The Lion's Den (32 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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His wife, who had been in the backyard gardening, heard the gunshots and her husband scream. She was now at his side, terrified. It had all happened so quickly and was over in a matter of seconds! There was so much blood! Barry’s gun lay on the ground beside him and he was unresponsive, but still alive. She pulled her husband’s cell phone from his pocket and called 9-1-1. Within minutes, an ambulance and two police cars pulled up and rushed them to the hospital.




A second call came over the police scanner. A second S.U.I.T. officer was attacked at his home fifteen minutes after the first attack. The address of the first and second attack was given.

Warren looked at Brian, shocked. “Fuck! Barry and Gabe!”

Those are their homes?” Brian asked, swallowing the last of his coffee.

Yeah! Shit! We need to get to the hospital to see if they’re all right.” Warren shifted the car into gear and headed for the hospital Barry was rushed to. They arrived at the hospital seventeen minutes later. With a flash of his badge, both he and Brian were allowed past the posted police guards.

Their captain, Michelle Lawrence was standing beside Barry’s wife, Leanne, who was in tears as the doctor spoke about her husband’s chances for survival. His chances were slim, the fever was high and they were unable to break it at this point. They had ran a blood check on him, and it was quite apparent that the shape-shifter gene was mixing with his own, transforming him. The doctor informed them if Barry was able to survive the fever induced by his transformation, he would be a shape-shifter when it was all over and done with.

We’re going to do everything in our power to insure that your husband pulls through, Mrs. Weinstein,” the Doctor said, hoping to reassure the distressed woman.

Thank you, Doctor,” Leanne said, wiping the tears from her eyes. She wanted to be by her husband’s side, wanted to hold his hand and talk to him so that he knew she was there. However, she wasn’t allowed inside, not yet.

Captain Lawrence hated hearing the bad news about two of her best cops. Already, she had received two telephone calls from the Director of the S.U.I.T. organization inquiring about the two detectives’ condition. She knew why he’d called her, knew the reason why he was so “concerned” about their condition. She had told him she’d find out and get back with him. She was delaying making that phone call. Instead, she laid a comforting hand on the sunken shoulder of Barry’s wife, attempting to give her some hope.

Barry’s strong, Leanne. He’s going to pull through this, don’t worry,” Michelle said, giving the woman a slight smile.

He’d better. He knows I love him too much to lose him. Besides, I was making his favorite dinner tonight, he’s not going to want to miss out on that,” Leanne said, making a joke to ease her fears, boosting her own morale.

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Captain Lawrence smiled and nodded. She looked up to see Warren and Brian standing beside the nurses’ counter, watching them. She approached the two men.

What happened?” Warren asked, genuinely concerned.

Both Gabriel and Barry were attacked. Gabriel’s wife was attacked also; she’s in the same hospital as Gabriel, recovering from a concussion. Gabriel’s in worse shape. He was bitten, like Barry was.” She refrained from telling the two detectives about the sexual assault Gabriel had endured; thinking Gabriel wouldn’t want that information known.

Fuck!” Warren growled. He stopped himself from punching the wall in his anger and frustration.

So if they pull through this, they’ll be shifters?” Brian asked, already knowing the answer, but wanted to see her expression.

Yes.” Michelle’s expression was sad, disappointed.

So, what does that mean for them?” Warren asked.

Let’s not discuss that right now. I still need you two out there searching for this shifter. I’ve contacted the other officers of the S.U.I.T. and informed them of the attack. We should all be on alert right now. I don’t want to say that we are under attack as a whole. This might be an isolated assault on the detectives who are on the case specifically, and it might be something else entirely. Just beware and keep in touch with me at all times,” Captain Lawrence patted Warren on the shoulder as she passed by him on her way back to the precinct.

I want to catch this fucker, Brian,” Warren said.

You and me, both.”

Warren walked over to Leanne, who was sitting in the waiting room. Squatting down in front of her, he placed his hands on top of hers. “It’s going to be all right, Leanne. Barry’s one hell of a guy, he’s a fighter. He’ll be up and about and looking for that dinner you cooked within twenty-four hours, you’ll see.”

Leanne chuckled. “I know. Thanks Warren.”

Anytime. Listen, we have to go, but I’ll come back and check in on you.”

Thank you.”

Warren rose and Leanne grabbed his hand. He looked down at her. “What’s wrong?”

Warren, I want you to be careful. Promise me you’ll be careful.”

I promise.”

Satisfied, she released his hand and watched as the two detectives stepped onto the elevator, disappearing as the doors closed. Inside the elevator, Warren called Matthew.

Did you hear about Gabe and Barry?” Warren asked.

Yeah, Colin and I just left the hospital where Gabe’s at. He’s in bad shape Warren. They don’t think he’s going to make it. He was also sexually assaulted. I overheard the doctor talking to Gabriel’s mother,” tthhew said.

Warren was silent for several moments before responding. “And his wife?”

She’s going to be all right. She has a mild concussion, and should be up and talking later on today.”

What about the kids?”

They’re fine. Unharmed. They’re with Gabe’s mother right now.”

That’s good … That’s good. Where are you right now?”

Just grabbing a few burgers before we head over to the Ravenswood area. What about you?”

I don’t know yet. Listen, I want you to be extra careful. The captain thinks this may be an attack on the S.U.I.T. or just an attack on the detectives assigned to the case. Either way, watch your ass out there.”

I was already thinking that and we’re keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. I wish I knew what this motherfucker looked like. Darian gave a great description, but it’s still hard to pinpoint a face out here, ya know?”

Yes, I know. Listen, we’re getting ready to head downtown. I’ll call you later.” Warren ended the call as he and Brian climbed into their car. He told Brian what Matthew told him.

He was turned, on top of being raped? That’s fucked up.”

Tell me about it.”

At least his wife and kids weren’t killed,” Brian said.

That’s the only good news there is. Not that I’m not happy about that, but I am wondering why he didn’t hurt them, you know?” Warren asked. He couldn’t help but wonder why the shifter decided to show a sliver of kindness now, considering all of the damage he’d done.

Maybe he didn’t want to, or maybe he was told not to, or maybe it’s more fun for him to know that he’s changed their families forever. Who knows what going on in his demented mind?”

I see your point. It’s evident that this is just a big game to them and we’re the pieces.”

Brian nodded. “We should get a move on. We’re going downtown, right? What are you looking for there?” he asked.

Right now, I don’t even know. I suppose I’m looking for any man who’s Asian and smells like a lion.”

So we’ll be hitting the bricks. Sounds good to me, I’d like to stretch my legs, do a little walking.”

Then it’s decided.” Warren headed downtown to walk the streets hoping to catch a whiff of the shifter.




Did you get my burger with extra mayo?” Colin asked.

Yeah, here.” Matthew handed the other man his cheeseburger and fries.

Is all that yours?” Colin asked, amazed as he looked down at the two triple cheeseburgers, large fries and onion rings Matthew had.

Yeah, I haven’t eaten anything all day, I’m starving!” Matthew thought he was being modest. He really wanted to order four burgers, but settled for two as to not alarm the human detective.

You must have a great metabolism, just like Brian,” Colin said, unraveling the foil from his burger and taking a huge bite.

Yeah, and an elastic stomach, or so my mom always told me,” Matthew lied. He remembered how he used to look at Warren the way Colin was looking at him whenever they sat down for a meal. Warren’s plate would be piled high, while his was the “normal” serving of food. He had no idea the hunger a shifter felt and he wished he hadn’t teased Warren as much as he had in the past. Lucky for him, his lover was always a good sport about it.

The two detectives were enjoying their meal as they sat in their car parked in the lot behind the restaurant. Matthew was devouring the last of his second burger when he was surprised by the shattering of glass from his driver’s side window. French fries flew in all directions as the two detectives jumped in their seats. Before Matthew could react, he felt the other shifter’s fist striking his jaw, jarring his brain. He was hit two more times before he was knocked unconscious. All of it happened within a matter of seconds. Colin managed to pull his gun from his holster, getting off one shot that passed through the roof of the car. Kiren grabbed hold of his wrist, twisting it until the bones broke from the pressure. Colin screamed from the pain, but he continued to defend himself. Leaning back against the passenger door, he raised both feet, kicking with all his strength, he managed to make contact with the shifter’s face, jerking his head backward. Unfortunately, it was not enough to force the shifter to release his broken wrist. Kiren climbed into the car, over Matthew’s unconscious body toward Colin. As he had done with the others, he elongated his incisors as he moved upward Colin’s legs, pausing over the struggling man’s groin. He lowered his head, sinking his teeth into Colin’s genitals, biting into the flesh. He loved the gut-wrenching scream that came from his victim; it was music to his ears.

A second later, Kiren pulled away and smiled as he watched the human began to suffer from the effects of the fever. “I bet you never had someone love your dick as much as me,” he said, laughing wickedly. He looked up as the sounds of police sirens drew nearer. “Someone must have heard that gun shot you let off, and called them. As impressed as I am at the response time, I can’t help but feel a little annoyed. Well, that’s my cue to get the hell out of here.” He ran off, jumping into his car, speeding away.

When the police arrived, they saw what had happened to the two detectives. By the time the ambulance had arrived, Matthew had been roused and refused medical treatment, but insisted on traveling with Colin. He called Warren en route toward the hospital.

Warren, we were attacked!” Matthew said in a rush of words when his lover answered the cell.

What the fuck?! Are you okay? What about Colin?”

I’m fine. I was just knocked out. Colin’s in bad shape. The son-of-a-bitch bit him right on his groin and he’s bleeding pretty badly. The paramedics are trying to stop the bleeding now.” He gave Warren the address and name of the hospital they were heading to. “Meet me there.”

We’re on our way.” Warren ended the call. He looked at Brian. “It’s Colin, he’s be

I heard,” Brian said through gritted teeth.

Let’s go,” Warren said as both he and Brian made a mad dash toward their car.

Brian looked out the window as the car sped through traffic, watching the city pass by in a blur. His mind was swamped with concern about his partner. Would he pull through? How will he feel if he does? Would they still be friends afterward? Would Colin ever trust him again? He tried to clear his mind of those thoughts. Whatever happens would happen no matter how much he worried about it, of that, he was certain. They arrived at the hospital minutes later. Both men met up with Matthew in the waiting room.

Is he still alive?” Brian asked Matthew.

Yeah, he’s still alive. The doctors are working on him right now. I called the captain and told her what happened,” Matthew said.

Well if there was any doubt that the officers on the case are under attack, this should take care of that. Another thing I’ve put together is this shifter only attacked the human detectives on this case. I’m sure he could have kill Matthew; instead he just knocked him out. They’re toying with us by turning three officers,” Brian said, piecing together certain events.

I’m calling Xander,” Warren said, and did just that. He contacted his Alpha, giving him all of the information he had up to that very moment.

My God,” Xander said under his breath after hearing about the attack on the three officers. “I have to tell the others. Right now, I want you three to stay together, do you understand me? As a matter of fact, come here.” He gave Warren the address of their hotel.

We’ll be there in a little while.”

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