The Marchese's Love-Child (27 page)

BOOK: The Marchese's Love-Child
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And, as he came in his turn, Sandro cried out her name as if it had been dragged from the very depths of his being.

Afterwards, they lay wrapped together, sated and languid. 'Am I forgiven?' he whispered.

'For the other night?' She stretched herself against him bone-lessly, smiling against his shoulder. 'Far too early to tell, excellenza.'

'Dio mio. You have other penances in mind?'

'Enough to last for the rest of our lives.' Polly sighed luxuriously. 'And only an hour ago, I thought I would never be happy again.'

'I always hoped, mi adorata? Sandra said drowsily. 'Even when it seemed all hope was gone.'

'Now we have something better than hope,' she told him gently. 'We have each other. Forever.' And she pressed her lips tenderly to his scarred cheek.

ISBN: 1-55254-764-7

Copyright © 2006 Harlequin Books S.A.


The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

The Marchese's Love-Child Copyright © 2004 by Sara Craven

The Italian's Marriage Demand Copyright © 2005 by Diana Hamilton

Public Wife, Private Mistress Copyright © 2005 by Sarah Morgan

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About the Author

Sara Craven

Sara Craven shares her somerset home with a West Highland white terrier called Berlie Wooster, several thousand books, and an amazing video collection.

When she's not writing, she likes to travel in Europe, eat in good restaurants, and go to the theater, but reading will always be her greatest passion.

Since the birth of her twin grandchildren, she is a regular visitor to New York City, where the little tots


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