The Game Plan (22 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

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You tell me

You look great, even with the silly clothe
okay, the
re cut
I have
t heard a tantrum in a long time and you seem to be genuinely relaxed.  I know yo
re doing better in school, too.  I have to say, yes, yo
re happy.  Tha
s all I want for you

Do you think you can learn to be comfortable if we stay in our roles when you visit

ll try

He suddenly giggled. 

Cassie eyed him.
What are you thinking

I was just wondering what it would be like to be across Suzann
s gorgeous thighs and getting spanked on my bare bottom like you do.  Sh
s majorly hot

ll never know until you try
Cassie giggled back.


* * *


After kisses and hugs goodbye, Rob and Cassie stood alone together at the front door, watching the other three drive off.  Rob turned to the beautiful young woman next to him.

As much as I love you as a young lady, I need a woman right now
he said, eyeing her hungrily.  She smiled, reaching up to kiss him passionately.

And I need my Master.  May I call you that
she said throatily.  Ro
s eyes lit up as he nodded.  The deference had come as a genuine surprise.  He knew it was a gift straight from her heart.  He scooped her up in his arms, carrying her upstairs to their bedroom.

I love you
he muttered, undressing her slowly, pausing to touch her quivering flesh.
Are you cold

No.  Yo
re going to finally make love to me, are
t you
she asked as his mouth trailed her neck and shoulders.

Are you ready for this
he sounded concerned, praying she would not deny him. 

Cassie moaned, leaning against him as he found that special place on her neck.
Yes, Master.  Please, just do
t stop.  Own me

Rob happily obliged.  He grazed her skin with his teeth, folding his mouth around the hard, round nub of one of her nipples.  He paused, pulling away to remove his own clothing and, for the first time, allowing her to view the full length of his massive and beautiful body.  Cassie gasped with delight as she reached to touch his thick cock and gently trace it with her fingers and her lips.  Rob stroked her hair, enjoying the site of his sweet little virgin as he brazenly explored her, tasting and touching with reckless abandon.  His cock shuddered with want, the bulbous head seeking the tight cave of hidden treasure that Cassie had saved just for him.

Rob laid Cassie onto the bed, wrapped her in his strong arms and kissed her lips deeply to taste the sweetness of her mouth.  Cassie entwined her arms around his neck, begging him to fill her.  He settled slowly between her legs, moaning as she wrapped her ankles around his hips and rubbed against him hungrily.  Ever so gently, his cock found her wet, waiting pussy and accepted her invitation to enter.  Ro
s mouth smothered her cry as he broke through her barrier and she surrendered herself fully to him.  He stroked slowly in and out of her tight, quivering body, and felt her shudder as she yielded to him.

Wait for me
Rob whispered, his rhythm increasing.  Cassie cried out with him as they joined each other in a fireworks display of pleasure, binding themselves together.  She held him tightly, clutching the thick cock buried deep within her.  A tear slowly dripped from the corner of her eye as she kissed him again.  She had found true happiness and knew, without question, that she was fully and completely owned by a man who loved her heart, mind and soul.


* * *


One Year Late



The thre
watched as the thre
sat at the table coloring in Cassi
s book.  Rob elbowed his brother.

Guess we finally found the right place for Glenn.  He gets to escape being a grownup when he comes to visit

Who would have thought that he would want to take on being an adult child
Bryon chuckled, holding Suzann
s hand affectionately.  One month earlier, she had taken on the role of Glen
s wife/mommy and had been very strict in getting him back on track, graduating and finding a job as a Sports Therapist.  She had even talked him into returning to school to start on a graduate program. 

She smiled.
We miss being with you boys, and we miss Krissy and Cassie.  Things have been hectic since the wedding.  Ho
s Bill doing

He started dating again.  If my ears did
t deceive me, I would say his new girlfriend has a very tender bottom today
Rob grinned, watching his wife/young lady snatch back the crayon that Glenn had taken from her.

Has he said anything to you two about your arrangement
Suzanne asked with concern. 

Bryon shook his head.
Nothing negative.  When he found out how happy we were, he gave his blessings.  Excuse m
you two are to stop fighting now or yo
re going to get a time out
Bryon shouted as Glenn and Cassie started to bicker.  They quieted quickly, giggling.  Bryon settled back down, shaking his head.  He looked up with a smile as Krissy approached him, holding out her arms.

m being a good girl, Papa

Yes you are, my love
Bryon said, embracing the short, slightly chubby red head with bright blue eyes.

s the wedding, Bry
Suzanne asked, stroking Kriss
s hair.

We have
t set a date yet.  We wanted to make sure the girls got along well

They seem to be
Suzanne observed, watching Krissy run back to sit with Cassie. 

Rob nodded.
ve become best of friends. 
m going to knock the wall out of the second guestroom so they can have a full suite to themselves.  Dumbass here wanted to make it into a nursery but both girls put their foot down and refused to wear diapers
Rob chuckled.

Bryon flipped him off.
s not true.  And if I wanted my girls to wear diapers, they would not have a say so.  You would have a good laugh at old man Robert here; h
s taken to the Daddy/Uncle role quite well.  And
ve learned a bit more about using my game face

m glad you are so happy.  My daughters are still having a problem with me being involved with a man their age.  It would be great if he and I could be free to do this at home more often, but with Gloria still living close by, i
s too risky.  I doubt they could even understand the age-play
Suzanne sighed. 

Rob kissed the back of her hand.
ll come around when they see how happy you are.  Glen
s a good guy, and he certainly knows how to make you laugh

I never thought I could laugh so hard either.  And he is the most giving of lovers.  He sure did
t learn that from you, big boy
Suzanne teased. 

Bryon looked offended.
Hey!  I never heard you complain about my prowess in bed

s because you were always threatening to spank me
Suzanne giggled. 

Bryon leaned over.
t think I wo
t follow through

Me, either
Rob added sternly.  Suzanne shook her head.

Just because yo
re bigger than me does
t mean
d let either of you try to assert yourselves.  You have your own girls to do that with

Daddy!  Tell Glenn to stop pulling my hair
Cassie yelled.

Cut it out, Glenn
both Rob and Bryon yelled.

Suzanne pointed to him.
You are in trouble when we get home, young man.  Rob made me a present that I intend to use on you
Suzanne said sternly.

Glenn paled, hearing Cassie giggle.
re gonna get it
she chanted.

all three adults sighed.

Aunt Suzanne!  Glenn wo
t give me back my crayons
Cassie yelled as few minutes later.  Suzanne rolled her eyes.

Glenn!  Are you looking to get paddled right here and now in front of everyone?  I swear,
ll have Bryon or Rob cut a switch for me if you do
t straighten up

Yes m
Glenn sighed, seeing she was serious.  He handed Cassie the crayon. 

She kissed his cheek.
Are you happy, Glenn
she whispered.

More than
ve ever been.  I do
t know about you, but the sex is great after a good spanking
he whispered. 

Cassie nodded, hugging his arm.
I love our family
she giggled back, looking at her tw
and her new sister.  They all returned her smile.  She finally felt complete.

The End

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