Read The Italian Inheritance Online

Authors: Louise Rose-Innes

The Italian Inheritance (20 page)

BOOK: The Italian Inheritance
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“More,” she demanded, still feeling a little underdressed by comparison and desperate to see more of his naked glory.

Rafael smiled indulgently and stood still, his arms out next to him, allowing her to undo his belt and release his trousers. Dark tufts of hair stood out under his arms and as Anna eagerly undid his zip and pulled his trousers down she inhaled his spicy deodorant, mixed with manly sweat and excitement. She could hardly focus on her task her hands were shaking so much.

she’d stripped Rafael of all his clothes and he stood in front of her, splendidly masculine and unashamedly erect.

“Come here...” Gathering her up in his arms, Rafael laid her gently on the bed. “I can’t wait any longer,” he murmured, lowering himself on top of her and reclaim
her mouth with his own.

Anna luxuriated in the feel of his warm, velvety skin on hers as she kissed him back. His massive erection prodded her thigh and she groaned with desire, desperate to feel him inside of her again. She knew from their last night in Naples that Rafael liked to take his time, refusing to rush, even when she was begging for release. Her body felt on fire and she writhed beneath him, silently praying he’d remove her panties and enter her so she could feel his magnificent fullness. As if reading her thoughts Rafael’s hand snaked down and slid her g-string to her knees. From there she kicked it off with her foot. Feeling blissfully uninhibited, she let her instincts take over and moaned for him to take her. “I’m ready now,” she gasped.

Sensing her need, Rafael entered her in one smooth motion. She cried out with pleasure as he filled her completely. She heard his gasp of satisfaction and clung on to him until he slowly began to move inside her. Breathing heavily, Anna opened herself up to all the wondrous sensations flowing through her body. She felt released, as if a weight had been removed from her shoulders and she was finally able to enjoy herself with complete abandonment. She expected nothing from tonight, nothing except the ultimate pleasure. It was a completely foreign experience and she revelled in it.

With every thrust Rafael brought her closer and closer to release. As the delicious tension build inside her, Anna let herself go, thrusting back rhythmically, as the waves of pleasure grew bigger and bigger. His breathing grew ragged beside her and soon their bodies were glistening with sweat. As the contractions
, Anna cried out and gripped him tightly. He plunged into her again and again until she’d finished, and only then did he gasp loudly and collapse on top of her.


Anna woke first. Slowly memories of last night’s lovemaking came back to her and she stretched luxuriously, turning to look at Rafael, still asleep next to her. With his dark hair swept back from his forehead and those incredibly long eyelashes flush against his cheeks, Anna thought he was one of the sexiest men she’d ever met.

jagged scar stretching along his cheekbone looked almost silver in the morning light. It served to remind her of Rafael’s violent childhood, and how he’d managed to rise above all that to become a succe
ssful lawyer and businessman—w
ith Giovanni’s help, of course.

Anna leant over and kissed him tenderly on the scar. His eyelids fluttered. “Morning, beautiful,” he murmured, a smile playing on his lips.

Anna smiled. “Morning. Did you sleep well?”

Rafael rolled towards her. “Mm... yes, when you finally let me get some sleep.”

She punched him playfully on the shoulder, only to have him grab her wrist and kiss her full on the lips.
“I haven’t brushed my teeth,” she complained.

“Don’t care,” mumbled Rafael, nibbling at her neck. Then he rolled on top of her and Anna became aware of his enormous arousal.

“Oh my...” she gasped, as it prodded her inner thigh.

“I want you,” he growled in her ear, causing the fine hairs on her neck to stand on end. “Now.”

Already naked, Anna opened her legs granting him immediate access. There was no foreplay this morning. None was necessary. Anna was already moist, already excited to feel him inside her. 

As he slid inside of her they both moaned in delight. He filled her so entirely, as if she were made for him. Slowly he began to move, and Anna soon lost herself in the whirl of emotions flooding her body. You would think after last night’s mammoth session, or sessions, rather, that she’d be exhausted today – yet one look at him and she wanted him again.

In the back of her mind she feared she was already addicted to him. But she didn’t want think about that now. Her need was too strong.

As the glorious tension built Anna clung on to Rafael for all she was worth. Higher and higher he took her until with a shattering explosion she gasped and climaxed, riding the waves of her orgasm until he erupted inside her and they clung to each other, drenched in sweat and completed sated.

Rafael was the first to speak. “See, I knew this would be a good idea. What a way to start the day

“I would have to agree with you there,” she grinned and wriggled out from underneath him.

Rafael climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom in all his naked glory, totally unselfconscious. The ripped abs, the lean hips and taunt butt. He was a god. Anna watched faintly bewildered. It was hard not to feel a bit smug about it. That is all mine for the next week, she mused.

Granted, it may be hard letting him go at the end of it all, but what memories she’d have to take home with her.

The shower went on and Rafael reappeared. “You want to go first?”

Anna nodded and slipped out of bed. As she past him, he grabbed her and planted a soft, lingering kiss on her lips. Anna glanced up in surprise
but Rafael didn’t speak. He just gave her hand a little squeeze and stood back to let her by. Pleased by Rafael’s sudden display of affection, but determined not to read anything into it, Anna disappeared into the bathroom and immersed herself under the steaming hot water.

Rafael walked to work with a spring in his step. Right now he was thoroughly sated
but he knew the feeling wouldn’t last. By the time he got home he’d be aching to have Anna again. His desire for her increased each time they slept together. It was a novel experience and he was enjoying every second of it.

The morning passed quickly. At lunch time Rafael met R
co, his private investigator and friend. It was time to find out if all Anna’s details had checked out.

“Buongiorno,” he greeted his friend as they shook hands and took a seat at one of the pavement tables. “How was the trip over?”

“Got a lift with a friend,” grinned
. “Beats taking the ferry. I can see why you bought a boat.”

A waiter brought them two espressos and they got down to business.

“She seems legit,” began R
co. “I’m not sure what you expected to find
but her mother died, as she said, back in 1995. I
downloaded a copy of
the death certificate.”

Rafael nodded. “Good. I admit she does seem to be sincere. What about a birth certificate?”

“It exists,” confirmed
. “But only the mother’s name is on it
so that doesn’t help us at all. I got a copy anyway.

“Damn.” Rafael bit his lip. “
Anything else

“I got an address, presumably where they used to live. The house was sold in ninety-six, which would coincide with the mother’s death. There’s no record of any other property in that name.”

“Any other relatives?” asked Rafael.

Rico shook his head. “Nada, my friend. The girl has no one.”

“Except maybe Giovanni,” intoned Rafael, thoughtfully.

“So you have changed your mind?”

Rafael shrugged. “I think I’m starting to. She seems genuine, and everything you say tallies with what she’s told me. I have to admit my instincts may have been wrong on this one.” He gave a wry grin.

“No way!” Rico rolled his eyes at his friend. “You, admitting you
wrong. Incredible.”

“Okay, okay, let’s not get carried away. She’s agreed to the paternity test.
If she’s for real, the DNA will prove it.”

“Then what? You’ll give her the money?”

“I’ll have to. It’s rightfully hers.”

grinned. “So not only is this girl very beautiful, she is also going to be rich.”

“True.” Rafael ran a hand
his hair. Anna was going to be an heiress. After she left Capri she could do whatever she pleased. Anna Crawford would never want for money again.

“This makes her very attractive, no?”

Rafael laughed. “She is very attractive without the money, believe me.”

“Oh, I know. I’ve seen photos.”

“What photos?” spluttered Rafael.

Rico looked sheepish. “I didn’t know whether it was relevant, but s
he’s done some modelling work. Have a look. It’s all there.”
threw an A4-sized envelope on the table.

Rafael frowned and reached for it.
“What kind of modelling work?”

Rico merely nodded at the envelope. “You’ll see.”

Rafael pulled out the prints
and flicked through them slowly, one by one. The images were grainy and of poor quality, but there was no mistaking who the model was. He’d recognise those breasts anywhere.

Rafael felt his chest tighten with an unfamiliar emotion.

“Come on,” Rico was quick to reassure him. “They’re
bad. At least they’re only topless shots.”

Rafael’s lips were drawn in a tight line. “That skimpy underwear hardly leaves much to the imagination.”

“Why do you care?” enquired
, his eyes twinkling. “You’ve dated models before. You know what they’re like. It’s just a job.”

“I didn’t know she was a model,” confessed Rafael, his expression hard. “And I’m not dating her, well not really.” A week long affair wasn’t dating.

“Not really?”
laughed. “So what is going on between you two then, amigo? Something, yes?”

Rafael frowned. He didn’t want to discuss his relationship with Anna, not even with his oldest friend, who he knew to be discreet. It was too new. Too raw.
e was still enjoying the spontaneity of it all.

“Something... Yes.” He gave a curt nod. “She’s leaving after the settlement is allocated. Going back to England.”

“Ah, I see. And you’re okay with that?”

The photographs of Anna annoyed him more than he cared to admit. He didn’t like the fact she took her clothes off for other men. He thought she was a nurse. The photos must be a part-time gig.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

shrugged. “Just asking.”

Rafael drank the rest of his cappuccino in silence while
brought him up to date on Mancini. Apparently his fourth wife had just walked out, taking their daughter with her. Now a custody battle was looming. Rafael felt sorry for the kid. She wouldn’t even be alive now if it hadn’t been for Anna. He told
about the drowning incident and the subsequent agreement to hold off the demolition for two months.
was amazed at Anna’s foresight in getting Mancini to sign the napkin.

“She’s smart, this one, Rafael. Perhaps you should marry her before she gets away?”

He laughed at his own joke and then raised a sardonic eyebrow at Rafael’s unexpected silence. Clicking his tongue, he said, “My friend, I think you have it bad.”

At Rafael’s glare,
threw back his head and guffawed. “Here, coffee’s on me.” He threw some change onto the table. “You look like you need another one.”

Rafa looked up. “You aren’t staying?”

shook his head. “I have to go now
but I am very interested to see how this little relationship develops. Please keep me informed.”

Rafael rolled his eyes.  “There is no relationship.”

“Yeah-yeah. Do you want to keep the photographs?”

“No. Get rid of them.”

The last thing he wanted was to be reminded about that. Besides, what Anna decided to do with her body was up to her. It was none of his business. He was merely her lover for a short while and then she’d be gone, never to return. At least with her share of Giovanni’s fortune, she’d never have to resort to B-grade modelling again.


Anna, lying on a pink sarong in the garden was enjoying the warmth of the dappled sunshine when she heard the gate squeak. Looking up she saw her man walking towards her. She probably shouldn’t call him that, since technically he wasn’t really her man. Yet
he was so delicious and she had sole use of him for a week. Why not make the most of it?

BOOK: The Italian Inheritance
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