The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior (21 page)

BOOK: The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior
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She was turning eighteen in a month and she would no longer be under her mother’s control. She thought about it and went to the upper level of the castle and boarded her shuttle. She sent an inquiry about the name of the ship being used by Jon and closed her eyes. She put her hand on the drive controller and felt her fingers entering numbers. She pressed the activate button and the shuttle teleported away.

• • •

Amet heard the alarms go off and he reached for the weapons board. He looked at his scanner and saw a shuttle with the seal of the Royal Family. He moved his hand from the weapons board and heard, “Permission to come aboard.”

“Who is making the request?”

“Lady Juliette Gardner.”

Amet said, “Permission granted. Please enter the main landing bay. I’ll have someone there waiting for you.”

Juliette flew the ship into the landing bay and disembarked. A Gilliam greeted her and she saw he wore the uniform of a ship’s captain. “Welcome aboard, Lady Gardner. How may I serve you?”

“Is Admiral Robbins aboard?”

“No, he is conducting training maneuvers on the planet below.”

“Will you please not tell him I’m here and have him meet me in his conference room when he returns?”

Amet was confused. Did the Royal Family rank higher than Jon? He knew Jon was over all military personnel but what about the Royal Family? He decided to err on the side of caution, “I will have him meet you upon his return.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

“It’s going to be several hours before he returns. You may want to make yourself comfortable in the dining facilities.”

“No thank you. I’ll wait for him in his conference room.” Juliette paused and then said, “If you hear any inquiries about my location, you will not answer them until after I meet with the Admiral.”

Amet felt trouble with a capital T. He stared at her and she said, “Don’t worry. You won’t get in trouble.”

Amet thought, “Easy for you to say,” but decided that Jon would know what to do. He turned and led Juliette out of the landing bay. An hour later every frequency was filled with members of the Royal Family directing all available military ships to start searching for Lady Juliette. Amet put his head in his hands and knew this was going to cause a major problem.

• • •

William Dodd looked at Cassandra and snarled, “Why haven’t you answered my messages?”

“What messages?”

“I’ve sent you dozens. You will keep your agreement!”

William saw that Cassandra was really confused. He said, “Pull up your messages.”

Cassandra pulled up her board and said, “I don’t have any messages from you.” Cassandra looked at her board and suddenly she knew, “Juliette must have erased them.”

“What are you doing giving her your access code?”

“I didn’t but she’s smarter than you know. She must have erased them.”

“The wedding must take place immediately.”

Cassandra knew that William was right. Once Juliette reached the age of eighteen she could not make her marry anyone. She looked at William and said, “Has James made progress in wooing her over.”

“James couldn’t win over a puppy. That’s beside the point. You made an agreement with my dead son and you will keep it.”

Cassandra stared at William and said “Or else…”

“I’ll turn over the recordings my dead son made of your plans to kill the Duke’s son. It’s your choice; live or die.”

Cassandra felt her fear and said, “I’ll inform Juliette, immediately and get back to you after I’ve set the date and location.”

William snarled, “See that you do.”

Cassandra fell back in her chair and put her head in her hands. Oh, Juliette. What have I done? What if James is just like William? She was not going to die. She left her quarters and went to Juliette’s room. Odd, she wasn’t there. She pressed her wrist unit and said, “Juliette, where are you?” She waited and there was no response. She hit the alarm button and said over the palace intercom, “Juliette is missing. Find her.” She hit the display on Juliette’s desk and moved the view to the top floor of the castle. Juliette’s shuttle was gone. She hit William Dodd’s frequency and said, “She’s not here.”

“What do you mean she’s not there?”

“Her shuttle is gone and she’s not here. She must have seen your last message and decided to run.”

William Dodd’s face took on the pure savagery of a demon, “Well you had better find her fast or you can say hello to the executioner.”

The display went dark and Cassandra wailed, “Where are you?”

• • •

Jon arrived on the Creator’s Song and found Amet waiting for him in the assembly room. “Is something wrong?”

“I believe there is, Sir. I need you to go to your conference room. You have a guest waiting for you.”

“Who is it?”

“I was ordered not to tell you.”

Jon started to order Amet to tell him but felt something that told him not to do that. He turned and went to the conference room. He entered and stopped dead in his tracks. Juliette was sitting at a computer console and she said, “It appears I have caused a disruption of sorts.”

Jon couldn’t stop from smiling, “I think that is not unusual, is it?”

Juliette smiled, “No, I guess you’re right.”

“What’s the problem?”

“The Queen has ordered that anyone with knowledge of my location is to report it immediately.”

Jon’s face turned serious and said, “Why would the Queen be making such an order?”

“I took a shuttle and teleported away from Avalon without notifying anyone where I was going.”

Jon rolled his eyes and said, “Why would you do that?”

“Because my mother is going to force me to marry James Dodd Jr. and I have no desire to be anywhere near him. His soul is dark.” Jon sat down slowly in a chair across from her. “I can’t be forced to marry anyone once I turn eighteen and that happens in thirty days. I have to stay hidden that long.”

Jon stared at her and said, “How did you find me? No one knows our location.”

Juliette tilted her head slightly to the left and said, “I can always find you.”


“I close my eyes and put my hand on my teleport board and the coordinates of your location was typed into my board.”

Jon stared at her and she saw he didn’t believe her. “Jon, you and I are connected. You heard my thoughts when I screamed for help. I can feel you.”

“I can’t disobey the Queen.”

“If you don’t I’ll be forced to marry a demon. He’s evil. You’ve got to keep me away from my Mother.” She hesitated and said, “William Dodd is threatening her with something.”

“What do you mean?”

“He has something he’s using to force her to make this happen. I don’t know what it is, but it’s something serious.”

Jon stared at her and suspected what the truth probably was but didn’t want to say it to Juliette. He came around the table and said, “Move over.”

Juliette slid over and Jon entered the frequency. Victoria appeared on the display and saw Juliette sitting next to Jon. “What’s going on?”

Jon started talking to her and Victoria listened. She didn’t like William Dodd and the thought of Juliette marrying his grandson made her grind her teeth. After Jon finished, Victoria smiled and said, “I’ll make the call and see what happens.”

• • •

Cassandra was frightened. She could only sit in her room and anticipate her coming execution. The display chimed and she saw Queen Victoria. She said, “We’ve found Juliette.”

“Oh thank the Creator. Where is she?”

“She’s safe. I have an assignment for her that is going to take a few weeks. I’ll get her home after it’s done.”

Cassandra panicked, “Your Majesty. She is to marry James Dodd in two weeks.”

“Oh, I haven’t received an announcement.”

Cassandra pushed a button and William Dodd appeared on the display. He was shocked to see the Queen. Cassandra said, “I’ve just told the Queen that Juliette and James are to be married in two weeks.”

William turned on his smile like a fake hair piece, “That’s true you Majesty. It will be a joyous celebration.”

Victoria smiled and said, “Hold on just a moment.” Cassandra and William waited and both of them were nervous. Victoria came back on and said, “I’ve just talked with the Cats and they say the mission is critical to the safety of the Realm. They request that the two of you come here so they can explain how important it is.”

Victoria watched their faces closely and William said, “I’ll send my son to gather the information.”

Victoria smiled, “No, that is not acceptable. This mission is of extreme importance and I’m only telling you because of the wedding. The two of you will come and discuss it with the Cats.”

William smiled broadly and said, “If it’s that important, we can delay the wedding. We would never do anything to jeopardize the Realm.”

Victoria looked at Cassandra and she said, “I agree with William. We can delay; Uhhh, how long will she be gone?”

Victoria said, “Three weeks…” and she saw them start to smile until she said, “However, I don’t really expect this to be over for six weeks.”

It took all the will he could muster to continue smiling. William said, “Please let us know when she’ll be returning.”

Victoria smiled, “Thank you for your help.”

The display went dark and William said, “Nothing has changed. If she won’t agree to marry James, you’re dead.”

Cassandra now knew that she was going to be forced to tell Juliette what was going on and she knew her daughter would marry James Dodd to save her. She cried and couldn’t stop.

• • •

Victoria looked at Jon and said, “It went like you said.”

Jon shook his head, “William must have Juliette’s mother under his thumb with information that would get her killed.”

“That’s how I see it.” Jon shook his head and Victoria said, “That bothers you?”

“I just expect more than that from our Royals.”

Victoria looked at him and said, “So do I.” The display went dark.

• • •

Jon sat with Juliette in the conference room and said, “They have agreed to delay the wedding.” Juliette felt her tears begin. “What’s wrong?”

“I will still be forced to marry him.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve only been fooling myself. I didn’t expect them to agree. If they fought this then I know that I could come of age and my mother would be safe because she tried to keep her end of whatever agreement they made. That means that the agreement was of a nature that I could void.”

“And now?”

“If that monster agreed to delay, my mother will die if I don’t marry James. She’s done something that will get her killed if it comes out.”

Jon stared at her and said, “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to enjoy the time I have and marry that beast. I can’t let my mother die.”

She reached for Jon and he held her away. She looked at him and he said, “If you’re going to be someone else’s wife, I won’t violate that sacred relationship; no matter what the justification.” Jon stood and left the room.

Juliette put her head in her hands and wept. Creation just wasn’t fair.

• • •

Jon teleported down to the planet and sat on a cliff looking at the setting sun. The stars were starting to make an appearance and the view was breathtaking. He looked up in the sky and took a deep breath. Something had died inside him and he didn’t know what it was. He sat and waited as the sun fell below the horizon. He looked at the valley below and sighed. “Not everything is in our control, Jon.”

Jon didn’t say anything as Teg sat down beside him, “Dern is right, Jon. You can only do what you can. Some things are beyond us.”

Jon didn’t look at his brothers sitting beside him on the cliff. They felt his sorrow and had teleported to his location. “This Creation is a brutal place. I wonder what our Father’s Creation is like.”

No one said anything. Finally Jon sighed and said, “Perhaps that’s why we’re here; to make this place like home.” The three sat on the cliff for a long time.

Juliette sat on the ship and watched the three on the planet below. She knew where he was and adjusted the computer’s scanner until she found him. She knew she had hurt him. She could see it in the slope of his shoulders and the way he looked down into the valley and not at the stars. She felt his pain and knew she was not being fair to him. She watched until he stood and looked up at the stars. She saw that she had lost him. His inner strength gave him the courage to walk away from what he felt inside. She knew he could feel her in his heart but he closed it to her. He was the strong one. She turned the display off and went to bed. Sleep was as elusive as his love had become.

• • •

Molly saw Juliette in the ship’s commissary and wondered what she was doing there. She had heard all the messages from the Royal Family seeking help in locating her. She saw Dern talking with Amet and she waited until he finished. Dern looked at her and Molly said, “What is the Princess doing here?”

Dern frowned and said, “Jon and she were an item but it appears she is going to marry someone else to save her mother. Jon has told her that their relationship is over.”

Molly did a double take, “I didn’t expect you to get that personal. I just wanted to know why she was here.”

Dern shrugged, “Hey, you’re in the inner circle now. You should know what’s going on.”

Molly smiled, “Thanks, Dern. That means a lot.”

Molly went to the commissary and found Juliette sitting at a table alone. She went over and pulled up a chair and sat down. “Are you out of your mind? Why would you possibly marry someone other than Jon?”

Juliette was shocked by the young woman’s remarks. “You don’t know the full story.”

Molly held up her hand and pointed to her index finger, “One, you’re going to do it to save your mother.” She pointed to her next finger, “two; she’s done something that forces you to marry someone you don’t love.” She pointed her third finger and said, “Three; you’re an idiot.”

Juliette said, “What right do you have to say that?”

‘None, but that doesn’t make you any less an idiot. Just where in all this does your mother take responsibility for her actions? You’re going to throw your life away to save her from what she’s done? You’re in the succession to the throne aren’t you?”

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