The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight (9 page)

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Authors: Donald Allen Kirch

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight
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"I am not in control of my actions." Ka-Ron warned. The sun shined on her mound, exposing a slight glitter of moisture seeping from her loins.

Darnak smiled at Ka-Ron, taking her face into his hands. "The gods have made a gift of you, my child."

Before the knight could begin to react, she found herself kissing the cleric with great passion and haste. A fever invaded her thoughts, and all she could comprehend was the need for pleasure. Was this all a part of the spell? Ka-Ron could not bring herself to understand.

The cleric removed his robes.

Ka-Ron's body trembled. Her legs gave way, and she found herself on her knees at Darnak's feet. Try as she might, she could not speak. She wanted to cry out for Jatel, for she knew that in an instant he would come to her aid. At this thought she smiled and was consumed by a strange hunger for her squire. She did not understand the need for Jatel, but to her amazement, she did not find herself fighting the idea either.

Darnak brought reality back into Ka-Ron's frame of mind, by stroking her long luxurious hair. The cleric was good at making a woman feel special. Ka-Ron, from being a man once, knew the act - he was guilty of the act himself on more than one conquest. To the gods! She would never do such things, ever again.

Mindless and full of lust, Ka-Ron concentrated all of her energy on the man's sex. Her hands grabbed hold of Darnak by the hips. Try as the woman might, she could not stop her assault upon the organ. With eyes closed and mouth open, Ka-Ron made her attack.


Jatel ventured into the temple with great curiosity. He had never been in a house of worship, and since Ka-Ron was overdue, his curiosity got the better of him. Truth be known: he was worried about his master.

The squire tried to reason out his new obsession over Ka-Ron. He tried to convince himself that as his master's squirehe had the sworn duty to be at her side in times of danger and distress. He tried. However, the only motivation Jatel truly had was to be in Ka-Ron's presence once more.

"For the gods!" Jatel whispered, noticing the great paintings of angels and death lining the walls of the temple. "What manner of&"

A loud cry came from the far end of the building.

Jatel thought he heard his master's voice.

Members inside the temple, drinking sacred water from the center fountain, turned their heads towards the cries. Again, the temple filled with the sounds. It was indeed, the cries coming from a woman.

Jatel's soft features turned hard.

He grabbed for his battle dagger and charged towards a small door painted black.


When Jatel entered the room, his eyes burned with the flame of rage. How dare anyone lay a finger on his master! He would seek revenge and satisfaction for his lady fair.

Then, Jatel saw reality.

Ka-Ron was on her knees, breasts exposed, fully enveloped in the act of pleasing the cleric. Her mouth hungrily engulfed the man's entire member as she moaned with the greatest pleasure. The knight's arms were wrapped around Darnak's hips, and her hands explored his ass.

Ka-Ron was&crying.

In all the seasons, Jatel had known Ka-Ron, he had never seen his master cry - it was believed that the knight was above the act. But, true to the emotion, Ka-Ron was giving a top performance.

In her act of satisfying the cleric, Ka-Ron turned her eyes toward Jatel, and upon making eye contact, he understood His master was not enjoying herself. As much as she had wanted to, and as hard as she was desperately trying, Ka-Ron was not satisfied.

Jatel dropped his dagger.

All he could do was stare.

Ka-Ron's eyes never left his. As the knight continued to do her duty towards Darnak, she glared at Jatel, noticing that his love was being projected at her. The squire was not ashamed, nor was he awkward in his attempt to make his feelings known. And, in the knowing, Ka-Ron's performance upon the man of faith improved in its delivery.

Darnak started to moan in ecstasy.

Ka-Ron's hands ventured down towards her womanhood. With Jatel in her mind, the woman began to masturbate.

Tears continued to track themselves down upon the knight's soft cheeks, as she began to moan. With strong emotions, Ka-Ron explored once more the new and alien experiences of being a woman.

"Dear Ka-Ron, no," Jatel whispered.

Darnak's body began to quake, as he continued to thrust himself in and out of Ka-Ron's mouth. His hands took hold of the knight's long hair, wrapping long strands of it up, holding her captive - at his command.

Ka-Ron, realizing that the cleric was approaching the peak of his performance, began to work harder, as if to squeeze every bit of pleasure out of him. Still, her eyes never seemed to leave those of her squire.

"Ahhhhh!" Darnak cried.

The man of faith pulled himself out of Ka-Ron's mouth, causing the knight to look up at him in confusion. Having only been a woman for a short time, he failed to realize that there were still a few surprises left in the act of lovemaking.

Ka-Ron pulled her hands away from her womanhood.

Darnak, in his final act of appreciation, ejaculated all over Ka-Ron's face and breasts.

Jatel gasped.

Not expecting this, Ka-Ron froze. Semen dripped from the knight's face, and in her disgust, she cried out. Her hands shook as she looked down at them, clearly dripping with the juices of her sex.

"Jatel?" she whispered.

"I am here, Ka-Ron."

Darnak, realizing that another had entered the room, put his priestly robes back on, assuming his relaxed nature as a man in service to the gods. His face, however, betrayed the nature of his job - he was dripping with the sweat of lust.

Jatel reached into his shirt, taking out a washcloth. As he knelt down, facing his master, he wiped away all the cleric's semen while smiling into Ka-Ron's eyes. There was something projecting from his master that Jatel had not seen before. Could it be&shame?

"What manner of hell have I fallen into, Jatel?"

Jatel did not know what to say. All he could do was look deeply into his master's eyes, continuing to wash her lovely face. Unblinking, Ka-Ron returned his stare with equal love and attention.

Ka-Ron took Jatel's hands, placing them upon her naked breasts.


"Take me, Jatel."

Jatel's actions were interrupted by Ka-Ron's passionate kiss.

The squire's hands instantly left his master's body, and comically flapped in the air. Judging by the deep emotions, Ka-Ron was expressing, and by the equally ambitious returns from Jatel, an observer would conclude that both appeared to be enjoying the moment.

"Children?" Darnak whispered. "You must stop this."

Jatel and Ka-Ron froze, staring up at the cleric.

"I understand the nature of this spell." Darnak explained. He motioned his hands towards Jatel. "You, sir, are also affected. We need to speak of things. Things very important, if your quest is to succeed."

Jatel pulled himself away from Ka-Ron's wonderful lips. A string of saliva dangled between them.

"I am also a victim?" Jatel asked, surprised.

"You love this&woman, do you not?" Darnak smiled.

The squire was confused; having to face the question the cleric had asked him. His mind was a jumble of contradictions. Jatel honestly had no way of answering - until he gazed into the eyes of his master.

Ka-Ron looked frightened. Her face was pale, and it appeared as if the knight was breaking out in a cold sweat. With her hands shaking, Ka-Ron started to pull her dress over her breasts, allowing herself the comfort of being fully clothed once more. From time to time, her eyes darted from the dress and sought answers in his eyes.

Jatel felt something, and was surprised to discover that he was holding one of his master's hands.

"Do you love her?" Darnak repeated. Patient, the cleric sat behind his writing desk, placing his hands together in a tranquil triangle.

"Yes, sacred priest," Jatel confessed uneasily. "I love her."

Jatel wanted to gaze into Ka-Ron's blue eyes but found he had not the strength to venture his attention upwards. All the man could do was look at her hands, which tightened their grip over his.

Ka-Ron's face brightened and her breathing became a flutter of excitement.

"Of course you do." the cleric laughed. "For that is the true nature of the spell."

"Please explain," Jatel urged. Both he and Ka-Ron took chairs in front of Darnak's desk.

"Kai is nothing if not complete."

"She is evil," Ka-Ron added.

"No, dear knight." Darnak assured. "Just grieving."

"How can you call what she has done to my master innocent?" Jatel asked, his face starting to redden by the sheer anguish he projected. "She has taken away the only anchor of this man's&this woman's life."

"And she has provided you with yours."

Both Ka-Ron and Jatel paused.

"Come again?" the squire asked.

"Revenge must have been at the heart of what Kai demanded," the cleric paused, looking at Ka-Ron. "You were wrongly blamed for the death of Kai's daughter. In the order, we speak with the gods, and we know the truth. I was not involved in the meetings, but we tried to convince Kai otherwise. But there was no counsel strong enough for her pain."

"Then, the temple was aware of&" Ka-Ron had started to say.

Darnak held up a hand in interruption.

"Oh, yes. A monk would have been sent to you in the morrow, as a warning to your safety. Sadly, Kai was swift in her actions."

"And quite cruel." Ka-Ron added. "How am I to protect Idoshia should the Xows decide to attack us once more?

Darnak gave the question some thought. In finding no answer, the cleric shook his head to the negative. "I do not know the answer to that, my child."

"We need to find Kai," Jatel grumbled.

"My son, Kai has done you a favor. While punishing Ka-Ron, here, she used her curse to serve you."

"In what manner of perverseness is this?" Jatel raged.

"She has provided you with a lifemate."

Jatel reached for his hair, remembering the woman from the barn. Before his master's transformation, Kai had taken a strand of his hair. The squire remembered confessing his loneliness to the Wicca Master.

"Oh, no!" Jatel whispered.

"Yes, of course." Darnak responded, shaking his head with fatherly understanding. "Still, you should not blame yourself, so. A Wicca Master must, by her very nature, help in the course of her actions. When you confessed of things most private to her, you opened the doorway to her plans. It could have been done no other way."

Jatel looked down at his master's gentle hand, still resting in his own. He found his gaze in Ka-Ron's direction soothing, happy, and everything he had ever wanted out of life. He found the strength to look up, expecting to see rage and blame glaring towards him, but all he saw was love.

"I do love you, Ka-Ron." Jatel confessed. This time, he was the one whose body shook.

"And I love you, Jatel." Ka-Ron caught herself in the middle of a schoolgirl's giggle. "I want you more and more."

"And, so, is the nature of the spell." Darnak was pleased to see that both were starting to understand the arena they had entered. "Understanding the spell is half the battle, after all."

"Where is Kai?" the squire inquired.

"She is not in Idoshia."

"That much is certain, or I and my master would have encountered her by now."

Darnak let out a tired huff. "It is too bad that you do not see the honor Kai has bestowed upon you, Ka-Ron. I do not know where Kai has retreated. However, during this time of the year, she usually goes to The Fire Mountains, across the Seas of Tyme, on the other side of the Nown World."

"The Fire Mountains?" Ka-Ron's voice sounded strained from fatigue.

"That is the least of your worries, brave knight." the cleric explained. "You will be forced to do things you would not normally do. And, I am sure; Kai will intervene every now and then, contacting you and making your suffering greater by degrees."

"Has she not done enough damage?" Jatel's voice matched that of his master's.

Ka-Ron rose to her feet. She tightened her free hand, turning it into a fist.

"We thank you for your information on this matter, Head Cleric."

"I thank you for your&offering, dear child."

Darnak rose to his feet, opening the door.

Ka-Ron took Jatel's other free hand. She kissed the man on the cheek.


"I am sorry for your pain, Jatel."

Jatel only beamed and caressed Ka-Ron's dear face. "It is not all that unpleasant."

"There is a danger you two should know."

Both turned to listen to Darnak.

"This is a blood spell. Its breakage, usually, comes at the cost of someone close to you. Please, keep that in mind."

Both left the temple with troubled minds. They did, however, have a destination for their quest. And, as they say, it was a start.


< I see that you are still a woman. >

Echoheart's observations went unanswered. The horse continued its trek toward the outskirts of the city.

Ka-Ron gazed from the corner of her eye, the silent form of her squire. Jatel had become exceedingly quiet since their exit together at the town temple. Her feelings for Jatel were now concrete: she loved him. If someone had told her before the change that she would become who she was, and would fall for Jatel, of all people, she would have killed them with her sword. However, now, she could not venture one moment forward unless her squire was at her side.

"Jatel," Ka-Ron asked.

"Yes, master."

The knight pulled at Echoheart, causing the horse to stop.

"Please, do not address me by that title, ever again."

"I apologize." Jatel bowed. "I do not mean you discomfort."

Ka-Ron moved her horse to be side to side with Jatel's. She took the young man's hand, kissing it. "You could never&"

In shock, Jatel took his hand back.

Ka-Ron grasped at the air, wanting the return of Jatel's hand.

"Jatel, I love you."

"You do not, sire. You are the victim of a cruel misunderstanding of events."

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