The Hard Way (Box Set) (2 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Burke

Tags: #BIN 07020-02261

BOOK: The Hard Way (Box Set)
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“How?” I whimpered, feeling my body respond to the nearness of his.

“Hard,” he whispered, lowering his head to mine. “Deep,” he added as his tongue, long and pink, lashed at my lips, moistening them with his essence, marking me as his. “Now.”

His mouth touched mine, that agile tongue reaching out to part my lips, to invade the territory he marked as his own.

I closed my eyes and moaned. The large warmth of him took command of my mouth, exploring each tooth before delving deeper to taste the very essence of me.

“Yes, now!” I whimpered. I began to rub against him, like a cat in heat. My nipples tightened and began to swell with my racing emotions. My heart pounded as I inhaled his scent, the smell of earth and musk. Desperately, I ran my hands along his thighs, feeling his muscles tense under the leather, now hot to touch.

Slowly, I dragged my hands upward, skirting his obvious erection and sliding up the muscled abs that supported a chest built for pleasure, my pleasure. I shuddered at the feel of his hot skin and pulled back to watch my progress as my fingers grazed his erect nipples, tugging lightly at his ring.

Lust threw back his head and groaned, the almost pained sound filling the confines of the warm tent. His hair cascaded backwards as he arched his back and reached for my touch.

“Yes,” he hissed. One large hand covered mine, forcing my fingers back to his ring, silently telling me to pull at it, to stimulate his nipple with a touch of pain.

Knowing his limits, I grasped the ring and gave it a gentle tug, my breath catching as his body sheened with sweat and he began to tremble beneath my touch.

Then suddenly I was lifted from the ground, his arms a tight vise around me as he carried me to a pile of pillows in the center of the room.

He grasped the material of my tunic and rent it in two with one fierce jerk, his knuckles grazing my chest. My bouncing breasts were exposed to his hungry view.

“Have you been waiting for me?” he demanded. He sat and roughly pulled the boots from his feet. “Have you been a good little girl?”

“For you, always,” I breathed, excited by his touch and the lust in his eyes.

“I will know.” He stared at me a moment before his hands went to the drawstring that held up his pants.

Slowly, under my watchful eyes, he tugged the thong free, exposing the firm, pale flesh beneath his navel and the silver treasure trail that marked the way to his greatest prize.

“Let me,” I whispered as I reached out and grasped his slim hips, my torn tunic falling from my body with my movements.

Slowly, I rose to my knees, grinning up at him, before I leaned in close for my first taste of paradise.

His skin was slightly salty and, oddly enough, tasted fresh and new. Slowly, I ran my tongue down that glory trail, tickling his muscles, wetting his flesh, then I gently blew on the wet path I had blazed.

He moaned and then I could feel his hands shifting through my hair, tugging slightly, massaging my scalp, urging me onwards.

Eager to comply, I moved my hands from his waist to gently score his sides with my nails, then slipped them down to the opening in the confining leather. Almost teasingly, I ran my fingers around the small indention made by the waist of his pants. I tormented him further by moving my hands to cup the hard firm globes of his ass.

“Sinopee,” he groaned as I played my erotic game of touch. “In a moment, I am going to forgo any tenderness that I feel and just fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.”

“Promises, promises,” I purred, but firmly gripped his pants and peeled them from his body.

Instantly, I was assaulted by the scent of hot leather and even hotter man. Inhaling deeply, I gently eased the front of his pants down, carefully freeing what I had craved for so long.

A thin sprinkling of hair made up his pubic bush, in the same silver tones as the hair on his head. It trailed lower until it surrounded the base of the most beautiful cock that I had ever beheld.

Thick was the only word that would do him justice. Thick and long, reaching about ten inches in length. The most amazing thing about his hard flesh was not the super soft skin, the near scalding heat it threw off, or even the sight and smell of the sweet pre-cum that oozed from the purple, mushroom-shaped head when he was really excited, like right now. It was the curve.

Lust’s cock was bent in such a way that no matter what position I was in, the head scraped against my hot spot with every thrust. It was also perfect for double stimulation, as I lay beneath him and let his hardness slide down my throat. There was a lot to love about Lust, and I was ready to begin!

Chapter Two


Looking up at Lust, I lowered my head enough to run the tip of my tongue up the backside of his cock, from the base to the hard ridge of flesh at the tip. He closed his eyes and his breath hissed from between clenched teeth.

Smiling, I hungrily lapped at the head, swirling my tongue around its flaring base before I engulfed the whole of him in my mouth.

“Gods, yes, Sinopee!” he breathed, and his hands once again tangled in my hair, urging me faster.

Always ready to comply, I began the learned process of easing him to the back of my throat, gagging once as I became used to the feel of him in my mouth, then swallowing him deep.

“Pull off now!” he hissed. “This load is not going down your throat!”

That said, I slowly pulled him from my throat, marveling that I actually had swallowed it all. When finally only the head rested in my mouth, I gave him one final lick then sat back on my knees, waiting to see what would happen next.

I didn’t have long to wait.

In a flash of silver hair and pale skin, Lust pounced on me, pulling me to my feet, ripping the scant covering of my panties from my body. At last, I stood bare before his lavender gaze.

“You are beautiful,” he breathed as he took in first the damp curls that hid my pulsing center, then my heaving breasts with their erect, berry colored nipples. Finally, his eyes met mine, and I knew that the heat brewing within him would soon be flowing through me.

Before I could blink, his mouth slammed onto mine, sucking the air from my lungs, stabbing his tongue deep.

I whimpered as his fingers ran down my back to cup my ass, to pull me into the long hard length of him. He ground against my curls, making me moan into his mouth.

Those same hands slipped up to my waist, lifting me, leaving me no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist and hold on for dear life as he positioned me for the taking.

“This is what I want,” he hissed as he pulled back, the long strands of his hair caressing my swollen nipples, making me tingle with an inner fire that he controlled. “Hot, wet, and mine.”

I felt him free one hand to position his hard cock at the entrance to my wet pussy.

“Please,” I whimpered, wiggling around. The large, mushroom-shaped head began to part my lower lips.

A leering grin crossed his lips and a twinkle filled his eyes. I held my breath, anticipating his entrance, then I screamed as he drove home in one long, deep thrust.

It had been quite some time for me, and the feel of his hot steel parting me was a painful pleasure. Almost immediately I tightened my legs around his body and began to ride his pleasure pole.

“Tell me!” he hissed as he held my writhing body still, trying to keep control of me.

I whimpered in response and threw my head back. I could feel his heartbeat vibrating and beating inside me through his cock.

“Tell me!” he demanded again, refusing to move until I acknowledged him.

“Fuck yes!” I cried out, reassuring him that I was uninjured. “Please! Ride me hard!”

He groaned at my words, but then I felt the big muscles of his thighs contract a moment before he eased out of me, a slow delicious slide, then slam back home.

“Lust!” I cried, tears filling my eyes as fire shot from my nipples to my clit. “Please! More!”

He smiled. His hands returned to my waist and shifted my body. His silky pubic bush ground into my clit, making it burn with a fire of his creation. He rotated his body as he pulled out, making sure the thick shaft of his cock dragged against my clit. This was an entirely new feeling.

By now my head was lolling back and forth on my neck, my mouth hanging open as my moans and cries filled my ears and took me to another level of excitement.

“Faster?” he asked. I felt him shift again.

Before I could even get my thoughts together to respond, he dropped to his knees, the jarring of his body sending another frisson of pleasure shooting through mine. Then my back was to the carpeted floor, his large body looming over me, his purple eyes dilated in pleasure as his breath hissed through those perfect lips.

“For life,” he breathed, resting his hands on either side of my head.

Lost in desire, I began to lick at his thick wrists, tasting the salt from his sweat, the taste of my man, while urging him silently to cover me and lead me on to the glorious explosion I only experienced in his arms.

He grunted and shook his head, his long silver hair caressing my breasts, my neck, my chest as he began to move.

“Take it!” he growled as the first powerful thrust nearly lifted me from the floor.

My legs slid up until my knees were almost pressed to my chest, opening myself fully for his assault.

Lust took advantage of my actions by pulling my legs around his torso, sliding his hands under my back to cup my shoulders and pull my body deeply into the curve of his. The race was on.

I struggled to thrust my body toward his as he began thrusting deeply into me. The wet slap of our bodies combined with our passionate screams and gasps filled the air. The scent of our combined bodies created a heady perfume that drove my senses wild. I needed more!

I could hardly think at all as the large, flaring head of his cock hit my every hot spot, repeatedly. Faster and faster he moved. Sweat slicked both of our bodies and the hard press of his body gave me a feeling of being dominated by the mound of muscle above me.

Harder and harder we strained against each other, building and striving until my muscles began to tense in anticipation of a cataclysmic explosion.

Suddenly, for a moment, the world tipped on its axis. I forgot how to breathe, to see, to think. All that mattered was the next thrust of his cock that would send me over into the next realm, shooting through the galaxy on my journey of delight.

Explosions! Eruptions! Detonation! I was there!

My internal muscles spasmed around the fullness of his shaft, caressed and milked and pulled until a scream exploded from his throat. I whimpered as blast after blast of his hot cream bathed my insides, soothing the muscles that he had abused, filling me with a sense of joy and peace.

I looked up at him, my man, and saw the damp silver strands of his hair sticking to his face, the mouth slack in pleasure, his muscles rippling as they dealt with this outpouring of emotion, his dazed yet beautiful lavender eyes.

“I love you,” I whimpered, and shuddered in his arms.

“More than words,” he repeated. “Forever.”

Chapter Three


I leaned in closer to him, eager to feel the warmth of his touch again. We had so little time! I had to store up my memories, I had to hold a part of him embedded in my mind, for the time when the magic faded and I was thrust back into my own pathetic, dark existence, where I was a brain, nothing more, nothing less.

His hands, those pale powerful hands, cupped my face gently. He understood my pain, for he shared it. I could see the knowledge in his eyes, see him damning the fates that had so cursed us, yet hoping against hope that this time would be different.

A tear fell from my eye as his lips brushed against mine, but a loud noise, the sound of a horse’s hooves, broke us apart.

Luster turned as the door flap was flung open. The onyx face of Glow appeared around the tent flap. Lust opened his mouth to protest, and I dove for a pillow to use as cover.

“Titans!” Glow shouted. His knowing eyes took in my naked body cowering behind pillows and the unashamed nakedness of his leader.

Lust was instantly all business as he reached for first his sword, then his pants. “How many and where?”

“A group of twenty,” Glow answered, staring at the ground. “And they are headed in this direction. What magic do they possess that makes us so easy to track?”

“Damnable luck,” Lust responded. He quickly donned his pants and attached his sword to his back.

“But to find us here? They have never been able to track us here!”

Glow, so named for the white-hot glimmer that exploded from his eyes at his agitation, swore softly and turned to leave the tent. “Something is not right, Luster. Glimmer feels it, I feel it, and maybe if you weren’t so involved with the Thinker, you would feel it.”

I gasped, staring at his retreating back. Never had Glow spoken so harshly of me. Thinker was the worst insult that could be laid on someone in this world of myth and magic.

“Glow!” Lust shouted, anger lending his pale skin a bluish tinge. “Sinopee has nothing to do with this.”

“Well… they left us of the forests alone until she started visiting. And she is from a place where Thinkers rule. Thinkers, just like the ones who are hunting us down and killing us slowly!”

“It was magic that brought me my Sinopee, Glow. Do not forget that.”

“Well, I guess that magic does not hold the answers to all problems, does it?” Glow slammed out of the tent without another word, leaving his leader panting in anger.

“Maybe I should go,” I offered, my voice trembling in trepidation of what he would say. He alone held the final verdict. No one could force me to leave my Luster, no one but Luster. And if he willed it, I would go.

But to never see my lover again, never to caress the ice-colored hair or the skin that seemed too delicate for a man. My heart would break, my reason for being extinguished.

“You go nowhere,” he said, turning back to me. “My people appointed me leader for a reason, Sinopee. Glow is just flustered by the Titans being so close. They are growing more skilled. It seems that maybe this science stuff has some merit, or maybe they got lucky.”

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