The Good Sinner's Naughty Nun (5 page)

BOOK: The Good Sinner's Naughty Nun
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She'd only just opened it when she felt cool steel against her neck. And froze.


* * * *


"Look what I found." The soldier dragged her over to the campfire, sword still in his free hand. "Someone couldn't sleep it seems."

There were four other men around the fire and she saw at once they were full of drink, their faces flushed, eyes foggy. "Bring her over here. I'll sing her a lullaby," one of the men sputtered, patting his knee and chuckling.

"No," slurred another. "I'll take her." He reached for the hem of her skirt and tugged hard. The guard holding her arm released it so suddenly that she stumbled, tripped over his foot and landed face down across the soldier's lap.

"Let me go at once, filthy curs," she hissed, fighting the hands that fondled her roughly.
Gruff laughter smothered her curses. "She's got a mouth on her for a nun."
"A dirty mouth."

Hands grabbed at her hair, forcing her head back. Others fondled her breasts, while someone spanked her bottom hard. When she opened her mouth to curse again, she saw a half-erect cock looming toward her mouth. What else might be expected from a group of rough-necked, uncivilized mercenary soldiers? She quickly decided to stop fighting and opened her mouth wider.

The soldier holding his dick in his hand could not believe his good fortune.

Until she sank her teeth into his scrotum and his drunken groan of excitement became a shriek of pain that woke the entire camp.


* * * *


"Sister Vivienne, what were you looking for in my saddlebags?"

She stood in his tent again, feigning innocence. "I was restless and decided to enjoy a walk around the camp. I stopped to visit the horses. Then I was attacked by five of your brutes."

Thierry had also not been able to sleep. Nor had he been able to release his seed yet, although his state of arousal showed no sign of ebbing. For some reason the fact that this woman was a nun kept intruding on his lusty vision of fucking her and spoiling the otherwise perfect fantasy, curbing it at the peak, holding it there in purgatory. Sprawled on his pallet, cursing in frustration, he'd been about to get up and go for a stroll himself, when Dominic brought the woman to him, reporting breathlessly that she'd been found rifling through the saddlebags like a thief and that some of the other men had tried to misuse her.

He sat up, staring at her tangled hair. She didn't appear to be hurt, merely disheveled. One dirty thumbprint marked her cheek. For an innocent nun she'd held her own surprisingly well against five lusty soldiers. "I thought you said they wouldn't touch a holy woman on the eve of a journey across water?" he spat angrily.

Dominic explained with a weary sigh and a shrug, "They were drunk, my lord. It won't happen again. I have already dealt out punishment. They'll be emptying the slop buckets for the remainder of the trip, and they will be last to eat every night."

"Good." He would think of worse punishment for the men later. But now there was the behavior of this wandering, prying woman to address. He'd warned her to stay in her tent and she'd defied him. That was worse, in his eyes, than any other crime committed that night.

There was only one thing she could have been looking for. He thought of her earlier visit to his tent, her calm inspection of everything in it, her attempts to distract him, tempt him. King William had warned of thieves on this journey. It seemed the contents of that casket—just a sack of old bones, as far as Thierry was concerned—were valuable treasure in the eyes of believers. The possession of a few Holy relics was one sure way of bringing pilgrims and revenue to any place of worship.

Was Sister Vivienne merely a mouthy, nosy wench, or trouble more sinister? He ought to have her tied up and under guard just to be sure. He couldn't have her tempting his men again.

"You won't find it, Sister Vivienne."

Previously looking at the ground, her gaze now lifted to his, uncertain, but annoyed rather than fearful. "Find what? I told you, I was—"

"The key to the padlock."
"What key?" She blinked.
He smirked, signaling for Dominic to leave. "Do I need to keep you tied up until we reach Caen, woman?"
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Wouldn't I?"
"I have done nothing wrong. I am innocent. A Bride of Christ. I am..."

He watched her mouth move, but stopped listening. He'd have to find some way to keep her out of his path. He was not truly concerned by what she might do, but what his men might.


The temptation to touch her was sheer cruelty. All that soft hair flowing down her back, those lips lying to him, eyes trying to hide. Now, of course, by sneaking around his horse, she'd given him reason to punish her, lay hands on her.

"Was it Sister Marie's idea to send you looking for the key? For certes she does not approve of me keeping it. My hands are unworthy."

"I was not looking for the key. I merely went to look at the horses. I told you that. Must I say it again in simpler words?" She raised her chin and measured her gaze to his, bold for a woman. And insolent. "I heard you were all brawn and breeches. Now I see 'tis true if you cannot understand a simple explanation."

Oh keep it up. Just give me more excuse, woman. Damn you.

"I'll send Dominic for a bridle shall I? I'm sure we have a spare one for you, Sister Vivienne. That will keep you out of trouble until we get safely to Normandy."

"Do as you will." She stepped closer. "But trussing me up won't save you from those wicked thoughts about me, Bonnenfant."

He stared, horror struck. How did she know?

"I suppose you're thinking of using me as your men tried," she snapped, flinging out her arms and turning her face up to his. "No doubt you'll take without permission and no one will stop you. I'll be powerless to prevent it."

She spat fire with her eyes. Despite her claim of being powerless to prevent him, he knew she'd fight him too if he tried. Did she taunt him because she wanted an excuse to hit him, render scratches in his face, accuse him of attempted rape? Did she actually think he'd ever had to force a woman in his life?

She needed a lesson.

No, best not even think about it. He'd gotten away with too much in the past, as it was. A man could only push his luck so many times. And she was a nun. Back to that again.

Perhaps just looking at her would suffice. Not touching. Just looking.

So he stared hard at her titties and was gratified to see both nipples poke at the wool. Then his gaze wandered downward over her slender belly. Her habit seemed to fit so much closer than those of the other women. He might almost imagine it was deliberate.

"Well?" she demanded.

"I don't need to steal a kiss from you, Sister Vivienne," he replied steadily. "I'll just use my eyes to take what I need."

With a gasp of disgust she turned her back to him and walked to the folding chair. Thierry hungrily assessed the shape of her arse again. Hanging at his sides, his hands curved. He could feel those lovely round buttocks in his hands. His sac firmed at the thought of her bent over that chair. Taking him in.

If she was anything but a blessed nun!

While she looked away, he touched his cock with a tentative, trembling hand. How much sin could it be simply to look at this woman and admire? Surely it was no more sin than he'd yet committed in his life.

Not knowing how else to manage his impulsive desire for this creature, he slid his hand inside his breeches, surreptitiously straightening out his uncomfortably restricted cock with a quick tug. Then he cupped his balls for a good squeeze, followed by another strong upward sweep, his fingers tight around the burgeoning shaft.

There that was better. It was getting cramped in those breeches.


* * * *


Vivienne heard the change in his breathing. She smiled. At last. Well, he was stubborn, she'd give him that. But she won out in the end. She always did. Wouldn't be long now.

She reached up for a leisurely stretch, yawning loudly, knowing how the wool gown pulled over her curves. Her pussy was damp already, a fierce driving need racing recklessly through her sensitive parts, impatient for Thierry Bonnenfant to pull his legendary cock out and use it. Do what he did best. What he was infamous for.

To enjoy sex for once, would be remarkable indeed. She'd never been attracted to the men who had her. Nobody pleasured her so well as she could with her own fingers and she'd long since given up hoping.

But here—here was potential.

Again she reminded herself that this was merely a mission for her master. There was nothing special about it, no cause for her pulse to skip like a spring lamb. He held out better than most, better than she expected for a sinner of his reputation, and that must be the reason why she was this excited. It was all in the anticipation.

When she looked at him again, the stiff bulge was still there in his breeches, stretching the leather all the way to his navel.
"What's that?" she demanded, pointing, struggling not to laugh.
"Naught," he growled at her, on the defensive, showing his youth in a sudden flare of bashfulness.

Vivienne was surprised and moved by the slight flush under the bristles of his cheek. Here was this great profligate, trying to hide his erection from her. Because she was a nun, of course, not one of the women he usually had in his tent. She cleared her throat. "Hardly
, young man. Much more than naught. I've just never seen one quite"

He stared at her for a moment. "I'll tell Dominic to move some of the men. You can have your extra tent and I'll post a trustworthy guard to keep you in it. Now, if you don't want that bridle, you'd better get out. Go back..." Apparently he couldn't finish. Waving his hand over his shoulder, he averted his gaze, stormed away from her and reached for his wine. Finding the goblet empty, he threw it hard across the tent.

Vivienne watched it spinning on the ground, where it finally came to a halt by her foot. He slumped into his chair, hand on his brow as if he had a headache. She looked at his lap and the twitching lump he made no move to hide. In fact he spread his legs out, sprawling in his chair. Almost as if he presented that prize for her appreciation. And exploration. It seemed she was correct in her earlier assumption that he did not hide the key there. No room for it. None at all.

He couldn't make her leave yet. Bonnenfant, notorious sexual adventurer, would not resist the chance of an illicit tumble. It simply wasn't possible. Her pride was endangered. She could not fail. He would not throw her out of his tent again.

From the stories she'd heard of his sexual exploits, Bonnenfant was a man who would swive anything. The only way to get close to the casket of relics had been to disguise herself as a nun, but she'd fully expected the costume to increase his interest, not hinder it in any way. Surely the corruption of an untouched virgin would be just another challenge to him. But she'd reckoned without the last few remaining morals of Thierry Bonnenfant. A sinner with scruples.

She stooped, retrieved his goblet, carried it to the tray and poured the last of the wine from his jug. Perhaps she needed to get him drunk, like those men by the campfire, and then he'd lose his fear of nuns. He watched her through his fingers; she knew it, felt his heated regard on the back of her head. It was enough to curl a woman's hair. With her gaze lowered demurely, she carried to goblet of wine to him.

"Here, my lord. Drink this."

After a pause, he took it, but didn't drink immediately. "Why did you become a nun?"

She wasn't expecting that. It was rare for a man to take an interest in a woman's reason for anything. "It was chosen for me," she replied.

"By whom?"

She thought quickly. "By God, of course."

He gave a low grunt of disgust and sipped his wine, lantern light fluttering over the hard planes of his face. "Mistake."


"If God wished for you to be a nun, why build you that way? You're made to please men with that shape, that hair and those lips..." He raised his eyelids and stared at her over the rim of his goblet. "And all the rest of you."

"You have not seen the rest of me. How do you know?"

He laughed, a sharp, curt sound. "I'm familiar with the female form. A nun's habit is not enough to hide your charms from me."

"Is that why you are aroused." She looked down again at his lap, keeping her eyes wide. "Like that?"

"Do you really want to know why I'm rampant, Sister Vivienne? I'm imagining what it would be like to rut you from behind. If you weren't a nun I'd be over you like a wild cur on a bitch in heat."

She knew he meant to shock her into running off, leaving his tent. Wanting her out of there, away from him, but apparently incapable of finding words to command it this time. Or the will to call the guard again, so he tried frightening her instead with this coarse statement. She leaned against the arm of his chair, staring down at his rearing manhood. It must be aching, she thought, her own desire swelling, her pussy contracting. Time for flattery.

"So big," she gasped. "I never knew a man's weapon could be so large."
"Weapon?" he scowled. "I make no war with mine."
"You've never used it to harm?"
"Never. Whatever you and your sisters think of men, we are not all beasts who cannot control ourselves."
"Like your men just now, grabbing at me, pawing at me."
"No," he replied sharply. "I am not like that."

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