The Genesis Project (19 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

BOOK: The Genesis Project
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“Miss Blackmore.”

Gen rose at his words from the bed and waited. She was naked, but quickly grabbed a sheet and covered herself. She wasn't afraid of him. She knew he felt bad for hurting her. He was dressed in a black three piece suit. His shoulders were broad and she could tell he was wearing a protective vest underneath.


“I am not here to harm you.” He took a step forward and Gen stood her ground. “I only wanted to apologize.”
grace and formality he bowed. He lifted slowly and stared at her with a gleam in his eyes. His nostrils flared and she knew he was testing the air for her blood's scent.

“I never thought I'd see the day where your kind returned to New Earth.” Scion said reverently.

“My kind?” She took a hesitant step back, something was very wrong with him.

“Your people, above all others were worshiped and cherished by my kind. You sustained us. It would be an honor, should you bestow upon me, to have but a drop.”

“A drop of what?” She knew what he meant, but she was stalling, hoping Xander would walk in and dismiss him.

Of your life's blood.” He was serious. She could see it in the way his pupils dilated. The black of his pupil was bleeding into the blue.

“Scion,” Gen said slowly. “I am matched to Xander. That's not something I'll share with anyone but him.”

He only nodded. Resolve setting in. He was plotting, she could see it in his eyes. Instead of engaging her further, he turned and walked out into the hall closing the door behind him. A few moments later Xander was back. He walked in and slowly closed the door with his foot smiling.

“We need to get ready for Luna.” Xander had a luxurious dress delivered while they bathed. It was a white silk halter dress with the hem lined in gold. There was a split that went all the way up to her left hip and
very little to the imagination. But she would wear it. Because it was a gift from Xander. Gen nodded and allowed him to help her with the dress. She pulled her hair up into a pile of ringlets atop her head leaving only a few loose strands to rest on her shoulders. When she looked up, Xander's eyes were slumberous. He gazed at her through half lidded eyes.


“Nothing. I like your hair up. Everyone will know you're taken.” Gen looked down at his wrists and smiled. His wrists were bare from bands and her mark too was there for all to see. Possessiveness and an intense need battled with her plans. She wanted to go to Luna, but she also wanted Xander to bury himself deep inside her heat and never come up for air.

Vixen.” Xander growled as he kissed the side of her neck. He gently pulled Gen into his embrace and she melted. His hands were like fire on her skin. Her back completely out for all to see was awash in pleasure as his hands glided the expanse of her exposed skin. She knew everyone would see her and all her differences on display. She couldn't bring herself to care at the moment. He was kissing her shoulder, while whispering his praises against her soft flesh. This side of Xander was scary and arousing. He was gentle with her. When he'd fed her earlier, she'd tried to stop him from babying her, but he'd explained that it was his duty to care for her.
Had the other females received that same promise?

“I know what you'd rather be doing. I want that too, but we have to make an appearance at Luna now that you're out and about. It's expected of
citizen to attend. We will only stay for a little while. Then we'll come back here and I'll make you scream.”


“I hate that I can't see my marks on you.” Xander griped as he walked them to the door. Her neck was completely healed by the time they left. There was a bit of red surrounding the area but that was all.

“I'm not wearing a collar. I think that's mark enough.”

“So you say.” Xander kissed the corner of her mouth and pulled her into the night air. They didn't need their goggles because they were riding in his car. The cosmic dust was thick in the air. Purples, oranges and greens streaked the night sky. Glittering stars twinkled and Gen looked up to Luna. The moon, although damaged, was
a brilliant red. The moon looked like an asteroid now. Its deep valleys were torn in half from the galactic blasts, only a shell of her remained. If New Earth could heal itself, so could Luna.

The car they took tonight was vintage. It was a 2033 Cadillac-Bentley. With hover and road capabilities.
Xander was decadent in his tastes
, Gen thought as she slid into the back and was amazed at the interior. Butter-soft leather seats with temperature control. There was a drink station and a privacy window filled with a vid screen.

“I reserve Honoria for special occasions.” Xander preened as if the car was a person itself.


“Yes, Honoria,” he patted the
seats and instantly a hologram of a woman scantily clad appeared. Scion moved the car into traffic and Gen sat back with a look of disdain on her face. Who wouldn't want a woman dressed like that popping into the car. She knew she was being childish when she rolled her eyes.

“Master.” Her voice was deep and husky. Gen was starting to get very uncomfortable. Who programed their hologram to look and talk like that?
Xander. That's who.


“Who is she?” The hologram asked in a clipped tone.

“Genesis is my lovely bride to be, we are matched.” Xander reached across the seat and entwined their hands. It didn't make her feel better, especially with the way Honoria eyed

“Highly unlikely.” Honoria responded, taking a seat across from them. She crossed her legs in a way that showed she wore absolutely nothing under her skirt. Xander really did know how to create a female, down to the last little detail. He hadn't corrected her quickly enough and the damn hologram kept talking.

“Why is she here?”

Xander eyed the hologram and groaned. In frustration maybe?

“This is very inappropriate.” Gen said and removed her hands from his. He let her and that pissed her off more.
Why are you getting jealous over a hologram?
Why did he allow the hologram to look the way she did? She was highly over exaggerated in areas that would make any other female
over from lack of balance.

“You're right of course,” Xander sighed. “I don't know why I thought this was even a little alright.”

“Exactly.” Honoria quipped. Xander couldn't possibly choose a hologram over her. After everything they'd just shared. Gen didn't say anything the remainder of the ride. She wasn't going to argue with him. Arguing was pointless. This was exactly what she should have expected, this was the real Xander Treegold. Heartless, and careless. Crass to a degree that made people uneasy. Not Adam Reynard. Gen's spine snapped. Where the hell did that thought come from? She had no interest in the other male what so ever.
He's stable.
He was also matched, as she was now.
But for how long?
That was the real question. How long would Xander
her around? He'd done this before. She'd known about his past matches. All of them lasting less than an entire rotation. Gen felt uncomfortable and out of place. Several times the hologram offered Xander a show. He quietly refused each time, staring blankly out the window. The hologram went as far as to state that Genesis was ill equipped to handle his voracious needs. When he didn't deny it, Gen slouched further in her seat and waited for the car to stop.

When the car pulled to a halt, Gen exited on the other side of the car stepping out and heading towards the dome. Other people starred at her in shock and some pointed fingers. She didn't care at this point. She'd been ogled enough at the Academy, surely this wouldn't be any more fearful. It didn't bother her anymore. Something
hit her cheeks, and for a second Gen thought rain, actual rain had started to fall. She should have known better. There hadn't been rain in over two hundred rotations. She was crying, actually crying. Gen was walking so fast, she wasn't aware of the arms that caught her around the waist. Energy tingled down her spine, and she knew without a doubt it was Adam.

“Genesis.” He said looking down at her. His hair was disheveled and a stray strand hung over his eye. His fingers flexed against her hips and she pulled away.

“Adam, I need to pass.” His eyes were accessing her as they scanned her body. When he reached her throat, his eyes widened in disbelief.

“Where is your collar? I realize your father doesn't mind your disregard towards customs, but this is
And why are you crying?”

Her throat tightened. Not because she was in trouble, but because she was matched. And she was standing next to a male, who gave off large amounts of energy. Adam began to tug her towards the front of the dome. He was leading her deeper into the crowd.

“Stay next to me.”

“Adam stop.” She was matched to Xander. It didn't matter that he was a complete ass at the moment. But she was honor bound to him as Adam was honor bound to Bianca.


“I'm matched.”

“Bullshit!” His hand was still wrapped around her waist when the crowd began to part, allowing Xander
glide through. He pulled her to his side and glared at Adam.

“She doesn't lie.” Xander said against her forehead. He placed a gentle kiss to the side of her head and pulled her closer into his side. “Gen, please don't leave my side tonight. I could not bear your absence. I know why you left. Let's talk about this. Yes?” His stance was possessive but his eyes were soft and caring.

She snorted, but didn't tell him no. She wanted to cut him down with words, but it would serve no purpose in public. This was a private matter between the two of them. She wasn't the type to put their private issues on display in public.

“Treegold, how many times have you taken a female's life's blood to match?” Adam questioned. He didn't look convinced of their match. She
to argue with Adam that this time was different. But couldn't seem to find the words as both males looked each other in the eye.

“It's of little consequence. Gen and I are truly matched.” Xander's voice lowered. “In every way.” There was menace in his words and the promise of retribution to anyone that challenged him.

She could feel both males' anger as it swirled around them. It was hot and tangible. She wasn't sure exactly what was happening but she didn't like it. Gently, she turned in Xander's arm and placed her hand on his chest.

“Xander, we will talk later, but for now, show me what Luna is like. This is my first time here, and as you said,” She lowered her hand and placed it inside the crook of his arm. “Reading
experiencing are two different things.” She wiped her cheek and smiled.

Xander looked down at her and grinned. His blue eyes were dark with something she hadn't seen before. The smile he gifted her with and the look in his eyes was enough for now. But later, they would discuss the situation back in the car. He bent and kissed her cheek and quietly dismissed Adam's penetrating stare, taking her in the opposite direction.

Gen looked over her shoulder and quickly thanked Adam for his kindness. “Thank you Adam for finding me in the crowd and assuring Xander could find me again.”

Adam turned without giving her any words. So be it. It was for the best. It wasn't like he'd been friendly toward her while at Academy. There was no
he should start now.

The night went by quickly. Everyone who stopped by to congratulate them on their match seemed very interested in Gen. Xander had whispered in her ear, the same thing he'd said to her on their first encounter. “Right now, you're the new shiny credit.” He'd laughed and she'd smiled back at him. She couldn't stay mad at him for long it seemed. He knew when to do something charming or make her smile. They continued to talk to citizens as they were approached, and Xander always made sure to touch her or kiss her. Letting her know he was right there with her. It reassured her that she wasn't alone and she appreciated him all the more for it.

There was a male standing in a group of other council members. He was taller than most and wore a deep
jacket. He'd looked over several times in their direction. Neither smiling nor nodding, just stared.

“Genesis,” Xander said against her shoulder. “I want to introduce you to my sire.” He pointed in the direction of the group of males and her heart dropped. If it was the one that kept looking at the two of them, she was sure the meeting wouldn't go as planned. He was the leader of the Genetics Council, and there were protocols that were to be followed. An introduction would have to be made before she could even address him. There were some citizens that rumored he had more influence than the Chancellor.

“Don't be nervous and don't let my father get to you.” Xander commented lightly as he led her up to the group of males. He was the spitting image of his
Platinum hair long and wrapped around his neck like Xander usually wore his. Tonight his hair was tied at the nape of his neck and loosely flowing down his back.

“Sire… this is Genesis Blackmore.”

“So it is.” His words were short.

“Councilor Treegold,” Gen said and curtsied.

“Your father hasn't done well with keeping you in hiding. You'd think she was trained properly. I see you weren't prepped for being in public. And as usual, my son would find a way to exploit you.” The other males in the group nodded their agreement.

“You are quite the spectacle. I've heard many rumors of your appearance.”

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