The Lion's Den (43 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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Leave him out of this!” Darian said once again, standing his ground.

Marcus rose, advancing behind Darian, wrapping his hand around the younger vampire’s throat. He tossed Darian against the wall, breaking two of his ribs. Before Darian could hit the floor, Marcus was on him again, kicking him repeatedly, breaking four more ribs and cracking his sternum. Darian cried out against his own will as one of his ribs puncture his lung. He spat blood onto the floor as pain pulsated through his body from the abuse he’d taken.

Sergio tried to break free of his chains, biting his lip against the pain. He rattled the chains fiercely, growling as he struggled.

Raven stormed over to him, backhanding him, breaking his nose. “Be still!” she demanded.

Blood poured from Sergio’s injured nose, dripping onto his chest, staining his bare skin. “Fuck you, bitch!” he managed to spit out before she punched him again, nearly knocking him unconscious. The room dimmed, tilted then straightened as he regained his senses.

Now who’s the bitch?” she taunted with an evil smile.

You are,” Sergio said feebly, his mouth turned up in a sneer.

You haven’t seen the itch in me yet, but you will. I promise you,” Raven threatened before turning her attention back to her Master.

Marcus picked Darian up by his long, silky, jet-black hair, bringing the vampire to eye level. “Your torture will be your inability to protect your coven. I find that having coven Masters watch as I decimate what was once theirs has been highly effective and enjoyable. However, I don’t want you trying to make any more feeble attempts to stop me, so allow me a little taste.” Without another second of hesitation, Marcus plunged all four fangs deeply into Darian’s jugular.

Darian gasped and froze as if bitten by a poisonous snake. Both Christopher and John cried his name in vain. They hated seeing their Master mistreated. Darian gazed over Marcus’ shoulder at Christopher struggling to break free of Alicia’s hold. The young vampire’s face was twisted in both rage and sorrow as he watched his Master endure the torture. Marcus pulled him closer as he drained him. Darian raised his hands, attempting to push the stronger vampire away, but he couldn’t. He tried to fight against the intense pleasure he was feeling, but he couldn’t. His blood flowed into Marcus and at the same time, a powerful orgasm was building within him.

No,” Darian whispered through labored pants. It was all he could say to express his true feelings. The orgasm exploded, causing his body to dance erratically in Marcus’ arms. He thought the vampire would release him once his orgasm faded, but he didn’t. He continued to drain him, only now, it was more painful. Marcus’ pull grew more forceful. Darian could feel every drop of blood being sucked out of him, leaving him wracked with pain … the kind of pain he had never, ever felt before. Marcus finally released him, letting him fall hard onto the stone floor. Darian was unable to move, severely weakened by the loss of blood. His entire being throbbed with the pain of his intense thirst. Every ounce of him screamed out for blood, demanded it!

Marcus stood over him. “This pain you’re feeling now … it’s new to you, isn’t it? My, my, you have been spoiled … pampered. I bet you have inflicted this kind of pain on many vampires, haven’t you? Yes, yes … do you feel your insides twisting into tangled and mangled knots as if someone is wringing them out as one would do a wet cloth?” he taunted Darian, smiling widely at the vampire’s helplessness. “Does it feel like a thousand searing hot jagged blades stabbing you at one time?” The ancient vampire laughed boisterously.

Darian was still, unable to move or talk. Every muscle in his body ached from thirst. Every cell of his flesh burned with unrelenting hunger. The pain was agonizing and unforgiving.

He’s pitiful,” Raven said, laughing as well.

Tell that to your two freaks he killed back in Chicago, bitch!” John said. He had never felt such anger before. He wanted to rip them apart, he wanted to feel their skin shred underneath his nails. He had never known such hate.

Oh, feeling bad for your Master? Save some of that sympathy for yourself, boy. Your time is coming up really soon,” Raven shot back.

Besides, he didn’t kill Kiren. You all give him more credit than he deserves,” Alicia said.

John laughed. “Darian had fucked him up real good. Kiren was ead before Adan put him out of his misery.”

Before this night comes to a close, I’m going to give you a lesson in real power,” Marcus told John as he walked toward Christopher, who was still struggling in Alicia’s grip. “Now, back to you.” He looked at Alicia, “release him.”

As you wish,” Alicia said, releasing the young vampire and stepping back. She knew what her Master was going to do and wanted to see every second of it!

Christopher tried to punch Marcus, but was unsuccessful. The stronger vampire held his balled up fist in his left hand. He squeezed, shattering the bones. Christopher screamed, his other hand instinctively went for Marcus’ hand, trying to pry it away.

Marcus laughed and released him, turning toward Raven. “Lift him up,” he said, pointing to Darian. “I want him to see what I’m going to do next.”

Raven nodded and approached Darian, propping him on his knees. She took hold of his chin, forcing him to watch what was going to happen.

Marcus tossed Alicia a knowing look and she smiled, stepping forward, she began to remove Christopher’s clothes.

No!” Christopher yelled as he tried to protest with one good hand. Alicia wasn’t the least bit deterred by his efforts. She removed all of his clothes, leaving him naked on the cold stone floor.

Marcus pushed Christopher back, pinning him down. He smiled as the young vampire struggled under him, vainly. “If you relax, and play nice, I’ll make it very pleasurable. However, if you fight me, I can make it very painful.”

You think I give a fuck?! I hope you fucking die, motherfucker!” Christopher yelled in a rage.

I’m sure your body will give me much pleasure, Christopher. However, I seriously doubt I will die from it.” Marcus laughed. “As a matter of fact, you give me an idea. Maybe I
fuck your mother when I’m done fucking you.”

I might even turn his little brother, Brandon,” Raven threatened.

Go, bring him here, you can turn him in front of his big brother,” Marcus said.

NO! Please, don’t!” Christopher pleaded.

Wait,” Marcus said. “Does this mean you’re going to play nice?”

Christopher hesitated before he answered. He looked at the three vampires, knowing they weren’t bluffing.

Maybe he’s just trying to stall us,” Alicia said, doing her part to torture the younger vampire.

No! Please, just don’t hurt my family. Yes, I’ll play nice,” Christopher said, giving in. “Please, promise me you won’t.”

I have no interest in attacking your family … now that you’ve decided to have a little fun with me. They’re safe, I promised,” Marcus said.

Christopher nodded.

Open your legs,” Marcus ordered him.

Christopher knew what was going to happen to him. He swallowed hard, fighting the tears that wanted to pour from his eyes. Reluctantly, he opened his legs.


He did as he was told. He didn’t want to look down, didn’t want to see what was going to happen. Marcus dipped his hand in a container of gel-based cream Alicia handed to him. He smeared the contents on himself, slicking his shaft. He slid his hands up and down his shaft, moaning in pleasure as he did so. Finally, he leaned over Christopher, guiding himself inside. Christopher gasped, his hands gripping Marcus’ forearms. He closed his eyes tightly, not wanting to see the vampire above him.

Ah, ah, ah, open your eyes, now.” Marcus demanded.

Slowly, Christopher opened his eyes. He inhaled sharply as Marcus pushed deeper into him. The pain was beginning to subside a Marcus worked up a skillful rhythm, stroking him with smooth precision. Against all of his willpower, he began to feel the greatest sexual pleasure he’d ever experienced. He body ignited with fire as the ancient vampire stroked him. Both men moaned in ecstasy, one because he enjoyed what he was feeling, what he was doing and the other because he couldn’t help but enjoy it.

Darian was forced to watch Christopher’s assault. He could do nothing to stop it. Adrian, Sergio and Gabriel cursed the vampires for what they were doing. John turned away, not wanting to witness what was happening. Marcus looked up at them, smiled wider than leaned down, kissing Christopher, who tried to turn his head.

Marcus chuckled as he pushed deeper, causing the young vampire to cry out in pleasure. With his mouth opened to him, Marcus plunged his tongue inside, attempting to force a passionate kiss from his captive, though he was unsuccessful. To make Christopher kiss him in return, he pulled away, biting his own tongue. Leaning downward, he forced his tongue into Christopher’s mouth again and at the first taste of the ancient vampire’s blood, the younger vampire sucked harder, pulling his tongue deeper into his mouth. Christopher became oblivious to what was happening around him, all he knew was the world of pleasure he was now submerged in. The precious, ancient blood that entered his mouth in droplets maddened him; he wanted more. His arms encircled Marcus, holding the vampire closer to him. His right hand pressed the back of the ancient vampire’s head as his legs tightened around his waist. The blood combined with the pleasure his entire body was feeling electrified him. A powerful orgasm grew inside of him, erupting over him like a volcano. He cried out, his body twisting and jerking underneath Marcus as the vampire continued to feed their combined pleasure, experiencing his own release. The moment seemed to last forever, their bodies sealed in the rapture. Then, all of a sudden it was over, his body was slick with various fluids as he lay on the cold stones. Marcus was rising from the floor, looking down at him. When Christopher became aware of his surroundings, he wanted to cover himself, he wanted to turn away, but he didn’t. He looked at Marcus, not wanting the vampire to know how much he’d actually hurt him … humiliated him.

Now you know what it’s like to have sex with a man,” Marcus said, referring to Christopher’s curiosit concerning the matter.

Christopher looked up at him. “Let’s hope the real thing is better,” he retorted. He was so angry, ashamed and mortified. Still, he didn’t want them to know just how much they affected him.

Cute. Consider this act of kindness a favor as well.”

Just remember your promise,” Christopher reminded him. He said nothing else after that.

Marcus snorted, then turned toward Darian, walking over to him. He grabbed a handful of Darian’s jet-black mane, jerking his head upward. Leaning down, he kissed Darian, letting him taste the remnants of the blood he’d given to Christopher. Instinctively, Darian sucked the blood from Marcus’ tongue, the tiny drops sending his thirst into a frenzy.

Marcus pulled back, laughing. “I have something else you could suck. How would you like a taste of how sweet it was to be inside of him?” He leaned forward, his penis in his hand as he aimed it toward Darian’s parted mouth.

You sick son-of-a-bitch!” John yelled as he turned his head again, not wanting to see Darian assaulted as well.

Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn,” Marcus said, with a hearty laugh. He grabbed Darian’s jaw, pressing on it, opening his mouth wider. He was mere centimeters away when he paused. He let the Master vampire go, tilting his head upward, eyes closed.

Master, what’s wrong?” Raven asked.

I sense other supernaturals here, shifters.” He smiled. “It seems like your friends finally came for you.”

How did they know how to find us?” Raven asked, shocked.

Quiet, I’m trying to read their minds.” He stood still for several minutes then he opened his eyes. “They have another with them.”

An ancient one?” Alicia asked.

Yes.” Marcus frowned. “He must have been shielding their auras, because they’re close now. He’s protecting their thoughts, I can’t read their minds. This vampire had to let his shield down in order to penetrate mine. I wonder who this vampire is?” He looked down at Darian. “Perhaps your Maker?”

Adrian laughed. “Whooo! Kysen’s going to kick your fucking ass!”

Marcus smirked. “I seriously doubt that.” He turned to Alicia. “Tie him up. … ” He pointed toward Christopher. “ … And follow me.” He left the room with Raven behind him. Alicia began chaining Christopher to the wall with chains far too heavy and thick for him to break free from.

Adrian continued taunting her. “Your bitch-ass Master is going to die and so are you, ‘cause if I know one thing, Kysen won’t like that you messed with Darian.”

Shut up!” Alicia said, advancing on Adrian and striking him hard across the face, knocking him unconscious. She looked at Gabriel, Miranda and Sergio, giving them her most menacing glare before turning and leaving to help her Master pare.




Kysen sped through the streets, groaning because he was forced to take the standard mode of transportation. He would have much rather preferred to fly, he would have gotten there faster. In the back seat of the car, Xavier fed quickly from Elise, nearly sending her into an ecstatic frenzy. He himself had enjoyed feeding from Adan giving the young shifter the most amazing orgasm he’d ever experienced. When it was over, and their eyes locked, he was pleased to see the expression on Adan’s face was one of admiration and lust. In the back seat, Elise moaned loudly as Xavier finished feeding, pulling away, licking his lips. He adjusted himself in the seat.

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