The Genesis Project (18 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

BOOK: The Genesis Project
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“Get dressed, beautiful. We're going to my place for a nice hot bath.”

He didn't need to tell her twice. She quickly dressed in sweats and a shirt. She didn't feel the need to dress up for him. She was comfortable and relaxed. Thoughts of working in the lab failed to surface. She was sated. Happy. And it was all because of Xander.

The drive over was silent. But Xander kept their hands linked. He
her back to the house she was at last night and walked her through the expansive foyer and through a series of doorways until they made it to his room. A very impressive stasis bed lay in the center of his space. Pillows strewn across the surface in different silks and patterns. He lived in splendor and decadence. Gen was a bit self-conscious as he'd seen her dwelling and it had been nothing like his. He led her through another door, and there in the middle of the floor was a sunken tub.

“Are you sore?” Xander asked against the side of her neck. He pulled her into the wall of his chest, grabbing her around the waste and absently playing with the end of her shirt. His body gently turned from side to side moving Gen with him. It was like they were dancing, but barely. Sighing, she rested her head along his shoulders and

“A little, but there are more aches than pain. Like my body has been stretched to its limit.”

He didn't acknowledge her words but hummed against the shell of her ear in approval. The sound travelled the length of her body, and the place between her legs that already ached, pulsed to life. The hands at her stomach lifted her shirt until she could feel the cool air against her skin. Goddess it felt good to have his hands on her body. Soon her shirt was gone and Gen thought it was because Xander was helping her into the empty tub. He had other ideas in mind.

“What are you doing? I thought you said we'd take a hot bath?”

“Oh we will. Just as soon as I get you good and dirty.”

and dirty?

“How do you mean good and dirty?”

Xander walked her inside of his bathing room and turned her to face a huge floor to ceiling mirror. He stood tall behind her. His large hands spanning the width of her stomach. She was bare from the waist up. Her breast full and heavy. Her nipples hardening from the cool air in the room. Her lips were swollen from his kisses. And she could see the angry red mark marring the side of her neck. She turned a little more so she could see the skin where he'd taken her blood. He'd marked her. In a place that would not be easily hidden from someone unless she wore her collar. But she couldn't now. Could she? She was matched to Xander. She was his and he was hers.

“We are really matched?” Her
sounded small, unsure.

“We are beautiful.”

“But you've no marks on your wrist.”

“We can easily remedy that. I plan to take from you again. This time you can take from my wrist instead of my mouth. It will have the same effect. Promise.”

His hands glided across her skin up to cup her breasts where they both watched as he pinched her nipples.

“You have beautiful skin, precious.” As if to emphasis his words he turned her again in his arms and kissed each breast. Paying special attention to her nipples. Gen hissed when he bit playfully. And watched as he licked the sting away. His hands hooked into the waistband of her
and tugging them down until he was on his knees. When she looked over his head, she noticed that there were mirrors on that side to. She could see everything. Mirrored back to her, and if she looked deeper, the image of the two of them went on and on in a never-ending picture.

“Brace your back against the mirror, and place your legs on my shoulder. I want to see the heart of you Gen. I want the heat of you sliding down my throat.”

The words caused her knees to buckle. Xander was there catching her. His eyes alight with passion and lust. His strong warm hands pushed her against the glass. Heated skin meeting with ice cold glass. Before she was able to come to terms with the different sensations, Xander was pulling her legs over his shoulders. Her body slid
adjusted to the new position. One massive hand cradled her bottom. The other opening the flesh between her legs. His head moved to the side and Gen watched him as he looked up at her and winked.

“Look across in the mirror there. Look how you open to me like a flower blooming for the sun. Watch me make love to you with my mouth Gen. Watch me.”

He waited until she was looking at the mirror and could see her flesh on display. A pink outline with a red core. Red like the center of an orchid that glistened in welcome. The heat of her scent rose up in the air between them. Moments passed before the first swipe of his tongue touched her heated flesh. He stroked her with his tongue until the slow burn turned into a flash fire of need. She rocked her hips into his
Her feelings for him were intensifying, growing dangerously to a word she'd come to call love. His tongue licked, his mouth sucked, and then his fingers joined the dance of her undoing. The sounds of him lapping at her skin, mingled with her cries of passion was creating a symphony of lust.

Gen's gut bottomed out, emptying its contents to be filled with need, lust, and primal passion at is most primitive state. Before she could tip over the edge, Xander was standing in front of her, his pants at his ankles. His eyes locked on hers as if asking permission. He didn't need any. Xander entered her in one deep thrust. Her legs were lifeless and barely able to anchor themselves around his hips. Her arms wound around his shoulders to hold herself up, but he was lifting her, positioning her so that his mouth was
line with her breasts. Barely remaining up she looked over into the mirror and watched in fascination as he claimed her. His legs slightly bent, his ass flexing with each thrust. He was still clothed at his top half. Mesmerized, she continued to watch him through the mirror when he bit her on the nipple and pulled it tightly into his mouth. Her eyes closed, lost to the sensation of him pushing into her, while sucking at her breast. She cried out when the sensations aligned themselves in an effort to drop her over into bliss.

Is wasn't until she screamed her pleasure that his fangs pierced her skin extending her orgasm longer than she thought possible. Her body was languid. She couldn't move, but she felt him pulling her down to the floor with him. Her body straddling his as he adjusted them on the floor. Her head in
crook of his neck, her breathing expelling out of her body in a final act of being replete. Her hair was plastered to her back and face.

“Goddess, you're amazing. Never has it been this good in the past.”

“Stop talking about your past conquests. It makes me angry and unagreeable to your advances.”

Xander's entire body shook, jostling her as he laughed out loud. His arms tightened around her body and he held her for long moments until he finally settled.

“Oh, you are quite refreshing, if I may say so Miss. Blackmore.”

“Soon to be Treegold. Right?” She looked up from beneath her lashes to ascertain his answer. If someone would have told her a rotation ago,
be in the arms of Xander Treegold, she would have outright called them crazy. But here she was, in the arms of a male who didn't care about her parentage. Didn't judge her for her looks, and although he took without asking, what he'd taken, he'd done so in a way that she could only be happy about. Not angry.

“Yes, beautiful. Soon to be Genesis Treegold. It has a nice ring to it if you ask me.” He kissed the side of her neck and adjusted his position. They were still connected and the slight movement made her body warm.

“Stop moving please. I really am sore this time, and a little lightheaded.”

Xander eyed her with concern.

“Did I take too much blood?”

“I don't think so. I'm just tired.
is only the second time I've been with you. I'm sure I'll get used to it. Besides this isn't the only time we have to do this right?”

His eyes smiled down at her as his lips tilted in a grin.

“No. It isn't. But first let me return the favor. You were concerned about not taking from my wrist earlier. I do believe there is the matter of marking me with your bite.”

He uncovered his wrist and offered her a choice in which hand she would take. Gen chose his right hand. Her fangs weren't functional but they were sharp. She'd only have to nick him and then she could drink from him. She was looking forward to tasting him again. Bringing his hand to her lips, she looked up into his eyes and without speaking asked if he was sure. Xander didn't hesitate. He placed his wrist
her lips, she kissed the pulse there, and then she bit down. His body jerked faintly, but then he was moaning as she drank from him.

When his blood touched her tongue, the fire that was all Xander had rushed through her limbs, giving her power. Her body squirmed on top of his, realizing with a start that he was hard. Again? How was it that he could be ready so soon? Gen realized her body was lit up to receive his passion. She was aching again, needing to be filled by him. This time he loved her slower. His hips swiveled and twisted beneath her as she sat atop him. His hands gripped the sides of her waist and controlled her movements. This was their lovemaking. This was their body's speaking to the other and saying what it had yet to say out loud. This time they both went over into bliss together.

they lay there for a time, until Xander gently got them up so that he could ready them for their bath. He wasn't lying when he said he had a bath. He drew the water pouring in some scented salts. They both stepped in submerging themselves and relaxed. Xander washed her from head to toe. He took his time, learned her body from a different perspective as his hands slid over every inch of her skin. It was like he didn't want their time together to end. He was a completely different male than the one she'd met back at the Academy. Gen sighed and sank further into the warm water when he was finished. She returned the favor, washing him from head to toe. When they were finished, he drained the water only to fill it up again, pulling her against his chest. This time they relaxed and talked about what she wanted to do after the Academy.

conversation was short lived, as they both were talking about different things. She wanted to work in the lab with her father, and he wanted to join the service. It didn't really mess up any plans for them, but they both realized how much time apart they would be spending. Gen didn't like the idea of parting from Xander. Was she already growing too attached?

“I just want to better the race.”

“Your father has that covered.”

“How?” She asked.

“It's obvious with you, right?”

“I guess you're right there.”

Xander smiled and sat up in the tub sloshing water over the side and pushing her forward.

Let's get out before we turn into something vile and wrinkled. I don't want you to miss Luna.”

“Whatever you say,” Gen laughed and stepped from the tub. He grabbed two heavy towels and wrapped one around her and the other around himself. When they were in his room, there was a tray full of fruit.

“Let's get into bed. I want to feed you.”

How was she going to say no to that? Wait. What if they weren't natural? She was allergic to anything that wasn't grown naturally.

“I can't eat those unless they're grown naturally.” He smirked at her and crossed both hands over his chest.

“You think I would eat anything that has been processed? Gen look at this
Do I look like someone who wouldn't take care of himself?”

Well, he had a point there. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Hard cut, sculpted muscles seemed to be a part of his genetic makeup. Xander walked to the edge of the bed and dropped his towel. A large smile spread across his face as he placed first one knee on the bed, then the other, prowling after Gen. His hand reached forward snagging on her towel.

“What are you doing?”

“Why, I'm going feed you.”


“Hmmm, naked. It's the only way to eat.”

The towel was ripped from her
and tossed over the side of the stasis bed. Xander fell on top of her, kissing her until she couldn't breathe. When they finally came up for air, he snagged a mango off the tray and slipped it between her lips.

“Where did you get real mangos?” Gen asked. Juice from the sweet fruit was sliding down her chin. She tried to catch it with her hand, but Xander caught her mid-swipe and licked the juice from her, pulling her chin into the warmth of his mouth

“Gross.” Gen laughed and pushed him away. She'd never seen him like this. He'd been sarcastic, flirtatious even. Like this he seemed more open, available.

“It's not gross, you taste good. The juice from the fruit is just a bonus.” He grinned and continued to hand feed her more fruit.

Enough, I can't eat anymore.” Gen said minutes later.

“You need your strength.” He argued holding another slice in his hand.

“I'm fine… really. The nueronites will make sure I'm strong.”


Gen smiled. It felt good to talk to him about herself. It wasn't like when she talked to her father. He would analyze her emotions, ask her how she felt. It was all very clinical to him. Xander just wanted to know more of what she was talking about.

“My father implanted me with nuero-technology. They help me heal quickly, and help me with any deficiencies. I suspect you have that
too since we've shared blood.”

Xander eyed her, but didn't say a word. He cleaned up their food and disappeared into the hall. There was a knock on the door, and Scion was stepping into the room.

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