Retail

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London University

“Lonely Isle, The” (Tolkien)

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

nnrot, Elias

Lord of the Flies

Lord M, or the Later Life of Lord Melbourne

Lord of the Rings, The
(Tolkien); audio recordings of excerpts from; cartoon version proposed for; Catholicism in; children and adults as readership of; dedication of; delays in completion of; eucatastrophe in; illustrations for; impact of World Wars on; Inklings’ readings from; language in; Marquette University purchases manuscript of; nomenclature in; prepublication readers of; publication of; reviews of; rewrites of; sales of; spider-monsters in; translations of; unauthorized version of; voted “Book of the Century”; see also
Hobbit, The
: sequel to

Lord’s Prayer

Lost Road, The

Louis XIV, king of France

Louis XIV: An Informal Portrait
(W. Lewis)

Lovecraft, H. P.

Lovelace Society

Love’s Body

Lowes, John Livingston

Lowrie, Walter



Lundgren, Marguerite (second wife of Cecil Howard)

Lurgan College


Luttrell Psalter

Lyndsay, David

Mabbott, John

Mabinogion, The

Macaulay, Thomas Babington

MacCarthy, Desmond

MacDonald, George; Christianity of; Lewis’s appreciation of; Tolkien and

MacDowell Colony

Machen, Arthur


MacNeice, Louis

MacRan, Frederick Walker “Cranny”

Maeterlinck, Maurice

Magdalene College, Cambridge

Magdalen College, Oxford; Addison’s Walk in; Inklings meetings at Lewis’s rooms at; Lewis commutes between the Kilns and; Lewis’s departure from; Pitter visits; Richards visit; visitors to Lewis at; during World War II

Magic Flute, The

Magician’s Nephew, The


Magus, Simon

Mahood, Molly

Mailer, Norman

Maimonides, Moses

Maintenon, Madame de

Mairet, Philip

“Major Road Ahead” (Tolkien)

Making of English, The

Malory, Thomas

Man and Animal

Man Born to Be King, The

Manchester, University of

Manchester Guardian, The


Manning, Henry Edward

“Man Who Lived Backwards, The” (Hall)

Many Dimensions

Mao Zedong

Mark, St.


Marlowe, Christopher

Marquette University

Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The

Martindale, C. C.


Marvell, Andrew

Marvellous Land of Snergs, The

Marvels of Ant Life

Masefield, John

Masque of the Manuscript, The

materialism; Barfield and; eliminative

Mathers, S. L. MacGregor

Mathew, Fr. Gervase, O.P.

Mathews, George Ballard

Maupassant, Guy de

Mauriac, Fran

Maurice, F. D.

Maxwell, James Clerk

Maynard, Theodore

McCabe, Joseph

McCallum, Ronald B.

McGrath, Alister

McNeil, Janie

McTaggart, J.M.E.

McBride, Sam



“Meditation in a Toolshed” (Lewis)

Memoirs of the Duc de Saint-Simon
(W. Lewis)

Mencken, H. L.


Mere Christianity

Meredith, George

Merton College, Oxford


“Metrical Meditations of a Cod” (Lewis)

Michiko, crown princess of Japan

Middle Ages

Middle English

Middle English Vocabulary, A

Middle High German Primer

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A

Milford, Humphrey

Milton, John; Christianity of; Lang-Sims’s essay on; Leavis on; Lewis’s boyhood reading of; mythology of; Romanticism of; Williams on

Minchin, James Henry Cotton

Mind and Heart of Love, The

Mind of the Maker, The


“Misfortunes of Elphin, The” (Peacock)

Mission of Gautama Buddha on Mars

Missouri, University of (Columbia)

Mr. Bliss

Mitchison, Naomi

modernism; defense of Christianity from prejudices of; parodies of; of Vorticists

Modern Language Review

“Moira” (Barfield)

Monde, Le

Monks, Clifford

Monmouth School for Girls

Month, The

Moonstone, The

Moore, Edward “Paddy”

Moore, G. E.

Moore, Maureen

Moore, Mrs. Janie King (n
e Askins); Anglo-Irish priest friend of; death of; declining health of; difficult personality of; Lewis’s brother’s and father’s disapproval of relationship with; Lewis’s diary entries about; and Lewis’s friends; mental illness of brother of; moves with Lewis to the Kilns; Warnie and; World War I pledge between Lewis and son of; during World War II

Moorman, Charles

More, Henry

More, Thomas

Morgan, Fr. Francis Xavier, C.O.

Morrah, Dermot Michael Macgregor

Morris, Jan

Morris, William

Morte d’Arthur, Le

“Mother of Pegasus, The” (Barfield)

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Muhammad, Prophet

Muir, Edwin

ller, Max

Murder in the Cathedral

Murray, James Augustus Henry

Murray, Fr. Robert, S.J.

Murry, John Middleton

“Music of the Ainur, The” (Tolkien)

Muslims and Islam

Mussolini, Benito

“Mythopoeia” (Tolkien)

mythopoesis; of Lewis; of Tolkien, (see also

Myths of the Norsemen

Nabokov, Vladimir


National Book League


Neale, John Mason

Neave, Edwin (husband of Jane Neave)

Neave, Jane (née Suffield; Tolkien’s aunt)


Necromancers, The

Nemerov, Howard

Nesbit, Edith


New Book of English Verse

Newby, P. H.

New English Weekly, The

Newman, John Henry

New Shadow, The

New Statesman

New Statesman and Nation

Newton, Isaac

New York, State University of (SUNY), Stony Brook

New York Herald Tribune

New York Post

New York Times, The
Book Review

Neylan, Mary

Nicene Creed

Nicholson, Norman Cornthwaite

Nicomachean Ethics

Nightingale, Frank

Nightmare Alley

Night Operation

Nine Tailors, The

“Noises That Weren’t There” (Williams)


“None Other Gods” (Lewis)

Norman, Sylvia


Norse mythology

North American Review

Northanger Abbey

North Wales, University College of

Notion Club Papers, The

Nott, Kathleen

“Nun’s Priest Tale” (Chaucer)

Observer, The

Occult Significance of Blood

Ockham, William

“Of Beren and Lúthien” (Tolkien)

Officers Training Corps

Of Unsound Mind

Ogden, C. K.

O’Hara, Kathleen

Old English/Anglo-Saxon; at Leeds University; Lewis and; after Norman invasion; poetry in, (see also
); pre-Reformation Catholic texts in; Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship at Oxford of; in Tolkien’s fiction

Old Norse

Old Saxon

“On Being Reviewed by Christians” (Joad)

“On Fairy-Stories” (Tolkien)

Onions, C. T.

“On Stories” (Lewis)

Operation Pied Piper

Orage, A. R.

Oratory School

Origins of Modern Science, The



Orwell, George

Osborne, Dorothy

Otto, Rudolf

Our Mutual Friend

Outline of History

Outlines of Romantic Theology

Out of the Silent Planet

Owen, W.J.B.

Owen, Wilfred

Owen Barfield on C. S. Lewis

“Owen Barfield and the Rebirth of Meaning” (Tennyson)

Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse, The

Oxford Book of English Verse, The

Oxford Book of Light Verse, The

Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford Esperanto Society

Oxford High School

Oxford History of English Literature

Oxford Magazine, The

Oxford Mail

Oxford Philosophical Society

Oxford Playhouse

Oxford Poetry 1915

Oxford University; Blackfriars Hall; Bodleian Library; Christianity at; Corpus Christi College; English syllabus at; Exeter College; Jesus College; Keble College; Lady Margaret Hall; Lincoln College; Museum; New College; Officers Training Corps; Oriel College; Pembroke College; Queen’s College; Responsions; Roll of Service; St. Hugh’s College; St. John’s College; Somerville College; Trinity College; Wadham College; Worcester College;
see also
Magdalen College, Oxford; Merton College, Oxford; University College, Oxford

Oxford University Press (OUP)


Page, Fred

Palmer, Herbert

Palmer, Samuel


Pantheon Books

“Papal Aggression” (1850)

Paradise Lost


Paris, Gaston

Pascal, Blaise

Pasley, Rodney Marshall Sabine

Patch, Howard Rollin

Pater Noster

Patmore, Coventry

Paul, St.

Paxford, Fred

Peacock, Thomas


Pearson’s Magazine

Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse


Per Amica Silentia Lunae

Percy, Bishop Thomas

re Goriot, Le


Perrault, Charles

Personal Heresy, The
(Lewis and Tillyard)



Phelps, Robert

Philadelphia Inquirer, The

Phillips, J. B.

Phillips, Justin

philology; Barfield and; comparative; English (
Middle English; Old English/Anglo-Saxon); in English syllabus at Oxford; Germanic,
see specific languages
; Lewis and; of proto-Inklings; Tolkien and

Philosophical Fragments

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, The

Philosophy of Freedom, The

Picasso, Pablo


Pigeon Post

Pilgrim’s Progress, The

Pilgrim’s Regress, The

Pitter, Ruth

Pius V, Saint (pope)

Pius X, Saint (pope)

Place of the Lion, The

“Planets, The” (Lewis)

Plantinga, Alvin



Pliny the Elder and the Younger

Plumptre, Edward Hayes

Poe, Edgar Allan

Poems of Conformity

“Poet, The” (Emerson)

Poetical Works of Milton, The

Poetic Diction

“Poetic Diction and Legal Fiction” (Barfield)

Poetry at Present

Poetry Review, The

Poor Servants of Divine Providence

Pope, Alexander

Poppelbaum, Hermann

Possible Worlds

Potter, Beatrix

Pound, Ezra

Power, Canon Norman

Power, Tyrone

Prayers and Meditations

Precincts of Felicity, The

Preface to Paradise Lost, A



Price, H. H.

Priestley, J. B.

Primer of the Gothic Language

Prince Caspian

Princess and Curdie, The

Princess and the Goblin, The

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