The Men With the Golden Cuffs (21 page)

BOOK: The Men With the Golden Cuffs
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Jake huffed. “No, it’s a large butt plug. It’s for training, Serena. Jenna has been somewhat resistant to anal sex, but she swears she wants to try it. Ian won’t fuck her ass until he’s prepared her.”

“For a horse? Seriously, Jacob, that thing is huge.” And she was kind of curious as to what was going to happen. It was odd, but knowing that everyone here had a contract and that everything was consensual made it seem all right to watch.

Jake shook his head. “You’re kidding, right?”

She turned back to Jake. “About how big that thing is? No. I am not. I think we need to cross that apparatus off the list.”

His voice dipped low as he leaned in. “Serena, I’m bigger than that plug.”

She stared at him, her mind completely off the plug now. She couldn’t help it. She looked down at his leathers. “No way.”

A big grin crossed his face. “Way. Adam’s not far behind me. And from what I’ve seen, poor Jenna probably has another two steps up before she takes on Ian. I have no idea how he functions. He should pass out from having so little blood in his brain. Now stop worrying about something that isn’t happening yet and answer the question. Bench or lap?”

She was nervous. She was excited. She was somewhat aroused. She was really aroused. And she was definitely interested in whether Jake was telling the truth or not. Her mouth kind of watered at the idea of it. How big was he? She’d only slept with Doyle, and it hadn’t been that great. It had mostly been an exercise in futility and frustration. What if she was the problem? Doyle had always claimed that she was, and now he was sleeping with a perky little grad student. What if he’d been right, and she really was frigid? What if she disappointed Jake? What if this all fell apart just when it seemed to be getting good?

“Lap it is, then.” He reached down and picked her up as though she weighed next to nothing. He made her feel so delicate.

“Jake, what are you doing?” She looked around, but no one seemed to care that she was being kidnapped.

He walked away from the stage toward the back of the dungeon. “I think we’ll make this first punishment private. I want to get you out of that head of yours. I don’t like it when you disappear like you just did. I have no idea what was going on inside that brain, but I didn’t like the expression it put on your face.”

A man in leathers stood in front of a small hallway.

“You need a room, Jake?” The big man handed him a key. “Five is free and fully stocked.”

“Thanks, Glen. And if Ian asks,” Jake began.

Glen shrugged. “I never see anything. I’m practically fucking blind, man. And I wouldn’t stand in the path of true love. Ian’s got a black heart.”

Serena blushed at the thought, but Jake just thanked the man and started walking toward the room numbered five. Privacy rooms. For doing stuff. Sex stuff. Kinky stuff. Spankings. And sex. She was going to be alone with Jacob Dean. She was going to be half naked, and maybe totally naked, and then he would see her cellulite. God, why hadn’t she thought about wearing some sort of girdle? What was she thinking? They had barely let her have a thong. Her panties were in Jake’s pocket, hanging out for all to see. He probably wouldn’t like her covered in a girdle.

“You see, there it is. You just went somewhere else when you should be with me.” He set her on her feet and had the door open in an instant. He hustled her in and turned on the light. The room was like a little mini playroom. There was a spanking bench, a wall full of implements, and a big bed. A big, comfy-looking bed.

She was alone with him.

“What were you thinking about? Tell me now.” He used that deep, dark voice on her. She found it almost impossible to resist.

Well, she was nothing if not honest. “I was worried about how I’ll look when you take my clothes off.”

He shook his head and sat down on the bed. His muscular legs were spread apart, his arms going across that cut chest of his. “I’m not going to take off your clothes, Serena. If you thought I would take you back here and rip your clothes off, you’re going to be disappointed.”

She was, actually. And now she was embarrassed. That had been a big assumption on her part. She’d kind of thought that since Adam had made it plain he wanted her, that meant Jake wanted her, too. But he was obviously just playing a role. But he’d kissed her. She had to get it out of her head. This was what a lot of people did. They played. It wasn’t serious. It was just casual sex. The trouble was she wasn’t a casual type of girl. “Sorry. I just thought since we were alone that you would…”

Jake cut her off with a curt shake of his head. “Make it easy on you? No way. You’re going to undress for me. Slowly. You’re going to show me your breasts and your pussy and your ass, and then you’ll lay yourself across my lap and you will accept my discipline. What are your safewords?”

He’d had them written into their contract. “Yellow and red.” Yellow slowed things down, and red stopped them altogether. She was kind of worried that a big yellow light was in her future. She was confused, but that was probably more about her than him. She didn’t have a whole lot of experience. All the men she’d dreamed about lately were in her books. They were safe.

“Why are you scared, Serena?”

“I’m worried that you won’t want me once you see me naked, and I want for you to want me.”

He smiled, a long, slow parting of his lips. “Excellent. I appreciate the honesty, baby. I can’t tell you how much I love the fact that you don’t play games. So I won’t either. I find you intensely attractive. I have had a fucking hard-on since the day you walked into my office. Now, do as I asked and take off your clothes. You won’t know until you try.”

Be brave. It was what she preached in her books. It was time to take a page out of one. None of her heroines got what they wanted without learning to ask for it. She started to undo the corset, remarkably aware of just how awkward she was. She could still hear Doyle telling her she wasn’t sexy. But when she looked up, Jake was smiling at her as though he found her awkwardness endearing.

“Go as slow or as fast as you like, sweetheart. I’ll just enjoy the show.”

She took a deep breath. She felt safe with Jacob Dean. Days of living with him had made her comfortable. She unhooked the first hook and then the second, her breasts spilling out. She laid the corset aside with shaking hands.

“Show me your breasts, Serena.” His tone had gotten slow, his accent thicker than before. He was a southern boy.

She cupped them. They’d always seemed too big, but Jake’s eyes ate her up. It made her nipples hard, her pussy wet, her heart soar. She could ignore everything except her heart. But he was engaging her, and it had been so damn long since she’d really wanted.

“Now get rid of the skirt. I want to see your pussy.”

She didn’t hesitate this time. She pushed the skirt off her hips.

“Very nice, baby.” Jake’s voice soothed her. She understood why he’d brought her here. He’d wanted the privacy because she wasn’t thinking about anything or anyone but him. There was a small part of her that still worried about such trivial things as cellulite, but here, in this place with Jacob, it was easy to silence that minor voice.

The air was cool on her skin, but his eyes were hot. He raised his hands and made a little circle, silently requesting that she turn. He wanted to look at her backside. Her ass, he would say in his deep, gravelly voice. He wanted to look at her ass, and he wasn’t expecting perfection. He was expecting curves and softness. He was expecting her.

She turned, confidence in her every move. He’d told her what he wanted, and she had zero reason to think he was lying. He’d been honest with her. He’d been hurt, and he hadn’t trusted her. Now he wanted her, and he wouldn’t hold back. They were an oddly matched set, both insecure in their own ways. She could feel him looking at her. She breathed in and let it happen.

“Very nice, baby. It’s time, though. Come here and place yourself over my lap.” He patted his lap.

It was time to be in or out. She knew what she was. She was in. She wasn’t about to stop now. She wanted to know where this went and if it was the place for her. She’d dreamed of this. She turned and walked to Jacob. He held out a hand and helped her drape herself over his lap. Her ass was in the air, his knee across her torso. She wiggled a little to try to get comfortable, but Jacob put a hand on her back, and she stilled.

“Where are you, Serena?”

She smiled. “Green, Sir. I’m fine.”

“I’m glad because I am absolutely green, Serena. I want this.” His hand came down on her ass, the sound smacking through the room.

She squealed. She couldn’t help it. That single smack lit up her flesh. Heat and a jangle of pain rushed through her system. Jacob’s hand came down again. He struck twice, and then a third and fourth and fifth time. He moved around, never hitting the same spot twice. She squirmed on Jake’s lap, and she felt his cock twitch.

“Where are you, baby? It’s your first time. We can take it slow and easy.”

She breathed in. The heat was sinking into her flesh, endorphins rushing through her system. Her backside hurt, but her skin was on fire, and it wasn’t all pain. “I’m good.”

“I need to hear the word, Serena.” Jake’s voice was calm, but she could hear the undercurrent. He wasn’t an aloof participant. He was barely leashed, and his cock was a hard line against her stomach. She’d made him hard. She wiggled her ass a little and felt his cock jump. “Now, Serena.”

“Green, Sir.” She was completely sure now. She heard the fine edge to his voice, knew she was the reason he sounded that way.

His hand came down again, this time right on the crease of her ass. “Little tease.” He smacked her again and again. “You like the fact that I’m hard and ready for you, don’t you, baby? You like teasing the big bad Dom.”

She squealed just a little because he wasn’t holding back, and he wasn’t playing politely. He didn’t merely spank and get the whole thing over with. He seemed to sink into his role, reveling in her flesh. He slapped at her ass and then gripped it as though he could hold the heat in. He parted her cheeks, and from his primal growl, she thought he liked what he saw there. His hand would trace down the line of her spine before jumping out and slamming down again. He kept her on edge, waiting to see what he would do next.

“You’re not thinking about anything but me now.” The satisfaction in his voice let her know it wasn’t a question. He spanked her, five times in rapid succession. She’d lost count, but he hadn’t. She felt strangely relaxed. Her submission had somehow given her permission to enjoy this in a way she couldn’t have before.

He stopped, frustrating her completely. His hand dipped lower. “I can smell you.”

She breathed in, and the room smelled like sex. She was so wet, wetter than she’d ever been in her life. Jake’s hand teased at the edges of her pussy, dipping in and retreating.

“Jacob, please. I’ve never wanted anything the way I want this.”

“What do you want, Serena? Be very specific.”

“I want you.” She wanted him, and she wanted Adam, but Adam wasn’t here right now. It was just the two of them, and Jake was so close. It seemed wrong to not get closer. She wiggled, trying to tempt his finger inside. It wouldn’t be enough. She knew that. She would just want more, but anything was better than the slow tease he was giving her now.

He slapped her ass, once on both cheeks. “Don’t you try to control this. This isn’t yours to command. It’s mine. And I asked you to be specific. What part of me do you want? Do you want this finger?”

A single finger played at her pussy, whirling around and sinking deep. Serena gasped.

“Is that all you want? You want me to finger fuck you?”

If she said yes, it might be all he did. He was forcing her to ask for what she wanted. He wouldn’t let her off easy. It was a part of the exchange for Jake. He wanted to hear it from her. It also forced her to accept responsibility for her actions. It made her Jake’s partner. “No. I don’t want your finger.”

She wanted more. She wanted everything.

He pulled his finger free. She whimpered, missing its warmth. She heard him suck the finger into his mouth. “Fuck, baby, you taste so damn sweet. Maybe you want my tongue. Do you want me to eat your pussy? Do you want me to lick your clit and suck it into my mouth? Do you want me to shove my tongue up your cunt and fuck you that way?”

She shivered. He smacked her ass again, but he was playing now. Her discipline was over, but the torture wasn’t. The idea of Jake’s mouth on her pussy lit a fire in her, but that wasn’t what she wanted, either. Not now.

“Answer me.” He slapped at her thigh.

“No. That isn’t what I want.”

“Tell me, Serena. Tell me what you want.” He moved, pulling her off his lap. She found herself on her knees between his legs, looking up at him. His face was flushed, his shoulders squared. He looked so dominant and masculine that her eyes slid away. His hand came up, tilting her chin to face him. “You tell me what you want. Don’t you mince words with me.”

She was breathless. She’d never once felt so powerless and yet safe. “I want your cock, Jacob. I want your cock inside me.”

“Fuck.” He stared at her. “We shouldn’t. I shouldn’t. I’m not good for you.”

He couldn’t back away now. Not when she was so close. “Shouldn’t I decide that? I told you what I wanted. I told you my requirements. I’m not asking for a ring, Jake. I’m not even asking for a collar.”

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