The Lion's Den (34 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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Highly suggest’
my ass,” Michelle mumbled to herself. She knew what his version of “highly suggest” meant. It meant that it was a direct order he expected her to follow without question. She rose from her chair, walking over toward her window overlooking the busy downtown streets below. She dreaded what she was going to have to do, but it’s what she had to do.

She made it to the hospital a half hour later, deciding to give Barry the bad news first. With a flash of her badge, the officer guarding Barry’s room nodded and stepped to the side allowing her entry. Inside she saw that Barry’s wife was sitting beside his bed, smiling at her husband. Leanne rose cheerfully and approached Michelle when she saw her and gave her a big hug. Michelle returned the embrace before making her way over to the bed where Barry laid.

Hey Captain, thanks for stopping by. I heard about Gabriel, is he okay?” Barry asked.

He’s awake now, and his wife is all right, too,” Michelle said.

Good, good.” Barry released a long sigh of relief.

Listen Barry, I had to come here today to deliver some bad news.”

Barry adjusted himself sitting up straight in his bed waiting for her to continue.

I got a visit from the Director of the S.U.I.T. this afternoon, and … as much as I hate this, I have to follow protocol.”

Just spit it out, Captain,” Barry said. He was beginning to understand what she was trying to say.

We’re going to have to let you go. The rules of the organization

Barry held his hand up. “I know about the damn policy. Is there anything you can do about this decision?”

Captain Michelle Lawrence shook her head. “I don’t think so, but I want you to know that I’m going to ty my best. I’ll be looking for a way to reverse the decision.”

Hold on, let me understand what you’re saying,” Barry’s wife, Leanne interjected. “Are you telling us that you’re firing him after his years of dedicated service? Barry has been serving this country for twenty years! What happened to him isn’t his fault. He was a victim. You don’t throw excellent cops out on their ass when they become victims of vicious criminals. You give them solace! Support!”

Leanne, I know where you’re coming from, trust me. I hate that this is happening, I do. But I have a job to do and rules to follow, I’m sorry,” Captain Lawrence said in her defense.

Bullshit!” Leanne threw her hands up in the air. “This is bullshit. Baby we don’t have to take this laying down. I’m going to call my brother, Aaron.” She put her hand over her husband’s, offering him support. She looked up at Michelle. “And you can tell the Director of the S.U.I.T. that he can kiss our ass, and to expect a lawsuit shortly.”

Michelle didn’t bother to argue, as a matter of fact, she didn’t blame them for their response to such horrible news. She nodded and left before they officially kicked her out.




Michelle drove to her next location, to visit Gabriel. He was bright-eyed and speaking with the nurse in an attempt to get more food.

But I’m still hungry, I’m starving! It’s not like I’m loving this hospital shit, but I just want a little bit more, please. Listen, I’ll pay for the cafeteria food if you can get me two sandwiches,” Gabriel pleaded. He could still feel his stomach rumbling.

I’m sorry, but the rules are the rules. I’ll bring up another plate at five o’clock this evening,” the nurse said.

Don’t bother, I’ll be checking myself out of this hell hole in an hour, just get out,” Gabriel spat out, gesturing toward the door.

The nurse turned and left, walking past Michelle on her way out. Michelle approached the bed.

How are you doing, Gabriel?” she asked.

I don’t even want to talk about how I’m feeling right now, Captain. Is there a reason why you’re here?” Gabriel skipped the pleasantries; he wasn’t feeling in a chipper mood.

All right, I’m going to cut to the chase. The reason why I’m here is because I have to follow policy.”

I thought you said you were going to cut right to the chase.”

She exhaled. “I have to fire you.”

You came all the way down here to tell me that shit?”

I felt you deserved to hear the news from me in person.”

Oh yeah, that makes it all a little bi better. This is bullshit, Captain!”

I have my orders, Gabriel.”

I don’t give a shit about some fucking protocol! I put my life on the line for the S.U.I.T., for this government and now you’re telling me you’re tossing me out on my ass?!”

I’m going to try to do what I can to reverse this decision.” Michelle couldn’t really blame him for being upset; she just hated being the bad guy in the equation.

This is fucked! I’m not disabled … shit, maybe I’d be better off if I was. You wouldn’t be able to fire me if I was. I can’t help what that motherfucker did to me, Captain. I was doing my job, I don’t deserve this!”

I know. I’m trying to help you.”

What am I going to do now? What about my pension?”

Policy doesn’t honor pensions for officers who are terminated.” Michelle actually looked away, not wanting to bear witness to the expression on Gabriel’s face. It was the look of someone who had been terribly betrayed.

Gabriel chuckled. It wasn’t the chuckle of someone who was happy. It was the chuckle of someone who was at the end of their rope, someone who was beyond frustrated. “This is a piece of work, right here. What about severance pay? You know, something I can use to feed my fucking family while I look for another job?”

That, I am going to do for you. I’ll start up the paperwork this afternoon.” Michelle turned to leave, stopping in the doorway. “You can clean out your desk anytime this week, whenever it’s convenient for you. I really am sorry.” With that, she left. The least she could do was make sure they got one final payment for their services if nothing else.

Gabriel sat on his bed, fighting back the tears that threatened to roll down his cheeks. It was too much, too much at one time and he felt lost. Real men don’t cry, his father always told him that when he was a little boy. So, whenever he got a skinned knee, or a bloody cut, he had choked back the tears. He had wanted to prove to his father just how much of a man he was. However, sitting in his narrow hospital bed, his whole life seemed to be crumbling apart before him. He felt helpless, out of control. Images of his attack flashed through his mind, the violation followed up by his transformation. He shook his head, in an attempt to clear his brain. Reaching over, he picked up the telephone, calling the nurse. He wanted to check out. The nurse came to his room and he told her his wishes.

That’s perfectly fine, Mr. Johnson. There are just a few more tests we want to perform. Don’t worry, the doctor will release you shortly.”

Are you deaf? I said I wanted to get the hell out of here. I don’t want the doctor to ‘release me shortly’ which in hospital terminology, could mean ‘hours later’. I want to go now, or do I still have rights in this fucking country?” Gabe asked, climbing out of bed.

The nursed backed away, frightened by his anger as well as his new found strength and ability.

Gabriel looked at her, he could smell her fear rising and it bh unnerved and enticed him. He felt the desire, the need almost to hunt her, rip her throat out and then feed. He turned away from her, swallowing hard, trying to regain his control. “Get out, please.”

The nurse was all too willing to do just that, rushing past Warren as he entered. Gabriel immediately caught the scent of another shape-shifter. The scent was distinctive and obviously canine, his new instincts told him that. The aura of this shifter was stronger than his and he found himself spinning around sharply to see who had entered the room. He fell back against his bed when he saw Warren standing before him.

He got to you, too?!” Gabriel asked, thinking Warren was a victim as well.

Warren shook his head. “No. I was born what I am.”

Gabriel looked confused, as if it was all too much information at once. “I don’t understand?”

Both of my parents were shape-shifters; I was born one. You’re different from me because you were turned into one.”

Did they fire you?” Gabriel asked, his overwhelming feeling of resentment laced his words making them sound cruel, harsh.

I heard about what happened to you guys. When I called in to check on Barry, his wife told me that you two were fired.” Warren stepped closer.

Yeah, they fired us. That’s the thanks we get for doing our fucking jobs.” Gabriel ripped off the hospital gown. He reached into his overnight bag his mother had packed for him, pulling out a clean outfit and began dressing.

Warren looked at the hospital bag that contained Gabriel’s old clothes, they were bloody and torn. He managed to catch the scent of the shifter who attacked Gabriel. That and the blood raised Warren’s urge to hunt and his bloodlust. “You should call your wife, tell her to come pick you up,” Warren suggested.

Gabriel began to laugh, but it was sad. No sounds of joy came from him. “My wife, yeah, that’s fucking rich. She’s taken the kids to her mother’s house. She’s fucking terrified of me now.” He turned, facing Warren. “You know it’s almost funny. If she wouldn’t touch me before I was attacked, why should I expect her to want to touch me now?”

Gabe …” Warren had never seen the man so unhappy. He suspected that Gabriel was feeling like he was the loneliest man in the world at the moment.

It’s true. I’ve lost everything, Warren. My fucking job, my wife, my kids, my manh-” He cut himself off, not wanting to reveal too much, although he expected the truth to start circulating around the S.U.I.T. precinct soon about his sexual assault since it was a crime.

Warren was silent for a few moments, wondering if he should extend himself to Gabriel or not. He knew that the ex-detective’s life was now upside down, but he also knew that his new life needed guidance. If he didn’t get control of himself and his instincts, he could die.

Gabriel, I know right now, you must feel like shit, but there’s something I need to talk to you about,” Warren said, taking the first step.

Gabriel finished tying his shoes. He looked up at him. “You know what you could do for me, you really want to help me, Warren. Tell the captain about you, what you are.”

Warren was taken aback, not expecting him to say that. “Why? What good could that do?”

Don’t play dumb with me, Warren. You know damn well what good that can do. All of this time, you’ve been getting the special cases, the title of the best cops on the Force, even before you and Matthew became S.U.I.T.. All of this time, you’ve been the best and now I know why. All of this time you’ve been superhuman doing superhuman shit to get the job done. You’re the best in the precinct; everyone knows it. That’s fucking leverage, can’t you see?”

Warren shook his head. “Gabriel, if I come clean, it won’t only affect my job, but Matthew’s too. Hell, every officer in the S.U.I.T. will be suspect!”

Can you honestly stand there and tell me you don’t think that’s already going to happen? I wouldn’t be surprised if the next time you sign in to work, you get greeted with a blood and urine test.”

Warren was quiet. He had thought about that and did suspect the testing was in the works. Xander followed his better judgment and had called Sara Wyant in an attempt to get the jump on any test date so that Warren and Matthew would not be caught off guard. Unfortunately, Sara had no knowledge of any tests in the future, but said she’d keep them informed.

If I come clean, both Matt and I will be fired,” Warren said.

Then you’re a fucking coward, Warren.” Gabriel turned to walk out of the room when a wave of dizziness came upon him. He fell against the door, knees buckling. Warren was beside him within an instant. Arm around his waist, supporting him.

Gabriel, I know what happened to you sucks big time, but you have to let me help you,” Warren pleaded.

Gabriel looked up at him, panting slightly. “I’m starving … and weak.”

I’ll get you something to eat on the way to the hospital to visit Barry.”


Gabriel checked himself out of the hospital against doctor’s wishes and he and Warren left. They stopped at a burger fast food restaurant and ordered several combo meals, which Gabriel ferociously devoured along the way. He’d never been so hungry in his entire life! It was as if he couldn’t swallow fast enough. His stomach felt as if it was an empty pit and only after the third triple bacon cheeseburger, did he start to feel fulfilled. Warren had been relatively quiet in the car, waiting to say what he needed to when he could have both Barry and Gabriel in the same room together. When they finally arrived in Barry’s hospital room, the two partners reunited, thrilled to see each other alive after their ordeal. Leanne hugged Gabriel, offering him her support. She immediately told him about her lawsuit, which she’d already put into motion.

Warren watched them converse for a few minutes more before speaking. “I’m going to have to interrupt you, I have something important to say. Barry, I’m sure you realI’m a shape-shifter, just like you are now.”

Barry looked at Warren then nodded. “Yeah, I sensed that. I’m still getting used to smelling other supernaturals. There’s two male nurses here who are shape-shifters, too. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was shocked when I caught your scent, though.”

Yeah, I bet. Listen, what I’m going to say now is only for your benefit and Gabriel’s. You’ve entered a different world since becoming shifters. You were bitten by a lion. You’re going to have to learn what that means. I have someone willing to take you into his Pride

Hold on, what the hell are you talking about?” Gabriel asked, confused.

You’re new, okay. You haven’t learned how to control your urges, your instincts. You have no idea just how powerful you are now. You’re going to need someone to teach you all of these things.” Warren watched both men as he spoke.

What if we don’t want to enter into any Prides?” Gabriel asked, somewhat stubbornly.

Don’t be stupid, Gabe. Like I said before, this is a whole new world for you and trust me, you don’t want to be in it alone,” Warren said.

Go on, Warren,” Barry said.

You’re actually going to buy into this?! I’m sorry, but the only help we needed from him is for him and Matt to stand up for us and he refused!” Gabriel fussed, pointing a finger at Warren.

Barry looked at Warren, both eyebrows raised, shocked. “Is that true? You won’t stand by us?”

Warren lowered his head, rubbing his fingers over both his eyebrows. “I don’t know, Barry.” He looked up at them. “I don’t know. It’s not right what happened to you, but Matt and I put a lot of work into covering ourselves.”

Oh, really? How nice for you. We, unfortunately, didn’t have that opportunity. All I know is, you’re going to stand by and let us get screwed. I guess it’s okay as long as it’s not you,” Gabriel said. He turned away from Warren, obviously upset.

You know what, Gabriel? I’ve had as much of your sanctimonious bullshit as I can stand. I didn’t see your ass banging on doors demanding equal rights for supernaturals when you weren’t one!” Warren shot back.

Gabriel turned around to face him.

And now, because your ass got bit, you want me to ruin what I’ve worked so hard for to help you out. Would you even do the same for me if the shoe was on the other foot?”

Gabriel stared at Warren, thinking about his answer. He wasn’t sure if he’d risk his job for the other shifter. He looked away.

I guess I’ve got my answer. Look, like I’ve said, I hate what’s happening to you, but let’s just keep our heads cool and we’ll see what we can do.” Warren looked to both Gabriel and Barry.

Warren, if there’s anything you hit ado to help them, please let us know,” Leanne pleaded with him.

It’s not going to be easy. Look, we have some connections, we might be able to help them without exposing ourselves.” Warren wasn’t sure if he could help them, but he was going to try.

We’ve already been fired,” Gabriel reminded him, turning to face Warren. “What help could you possibly provide to get us our jobs back? Just because I’ve lost my job as a detective, doesn’t mean I’ve lost my ability to detect bullshit when I hear it. If you had these so-called powerful contacts, then you wouldn’t be so fucking scared to come forward yourself.”

Gabe, take it easy,” Barry said, trying to calm his partner down. Gabriel looked at him then turned away again, facing the window. Barry looked at Warren. “Tell us what we need to know.”

Warren stared hard at Gabriel before giving his attention to Barry. “If you think you can survive without a Pride, you’re wrong. Others will seek you out, pick on you. Some may even try to kill you because you’ll be considered rogues, strays or orphans. None of those titles come with good news. You’ll be outsiders. Not only that, the Alphas of this state have the right to kill you if they so choose.”

They can’t just kill us, it’s against the law,” Gabriel said, turning back around.

What part of ‘Brand. New. World.’, don’t you fucking get, Gabe?!” Warren shouted, finally reaching his boiling point. “Human laws don’t apply!”

Can you stop fucking shouting, it’s too loud!” Gabe said, matching Warren’s tone.

Can the both of you shut the fuck up right now?! You’re both too loud,” Barry said, covering his ears. His senses were powerful, more than he’d ever expected. He hadn’t gotten control of them and was hearing sounds and voices from all around the hospital. He suspected Gabriel was going through the same thing. All he understood was that he wanted some type of control over himself, with or without his job.

Warren didn’t yell, he knew what affect the loud sound of his voice had on them. “Sorry about that, Barry. In time, you’ll learn to regulate your hearing. You have to understand when I say, you’re not human anymore, guys. The first thing you need to do is accept that. Next, you need to accept the fact that human laws don’t apply to us. We have our own rules, our own laws of nature. Trust me when I say that leaders of Prides and Packs have the right to kill you. In our world, it’s perfectly legal and expected.”

So, joining this Pride you mentioned will spare us this extra trouble?” Barry asked.

Warren nodded. “Yeah, it will. Joining this Pride is beneficial to both of you. Don’t shit on this opportunity.”

Fine, take us to this Pride,” Gabriel said, grudgingly agreeing.

Okay. Barry you check yourself out before this hospital runs any more tests. The next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to perform an anal probe on you,” Warren said.

That’s just what I said,” Leanne commented, looking aher husband.

All right, all right. I’m getting out now.” Barry climbed out of the bed and began dressing in the clothes his wife had brought from home. Within minutes, he was dressed and waiting for his official release. Fifteen minutes later, there were heading toward Elise’s hotel. Warren was driving his car with the three of them traveling behind him in Barry’s. They arrived at the hotel and made it to the room. Sergio opened the door, allowing them entry.

Warren stood beside Barry, Gabriel and Leanne. “Hey everyone, these are the two officers I was telling you about, and this is Barry’s wife, Leanne.” He made the introductions quickly.

Shitty thing that happened to you, but happy to hear that you pulled through,” Sergio said to the two new shifters.

Yeah it was, thanks,” Gabriel said, feeling very uncomfortable surrounded by so many unknown supernaturals. He looked around the room at the various faces and thought about Warren and Matthew and how they knew these people. He could feel the auras of Xander, Adan, Danielle, Sergio and Elise. He suspected that they wanted him to feel their power, to understand who and what they were. They were the leaders of their shifter communities. He could sense the differences between their species. He knew some were wolves, others, lions, leopards and coyotes. His nose itched and he scratched it, feeling instant relief.

Adan stepped forward. “You’ve been turned into shape-shifters, lions, to be more exact. I’m the leader, the King of my Pride. This isn’t up for negotiation, I will be training you. Unlike most communities, felines more importantly, we are different from the rest and your instincts are different as well.”

We weren’t turned by you,” Gabriel began.

No, but if you don’t want to be eliminated by other shifters, you’ll listen to what I have to say. You need to learn how to hunt on and off
nights. You need to learn control of your instincts, or you’ll end up killing your children by accident.” Adan looked at Barry. “Or your wife on any given day, especially if she’s menstruating.”

Barry shook his head. “I would never hurt my wife, I love her.”

Adan laughed. “You won’t be meaning to, but you could.”

I don’t agree with you. Right now, I don’t feel at all out of control.” Barry wasn’t one to be stubborn, but the thought of killing his wife by eating her unnerved him.

Adan smiled sadly, nodding. He gestured toward Sergio, who nodded in return. He walked toward a closed door and opened it, motioning for someone to step forward. Patricia, a lion from Adan’s Pride emerged from the room. She had been put in there in anticipation of the new shifters’ arrival. Adan had thought it wise to put her there for their safety and hers as she was in the height of her heat. Instantly all of the males in the room senses heightened, becoming acute, in tune to the female. When Adan motioned for Patricia to come closer to him, she did. Both Gabriel’s and Barry’s eyes were fixed on her, unable to look away. Their breathing became ragged, growing urgent along with their need to have her. Both men approached her, circling, drawing closer to smell her. stood there, allowing them to do so. Gabriel growled low, the sound vibrating off his throat as a warning to his friend that the female was his. Barry returned the growl as he reached out for her. Gabriel punched him, knocking Barry off balance. He then grabbed Patricia, kissing her deeply as he reached for her breasts, massaging one.

Patricia’s passion grew, her body yearning for what Gabriel was offering. Barry advanced on Gabriel, pulling him from the female, snarling as he did so. Leanne started to rush toward them, but Xander held her back, shaking his head. She looked at her husband, growing jealous as she witnessed him fighting his best friend over a woman he didn’t even know simply to see who would have sex with her first. Tears began to run down her face as she slowly began to realize what becoming a shape-shifter meant for her husband and herself.

Before the face-off grew out of control, Adan separated the two men, asserting his dominance, pushing both men sending them crashing into separate corners. Danielle ushered Patricia back into the room, away from the warring males. Gabriel shook his head of the cobwebs, as did Barry. Their hormones were settling back down as their hardened erections began to soften ever so slowly. Both men looked at each other, then back at Adan.

Gabriel was the first to rise. “What just happened?” he asked, completely confused by his action.

Warren assisted Barry to his feet. “You okay?”

Barry nodded. “Yeah,” he assured, wiping blood from his now healed lip with the back of his hand.

As I tried to tell you, your instincts are out of control. Even more so because you were turned, not born shifters. You could easily take any female willingly, or against her will or eat them during that special time of the month if you don’t get control over your nature.” Adan looked from one man to the other.

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