The Love Resort (3 page)

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Authors: Faith Bleasdale

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: The Love Resort
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‘Hello, Lily, take a seat.’

Anne-Marie showed Lily to the sofa and handed her a glass of champagne. Lily took it with thanks. She was terrified. Anne-Marie being nice was scarier than her being nasty.

‘Evening, Lily.’ Ed approached, freshly showered.

A wave of desire passed over her and she had to hold herself back. ‘Ed.’

They both looked at the floor.

‘We’ll eat shortly. Oh, I wanted to tell you that my dear friend and publisher, Abigail, will be arriving next week. She wants to see the resort for herself and is going to help us to overcome our difficulties.’

‘That’s wonderful news,’ Lily responded, looking at Ed as his face froze in what looked like horror.

‘I want the best bungalow made available for her.’ As in the office, Anne-Marie was issuing orders.

‘I’m not sure but I think that it might be booked,’ Ed mumbled.

‘Well, do what you can. I want her to be comfortable. The two of us will be shut away up here most of the days working, so don’t worry about the office being overcrowded.’

Ed nodded and Lily wanted to jump for joy. Anne-Marie’s publisher arriving would mean that she, Lily, and Ed spent their days alone together. How perfect. All thoughts of being killed were replaced by imagining what she and Ed would get up to.

‘I’ll check out the bookings tomorrow.’

‘Shall we sit?’ As Anne-Marie swept to the table, they followed her silently; Lily was still not exactly sure what it was that her employer wanted from her.

‘Lily, I do hope you like oysters. So romantic, don’t you think?’

‘I do.’ She wished that this was her and Ed, alone with the champagne and the oysters, and then they’d get naked and go to the Jacuzzi and then...

‘Lily? Lily, did you hear me?’

She looked up and shook her head. ‘Gee, sorry, Anne-Marie, these oysters are too good.’ She laughed, and Ed noisily joined in.

‘I said that I wish to run a competition,’ Anne-Marie announced triumphantly.

‘Really? What kind?’ Lily tried to focus, telling herself not to look at Ed.

‘A new love competition. You see, it will be open to anyone under the age of thirty who is in the first year of a relationship.’

‘What?’ Ed asked.

‘I know, it’s so exciting. Sorry, I’ll calm down and try to explain slowly. We are going to launch what I’m calling “the New Love package”. It’s to encourage younger people who are in newish relationships. They don’t have to be under thirty officially, but our competition winners will be selected on that basis. We need to be more aggressive in our quest to find the right people for our resort.’

‘Anne-Marie, this competition, when will we run it?’ Lily drank more champagne and sucked down another oyster. She was beginning to feel tipsy, and wondered if Ed would get away later so they could be together.

is my choice of publication for the launch, and as the biggest competitor of the
it’s perfect. It’ll teach them not to mess with me. Also, it’s read by educated, attractive young people. We offer young couples the chance to win our new package and then
does an article on their time here, and then all lovely young people will want to come. Lily, you might have to pull some strings to get it in quickly. I want the competition winners here as soon as possible.’

‘It might take time,’ Ed said.

‘I know, darling, but I’m sure Lily can pull it off.’

Lily was well aware that it wasn’t a strong belief in her abilities that prompted this; it was nothing more than an order.

‘How much are we going to charge for the package?’ Ed sounded concerned.

‘You can work that out. I just want the young people here.’ Anne-Marie’s eyes darkened, but then she smiled. ‘So, here’s how this competition works. We get a spread in
, describing the resort, and in return we offer two weeks, all-inclusive, to three couples, but they have to have been together for less than a year, obviously. I want new passion and romance, not the old worn-out kind we seem to get now. I don’t care about the competition question—you do that, Lily—but what I do want is a photo of the couples with the entries and a brief profile. I’m going to judge this competition myself and the winners will be the best-looking couples.’

‘I’ll get on to it first thing,’ Lily offered, trying to hold herself together. She was feeling incredibly horny.

‘Are we paying for their flights?’

‘Yes, economy. If you’re so concerned about saving money, Ed, you can pick them up from the airport yourself.’ Anne-Marie laughed nastily. ‘And on that note, I’m going to bed. Ed, you can check the resort; make sure the ugly guests are happy. And tell the staff I shall be lunching in the restaurant tomorrow. My public deserves to see me occasionally, I suppose.’ She shook her head and swept away.

Lily watched her go, then grabbed Ed and dragged him outside. As soon as they got to the bushes by the house, hidden from view, she undid his belt, pulled his pants down, then hitched up her skirt as she pushed him to the ground...

‘My God,’ Ed said, as they re-dressed. Lily giggled. ‘Come on, I’ll walk you back to your bungalow.’

As Ed led Lily to her bedroom, they were silent. They began to undress, more slowly this time, each looking at the other as they did so. Just as Lily was unfastening her skirt, the telephone rang. She snatched it up, noticing the look of fear on Ed’s face and hating that aspect of their relationship.

‘Lily Bailey.’ She tried to smile reassuringly at Ed, who looked increasingly uncomfortable. ‘Harriet?’ Lily said. ‘Of course, how are you...?’


Lily hung up; Ed was lying back on the bed, his shirt open. She moved towards him and kissed him, barely able to control her glee.

‘Are you going to tell me who that was?’ Ed asked.

‘Baby, you are not going to believe this.’







Anne-Marie Langdale had a vision. The vision was of a place that can only be described as heaven on earth, a place that epitomises Love. As Anne-Marie describes in her own words:*

If Love were a place, it would be here

If Love was a flower, it would grow here

If Love was the stars, they would glow here

But Love is a feeling, so warm and true

And as Love is a feeling, it is felt here.


*This is an extract from an exclusive poem by Anne-Marie Langdale, given as a gift with every booking.


Todd Cortes sat in the boardroom, looked at the legal document in front of him and sighed. What on earth had he done?

He was a movie star. He was a heart-throb. He was a good actor. He had built his career on ‘pretty boy’ parts, but now after proving he could take on serious roles, he was in a strong position. However, his personal life wasn’t. Todd was gay. He’d known he was gay for as long as he could remember and despite modern society’s increasingly
attitudes, Hollywood wouldn’t let him be gay. He had always been honest with the Studios he’d worked for, and in return they had told him, honestly, that he had to pretend to be straight. Hence a number of fake girlfriends (normally using women that needed publicity), and a real private life so highly secret the CIA would be proud of it.

But that had all changed. He was working for a Studio who had offered him the chance to direct his next film. It was his ultimate aim; he loved acting but had been itching to get behind the camera for a while. After two big smashes for the Studio, they had given him their offer. And then they’d given him their price.

He’d had a close call—almost too close—and the result had been that the studio publicity department had ordered Todd to date Katie Ray, an actress with the biggest ego on the planet. She was a terrible actress, a horrible person, a typical diva, who, Todd knew, had used sex to get her where she was. She was everything he despised about Hollywood, although, with his lies, he was becoming so too.

Katie had been generating bad publicity due to her attitude, and the Studio still had her under contract for more films. They wanted the public to like her, to ensure that the box office reflected that, and the publicity department decided that the only way to do this was to get her to date Todd. She would also appear in the film he was to direct. Everyone loved Todd, so therefore if Todd loved Katie, everyone would love Katie. And they would also be convinced that Todd was straight. Simple. Katie agreed; she would do anything for fame. But now the situation was out of control. And Todd didn’t know what to do. He also knew, deep down, that he had no choice.

Todd looked at his watch. Why was she always late? He wondered how many marriages were discussed in a meeting room. Probably more than he thought. Todd, as usual, did as he was told. He didn’t believe he had a choice. His career meant the world to him, thus he had sold his soul to the Studio. That wasn’t the worst of it, he mused as he took his seat, as everyone started fawning around him. The worst thing, the very worst thing, was that he was a total fraud and he was going to be living an even bigger lie.

sorry I’m late, Todd,’ Katie said, as she flung open the door and made her entrance. She went straight up to him, kissing him on the lips before plonking herself down in the chair next to him, purposely flashing as much leg as she could, and her knickers into the bargain. Todd rolled his eyes.

‘At least you’re here,’ Harriet, their appointed publicist, replied dryly. ‘As we don’t have much time, I’ll get straight to the point. The wedding is soon. The planner is working on the details now, and will be seeing me tomorrow to discuss it. Then we’ll pick a date. The press will be given false stories, we need to keep them off the scent, and then, at the last minute, correct details will be leaked.’

‘Is that necessary?’ Todd paled. The publicist was following her orders, he knew that, but the way she was talking about them, it left him feeling as if he were nothing more than a commodity. Which, he admitted to himself, was exactly what he was to the studio bosses.

‘It is. We need coverage. Then there’s the honeymoon.’

‘No one said anything about a honeymoon.’ Todd trembled.

‘But what a wonderful idea,’ Katie added, licking her lips.

‘They decided at the last minute. Otherwise it looks suspicious. So, here’s what you’re going to do. We did some research; we wanted something that would give you the romantic image we’re trying to project. So, you’ll spend two weeks—’

‘Two weeks?’ Todd’s eyes were wide with horror.

‘Yes, two weeks. At The Love Resort.’

The silence was all-consuming.

Todd didn’t know what to think. The agreement he’d signed mentioned a marriage but not a honeymoon. He weighed up the chances of objecting but he looked around the table at the happiness shining on the faces of the moneymen, the people who would really benefit from this wedding, and knew that he wouldn’t be able to get out of it now. So, he, Katie and The Love Resort it would be then.

A fake wedding, a fake honeymoon, and a fake bridegroom. He was losing his pride, his honour, and he was deceiving people who paid to see him in films. He didn’t feel great about himself, but he told himself that it was temporary. As soon as he directed his film, made it a success, then he’d face the world with his truth and be able to stop living a lie. The problem was that the idea of coming out to the world terrified him almost as much as it terrified the Studio. He was going to have to add ‘coward’ to his ever-growing list of negative traits.

He snuck a look at his wife-to-be, who had furrowed her brow (how with all the Botox she was rumoured to have had, he had no idea), and seemed to be trying to look thoughtful. He resisted the urge to laugh; he wasn’t sure if Katie even knew how to think.

‘The Love Resort sounds real tacky,’ Katie said. ‘Why can’t we stay on a deserted island. Of course, a luxury deserted island. You know, somewhere where we’re alone. Apart from the staff.’

‘The resort is owned by Anne-Marie Langdale, the famous novelist,’ Harriet explained, ignoring Katie’s comments. ‘It’s exclusive, and it’s romantic. You guys will prove how genuine your love is by staying at The Love Resort. Perfect. It’s for couples only; it’ll probably be full of honeymooners. You’ll be in luxury accommodation and we will have you flown over there by private jet.’

‘Really? Private jet?’ Katie crossed her legs, showing another flash of her underwear. The men in the room were all turning red. Todd looked away.

‘Yes, Katie, and I’ve been assured that you will have your own private swimming pool and Jacuzzi, and your own cook, so that although you will be expected to be seen around the resort sometimes, most of the time you will have all the privacy that you crave. Well, as long as the publicity is done.’

‘Oh, well, maybe I’ll consider it.’

‘No, Katie, you won’t consider it, because it’s already been decided.’

‘So, here are the plans.’ Harriet stood up in the large room. Twenty of the top studio executives stared at her. She turned to Todd and Katie. Katie was flicking her over-highlighted hair, Todd looked and felt as if he was about to be beheaded; he refused to meet Harriet’s eyes. She cleared her throat. ‘The wedding will take place as soon as possible, fitting in with all schedules. It’ll be held at Bernie’s house, which he has kindly lent for the occasion.’

‘My pleasure.’ Bernie Chester was the head of the Studio and one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.

‘So, Bernie is also giving Katie away. We’ll invite four hundred people, the closest friends of everyone involved, and everything is set. We’ve told the press they’re going to Vegas this week. Next week, we’ll leak that they’re going to marry in Malibu, and so on until someone will leak the truth. We invite the press to gather outside the venue and we promise them a photo call, which will keep the fans happy at the same time.’

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