The Lion's Den (47 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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They weren’t infiltrating!” Christopher was upset, angered by the overall response toward people he now considered friends and family.

How do you know? Perhaps there are some who really wanted to help, like Warren and Matthew. There could also be others who wanted the inside scoop, as they say.” Kysen interlocked his fingers, resting them on his stomach.

I’ve known Warren and Matt for a long time, and as jealous as I was of their success, I knew them to be great cops. We have to do something,” Gabriel said. He was also angry knowing what was happening across the country and the world.

What can you do? You’ve already been kicked to the curb by the S.U.I.T.?” Adrian asked.

I’m not going to sit on my ass while they pull the bullshit they’re pulling,” Gabriel said. “You guys have political contacts, right? People who are in the highest form of government. I mean, hell, if vampires can fucking hypnotize anyone you want to … you can do something.” He looked at Darian, then back at Kysen.

Why would I do that?” Kysen asked, one eyebrow rose.

Why would you stand back and let them do this to other supernaturals?” Christopher asked, apprehensively, not sure if he was ready to hear the vampire’s response or if he’d like it.

Because I don’t care. I’ve lived a long time and I’ve seen many rebellions break out. This one is no different. What will happen will happen, with or without supernatural interference. Best to let things be and see where it all goes. You may be pleasantly surprised with the results once the dust settles,” Kysen answered.

Or maybe, I’ll be completely aghast at what’s happened, wishing I had done something to prevent it,” Gabriel said. “I don’t understand you guys. You’re old enough, powerful enough to stop a lot of shit that’s happening to people, but you won’t, why?”

Because we shouldn’t try to control the world. When you start to think the minds and hearts of men are yours to own, you began to take y others right to free will. With this whole ordeal we’ve endured, you’ve gotten your first taste of a supernatural being who wanted to do just that. Tell me, was that experience just?” Darian asked everyone in general.

Hell no, of course it wasn’t!” Gabriel said.

It is what happens when you start to believe that your power should govern all,” Darian continued. “I do only what I must, and no more than that. I’ve seen over sixteen hundred years of human evolution, empires rise and fall and be reborn into something new … sometimes better, sometimes worse, but it’s part of history. Everything that has happened has in some way had an effect on you, made you the man you are. The same can be said for me. You’ll never learn if you don’t experience both the good and the bad.” Darian hoped to shed insight on why older, more powerful supernaturals tend to not interfere.

Is that your reasons, too?” Gabriel asked Kysen.

For the most part, yes. I understand Darian’s reasoning and he’s right. For me, however, I find this debacle somewhat entertaining.” Kysen smiled.

Besides, asking me and others like myself to step in and make all of the horrible things go away for you would be like us turning every human into a supernatural or giving them our blood simply because an outbreak of the Black Plague is consuming life. That epidemic was also something that had to happen in order for the world to remain balanced. Still, humans built a resistance and grew stronger over time in spite of losing over half of the world’s population. Moreover, our kind had nothing to do with it. Truth is, with life comes death. It’s what’s natural for humans,” Darian said.

It’s also human nature to destroy yourselves,” Kysen added.

Aside from that, when has the fight for freedom and equality ever been easy?” Xander said. “Let what will happen, happen. We’ll know what to do once we see where it’s all going.”

Gabriel looked at the three wise men, reflecting on what they said. He turned toward Darian. “What’s so wrong about giving your blood to science so that a cure could have been made?” he asked.

During that time, it wouldn’t have been a smart thing to do. I can just imagine the witch-hunts. Hell, even now, we’re still not accepted, and they know what we could offer them. Face it, Gabriel, humans don’t want our fucking help. Just ask those poor shifters who are on the run now. Or better yet, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you feel appreciated or wanted,” Adrian said.

Gabriel opened his mouth to protest, but closed it, thinking about his own situation. How he felt betrayed by his government and other S.U.I.T. officers. He looked away, remaining silent.

So, you’re not going to do anything?” Christopher presented the question again to anyone who would answer.

I’m going to be there for Warren, I won’t allow him to go to jail, nor will I allow them to kill him. Whatever happens at that point, I don’t know. I’ll let Warren deal with this situation as he sees fit and step in only if or when the situation gets out of his control,” Xander said, answering his question.

I see, I guess this would be a part of the co-existence,” Christopher said, slouching slightly in his seat.

The good and the bad, yes. We have to look to the
to take control of this until it looks like we
intervene,” Xavier said.

Enough of this chatter. We should all get some sleep, besides, the sun will be rising soon where we’re headed,” Kysen said.

I see you’re taking your time going back to Montana,” Xander said.

I am. Piloting this aircraft isn’t an easy feat. It’s draining. Besides, the urgency is past us. I’d much rather be relaxing at this point,” Kysen answered.

That’s fine with me, I’m tired as hell anyway,” Adrian said, stretching out completely on the sofa. He looked at Adan, who was sleeping on the sofa then at Miranda, Sergio and Elise who were cuddled together on the other sofa, sound asleep. He scoffed. “Just like some cats. I’m glad she’s going to be okay.” His eyes settled on Elise.

Xavier chuckled. “I remember when you first met her, I thought she was going to kick your ass. Not that you wouldn’t have had it coming. You were out of line.”

When?” Adrian looked at him, eyebrows furled.

In Moscow, a few years ago. You came in as if you were the
big deal
, cocky as ever. You laughed at her and I remember the words you two exchanged.”

Oh, yeah … that’s right. I had every right to be cocky; I’m the shit. But I did step out of line and I knew it. Nagesa told my Dad about what had happened and he scolded me, too, for disrespecting her.” Adrian smiled to himself, thinking back.

Why would you be cocky?” Gabriel asked, breaking his own silence.

Because they were in some pretty deep shit in Moscow and needed help. I’m an enforcer within my Pack and my father sent only Nagesa and myself to assist them. I knew he trusted me to get the job done and that’s what I was going to do. Besides, I’m just cocky by nature.” Adrian winked at him.

Enforcer? What’s that?” Gabriel asked.

Well, that depends on your community. Most Prides don’t have such appointed positions … hell, some Packs don’t either. My Dad was in the military and needless to say, he’s very structured,” Adrian said.

You didn’t answer his question,” Xavier teased.

I was getting to the point,” Adrian said.

Eventually, I hope,” Xavier retorted.

Eventually.” Adrian smiled widely at him. He turned toward Gabriel. “We enforcers are charged with tracking down rogue shifters who have entered my Dad’s territory uninvited. We also seek out newly turned sifters whom our Alpha believes need help and a place to learn what they are and how to survive. We’re also highly trained in tactical and physical defense.”

Oh, I guess enforcers are a good thing to have around,” Gabriel agreed.

I’m still hearing mindless chatter,” Kysen interrupted, clearly annoyed.

I don’t think it’s mindless,” Christopher said. He had been enjoying the conversations, learning new things.

I do,” Kysen retorted, His head rested on the back of the cushion, his eyes were closed as he tried to rest.

Should you be resting anyway? I mean, who’s going to fly the plane if you’re asleep?” Christopher asked, getting instantly nervous after he remembered how Kysen was piloting the plane.

Kysen opened one eye. “Afraid I’m going to crash the airplane?”

Hell yes!”

Kysen laughed. “I’m not. Don’t worry.”

What about fuel?”

Would you believe me if I told you we ran completely out of fuel an hour ago?”

What the fuck!” Christopher began to panic.

I don’t need fuel to keep this plane afloat. Don’t worry,” Kysen repeated. ”It was just easier for me to do so when the aircraft had fuel.”

Christopher, it’s going to be fine. Kysen is very powerful and you don’t have anything to worry about,” Darian said.

Christopher glanced at Kysen; he nodded as he slowly settled uneasily into his chair.

Darian looked toward the other end of the plane, seeing his gold sarcophagus in the corner. “I see you’ve kept my old resting place.”

Kysen glanced at the sarcophagus, then back at him. “Yes.”

I’ve been meaning to ask you this, but is that made out of real solid gold and jewels?” Christopher asked, looking at the sarcophagus.

Yes,” Kysen answered. “Real solid gold and authentic and rare jewels, it’s priceless. But not nearly as precious or beautiful to me as the vampire who used to rest inside.” He looked at Darian.

Darian returned Kysen’s gaze, smiling at his Maker and Master.

Christopher snickered. “I guess if you ever go broke you could sell it.”

Kysen turned toward him, giving him the “look”. The one that told Christopher he’d better not say another word as he was beginning to annoy the older vampire immensely.

Christopher turned away from Kysen’s gaze. He was beginning to understand why John, Devin and Justin said they felt uneasy around the ancient vampire. “I guess I’ll go to sleep now.” He lay downookthe floor in front of the sofa Adrian was laying on.

Xavier laughed softly to himself at both vampires. He settled more comfortably into the cushions beside Darian, laying his head on his lover’s shoulder. Kysen watched the two men bonding once again, both happy to be reunited. He laid his head back against the cushion, closing his eyes once again. Within the hour, they were all resting, their bodies finally getting the relaxation it needed. Hours passed on the flight back. The sun was shining brightly when they finally landed on Kysen’s private airstrip. Gently, he lowered Darian’s resting body into the gold and jeweled encrusted sarcophagus. He gazed down lovingly at his child for a few minutes, remembering days of the past when this would be their morning routine. He smiled to himself before opening the second coffin, placing Xavier inside. For the third coffin, he placed John and Christopher inside. He stepped closer to Elise. Since she was fully healed, he tapped her on the shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around.

Are we home?” she asked in a soft French accent.

Kysen nodded. “Well,
home, but American soil, nonetheless.”

Elise sat up, shaking Sergio awake along with Miranda. The three began to rise to their feet, stretching. Sergio woke Xander up then Adrian, Adan and Gabriel.

We’re home,” he said.

Shit, it’s about time. I can’t wait to see everyone else,” Adrian said as he swiftly climbed to his feet. He made his way toward the coffin containing John and Christopher, hoisting it up onto his shoulder.

Sergio walked toward Darian’s gold encrusted sarcophagus, stooping down to pick it up.

I’ve got it,” Kysen said, halting the shifter.

Oh, I see. I’ll guess I’ll get the one that doesn’t contain your
one,” Sergio teased.

Please do,” Kysen replied with a hint of agitation. He would be ecstatic once his uninvited houseguests returned to their own territory, leaving him to his peace and quiet. He lifted Darian’s sarcophagus effortlessly, carrying it as if it weighed nothing at all. They loaded the SUVs and headed for Kysen’s mansion. Once they arrived, Kysen placed Darian’s sarcophagus gently on the floor in the den. He watched the others as they hugged and kissed each other, looking over one another, making sure they were all right. Sebastian was extremely relieved and happy to see that his father was alive and unharmed. Elise had fully recovered from her injuries and was hugging Madeleine, thanking her for taking care of her little ones. Tatiana and Xander shared a long, passionate kiss, before she grabbed her son, covering him with kisses on his forehead and cheeks, hugging him tightly. Barry patted Gabriel on his back, coming out of a hearty hug, happy to see his best friend and partner back in one piece. Natasha peeked inside the two coffins containing her lovers and smiled. She would have to wait until nightfall to reunite with them properly.

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