The Hard Way (Box Set) (4 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Burke

Tags: #BIN 07020-02261

BOOK: The Hard Way (Box Set)
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“Luster!” I protested, reaching out to pinch a conveniently located thigh.

“Ouch!” he hissed, sounding wounded. “It is a talent; something to be proud of.”

Then I realized that they were trying to use a bit of humor to break the tension. Glow’s muscles still bulged, but were not as tense. His attention was once again drawn over the lip of the boulder, observing something.

“There are shadows there,” he explained, easing back down beside us. “There are shadows, and that should be enough.”

“Enough for what?” I asked quickly. I wanted to know what to expect. I couldn’t fathom Glow moving from behind the protection this boulder offered. It scared me to think of the rough-spoken man putting all of his naked glory on the line for us, while we did nothing.

“The shadows, Sinopee,” he reminded me. “The perfect enemy. Remember?”

The perfect enemy was one that could make you believe that he didn’t exist.

“Glow?” I reached out to touch his arm. What was this man planning on doing? What was Luster letting him do?

Before I could say anything more, Glow nodded to Luster, who rose to his knees, a perfect target, and let loose with a flash of purple-white light.

It flared so bright that I had to cover my eyes, yet I knew that it exploded from his person. This I had seen before, when we first met, when he first recited the spell in the letters that brought me here. He used a bit of his energy to gain my attention through the mirror. But now, I saw no purpose to what he did.

I turned to ask Glow what was happening, but there was no one there.

I rolled back to face Luster, but he dropped to the ground beside me, just as several bolts of light struck the stone just above where we were hiding. Stone chips and dust kicked up and encircled us as Lust once more covered my body with his.

“Now we wait,” he said, settling himself more comfortably on top of me, burying his face in my neck.

“Wait for what?” I asked. I reached up to grasp two handfuls of his hair, pulling his face up so that I could look into his eyes. “Where is Glow? What just happened?”

“Glow has gone to be the perfect warrior or the perfect enemy.”


“The shadows, Sinopee. Glow is perfectly suited for moving in shadows. I just provided enough light to create some, so that he can utilize his magic to its fullest potential.”

“Speak English! What did you do? Where is Glow?” I was almost shouting in my fear. I had never sent anyone out to die for me! I didn’t want Glow to be the first. I would rather us perish together than to carry that guilt for the rest of my life.

“Glow’s magic,” he soothed, “is based on shadows.” He pulled his hair from my frantic grip, wincing all the while. “If he can find a shadow as small as a blade of grass, he can meld with it, hide in it. That is why he thought your words about the perfect enemy amusing. Glow is the perfect enemy. The light blast I provided distracted the Titans watching, and created a big enough shadow so that Glow could have a good start on making his way down the hill.”

“He is going for help?” I hoped that he could reach the Citadel in time. I had no idea how long the Titans would hold their position. If they knew he had no serious weapons, they could rush us and end the matter permanently. I knew of no magic that could bring the dead back to life.

“No, he is going to get the Titans.”

“What?” I shrieked and tried to rise to my feet. If Luster would not end this foolishness, I would call Glow back myself.

“Calm down!” Luster hissed as he pulled me back to the ground, this time pinning me with his weight, so that I could not move. “Glow knows what he is doing!”

“He is going to get himself killed!” I tried to fight against Luster’s strength, but he easily held me to the ground.

“This is our fight, Sinopee. We are experienced. We know what we are doing!”

“He is but one!” I argued.

“One of us is all it takes.”


Tears began to fill my eyes as I stared up at Luster, at the beautiful eyes that on the surface appeared calm. But being around him long enough gave me insights into his person. Under the façade of ease and confidence, there was worry.

I realized that doing this, allowing his men to tromp out into danger, hurt him. He was almost like a parent, wanting to protect each one, and hurting when they faced danger. He had confidence in Glow’s abilities. I saw that as well. But this course of action was eating him up.

“Glow knows what he is doing,” Lust stated again, with authority. “He knows what to expect and has gone against the Titans before. He will signal when all is clear.”

But as he rested against me, I could feel the rapid beat of his heart, feel the tension that never quite left. And I knew that Lust would suffer until he saw that signal.

I did the only thing I knew that would calm him a bit, that would ease his tortured spirit.

“I believe,” I whispered, staring deep into his eyes, showing him that I meant what I said. “I believe in Glow and I believe in you.”

I’d had no idea that my doubts were causing him to worry. Now I tried as best I could to ease the damage.

Instead of answering, he lowered his lips to mine. I felt the brush of his tongue a moment before his mouth descended and took control of mine. I moaned as his tongue invaded, coaxing mine to duel, and his unique flavor filled my mouth.

In that instant, worry became desire, and God help me, I relished it.

Chapter Six


I whimpered, my body instantly responding to his caresses. Before I could even think or breathe, a white-hot passion filled my body, making me moan into his hot mouth and arch my back, dying to get closer to his naked flesh.

“Oh God!” I gasped, pulling away. “What are we doing?” Glow was down there, somewhere, risking his life, and all I could think about was burying my face in Luster’s crotch and inhaling his male musk.

“Sinopee,” he breathed. His hand began to pull the dress up my legs, baring my skin to the shock of his callused flesh.

Then my thoughts were lost again as his fingers teased at my thighs. “Maybe we shouldn’t” became “Please!” and “Yes!”

Up my inner thigh his hard fingers trailed, pressing hard enough to not cause a tickle, but just light enough to tease. His tongue was playing a new game too, licking at my lips, daring mine to tangle with his, as he tasted my face.

“I am going to eat you out,” he whispered as his mouth moved up my neck to blow a puff of warm air in my ear. “I am going to eat you and suck all the juices from your body. Are you wet for me, baby?”

I nodded, my voice escaping me as my body writhed against his strength.

“Not an answer, baby.” His fingers moved a bit higher and his tongue made a foray down my neck and into the cleavage the gown allowed to show.

But it was not enough. It was never enough. The gown, my sturdy yet feminine dress, the most ladylike thing I had ever owned, had to go. Ignoring his chuckles, I pulled the gown higher than he had.

I felt no shame. There in the waning darkness of the night, I pulled my gown up, exposing my breasts to the chill air, my nipples tightening in reaction.

“Pretty, baby,” he purred. His other hand left off teasing my thighs to caress the whole of my breast.

I gasped at the contrast between my cooling skin and his hot hands. I closed my eyes, my head rolling back and forth as his fingers gently tugged at a nipple.

“Harder,” I managed. “More!” But then his fingers made a jump from the warm skin of my breast to the damp curls that protected my portal.

“Here?” he asked, his breath hot against my neck as he bit at my shoulder.

“Uh huh.”

Then suddenly his head was between my legs. “Fuck romance,” he said. “I want raw passion.”

I bit my lip to prevent a scream as his tongue delved between my lower lips and lapped at my clit.

“Fuck yeah,” he breathed. I arched up against his mouth, my moans becoming louder.

I felt his fingers part me and expose my throbbing nubbin. His hot breath rushed over me a second before his mouth descended. He took me into his hot mouth and began to gently suckle me.

“Luster! Don’t stop!”

I whimpered and wiggled, trying to get closer to his explosive touch. Then he added another element to my arousal. I felt my juices slip between us as his fingers toyed at the portal to my cunt. I whimpered, thinking about how good those hard fingers would feel thrust…

He eased two fingers inside, deep. “Yeah!” I gasped.

His fingers gave me the penetration that my body desired, and they began to thrust in and out slowly, fulfilling my need to be taken. He wiggled his fingers as he suckled me a bit harder, making me whine like a bitch in heat, while he searched out that spot deep within that would explode my universe.

Then he found it, and electric waves went coursing through my body, lights flashing behind my closed eyes. When I jumped, he began to hum, sending vibrations into the heart of me while his fingers moved faster and faster, grazing that spot, massaging it until my nerves were ready to snap.

My body locked up, my muscles tensed, and suddenly I was airborne, flung high into the sky by the convulsion now taking place within. His hands and his mouth worked together, masturbating me to the highest climax I had ever reached. I never wanted it to end.

My inner muscles grabbed at his fingers, squeezed them as liquid heat ran through my veins. My heart pounded in my chest, my breath heaved, and my whole body trembled in the face of such an awesome release.

“Luster,” I managed after a moment, wincing now at his caresses. “Too sensitive.” I gasped as slowly he withdrew from me, his fingers cupping my wet womanhood as if staking his claim.

Chapter Seven


I shuddered, dropping down from my climax, wondering if I would ever fly that high again. Catching my breath, I turned to look at Lust. His head rested on my thigh, his tongue lazily bathing my flesh clean from the juices that still dripped, showing him my willingness to do it again, and I thought, why not?

I reached for the thong that held his pants up.

I wanted more than a good… okay, a great lick from my man. Time was short and like he said, life was unsure. So I was going to take advantage while I could. My fingers tore at the tiny strip of leather that was determined to keep me from the hot flesh I needed.

I could picture his cock, thick and throbbing with his every heartbeat, its widened head oozing his sweet pre-cum. I wanted his essence to mix with mine. I wanted to feel that steel hard shaft sinking into my depths, forging new territory within my body.

Grunting with my urgency, I tore the belt pouch away from the thong holding up his pants and began whipping his clothing from him.

“Eager?” he joked, though his face looked pained. The tightness of his leather pants was starting to get to him. My baby needed release, a quick release.

Denying him an answer, I moaned in impatience as I began to work the hot tight leather down his body.

But then I heard it.


“If you want to get out of here, I suggest you put the festivities on hold.”

!” I nearly screamed as I pulled away from Luster and turned toward that naked man, my eyes assessing his dirt-streaked body before returning to his face. “
You are alive

“Like you would have noticed if I died.” He snickered, and my hands immediately went to my gown, pulling it down to cover all of my damp, swollen, exposed parts.

“Are they…”

“Report,” Luster interrupted, earning a glare from me, which he responded to with a sheepish grin.

“I caused enough confusion so that if we are very careful, we can get out of here right now, if we hurry.”

I was all for leaving. I might have some fond memories of this huge rock, but I was ready to go.

“How much time?” Luster asked as he retied his thong and loosely attached the pouch containing the letterbox.

“About two minutes.” As he spoke, Glow tugged on his black pants, adjusting them to hold his obvious arousal, but not bothering with his shirt.

“What did you do?” I hissed. I straightened my clothes and crouched low, as both men were doing.

“I caused chaos and confusion. They are shooting at shadows, but they won’t be for long. Let’s move.”

Following his lead, Luster and I carefully ran down a trail marked by Glow, a trail that apparently only he could see.

“Where is Glimmer?” I asked, discovering that my physical fitness could not be maintained screwing around with Luster once a year! I needed more exercise. I was out of breath as we zigzagged through a maze of boulders and scrub bushes. But I refused to slow the men down. We needed to get to safety and I refused to be the reason we met with disaster if we did run into Titans.

“Ahead,” Glow whispered back. He dropped to the ground and slithered across the rough gravel of the exposed mountainside. “She got cut off, but I made some room for her to move and prepare the way.”

I blinked at his actions. Moving like a snake, he seemed to have grown feet and protective gear under his bare stomach.

“I am not --” I protested.

“Down!” Luster grabbed my arm and almost ripped it off my body in an effort to get me low.

Obediently, I dropped. I decided to leave this to the professionals. But if a problem involving three-dimensional calculus ever came up, I was their girl.

As Luster hit the ground beside me, two things happened. There was a hiss and the air around us tingled. Then, a moment later, a boom sounded where the boulder had been. And under that, there was the faintest sound of wood cracking against stone. It almost sounded like a bone breaking, but the sound was sharper.

The box! The box had fallen out of Luster’s pouch.

“Luster --” I began, but again he cut me off.

“Now is not the time, Sinopee!”

“But --”

“No! Tell me later! We need to try to save our lives, not worry about petty shit!”

“Petty!” I almost rose to my knees to tear a strip off of him, but the explosion to the right of me halted my movements.

Glow was now rolling down the remainder of the hill, regardless of the sharp stones and stinging branches. Taking his cue, I sucked in a deep breath and rolled.

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