The Lion's Den (48 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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Kysen gave them the time he felt was enough for their reunion before he interrupted. “I suppose you’ll be departing at sundown?” he asked, looking to Elise, then Xander.

You’re really in a hurry to get rid of us, aren’t you?” Adan asked.

Kysen looked in his direction. “You can say that. I do miss my solitude. Already, as I look around my mansion, I see a pair of shoes in the corner that weren’t there before.”

Oh! I’m sorry, those are mine,” Devin said, rushing over to the discarded shoes, hurriedly slipping them on.

Kysen continued to complain. “The incessant and annoying sounds of tiny children wailing have completely drowned out the tranquil trickling of my water fountain over there,” he pointed to the beautifully hand-carved granite cascading water fountain mounted in the wall beside his throne-like chair.

Okay, we get it. As soon as Darian and the others rise, we’ll be out of your hair,” Sergio said. He was as anxious to leave the mansion as Kysen was to have them gone. He didn’t like feeling unwanted.

Until sundown, then.” Kysen turned, leaving the den to his “guests”.

They watched him leave. No one said a word for several moments.

I don’t know about ya’ll but I’m ready to get the hell out of here. Dude is
uptight,” Sebastian said once he figured Kysen was out of an earshot range.

You know he can still hear you,” Warren said.

Oh,” Sebastian’s mouth was a perfect “O”. “I didn’t think about that.”

A lot of the ancient ones are that way. Most are completely jaded and often don’t like being disturbed,” Elise stated.

Adrian nodded in Adan’s direction. “What’s up with you two?”

Adan frowned. “What do you mean?”

The thing that’s going on between you and Kysen. You seem like the only one he can tolerate

to tolerate. Well, you and Darian, that is,” Adrian replied.

Nothing. He’s arrogant, obnoxious and far too finicky for my taste,” Adan said, reflecting on the personality traits Kysen had that he didn’t like. Although, he was greatly attracted to all the ones he refused to mention. Such as Kysen’s exotic, breathtaking beauty, his strength, knowledge, charm and wit, just to name a few.

Adrian smirked, knowing there was something more to it, even if Adan didn’t want to admit it. He decided to drop the topic. “Oookay,” he said, turning away, finding a seat to relax in.

So, we’re here for a few more hours. We should get the planes ready for our flight home,” Tatiana said. She used her cell phone, making the call. Elise did the same.

They waited for the sun to set. When the sun disappeared behind the horizon, Kysen returned to the den just as the gold and jeweled encrusted sarcophagus lid opened. Darian climbed out, stretching once he was on his feet again. He greeted the others then looked to his Master.

Hello Kysen,” he smiled at him.

Good evening, Darian,” Kysen replied.

I have something I want to speak with you about,” Darian said, walking toward Kysen, taking him by the hand, leading him out of the den. The others were curious, but no one dared to interrupt the two men.

Inside the privacy of Kysen’s soundproof bedroom, Darian sat his Master down on the edge of the bed.

Remember how wonderful it was the last time we were in this room together?” Kysen asked, hoping to seduce his young lover once again. He leaned back, giving Darian a perfect view of his muscular frame and the impressive bulge of his groin.

Darian’s eyes devoured his Master’s physique. For a moment, he wanted to mount that glorious body and devour him in a more physical and pleasurable way. He pushed his lust back and focused on the reason he wanted to be alone with Kysen. “That’s not what I wanted to discuss with you … but I do remember.” He flashed him his signature charming smile before continuing. “It’s about you.”

Kysen’s interest was piqued. He sat up straight, one eyebrow arched. “Me?”

You’re lonely, I know this. You may be all powerful, but that doesn’t protect you from the loneliness. You said it yourself the last time we were in this room together.”

Darian, as they say in this instant gratification era where people are completely void of tolerance or patience or both, ‘what are you getting at’?”

And they call me long-winded,” Darian mumbled.

I heard that.”

I’m sure you did. Listen, I want you to be happy.”

Then come back to me.”

You know I can’t do that … I won’t,” Darian corrected himself. “At least not now.”

I get the sickening and distinct feeling you’re trying to play matchmaker.” Kysen lay back against the silken covered mattress, gazing down at his eternal child.

And if I am, it’s not as if there’s nothing there. I watched Adan and you together. Your attraction for each other is quite evident even if you want to ignore it.”

I’m not ignoring it.” Kysen cracked a smile without meaning to.

Good. I mean it’s been a while since you’ve been with someone. I think Adan would be good for you and you’d be foolish not to pursue him.”

I’ve thought about it. To have him with me on a more long term basis, but then I thought about his Pride. They would come trailing behind him and that was a less pleasing notion.”

It’s not like your land isn’t benough, or home for that matter.”

Not the point.”

Who did you take as your companion when I left?”

One of my former children came back to me for a time, but there’s been no one new.”



Julius!” Darian rolled his eyes upward. “He such a … as they say, ‘twat’.”

Kysen chuckled. “He said the same thing about you. Well, not in those exact words, that is. He helped me get through a tough time when you left me.”

Darian lowered his gaze, feeling a bit guilty for the pain he had caused his old lover and Maker. “Again, I’m sorry that I made you go through that, but I did what I felt was best for me, Kysen.”

You don’t have to explain, Darian. I understand. I understood then.”

Master, how many years do you plan to spend in solitude? How long is too long?” Darian asked, getting back to the original topic.

You’re really this concerned about my state of being?” Kysen was touched, although he wouldn’t outright admit it.

I love you, of course I am. You’ve taught me how to find peace and happiness. After eight-hundred years, don’t you think it’s time you’ve done the same?”

I don’t know … he’s brash, outspoken, very young, extremely cocky. Come to think of it, he does remind me of someone,” Kysen said, smiling knowingly at Darian before his expression grew more serious. “He’s not immortal. He’s not a vampire. My time with him would end eventually.”

Even if he was, there may still come a time when you may want to part.”

Think you that I want to go through that pain again?”

Your fear of that pain is what keeps you depressed, Kysen.”

Is this my old pupil teaching me a new lesson?” Kysen asked, one eyebrow rose. He was surprised and impressed by Darian’s insight.

Darian smiled. “Well, someone has to. Don’t let what happened between you and I or you and Irikara stop you from moving on. This really isn’t a new lesson, but only a paraphrasing of what you told me last night.”

Kysen was silent, thinking about what he had said. “You really think we’re compatible?”

I think you both have something to offer each other … yes, I do.”

We had a rather ill beginning.”

When you exerted your power over him?”

At that time, he was pretty to look at, but he’d aggravated me immensely.”

Darian chuckled. “For as long as I’ve known him, he’s been outspoken. Besides, I have an inkling your outburst may have turned him on, once he was done fuming over it.”

He likes powerful men. I did get that from him when he shared his blood with me, twice.”

You took advantage.”

Of course I did. I want him.”

So what’s stopping you from pursuing him? Besides, I’ve learned something new during this whole fiasco.”

And that is?”

If you give Adan your blood, there’s no telling how long he’ll live. You may or may not want to spend eternity together, but whatever time you do share, don’t you think it’s worth it?”

Did anyone ever tell you that you have a secure future in motivational speaking?”

Darian chuckled. “No.”

I’ll make this move. Once you and your brood vacate my home, I will see if he wants to join me.”

Darian smiled pleasantly. “I’m glad to hear that.”

Remember what I told you. You’re still powerful and the Master of your own territory. Don’t let this incident make you weak.” Kysen sat up on the bed.

I won’t. What you said to me meant a lot; thank you.”

Kysen nodded. “Now, if you please, take your friends and those wailing children home with you.”

All right, Kysen, we’re leaving.” Darian turned heading for the door, when Kysen reached out, grabbing his arm. “Yes?”

You, however, are always welcome,” Kysen said, then he leaned forward, kissing Darian passionately. The two men shared their moment, and then Darian broke the kiss.

Thank you,” Darian replied. He opened the door and they left the bedroom. The two men made their way back downstairs toward the den, which was now empty. The others had decided to leave the mansion and were now waiting for Darian to join them in the driveway.

Hmmm … do you think I was a gracious host?” Kysen joked.

What do you think? Your guests didn’t even want you to see them out,” Darian said with a chuckle.

Kysen rolled his eyes. “Refugees, is more like it. Not ‘guests’. I’ll walk you to the door.” He led Darian toward the front door, opening it. Darian thanked him once again, before climbing into the same SUV where Xavier and Natasha were waiting. Kysen walked toward the SUV where Adan was sitting in the front passenger seat, he leaned in.

May I speak with you privately?” Kysen asked.

All right,” Adan said, he climbed out of the truck to speak with Kysen away from nosey eyes and ears. The two went back inside the mansion leaving the others to speculate.

You and your Pride are welcomed to stay if you like,” Kysen said, once inside.

Adan’s expression froze, shocked at Kysen’s suggestion. “Are you serious?”

Kysen nodded. “Yes, I rarely joke, especially not about anything this important. I don’t know the situation your own territory is in, or even if you still have it. But as you can see, there’s enough space here for us if you choose to stay.”

Adan looked at the ancient vampire. “Why did you suggest that I move in here with you?”

Because I want you and I know that you want me.”

Are you always this … forthright?”

Even eternal life is too short for regrets. I don’t waste time when I see something … or someone I want,” Kysen said. “You didn’t give me an answer.” He reached up, lightly stroking the smooth curve of Adan’s jaw line.

Adan appeared to be thinking, he looked up at Kysen. “It gets really cold here.”

Intemperate climates really don’t affect shifters. Besides, there are plenty of animals you can hunt over my vast land.”

My other home was warm and comfy.”

As you can feel, so is this one. There are no other supernaturals in this area and you’ll never have to worry about fighting for your territory again.”

I don’t know, you seem as if you don’t like to share what’s yours.”

I am very generous to those whom I share my life with.”

I’ll have you know, I like to top as well.”

That’s perfectly fine with me. Sometimes I enjoy being taken. Is this conversation going to continue on this way, us negotiating the terms of our relationship?”

Adan laughed. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now,” he said. Reaching up, he grabbed the back of Kysen’s head, bringing his face to his own, kissing the vampire hungrily. Their tongues caressed as their hands explored each other’s bodies. Kysen pressed Adan’s back against the door, his hands beginning to unbutton Adan’s shirt. Before he could remove it, the doorbell rang, interrupting the two men. Kysen looked up, breaking his kiss.

I suppose they’re ready to leave,” he said, looking down at Adan.

I suppose.” Adan buttoned his shirt, making himself look presentable. He gave Kysen another long, yearning look, biting his bottom lip as his eyes traveled up the ancient vampire’s powerful and beautiful body. Regretfully, he turned, opening the door to see Danielle standing before him.

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